Should I cut my mother out of my life?

My mom did that crap to me, shes been barred from my life and my families for a very long time. She just recently cause more problems that I want to slap her over, it’s sad to say, Hate is a very strong word, but I hate my mother with everything in me. Shes still refused to get help, so shes been banned from seeing my kids and her grandchildren.

Cut her off your son doesn’t deserve said type of treatment is she’s been toxic since you were a child she will never change your son is your number one now and his only protector

Absolutely cut ties. I would normally say let the situation settle and go back later to see how things may or may not have changed BUT she literally called your child a horrible name and that’s straight up hate n evil. Her heart is not gonna change. That’s deep in her. Just save yourself any further heart ache and remove yourself.

Move on baby girl, you nor your son deserve that kind of negativity in your lives. You will be better off. Take care of you and your son. Blood does not make you family, love does

I’ve never been in favor of alienating parents but in your case it sounds justified. What a terrible way to treat a child or anyone for that matter! Shame on her.

She is toxic,regardless of excuses for her…You and your son do not need to be around that. I understand how you long for it to be different but it isn’t. Try to move on and find people who do not treat you badly. Stay strong,BLESS you and your sons beautiful hearts!

For your own sanity and mental safety, walk away. I have done the same thing with my brother. He is extremely toxic, narcissistic, and can be violent. He has proved many times that he cares about nobody, not even himself. Even my mom, who basically begged doctors to save his life when he was born, has all but cut him out of her life ( he still gets mail at her house). It sucks, but you have to do what is best for YOU, not anyone else. And that includes the woman who gave you life. Let her say what she wants. In the end, she’ll have nothing. Hopefully, she loves herself enough to get help. Maybe not seeing you anymore might change her mind and she’ll get help.

I havent spoken to my mother in years. She’s negative, an emotional vampire and never says anything nice about my youngest child. My eldest has behaviour issues due to being under the influence of my mother growing up. It doesn’t matter about them being your mum or family. If you have cancer cut it out. Same applies. Walk away and stay away from the vile woman. And those who think she is right.( I don’t speak to my eldest brother as he molested me as a kid and she protects him) family is who you choose not who your related to.

Scorched earth. Anyone that talks about my kid that way can skid on flaming coals with their bare rear end.

Cut her off. Protect your child.

honestly if there’s anyone close to her that you trust have them record her saying that and then go straight to the police thats actually a hate crime get her ass in jail people will deff be willing to rethink things

Cut her off and if Family believes her cut them off too your son doesn’t need negativity Let Go of Toxic People

We must love and pray for some people from a distance. It hurts but it’s necessary.

My grandma on Dad’s side was like this. Very toxic and spread a lot of lies about my family. When I was 9 years old we cut all of dad’s side of the family out of our lives and to be honest there were no regrets. It sounds horrible but we were glad when grandma and grandpa died in 2007 and 2014 respectively. We tried so hard to get them to see eye to eye but they didn’t. As it turned out my cousins and one of my aunties turned to drugs like marijuana and the like. My older cousin at the time had two boys and she would smoke bongs around them. Her husband took himself and the kids away from her in the hope she would be decent enough to at least try and get help (unfortunately this wasn’t the case) and even before we moved to Tasmania the said auntie kept accusing me of faking my depression and anxiety (I wasn’t and am not) also stooped so low as to tell me I was faking my two knee arthroscopies I had in 2013. She basically said I wasn’t in pain and I never had anything done (mind you I had just come out from the hospital on the day I had my first of the arthroscopies and was on crutches as I couldn’t walk properly!! As soon as she told me I was faking I broke her nose with a metal crutch as she had riled me up way too much)…

Anyway the point is if your mum won’t get help, cut her out of your life as she is too toxic to stay there

Cut contact with her and anyone that believes her. She and anyone listening to her are toxic and you and your son don’t need them in your lives.

No matter what she will always be your mother!

have you tried punching her in the face? it’s not advice, it’s just my opinion. Anyone who thinks that they can treat a child like that obviously hasn’t been beaten enough. your son will face a lot of challenges in his life that will include others like your mom treating him the same way. in the mean time…be a momma bear. punch that bitch in the face. just don’t get sent to jail for it. your son needs you. that aside, cut her from your life. Both of your lives.

Move on…don’t look back. Any mother that stands against you is a loser

I haven’t seen my mother for 25 years because she is toxic and causes deep stress. I am better off without her.

Remove the toxic person. Save your children

NOPE :-1: you are not wrong … she’s TOXIC ! I had to make the cut & life has been wonderful - drama free ! I will never forgive, forget ! I’m moving on in my direction !

