Should I end my relationship?

He doesn’t deserve you leave

Question is why do you want to forgive this? Why do you want to repeatedly live this. Why do you not deserve self respect?


I think you already know deep down what you need to do. The loss of a child changes each of you as people individually and as a couple. It may be too much to repair. I hope you find the strength to listen to your gut instinct.

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Baby don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split you. You’ll find someone who will love you.

Why is this even a question?? Do you like being cheated on? Do you like being made to look like a fool? Do you really want your son growing up thinking the way that dude treats you is right? Girl this is a no brainer, gtfo before shit gets worse.

This sounds completely toxic af. The whole situation isn’t good for any of y’all. There’s no trust on your part for him. If you can’t trust him you’re better off without him :v:

A TOPLESS pic… in YOUR shared bedroom!? :open_mouth: wow. Baby, they slept together. He’s obviously not ‘ready’ for commitment and you clearly deserve better.

I think you just need to keep reading your own status over and over …you are better than this x

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He is manipulating u. This is not your fault. You are not wrong to not forgive someone who once make a mistake and asked forgiveness then repeated the action. That shows his actions speak louder than his words. He does not love and respect you as you deserve and starting over will allow u the time for someone who will and to heal. Hugs


Definitely get out , if he’s paying for the pics , it’s not worth the headache

He’s not even admitting he’s done wrong and is trying to blame you! There is NO way in hell he will change and is certainly showing you he has no respect for you. Leave

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You deserve so much more! He’s such a peice of shit, and and good man would beg to be with you.

Yes! Leave him!
You’ve already left, don’t go back except to get your things.

Honey save yourself now and move on you deserve so much better your son deserves a happy momma too you won’t be happy always wondering with him

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You already know the answer.

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Kick him to the curb. He’s not ready to be in a serious relationship

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First let me say that I’m so very sorry for your loss. Next, I don’t see how leaving him is really a question. Honey he is cheating and had the unmitigated audacity to have women up in the house that y’all share. I mean there was a picture with a topless girl in your bedroom. Do you think after he took the picture he said go ahead and put your top back on because I’m a faithful man?:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Please take your son and move on. DO NOT look back.


That’s a whole lot of BS packed into a short time. Get out now and find someone that won’t mess around on you and will love you for you!

Why are you even questioning whether or not to leave? You obviously don’t have trust in your relationship and the fact that you lost a daughter together is no reason to stay. Staying will not bring you daughter back.


Red flags all over him leave

Once bitten, twice shy. Please, do yourself a favour and leave.

What r u waiting for!!!

being a man i m saying he is a out & out lier u dont text strange women and once a cheater always a cheater pick your selfe and up put all the pieces back where they belong and start over it will be hard but god will help you keep it togather best wishes and god bless you you have started you opened up to ppl now put the good foot fwd and go


Is this what you Grew with? What Makes you be able to put this put here as remotely a Question? What would you tell your 25 year old daughter if she came to you with this story?

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Girl run and never turn back he’s going to keep telling you lies cause he knows you’ve believed him in the past and you let it go so he’s gonna keep doing it. I’ve been in your shoes and all it does.os hurts more staying with a guy like that then leaving and starting over. Please leave it’s going to bring your self-esteem down and insecurities

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I would definitely leave it won’t get better

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You ain’t left yet?! …like go girl he ain’t worth the misery he gone to put you through if you stay


No. No. No. Leave and don’t look back.


I would have left the moment he was caught the first time and you’re questioning it after like… 3 times?!? That you know of?!?
He’s gaslighting you so you’ll come back to “prove your love”, it’s a manipulative tactic and something narcissist do. You won’t be able to change him or fix him. He will lie, cheat and manipulate you until the day you die if you stay. Do not stay with him. He will drag you down and you will start questioning your very own existence. Leave him while your already gone. Leave while you don’t have any children together that require you to deal with him for the rest of your life. Trust me.


Obviously. And I bet you know that already.


Run as fast as you can!!


“I didn’t cheat” he is literally insulting your intelligence by saying this. If he can’t be honest about it for a chance for you guys to move on then I wouldn’t even bother trying to put forth the effort of moving last it bc he clearly isn’t going to


Typical narcissist! Leave him!!! You deserve better than him.


Run run as fast as you can good luck :purple_heart:

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Dude. LEAVE. You’re trauma bonded, nothing more. Doesn’t even sound like he is tho. Ffs leave. You have a kid in all.of this too


He’s a cheater. Been a cheater. Will stay a cheater. I forgave this behavior for 10 yrs before I finally accepted that no matter how many times I forgave him he was going to do it again because I allowed him the opportunity by staying with him.
Cut your losses and go


He’s lying and making excuses !You deserve better honey run as fast as you can !:revolving_hearts:

That’s how they manipulate you into thinking it was your fault. They try to twist your words and make it seem like they did nothing wrong. No matter how hard it is for you, leave him.

