Should I enroll my child in Pre-K?

I feel like pre k was more for socializing my kid and getting him used to the structure of being in a classroom. They won’t be behind, just keep doing the basics at home if that’s what you feel is right for your kid!

We did not due pre k due to the chaos and confusion of 2020. We just kept up on home learning. Besides hands on learning we use Khan academy kids. It’s free and awsome. My little one is 5 going into kindergarten this year, and I think shes ready to blow em outta the water. :slight_smile:

You wouldn’t believe how many kids are behind when they start kindergarten without going to pre-k. You can always teach the pre-k yourself to your child if you decide not to sign them up.


My son is scheduled to start pre k in a few weeks and I’m super excited for him!!

Skipping pre k for our kiddo as we can’t afford it and are not considered low income enough to get it free.

I would not because of covid you can teach her everything at home that she would learn in pre-K

Nope I think next year will be better

You know your child best. I’m a big pro to prek because it gets them used to the social demands of school without the homework.


I enrolled my 3 yr old in preschool. I think it’ll help him alot and get to interact with other kids appropriately and learn more with them.

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Do it do it do it! It’s someone beneficial for your child and you can watch them grow in ways you didn’t even know! My daughter has done so much better even at home with putting her plate away and wanting to do more things on her own she is only 4. She can also now spot out letters and know what they are and she can actually write her own name and color inside the lines in her coloring book… it seems like little things but honestly it’s really impressive! She also learned to stop and listen to stay safe when we ride bikes there’s so much I could go on and on


My son been in school since pre-k3 and best decision ever.

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i think they definitely need it but if she isnt ready you could start her a year late.

I skipped it with my first she went straight to kinder and was amazing my second the moment she turned 3 she was in preschool because of the attachment towards me and she’s good

U know what’s best for ur kiddo

I didn’t skip pre-k for my kids. Unless it’s not free, why not? But don’t feel like you are doing something wrong by not enrolling her.

No. She’ll be fine if she doesn’t go. My son didn’t go and he’s about to start school and I taught him to read simple words already and sound them out, beginners math, all that at home … you know your kid best!

How is her social skills? Pre-k would benefit with teaching good social skills, etc. These days to get into kindergarten kids are required to know alot

I skipped it for my oldest and she was fine in kindergarten. I sent my youngest to pre-k and I’m glad I did because she was able to get used to being around other children and a school setting. Each child is different and you have to do what is best for them.

Nothing wrong with not attending prek

I had taught my granddaughter so much at home that she was above pre k and kindergarten. Now this grandchild has grown up and done the same with her children.

I didn’t enroll my daughter in pre k because of covid and they were doing distance learning anyways so I kept her home and taught her what she needed to know. I wanted her to go to Pre-K so she didn’t get behind but with them not being able to be vaccinated I wouldn’t put them in school if you don’t have to. Really just weigh the risk and make the decision you think is best. That’s what I did.

I’m skipping pre k because I’m a sahm but I am setting up a “school” for her at home. With letters numbers cool activities for us to do while my boyfriend goes to work and her sisters go to school. Pre k wouldn’t hurt but skipping it wouldn’t either as long as you work with your baby as much to prepare

It’s beneficial! Yes, there are cons. We are enrolling my 3 year old into preschool, and I’m scared she’s going to get bitten/start biting, hitting, the usual stuff that horrible other brats do, but I know how excited she is since we’ve been talking about it. She also already knows her ABC’s, and she can count to 20. She is also writing her A’s and writing her 1’s. Far more advanced than my 4 year old who’s starting Kindergarten. Skipping it won’t hurt so long as you’re dedicated to spending some time each day learning something.

Due to COVID my granddaughter never went to daycare or nursery school
She is an only child and we have no relatives or other children around. She is going to pre school this year so she can have interaction with other children, learn about the rules in school and structure. She already knows letters, numbers, colors, shapes and can read many words. Her mom is sending her mostly because she NEEDS to be around other kids! And…she is ready. All kids are different. Do what you feel is best for your child.


For my son who is 34 Kindergarten was coloring and cutting things. For my daughter who is 22 it was a whole different ballgame! I thought she was bringing home ‘fake’ homework and thought it was cute. Till the teacher was like she’s been failing her tests. She was suppose to learn those words!! :woman_shrugging::joy:

My oldest didnt go and he was fine… my middle did go and he did no better than my oldest did… if your child has any developmental delays then I would say yes put her… if not then dont… most pre k programs teach very little of what they will need to know for kinder… either way your little one will be okay… do what you think is best for all involved

With covid still happening pre k is not the warm fuzzy experience it’s supposed to be. Get a copy of the curriculum, make sure she knows what she’s supposed to for next year. Btw kindergarten is not mandatory either

All 3 of mine went to prek they loved it and I felt it gave them a good start and prepared them for kindergarten

YES! and louder for those in the back! YES! Enroll the kid. Kindergarten is not what it use to be. Social skills are built in pre -K. There is no time for that in K. Gets a routine going.