Best thing I ever did. Toxic

There are people that are toxic in our lives and they can be toxic even if they are a parent! Trust me , I know! I’ve been lied about to my paternal grandfather by my mother and if I had not walked in on her TWICE while she was telling him lies about me, I’m might never have known and I was in my 30’s at the time! Only God knows how many other times she lied about me and I’m sure if she lied about me to him, she’s lied to my relatives on her side as well! It just explains so much! I’d confronted her about so many of our issues like why she never loved or liked me and when I was away during my first yr. in college, she actually admitted to me over the phone that my dad had confronted her about the same issue with him and she actually thought he was going to die of a heart attack during that argument! Turns out he had been born with a bad heart and years later he died after open heart surgery, needing a transplant and they were divorced by then! And she told me she tried to convince him she loved him, but then I remember how fake it sounded when she did the same with me years later! I even had a Psychiatrist that once told me that if he were me, he’d never have anything to do with her, but at the time she was the age I am now and I told him at her age I couldn’t do that! But I had to eventually because I REALLY had to put myself first ! I know first hand the kinds of things that were said to me growing up , then I heard the same things being said to one of my nephews in particular! He and his brother were born with congenital diseases that required extensive surgeries , one as an infant and one a bit older! I had to make sure I was around them when she was around them to put a stop to her abusive words and I told her IT STOPS NOW and she wouldn’t do to anyone else what she did to me! It was horrible to see what was happening to the older of the 2 boys because it wasn’t only just my mother doing it! You need to protect your kids and you are not wrong!

She’s toxic. Never let her near you or your kids again.

Snip snip. I’d cut her off.
I’m so sorry you and your son have to deal with this. Sending strength :heart:

Cancer must be treated radically, cut her out

Get an avo out on the cow

l would encourage you to keep your kids and yourself far far the hell away from her. She is toxic and has a poisoned mind. If she refuses to get help, she doesn’t see her issues and you should NOT subject your poor kid(s) to that mental and verbal abuse. You don’t need our approval when you know in your heart your mind and your gut what is right! Blessings and Good Luck to you! Be strong!

No you are not wrong

Forgive her for yourself and pray for her God loves everyone sometimes you gotta prove them wrong

Forgive your mom and stay away from her

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I would cut contact with her.

Judy Abels what’s the angry face for???

Ditch the bitch if you have the option these “grandparents” these days don’t seem to appreciate their grandkids. They will however pretend and then say terrible crap like this.

Cut her TF off! If she cannot respect herself and get the help she needs, then she cannot and will not respect you or your son. The fact that she went and made a massive lie about you and a topic as sensitive as substance abuse is disgusting and if the family are stupid enough to only get one side of the story then cut them TF off too! You and your own little family deserve way better!

Toxic city - stay FAR away

I’d keep my distance.

You only have one. Don’t take it for granted. Be the better person. I know from experience

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I cut my kids dads grandma off . she called my son gross because he wasnt snipped at the time he has 1 at the time

You are not wrong, she is monster not mother, how she could call her nephew with those kind of terrible name, please cut any contact with her and focus on your miracle son

Yep get her out !! You will be so much happier trust me .

She’s toxic. I would never talk to her again.

Sometimes you need to do what you need to do. You and baby boy don’t need any of that toxicity in your lives.

You’ve done better than I have. I would’ve fought her :woman_shrugging:t4:
Mother or not, I’ll be damned if someone speaks to or about my child like that. (Although I understand why you haven’t)

I am the parent of an non verbal adult with autism. Thank goodness I’ve never had anyone DARE to say something like that to me and nobody has ever used the vulgar, disgusting r word towards him. As soon as I saw that I said, yep cut her the hell out of your life. He doesn’t need that kind of grandmother. I do hope you really are drug free as well as we certainly need all our faculties to care for our children.


Go throw water in her face

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I got rid of my so called family

Cut her out mother or not

Cut that nasty twit out, that sweet boy needs you to protect him. & you deserve better

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That is a toxic relationship, not good for kids or you. It won’t be easy, but walk away.

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Say Good by to bad rubbish move on without her your little one will not miss her good luck babe :blue_heart:

Family is not blood, family are people who are supportive of one another. Get rid of her she is toxic baggage and clearly a disgusting human being. Make your own family out of friends that you chose. And never look back.

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Your feelings are your guide. Your son is #1.

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Anyone that believes what your mom is saying about your child is pathetic. You don’t need her or those others (even if family) around you or your family. Life is too short for toxic people.

