Should I end my marriage again?

It wont change. If it was going to when u asked for help he would have helped you. Dont waste anymore of ur time. I was married for 20 yrs. 3 kids. First 7 yrs were good after that it just fell apart. I made so many excuses to myself and to others for his behavior. The last 5 were hell. I wish I could have walked away earlier. I wasted alot of my time with im sorrys and itll change. Lying to myself to my kids to cover up his choices was stupid. Everything was my fault or my problem. Nothing changes when ur the only one working on it. Dont let urself get stuck in that nasty cycle. When your happy the kids are happy and u have more time to be the best mom you can be. Sometimes things dont work out and thats ok. Trust me healing from that kinda relationship and helping the kids heal when you put up with it longer then u should have sucks.


7 years seems long enough for misery to me.


Be done with his sorry ass please he doesn’t respect you and Where’s the love or attention for you and your kids he will never change and your doing it on your own now mays well be doing it and happy x


He doesnt deserve you and has shown repeatedly he doesnt care… put yourself and your kids first and BE HAPPY !! You deserve someone who loves and cares for you and your kids, its always hard to leave a relationship at first but in the long run you will be happier and eventually meet someone who will make you happy in all the ways that you deserve, this never ending cycle with him will never end as long as you stay, plus by making yourself happy your kids will be happier seeing you happy and loved :heart:


If he’s done it to you numerous times, leave. He obviously isn’t going to change.

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Be happy again. You can just come to a realization that you aren’t good together. And that’s that. Plan and get a good attorney. Best of luck. Life is just too short FOR REAL

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What you allow, is what will continue. I’m not even married & I know this to be true. Choose yourself, & your kids first. The rest will fall into place. Best of luck. :orange_heart:


Leave, hes up to no good again. Learn the lesson and stay gone this time. His red flags shining brightly to me.


Your kids deserve to live in a happy home. If that means one without their father, then so be it.
You also deserve peace and happiness. The fact that he was able to be a good hubby and dad for a little while proves that he CAN, but doesn’t want to.

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I know it’s hard to make the decision to divorce. But, it’s up to you momma to show those kids a healthy happy mother and an healthy adult relationship… Prayers! You can do it!

That’s not a monotonous marriage honey. I feel like you already know that. Affairs do not start in the bedroom.

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Your a strong woman , you need to believe in yourself and leave trust me he won’t change by the sound of it , sounds like you and kids were happier when u separated time to move on

Old dogs don’t change for long, and if they do can you ever honestly trust them again? It’s your responsibility to be true to yourself and your children for your health and well being mentally physically and spiritually. Search your soul and do what you feel is best for you and your children. Not for you and him. He broke the marital promises so don’t feel guilty for walking away from his mistakes or abuse. Good luck, you got this :heart:

Life is too short if you don’t do it now you’re gonna be an old lady there’s someone out there that can make you feel great and your kids great!! Actually just be by yourself for a while you and your kids!!

He isn’t going to change, if he can’t change for his kids and a wife that obviously loves him and is an awesome mom then he isn’t going to really change for anyone. Leave him and live your life girl.:slightly_smiling_face:

Just think of your kids and how happy they could be if you are happy too!! Easy answer seems you’ve tried Everything to make it work!! Just he hasn’t!! Good luck for your future happiness and the children :blush::clap::clap::pray:

You deserve to be happy and so does your children. If that means divorce then so be it you’ve tried more than once to fixed something that obviously cannot fixed itself with just one person trying in the marriage. Take time just you and the kids for awhile.

My doctor told me I needed to get a divorce to protect my kids mental & emotional health. Best advice I ever got.

If you had problems from day one, why even stay with him? You need to get to know yourself, deeply. The problem isnt him, the problem is you because you think you deserve to be treated like a doormat?

Take my advice, I had a husband that was a womanizer , I tried to make it work but to no Avail … I divorced him and been happy every science ,don’t let him run your life there are plenty of good men out there … I found a really good one , if I had stayed with him I’d still be in the same place , get away from his hold while you can !

Get out. If he’s not fighting for you now, he ever will. You’re too valuable to let him treat you as less than. Say goodbye.

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Be done.
You’ll know you’ve GIVEN YOUR ALL to try and make it work but you can only try so hard alone. The kids are better off seeing mama HAPPY ALONE than MISERABLE w dad. Virtual hugs!

This is a toxic situation and It wont change, dont waste anymore time - get out. And who wants to worry that they are being cheated on constantly. It is no way to live life. Be happy, do it for you and your kids.

Leave and be happy- your kids WILL see the threatening behavior. Protective order if need be and go be happy :clap:t4: life is WAY too short for you or your kids to be subjected to that! :pray:t4:

Girl when they show you who they are believe them! Time to go dont go back. And just prepare yourself for the next few months he will act like an a$$ again. And when you think about getting back with him remember those few months of hell and promise yourself you wont do it again

Time to do for you and the kids .
He cannot have his cake and eat it to.
Show him and everyone else especially you that you are worthy of a good life .