She will be more confident if she has prior experience.


I would enroll her. I am a Kindergarten teacher and many people do not realize that Kindergarten to today is what first grade was 20 years ago. They should be reading by October. Preschool is very important.

Its up to you but she will be behind the others that have been to preschool. They learn so much in preschool and it teaches them to socialize. But if you can teach her the basics at home do it. They are expected to know their name and how to Wright it, the alphabet and their colors when they start kindergarten. Not like it was in the old days…

Of my four kids, only two went to our local preschool, one of my sons struggled with speech development, and couldn’t express hisself clearly using words, I didn’t feel comfortable sending him because I knew he couldn’t come home and tell me how his day went, and I wouldn’t know if he was being picked on, or if he was being treated well since it was very hard to understand him even for me, his Mom. The other one who didn’t go was the brother right after him, mostly because he was his brothers best friend and he was learning a lot of new words from his little three year old brother. My next son went to preschool, because all his older brothers were in school already and he definitely needed to have other kids around to play and learn with. The two that went to preschool have actually had better grade performance in elementary school, so if it’s a good preschool, it’s definitely a good way to give your child a jump start on their education, and really helps them to just become more comfortable and confident in what they can achieve when they are solo.

This has a lot of variables to it! I’m a preschool teacher, what is good for one family and child may not be best for another. Is it a cost issue? It it that you want another year with your child before public school? Is fear of Covid sickness? The choice is yours really. Pre-K preps for kindergarten, with language, literacy but most important social emotional development. I would boil down to this, if I had a child who had a ton of social interactions or opportunities with children their age then I probably wouldn’t worry so much. But if I had an only child who isn’t in environments with other kids their age then I would enroll. Either way your choice is what is best for your family, neither one is wrong :blush:

I did it with my son many many years ago. He was an only child and adjusted wonderfully, help’s him to listen to other adults play and intermingle with other children, also where I sent my son was a teaching facility. If your child does not adapt you can always take him or her out. Hope this helped.

Unless she’s distressed unduly, I would say send her. These days, children starting Kindergarten are expected to be leaps ahead of where the starting point used to be.

Look at your states program…is it 6 1/2hours? If your 4 year old needs a nap, then NO, let him be a kid another year…you will get tremendous pressure from school to attend all day or be marked “Truant”. A lot of autistic kids have severe sleeping problems, and need that nap.

They say that children who go to pre k have a higher chance graduating from high school. With that being said, you do what’s best for you. I only sent my youngest 2 because they were so shy And timid. It helped them come out of their shell. Also, don’t worry about abc’s and counting. Practice buttons, opening packages like milk cartons or ketchup packages. Using the toilet with no help. Washing hands. Sharing. Tie their shoes.
It the simple things people overlook that are the most important.

Having been a pre school teacher and an elementary school teacher, I say yes to preschool. Children learn how to play nicely with others, they learn to share, take turns, follow rules, and listen to the teacher. They might be taught colors, letters, and songs that make them happy. Usually attending preschool is a wonderful transition from home life to school life.

Kindergarten is the new first grade. I absolutely would suggest enrolling her in pre-k!!!

It helps alot. My oldest did daycare from age 3 because pre prim wasn’t a thing in school settings then. She’s now in grade 4 and thriving at every subject.

My middle child did the pre primary full days at the age of 4 . Now going into grade 1 and she loved it and still conitunes to love school!.

2 more years and my youngest will follow suit because personally I believe it helps prepare them for regular school and it helps them develop alot of friendships sooner in life. The pre primary program at our daughter’s school is very nature based aswel which I found was wonderful. They where always doing something exciting. The interaction they get is amazzing and really sets them up for the future. They did hiking ,visits to the retirement homes ,library in town,my 5 year old knows more about our town then I do and even how the transit busses work :rofl: they got to explore heavy equipment and cop vechiles,everyday they made specail snacks as a class. There was never a day my middle child came home disappointed.

You don’t need to worry if she doesn’t go to pre-school. She’ll be fine.

We have our daughter who turns 4 in September stating the beginning of September. She never went to a daycare so I want to introduce her to other kids on a lower level to work of issues before she has to start school for kindergarten

My feeling is there is no such thing as too much education. I’m not taking homework. Plus more opportunity for learning social skills.

If you aren’t ready to send her to school don’t it isn’t going to hurt her just do thing with her at home like teaching her numbers colors tying shoes etc. kids grow up fast enough let them be kids

If the child hasn’t been around any other children, they will need the contact so they can get along with everyone.

I didn’t put my kids in pre k and they did good, even in elementary they was in hire reading levels and took advanced math when they got to that point, come middle school they got stuck taking honors classes. Pre-k is a great start as it gets them a heads up, but not all kids do well either as I worked in a school and some cried a lot once mom left and hated it, but if you don’t want to do pre-K then you can start working with your child on learning to read, and all that stuff they learn in kindergarten, my son loved educational toys, especially his alphabet bear, by the time he started he knew the entire alphabet and started to read, just luckily school doesn’t teach the letters in order as he didn’t learn them that way as his toy he would push random letters and learned that way, also at 5 he loved doing search word puzzles, which is odd for a 5 yr old but he loved doing them. My daughter we read a lot together and the more you can read to them and work with them in the better it helps them. When I worked at a local elementary I did reading groups and the ones who did read daily was ahead of those who hated to read and it affected them in other areas to.

I didn’t send my kids to pre k. They spend enough time in school. I wanted to spend every moment I could with them. They weren’t behind at all. I worked with them at home.

In the end Its your choice.
If your daughter has been around only you and immeadiate family menbers and few other kids her age. Its best to enrole her in pre-k.
As she will learn very valuable skills orher than; letters numbers colors.
I wish my mom had the oppertunity to enrole me in pre-k, but that program was not available in the 1950s.
Mom didnt ever leave me with other people. So I had no social skills or structure/rules from a school inviroment. When I was 6, I went into 1st grade this was a shock to me emotionaly. I cried the first 6 months. Didnt learn to do math read etc. Baseicaly was ignord by the teacher and bullied by the other kids.
I was a social recluse untill my mid 30’s. Thaught no one liked me. I am ok now i do not have a socialize problem. But it took over half of my life to be where I am now to overcome the trauma . If nothing more than for socializing skills and getting use to school time structure.
If it were me knowing how it affected me in my early years. Not having social skills or being away from mom. It terrified me and emotionnaly crippled me for years.
I definately would enrole my child in a christian pre-k school. My neice is an admjnistrater of a christian pre-k and grades 1-8. I have seen what a big difference in what a Pre-k program can do for kids. No matter what level of learning they have already previously had at home.

She will do fine in kindergarten if she doesn’t go to pre-K

I would enroll her but keep track of COVID situation. This time would get her used to a teacher, other kids and a structure which makes it easier entering Kindergarden.

When my son was young I enrolled him in preschool. I missed him so much that I pulled him out after two weeks. I realized that once he started kindergarten we would never again have so much dedicated time together. I personally feel like it strengthened our bond and it never held him back from anything. Today he is 48. Brilliant and a wonderful father of two young women and I am so proud of him in so many ways. Children have years and years of school but we only have so much alone time with them. Enjoy it while you can.

When you consider how academic kindergarten is (they start math, learning to read, write, science etc…) I would recommend Pre-K. (I am a retired K, 1st grade teacher)

Some of the highest scores in education for countries that do better than U.S. start their children at age 7 for school.

She would probably love it. Lots of friends. No boredom.

The more preparation they have, the more successful they will be in school.

A lot of parents want to know how to prepare their kids to start school for the first time. My personal advice is to skip the flash cards right now and teach them the below things.


  • How to open and close containers. Specifically the kind you’ll put in their lunch boxes.

  • How to pinch and tear packaging. (Pre-packaged snacks, ketchup packets, etc)

  • How to put a straw into a Capri sun pouch.
    It will take your child’s teacher a long time to circulate around the lunch table to assist. That means less time your child has to eat. Also, your child’s teacher would really love to eat too :slightly_smiling_face:

  • How to take off a jacket so that the sleeves don’t get pulled through. How to fix the jacket if the sleeves do get pulled through. How to zip it up.

  • How to zip and snap or button pants.

  • Your child will be the holy grail of their class if they can tie their shoes.

Personal Care:

  • TO GO TO THE BATHROOM WITH THE DOOR CLOSED. Lawd. Please teach them this. It may be no big deal at home, but it will be at school if they expose themselves to an entire classroom full of their friends.
  • How to pump soap. How to properly wash their hands. To turn the sink off and dry their hands.


  • How to wait and take turns.
  • How to share. How to compromise.
  • How to listen and follow 2 step directions. (First, take your jacket off. Then put it on the hanger) If you want to get crazy - try 3 step!