Leave. He did wrong and he knows it. He’s just trying to guilt you to think your wrong.

Leave. It will save you a lot of heartache in the future.

He’s telling the other girl he’s going to leave you for her so I’d leave him for no one

Why are you asking, you wont leave anyways :woman_facepalming:


Girl leave, he ain’t gonna change. He doesn’t want to!

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Leave that little bitch

First of all once a cheater always a cheater. They will tell u they can’t remember doing it. Then next I was drunk,then u hear if u were giving me the love I wanted I wouldn’t of done it. Then comes I’m sorry hun it will never happen again, Please forgive me. These r all just excuses, because they need u around. Pack your bags and run and don’t look back. Leave him a note saying how does it feel been hurt by someone who really cared and don’t want u back. See ya! Bye

I’m not trying to be mean … but the fact that he did this before and you stayed with him … that only shows him that he can continue doing that … once a cheater always a cheater


Run like hell before you bring another child into this mess! He’s a user! Pull yourself and your son up out of this before it gets worse! You know what you have to do, do it … if not for yourself but for your son.

Sounds like it’s time for you to move on …

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Sounds like my ex, do NOT waste your life on this dude. Not worth it at all, and that last part sounds like him using emotional manipulation (that narcissists use) to keep you around as their supply. Gross

I want to say leave but it seems you are hesitant because you had mentioned an eviction and living with him! Which is why you’re really staying. And keep doing that for now but please save up for when things get bad. At some point he could decide to ditch you. Think about your son honey! Not just whether or not you can forgive this man.

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You’ll ruin your life if you stay but why are you even asking… sounds like you wanna stay regardless… stop looking for other people to tell you what to do and stop trying to make what he did okay… you have to know in your heart what to do…

He’s seeing that he can continue to get away with it. What you allow will continue. You don’t deserve that :heart:

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He is never going to change You need to focus on yourself an leave … You will survive but if you stay lots an lots of heartache YOUR CHOICE AN FREE WILL … Good luck an take care …

You are better then this!!!
You don’t need any more evidence…
Get up walk out and live your life with your son
This man isn’t worth your time nor your heart
If you’re seeing all of this and he lies… Hes not the one sis!!!
Honestly you’d be foolish to stay!
Walk away with your sanity if he cared he wouldn’t be doing this… Also he’s gonna leave you for the other woman why stay knowing this


That’s 100% cheating!! And I would 100% leave

That’s what they do. He’s blaming you, taking the focus off the actual issue by getting you to defend yourself. Prove you love him :joy::joy: while he’s doing things proving he obviously doesn’t love you. It’s going to continue. This is one year that things have gone to shiiii but that doesn’t dictate the future. Only good come be around the corner, don’t block your blessing staying with someone that disrespects you so much. Block him and act like he never existed. Focus on yourself. Find a new job, new place.

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Please start over. You and your son deserve better.

I don’t understand why you have to ask others when YOU know we are all gonna say the same thing :person_facepalming: if you were gonna leave (even after ALL the advice) you would have by now…
Don’t be fooled, find someone you deserve and will show you what true love is

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are you serious right now…
like come on.
for real?

Sorry but he is unfaithful and will never change.
His behaviour is disgusting.
Leave you will be a lot happier

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Get out. Get rid of him. It’s not gonna change.


You can forgive but it’s hard to forget

Run. Pack up and leave ASAP. He will never change. Believe me as im saying it from personal experience.

Easy out…lol u need to just not go back at all. Wherever you are now, stay there.

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Also, you cant forgive someone who isnt seeking forgiveness. He is repeating constantly. No intention of change. He only expects you to change by accepting his actions.


Run and never look back for yourself and your child you deserve better my love !!!

No girl leave . Cheater written all over him you deserve better than that I know how you feel about losing a baby I lost my son when I was 5months pregnant

He is manipulating you so that you feel bad. Everything he did was cheating. You keep allowing it. No more chances, these aren’t mistakes at this point and you don’t deserve this! He is going to kill your spirit if you stay and you will always wonder why you aren’t enough for him when really it is HIM who isn’t enough for you ! leave please ! Change is scary but so is somebody taking advantage of you because they know you care too much to leave.


I read something that said “because you stay after anything, they put you through EVERYTHING.” Please love yourself enough to know that you’re not asking too much for expecting someone to give you the same loyalty you’ve given them

Leave. If you are asking the question. It is time to go! Pictures dont lie. This is not the 1st or l as st. Go make a good happy life for you and your son

Please Run, nothing good in this relationship, don’t sell yourself short, you deserve Much Better!

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Kick this lying POS to the kerb, and never look back :slightly_smiling_face: run, don’t walk …. in time you and your son will be grateful you didn’t put up with this $hitty behaviour :pray:t2: you both deserve more …. so do not settle for anything less :yellow_heart: good luck

He’s gaslighting you. It’s not about forgiving one transgression, this is simply about who he is as a person. This will be your future.