You just said it all yourself… People and things change due to Life itself and we change with it…BUT YOU CAN NOT AND NEVER CAN YOU CHANGE SOMEONE ELSE…

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I would definitely walk. If he doesn’t care about your feelings now with you expressing them, nothing will get better. He should always care, offer a helping hand. Maybe counseling could help. But it sounds to me like he wants to live like he has no responsibility. He thinks that if you’ve stayed in the past you will continue to stay and put up with it. You deserve to be happy. Sounds like you are doing everything alone and you already know the choice you need to make. Good luck on your next chapter of life :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s time…time to get you back…he’s not your child yet is acting like one

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Girl leave them kids with him and go have fun. Sometimes they need to see what it’s like being on the other end

only u can truly answer this question dig deeper hun i think u know the answer is there trust ur heart if it takes a lil longer to let go that’s ok but it’s surely looks like he has some growing up to do take more time apart and ask him to leave

She has her answer, she just wants acknowledgment that divorcing her husband is the right decision. I think it is, but only she can truly answer that for herself.

He doesn’t get to call the shots on Your Life…
You have enough evidence. You said it yourself. You were happier without him. SO???

This shouldn’t be a question you already know what you should do… Push past your fear of being alone and get ready to start a new chapter without that BS!!!

Walk away, hell never change. I’m going through it myself. & I’m pretty close to walking away from my husband.

Please get a divorce I was with a man for 7 years married 5 short of 4 years our relationship was always in turmoil me loving him more than I was loving myself is what led me to be his wife me loving him more than I was loving myself caused me to deal with years of cheating hanging out all times of the day & night with his friends male & female me loving him more than I was loving myself let me be disrespected time & time over again me finally saying I’m gonna go have me some fun caused him to have a whole b!tch fit get into a physical fight with me bite my arm nearly turn me into a zombie (if I had to describe it with all the bruising) & in return he filed divorce on me :roll_eyes: oh yea because his feelings were truly hurt after me stepping out on him 1 time… Broke up for 6 months got back together lived together even while going to divorce court tried to get us couples therapy told the judge just hold off for awhile & all that good stuff. Do u think he ever changed h3ll no my divorce was final November of last year I’ve never been more happy or relieved of anything in my life!!! I truly loved my husband & really wished things would work never been in love with him tho because he never presented the chance to make me fall in love with him :woman_shrugging:t5: if he ever wanted to get married again I WOULD NEVER because some people are just stuck in their ways & no matter how much u love them or they claim to love u actions speak louder than words & love is an emotion loyalty is an action & that type of person is not loyal to u. Let that misery go prayers for your strength honey

It will never change! Its hard, but be done!

I think you answered your own question in the 3rd paragraph.

If you’re done, you’re done. Don’t let him guilt you into staying. He clearly has no sense of personal accountability and would rather pass the blame onto you. Leave that nonsense.

Tell him I will treat you the way you have treated me. Write down the peeves and start reading them off: I’m going out with my friends until 4 am, I’m staying in bed all day on my day off while you take care of our kids, I’m texting whoever I want to and my hobbies come before you. Dose of his own medicine lol

You should have stayed your ass away from him.he only acts the way you allow him to so suck it up.put your big panties on and handle your business

He will never change so have the divorce I went threw that and nothing changed

Dump is sorry ass because leaving you with everyone sick including you to go hang with his brother never gonna grow up you can’t say you didn’t try. Go be happy life to short to waste on someone who doesn’t care except when he wants something

It’s not based off of one day, it’s based off 7 years of marriage- as hard as it will be say goodbye!

He obviously just wants somewhere to stay where someone does everything for him

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Definitely get a divorce and don’t take him back again, no matter what promises he makes.

Life is to short to water it on a man that is not going to change. Pick up and move on. This was the best thing I ever done!!!

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Say adios to him. I went thru similar, except he was physically abusive, not often but more than once is enough. I had two sons, five years apart, and it was tough to finally follow thru with what had to be done. Thankfully, I was in the military, so had a decent job and housing. This is what you have to ask yourself. Do you want your kids to think it’s okay to be treated that way, want them to grow up and do the same, have the same done to them? Talk to a trusted friend and find a way to leave him. I know how hard it is, believe me but you have to think of you and your kids’ mental and physical health. You have a job and can get child support and maybe for yourself. Start taking the steps and keep the info at your trusted friend’s house. You will start to feel the world lift off of your shoulders, each time you take a step. Do not say anything to the kids, right now. When it happens, then you can.