  • Build vocabulary with them! Talk to them. Use big words. Explain that they mean. When they start to learn to read, it’ll be much easier for them to identify a word that is already in their vocabulary.
  • Help them build their own language and memory by reflecting. Tell them what you need at the grocery store. When you get there, ask “What did we come to the store for?”
  • Make them ask a question! Don’t let them say “I’m thirsty” and hand them a glass of water. You are being their problem solver, rather than having them find their own solutions. Teach them to ask for what they need. “Can I please have a glass of water?”

Coping Skills:

  • Talk very intentionally about strategies to deal with emotions.
  • “When you’re feeling scared, let’s try doing box breaths.”
  • “If you’re feeling sad, what’s something happy that you could think about to cheer you up?”

As an early childhood teacher, your child will be ready to learn if you can just work on these things. All the academic stuff will come! You don’t need to pound their tiny brains full of memorized facts. Just work with them in developing as a tiny human :slightly_smiling_face:

Parents of upcoming kindergarteners - starting school can be scary, but we can do hard things!

*I copied this from someone else! (Jackson’s Kindergarten teacher Ms Nicholson) Give credit where credit is due!!!

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PreK is necessary! I think it should be required. They LEARN important building blocks of education to set them up for life.

I didn’t want to put my son in daycare for a long time either. I put him in daycare when he was three and he is now starting pre-K on Monday. It is honestly the best decision I ever made for him. He is so stimulated in school, his social skills are incredible and his vocabulary has completely blossomed. He has learned so much, more than he would’ve learned being home with me. That’s just my personal opinion, there is a lot of good when it comes to children being around other kids.

Momma you don’t have to enroll that baby. I wouldn’t be sending mine either with this crazy world right now :broken_heart: If it doesn’t feel right then go with your gut :wink:

It prepares them so I think it’s a good thing

So hard too turn them loose.

You don’t have to register until grade one

You can teach her more than they will. You are teaching her every minute she’s around you. They see everything. You’ll do just fine.

We never did pre k we taught at home and used ABC mouse our oldest is homeschooled and starts 1st grade on Monday he made honor roll for his kindergarten year and is right on track where he needs to be starting 1st. Pre k is awesome but if it’s not for you there’s plenty of other options especially right now with the direction this pandemic is going.

I unenrolled my 3 year old from pre-k

I’m having the exact same problem honestly so I don’t have any advice but I know the feeling :heart::heart::heart:

I had to forego preK for my middle daughter due to covid…we did videos and art and numbers at home and she’s going to kindergarten this year if everything is functional.

I would suggest possibly enrolling part time. To ensure your daughters socialization continues to grow and progress appropriately. The structure and routine in typical pre k ‘s mirrors kindergarten which is also beneficial. Time with your daughter away between just you and your newest addition would be beneficial as well. Depending again which pre k you enroll it may be the same children that she will be in kindergarten with.


I’d send her to pre k so she gets used to not being around you. And she gets her social skills and makes friends with other kids. And it’ll get you some extra needed rest when the new baby comes.


My oldest missed out on pre-k and I felt he was very behind when starting kindergarten. I think pre-k is a very important head start.


I think it’s a good idea. PreK prepares them for kindergarten! My little loves pre-K (Headstart). It has helps with so many things when it comes to school and at home.

I’m due in September with our 2nd and I plan on putting my son in preschool. Both my husband and I work, and thankful my dad does daycare for us, but I wouldn’t want to burden him with a newborn and a toddler being almost 65. Also, the socialization will be great! My son was in daycare, but when I quit working, he became very needy and clingy to me… I couldn’t leave him with anyone, not even my husband. It was so bad.

I’m in the same boat, I’m due In October. I ended up registering him because I know he’ll benefit from the socialization aspect, and I know I’ll appreciate the little breaks. I’m also worried about then sickness, but I just keep telling myself even if I don’t send him the full 3 days (it’s just a part time), it’ll be nice to have the option. I feel like it definitely helps with the transition into kindergarten! The changes it made for my 6 year old were amazing

Pre k is very important I would enroll. I’m not sure about where you live but here attendance wasn’t an issue with pre k if they missed too many days

Do it. She/he will love it and it will. Make sure she takes a daily multivitamin and gets plenty of vitamin c in her diet.

My 4 year old LOVES pre K and her 4 month old little brother just started school with her so she loves it even more! Her birthday is in December so she misses the cut of line to go this year!