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I would certainly cut ties with her that kind of situation is very toxic not only for you, but your kids as well… You don’t have to feel bad about protecting your family at all!


Even family can be toxic cut off all ties honey you and your son deserve so much better. Go talk to someone so you have support. Biggest hugs to your sweet boy.

NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE even your mother, gets a free pass, to treat you or your children in this way.

Omg. What???
That is just disgusting. Keep that biotch FAR away from your son!!!
I am so sorry. It will be hard. But would you ever want your son believing these things about himself?

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You need to do what’s best for you and that sweet little boy. As you stated, she obviously has issues she needs help for. Best advice is to keep toxic people out of your life. My husband and I have weeded out friends and family who are toxic. That little boy does not deserve to be treated like that.

Your not wrong at all. I’d cut her out of your family life all together. She’s toxic and it’s ok to cut toxic people out, family or not. You protect your baby. I cut my own mother out a few times until she understands that I won’t take her bull anymore. We’re adults now, not kids our mothers can control. My mother called me a b!tch and other things when she’s mad. Even when I remain calm and just walk away. I don’t have a close relationship with my mom, but I still talk to her and such. She has her own mental health issues just like I do, I have childhood depression and anxiety. She tries to apologize for the hard past my brother and I went through while living with her. (R. I. P. Brother :pensive:) your mom doesn’t sound like she cares what she does and will do whatever it takes to get her way. So childish of her. Good luck to you

My grandson is autistic but on the high end of the spectrum. He is currently feeling as though he has no friends, says no one will play with him and my dil heard someone ask why he was being weird. We tell him God made him this way and he has special abilities that God gave him through his autism.
I would not expect a grandmother to treat her grandchild that way and I would fight a bear to protect my grandson. Her attitude toward him is not healthy for you or your son. I would definitely stay away from her. I am a believer in family but sometimes you have to do what’s best for you and your children.

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My son is 8. my mother has been around a total of maybe 4 years. My youngest is 2. The day I told her I was pregnant was the last day I talked to her. Next month is 3 years. I was diagnosed with tourette’s a few months ago. She never took me as a kid to find out what was going on with me. I have a very bad case of OCD and she blamed it on that all of my life. She always told me to stop with my tics. Quit making noise. Would slap me if I didn’t stop touching things evenly. That had a huge effect on my life and to find out I had tourettes my entire life and I had absolutely no idea and she never went and got me help was very hard. I hate to say it but honestly, if they’re toxic to you and toxic to your child, they have to go. I do not speak to one person in my family. When I got rid of her I got rid of everybody, because they all side with her. You don’t go against her.
It’s honestly easier to get rid of that toxic in your life than what you think it is. It’s hard not having family, let alone your mother, and it’s sad. If she goes that far with with your child, not just you, then it’ll gradually get worse as your child ages.
So sorry to hear this!!

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Toxic is toxic family or not! For your peace of mind I would walk away and don’t look back!! Big hugs girls

Toxic is toxic regardless of if you are blood. Cut her off. You and your kids don’t need that kind of negativity. I didn’t talk to my mom for a few years. In time she may realize her mistakes but until then I wouldn’t tolerate her or that behavior

Too much drama,negativity if she is doing a this cut her out completely,hurts but this is so wrong!

Toxic is toxic no matter the blood. It’s hard and society teaches us to fear and “respect” our parents. But respect is earned idgaf who you are. Family or not. Nobody in their right mind would talk about a child that way. I’m a care taker for adults with autism and there is nothing more pure than their love. Cut her out and be done with it. You deserve better and so does your baby. It’s hard to walk away from family, but have to put yourself first always! I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I can’t imagine the hurt when it’s supposed to be someone who loves you unconditionally.

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Cut her off immediately. She sounds toxic. And anyone who bad mouths 3 year old is just disgusting.

She sounds awful. Yes cut her out, you don’t need that negativity in your life.

Don’t feel bad! Cut her off and be done!

If my mother ever called my son that we’d throw hands. That’s disgusting and sad.


I have an almost 13 year old with severe nonverbal autism and IDD. Cut her off!! He can hear everything and they understand a lot more than we give them credit for. Shame on your mom. I’m so sorry for you and your little guy :heart:

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Yes cut her out of your life and anyone who thinks like her or believes her. Your only job is taking care of your baby. I’ve worked my whole career working with children with special needs. Sweetie you’ve got a big job with your baby - you don’t have time to deal with petty stuff- trust n believe me - stick to your guns - be the all the Momma you can be - you are in charge young one.:heart::v:t4:

Move on. Seems like your better off without!

Cut her off and anyone else who acts that way to. Life is to short to give in to people like her and let her have her way.
She clearly is not a good mother or grandparent and doesn’t deserve to be a part of your lives! Choose peace and happiness over toxicity and drama everyday!
Your children shouldn’t have to know that kind of hurt from a woman who should be spoiling them and loving them. I understand it may be hurtful to you to do this but it’s going to hurt even more if you allow her to contuine to treat you and your kids this way!
Disown her ass! Tell her until she gets the help she needs she is no longer allowed around you or your children!!
Good luck and God bless you and those babies, you definitely don’t deserve that kind of toxic bullshit in your lives!!

Nope. Fuck her and her side of the family. You & your son will be happier without that toxic mess

Keep her far away from your children ! And I. Sure her side of the family will see, if they haven’t already, that she is unstable! You can’t turn off mental illness.

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I would keep your son as far away from her as possible or any other children you have as for yourself too! No one needs that kind of negativity in there lives let alone a little boy who can’t even defend his self. My heart breaks for you both. But in my opinion and that’s all it is I would cut her off and never look back. I had to do that for my 7 year old daughter whose dad was killed before she was born because they were just toxic people and wanted cause problems where there weren’t any.

Cut her off immediately. R.I.P to her. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Cut her off and NEVER look back!!!


This shouldn’t even be a question. Beat her ass for talking to and about your son like that, then never talk to her toxic ass again. Ish.

You are not wrong! Momma is toxic… little man definitely doesn’t need to be around her. Period. Grandma or not

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It’s your job as his mom to protect him from what could hurt him and that woman calling him that is disgusting!


Say bye bye and live ur life with ur son

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Hopefully she gets help but you can’t have that negatively around an innocent child. You got to keep her away until she gets the help she needs. Your child comes first.


Yes cut her out I have my mother in law she called my autistic son a trigger
Called me names nah that’s how it works with you’re kids or anyone’s
If you’re mom won’t get help you have every right too do what’s best specially for that baby boy.


You’re not wrong. She’s abusive. If you allow her to be around your kids, your teaching them that behaving like that is ok


Goodbye mommy dearest


Slap the witch no one calls a special little boy a fudging re****!


You and your kids don’t need that toxic crap in your life. Life is to short to deal with her

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Her mental health state is no excuse to treat her daughter or grandson like that. It’s actually pure filth. Cut her off until she grows up, gets help and apologises SINCERELY for her actions. Absolutely disgusting.

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I’d cut her off, she is a toxic person. Your children don’t need that kind of person in their lives.

Cut her off. I cut mine off because she’s the biggest narcissist I’ve ever met. Yours sounds just like her. Cut her off

So sorry for you and your kids! She is toxic! You need to cut her out!

Toxic is toxic. It doesn’t matter if it’s family or a stranger. You and your children deserve better! If I were you, I would continue to keep my distance until a time when/if she chooses to get help for her own mental health issues. Although, with comments like that directed at my child, that may just be enough to end any relationship all together.

Snip snip.

Hell, she’d be lucky not to get cut herself.


You aren’t wrong to feel that way. Sometimes you have to cut toxic people out of your life, no matter who it is. It’s sad and definitely a hard pill to swallow, but you and your son will be better for it. I’ve had to cut toxic people out of my life, including family.

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You’re not wrong to protect your kids from a toxic person.

I can relate to this plus some.
It’s a sad state of affairs.


Before I even read the part about your son my answer was a resounding yes. Anyone that would make up rumors about heroin addiction is as toxic as they come. Cut it off and don’t look back. And Get yourself some therapy to help you cope with this decision.


Cut her out of your life, its alot for you and your child to go through to constantly deal with someone who is dedicated to misunderstanding and mistreating and disrespecting you and your child. You and your child deserve better dear.

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No Bull shit cut her toxic ass out immeadiately. If she is a) gonna spread lies like that cause she dont her way or b) speaks to and about your son like that. Bye dont let the door hit you where the good lord split ya.

My poor cousins dealt with their toxic father/grandfather for years. All that hate towards my baby cousin cause he had downs. I couldn’t stand it and told him off several times and it was my moms only brother. He tried to ruin our whole family. They finally cut him and the rest of his family out and there has been no drama just happiness. We have since lost our precious Brian and my mom but my cousins and me and my sisters are thick as thieves. It was the best decision we ever made. I am always family first and give more chances then most but no that is toxic. You dont treat your kids or grandkids like that. It is not ok.