Every time your back is turned, he will have another woman in your bed, in your car, using your things.

When you and your children are critically ill, he won’t be there, he will seize it as an opportunity to hook up and then try to use the situation to get sympathy and blame you when you find out.

He will always have multiple women on the go and will take it out on you if he gets rejected by them.

He will talk rubbish about you, and spread lies about to get sympathy from other women he’s trying to ensnare.

If he gets someone he thinks better suits his needs, you’ll be out on your ear with no warning and probably lose everything.

So is this the man you want to live your life with. Is this the life you choose until he discards you?

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Run now while you have the opportunity. You are in a good position to start fresh.

You know the answer already. Trust yourself.

Run Forrest run :running_woman:

You already made the right choice by leaving

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Stay if you want to continue to share him…pretty clear that his a player…


So basically he’s cheated your whole one year. Run and don’t look back.

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Leave and never look back… he will never change and he doesn’t respect you! Nothing good can come of staying with him


Omg! Leave his ass! This man has not an ounce of love or respect for you! Life is too short to put up with that kind of negativity and abuse! Leave now before it’s too late! This is awful!

Leave. You know what you should do but only you can make that choice. reread what you wrote. Now pretend it was someone else’s post. Write your advice to them. And the. Go with that.

You deserve real love. This is toxic and the longer you stay the more you will lose yourself

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He’s a bad seed run as fast as you can AWAY

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Think u already know the answer yes u are grieving for your baby u both are but that’s no way to act u can’t trust someone like that I would def say its over big hugs x


WHY would you forgive this? Your poor son. :disappointed: Don’t put him through the life that you’re starting with this guy.

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Narcissist! Leave while you can!:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

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Doesn’t get better leave 11 yrs I had this 4 kids later still same I left 2 half yrs ago

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Do you have any kind.of support system?
Parents siblings friend?
Leave you and your son deserve so much more .
I’m sorry for your loss.
Sending hugs and prayers.

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The only thing that stuck out to me…is when you said…

" I still have no idea if he hooked up with any of these women" :roll_eyes::woozy_face::woozy_face::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: girlllllll if you don’t STOP being delusional. Just say you like being disrepected, and treated like crap…that’s your choice, and your life honey​:woman_shrugging:t5: LOVE YOURSELF MORE​:heart:



I cant believe you’re even asking the question. You already know the answer. Have some respect yourself and leave.


Every men when they lie saying they didn’t cheat? I would never go back to them because why go back to someone who u already completely lost trust to them? I wouldn’t waste no time to it!! Leave when you can! Don’t put you and your child into something you both don’t deserve!!! Good luck to you!


Bottom line is you can only forgive some one if you can when they are actually sorry and accept what they did was disrespectful , instead he’s blaming you so no you can’t get through this because all this says is he feels it’s justified because he “never slept with them” that old chestnut . Men seem to think it’s the ACT that makes it cheating , but it isn’t … it’s the thought process , the lies and the sneaking around that makes it utter betrayal . Not only that it’s happened more than once . Bin him . Move forward and don’t let him disrespect you or you family ever again . X

Think U already no ur answer that’s why ur texting this u don’t trust him ! can’t blame u run :running_woman: for the hills u deserve a lot more x

No I wouldn’t be able to. move on…and wait he was doing that while the baby was in hospital!!!

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You need to heal and having to worry about a man unfaithfulness won’t make that easy, just move on hun. He clearly isn’t mourning as much as you are. So sorry for your loss hun. I hope things get better for you

Are you stupid?? Leave


You aren’t really in this relationship that deep. Like you really shouldn’t be having issues so quickly into the relationship. At this point it should still be the honeymoon stage.
Cut your losses. You still have time for a great love. He here is just a bump in the road. So don’t go drive over it again.
Who cares if he did or he didn’t hook up with them.
There are legit billions of people in this world so why waste anymore of your years on him.

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He’s showing you who he is. Leave. He won’t get better.

Once a cheater always a cheater they will blame it on anything they can mostly alcohol… it doesn’t matter if he did anything sexual with them… taking pictures and sending/ receiving was a enough and it shouldn’t have been done… sorry about the loss of your baby but with his actions he wasn’t ready to be a good father in the first place. Men like him will say anything they can to make you think it was your fault just so they can continue to keep you around and be able to do what they want to do… I’ve been there before many times. I have been through much worse I started my life over many times and much happier than dealing with that trash. You can do it and should do it… you owe it to your son and yourself to make your lives better. You do not owe this guy anything because let me tell you he is not giving you anything you deserve or that you need… when he is ready to toss you to the side for another he will in a heartbeat and at the time you won’t be ready for it… so make sure you are dependent on yourself and not on him…

He’s done this at least 3 times that you know of. Probably more deleted. Had women in your house in YOUR room with their clothes off and you’re seriously questioning if he slept with them. You know what you need to do.