Yes, because once that baby is here it’s going to be harder having them both home all day. Send that child to school. Smartness doesn’t mean they dont need prek. It’s very beneficial to them. Plus will give you time with your newborn

I didn’t go to pre-k :woman_shrugging: I’d say let her be with you and baby. Pre-k is basically just a place to baby sit your kids when they aren’t fully going to benefit from it in my opinion :woman_shrugging:


I’m can always take her out of school if its to difficult for you. Personally even if the child is smart i see alot of benefits for them. Here prek is olny 3 or 4 hours not a full day. If your worried about illness speak to your doctor maybe start your child on a multivitamin and immune booster vitamin. Lots of foods to boost the immune system :heart:


I think enrolling her half days or half a week would be beneficial.
It’ll help her learn to share, amongst other things. It might help once baby gets here. Sickness is everywhere, not just school. Proper hand washing etc will help keep germs away, obviously. Her being at school will give you bonding time with the new baby, without her being stuck up your butt hahaha

She might be smart but pre-K prepares them for kindergarten. Structure. Scheduling with lunch and snack times etc.

Absolutely should! It will give you time to bond with the new baby and it will give your four-year-old the socialization and learning. My little one is not in daycare and she still gets sick. It’s unfortunately just one of those things in life

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My daughter went to pre school for 2 years. She had learning issues due to adhd. Couldn’t be officially diagnosed until she was 5. Put that aside… I think it’s good for their social development, not just intellectual. I recommend always putting your child in some kind of preschool.

Sure you should! Its going to make your 4 year old K ready and make friends. If it is too much, pull him or her out!

I would do it. I didn’t put my 6 year old in headstart/PreK and he really struggled with the structure of school aswell as the social side. Last year I put my 3 year old in headstart and Im hoping that when he starts Kinder next year that the last 2 years will make it easier.

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I say go for it I had my baby 5 months ago. I had 2 kids going to school one in kindergarten (5) and one in early head start (3) they went to school full day every day with no sickness coming in. They went to 2 different schools

I. Would. Not. Send. Her. She. Has. You she will not. Be. Left out buy her. Some. Homework stuff in

It is very important for the child in many ways. My daughter has been in daycare since she was 4 months old and haven’t had any issues of course kids get sick it happens. She’s now entering into Kindergarten.

My stepson did 2yrs of preschool , my daughter did 1.5 yrs ( we had move ) both full time 5 day week, my son will be in learning program @2.5 yrs old to 5 yrs old, they start them at at learning journey 2 day week., preschools 2 day @3 , pre k @4…he get little bite of it all…both of older kids make friends fine easy …idk if helps w learning so much but making friends alot better and it help w them being ok w out u , start doing stuff for their self little bite earlier I think

Do it. Even if they’re smart they still need to interact with other kids. It will also teach her more discipline and trust me. She will love it. My daughter started at 4 years as well. :grin:

It’s the best thing sending her to pre school it will amaze you what she will learn! Washing hands is a good defense against illness .

Momma of 4 here! I have sent 3/4 to pre-K and will with the 4th babe as well when she gets old enough. None of my kiddos “needed” it, but the transition to kindergarten and having them learn the unwritten rules of school and developing more social skills did them WONDERS! :slightly_smiling_face: send that baby to school! Talk to your pediatrician about risks etc. and if you don’t send her, then you’ve done what is right for your family and that is ok too! :heart:

I’m due in December with baby #3. Didn’t send my firstborn to pre K & don’t plan on sending my second as for my 3rd who knows :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: its all about preference Tho

So most schools will require masks and I have 3 in elementary school they didn’t get sick once last year so no I don’t like the masks but a plus is that my kids were healthy all year not even a cold

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See about sending her half a day to get her used to being away from you. I also agree that Pre-K is necessary now a days bc they expect them to know way more than just coloring and learning to use scissors like it used to be. Pre-K has over 50 site words they are expected to memorize and in kindergarten it’s 100 plus site words and reading test. All my kids went except for my 2nd child due to the fact they had ran out of available slots and it did put her at a disadvantage in K. She was very smart for age as well and she still struggled.

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Is there a bus available?
I understand how hard that can be. Me and my husband split my daughter’s rides to preschool for children with special needs. When my son was born early. Her teacher called to let me know she could ride the bus. That was an easy yes.

My son did pre-k and he flourished! Highly recommend!

None of my kids went to pre k n doing just fine.


My son got held back in k due to underdeveloped social skills. He was the only one of my 5 that didn’t go to prek due to the wait list in the area we lived at the time. Prek is very important regardless of how smart. It teaches them appropriately interactions with other people/children

Do what is right for u and ur family

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I would do it, teach hand washing, etc. but you can’t avoid sickness. It has sooo many benefits.