He is gaslighting you by saying you made the decision based off one day. Don’t listen to him. Move on

Only you can decide but based on what you said on your post if it were me…I would definitely be done.

A leopard never changes his spots, may act different for awhile but eventually goes back to his old ways.

Unless abuse is involved I typically suggest marriage counseling before divorcing. Unless he’s against going to counseling, if that’s the case, I’d leave and file for divorce.

Leave while you can. I stuck around and believe me you can only imagine
What was did. Please for you and the kids.

If you’re not happy and know u’ll be happier divorced then do it. Everyone deserves happiness coz life is short

Sounds like you already know the answer you’re seeking. A happier you makes for a happier life and happier kids.

Honey, you already know know. You’re just asking us to verbalize the truth of your own heart.

Sorry to say but a leopard never changes there spots !! You did better on your own peace is everything!! Good luck on whatever you do :pray:

There is no marriage to start with if he’s doing THAT stuff!!

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U need take care of u be happy

Men don’t change

go an be happy. it’s not going to change. you know this. it your turn to be happy an don’t look back. go.

Girl, be gone already, find your happiness again and it isn’t with that fool!!

Go be happy… happy mum happy kids xxx

It will continue as long as you let it. Leave this manchild & be happy!!

Lifes to short to not be happy!

Oh yea stop at texting other woman. Girl you should of been gone, what a wasted amount of time. Divorce ASAP!

Sounds like you have made up your mind, you must now decide if you want to act upon the decision

Divorce. He is draining your spirit, and soul all together, not mentioning your health.

Am sorry to say but I think you would be happier without him x

He seems to want to be single…leave him

Girl, walk away dust your off your feet and buy a new doormat! Be free and happy again!!

I think you already answered your question. It will not change.

Yeahh no get out he will never change!!

Walk. Away. You don’t have your whole life to waste away by giving him chance after chance.

You gave him a chance which is more than you had to do in the first place. But you and your babies deserve better and you deserve happiness and for your home to be your sanctuary.

don’t let him gaslight you, it wasn’t one day of hanging out with his brothers its been many times over a long period of months, do it, get the divorce, talk to as many lawyers as possible so he cannot use them for himself, go over the fact you have had a history of having to get a protective order cause of his behavior and feel its unsafe once again. good luck

He will always be that way. Leave now before he fools you into thinking you need him. You don’t.

Parental Alienation and narcissism

If you’re asking on social media or anyone you mental incapable to make it work, get counseling

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Do you really need advice???

If I did that to my woman, I would expect a divorce.

Sounds like you are married to a narcissistic. Run!!

I can’t believe some women actually put up with this shit… :face_with_spiral_eyes:

You’ve tried and tried, he hasn’t put in any effort, or listening to your concerns or helping with his kids. I would go with the divorce and find yourself again. For you and your kids! They need a happy mama. They don’t need to see you stay in a unhealthy toxic marriage. You can only try and take so much before you’re just done & by the sounds of it. You’re at your all the way done mark. Good luck mama


Dude has showed you over and over and over who he is. I really don’t understand some people. He made ur life hell while you were separated and you still thought he changed enough to get back with him? These things have happened bc you ignored the signs

File for divorce and gray Rock him. Don’t allow him to rope you into any conversation about who’s fault it is, where shit went wrong, none of that. Just be done

Just end it. Marriage isn’t Abt trying to work it out no matter how miserable you are. If you are happier without that person then be without them

Why are you still there!! Get on with your life and live!

When he shows up this time around sit him down in the jail cell show him ur done n ur not going to deal with his bullshit anymore enough is enough disrespectful all get out not to u but his kids as well what a real pos momma leave ur already single he’s just A burden hanging around for WHAT REASON ask yourself that to cause u n ur kids to b MISERABLE. Hope u leave his ass n the morning and b happy come Saturday u n ur kids enjoying whatever uns want to. He’d be out doing sumthin else while ur out with the kids sounds like to me anyways. CHASE AFTER YOUR HAPPINESS FREEDOM AND PEACE OF MIND AND KIDDOS

Good move!!! He’ll never change!! Trust me, I had one like that!!! I promise you, you’ll be so happy you made that choice, for both you and your kids!!! Peace be with you :pray:t3::pray:t3:

He showed you how he feels. Believe him.


End it! He’s a selfish dog… go enjoy your life without a chain

You answered u our own question. Throw him the hell OUT.

What women will put up with (including me) is amazing

Are you seriously asking what you should do?!?? LEAVE the no good mother FUCKER and move on!!!

Youre asking a question only you can answer

I think you answered your own question.

Have you ever heard of Elaine Bobbitt? :see_no_evil:

One chance is too many

Ruuunnnn! It won’t change.

Reads like u know girl. U were happier on ur own. :woman_shrugging:t2: