Should I kick my daughter out if I think she will cause problems with my husband and I?

I have never n would never choose a man over my kids no matter what. Now if she doesn’t follow the rules then that’s a different story, but liking someone else shouldn’t b a rule bc it’s feelings and she may be just trying to get her mind off her husband. They are separated. She’s ur daughter n my husband would not n I mean would not come between me n my babies. N yes my grown kids will always b my babies. No I don’t treat them like babies but idc they still my babies. Best of luck.


She’s an adult. You can only have certain rules in the home for her. She is not a child. She’s not a teenager. It is “your house your rules” but Only within your home.


You don’t get to dictate who she dates. If she follows house rules there’s no reason to kick her out. Sounds like you’re just looking for a reason to be honest


There are option for her to get help with a living situation so she can learn to be independent.(If she doesn’t like your rules she is a adult and can leave) It does depend on the state and where u are from but if you want u can message me and I would be glad to tell u of some places that may be able to help. I dont want to judge u or your family just send u all love and prayers


Sounds like your sweet butter cup husband doesnt like her at all . Be a MOTHER first before being a WOMAN ! if you dont want your child to stop talking to you then i suggest you stop worrying about the wrong shit . Be there for your daughter lol simple

Umm she’s a grown woman with children of her own…time for her to grow up and put her own children first. If she can’t respect your house and your rules, then she should go! She’s not a child anymore. I’m a mom to a grown daughter and step mom to a son and daughter who would be more than welcome to live with us if needed…none of them would be allowed to live in our home if they couldn’t respect us, our home or our rules though.


No. Your are her mother and she clearly needs you during this time… as long as she is paying and helping out, following your house rules you have no say in what she does in her personal relationships… (regardless if you are right about this man and the situation) she is an adult and will learn for herself hopefully.


I am another of 5 before anyone hates on my YES answer. 3 being in there 20’s. You may not cause problems & think you will continue to live under my roof. After 18 they are adults.

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Shes an adult, her dating life is her own choice and frankly none of your business. The farthest you can go is telling her she cant bring anyone into your home.

She isnt a child anymore, you cant hold total control. And honestly I think that is an awfully silly reason to kick your daughter to the streets :roll_eyes:


“Should I kick her out even though SHE CAN’T AFFORD TO LIVE ON HER OWN”???!!! You’ve answered you’re own question there. How would you feel if your “man” didn’t like something you were doing & kicked you out knowing you had nowhere to go and wouldn’t be able to make it? Inexcusable treating your own child this way IMO


Unless I’m missing something, why isn’t the husband allowing her to stay with him? From what I gather it sounds like they’re already separated and most likely can’t afford a divorce. You say she did all those horrible things as a teenager, but mention nothing of her making a mess of the house as an adult. This story is clearly made to put you in a good light. The only thing that seems to be an issue for you and your husband is her new partner. If she can’t afford to live on her own, how in the world is she to pay for divorce? :thinking: Something does not add up here. Are you using her living situation to control who she dates? If so, that fucking MESSED UP. And she absolutely has the right to blow you off depending on how often you badger her about her new partner. She’s an adult.

She’s an adult ? Free to make her own choices and mistakes, you shouldn’t judge and have no right whatsoever to control what she’s does or who she sees


How is your husband more important than your child?


She is YOUR daughter and she needs help. HELP your baby it don’t matter what age she is.

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Please tell me as a “parent” do I care, support, help without judgment to be there for my child no matter what age they are because I am their Mother. Because I have said to my children I am here for you forever and always. I have 8 beating :heartbeat:s. Love heals :sparkling_heart:

Ur mad at her because u don’t agree with her choices pertaining to her relationships… and she is 23? Ehhhh what is going on. She is an adult she should make her own relationship decisions. If she is staying with u AND paying rent u have no say on what she is doing in her life. U don’t get to decide if he’s not right for her. That’s her life


Its your daughter… I could NEVER kick one of my kids out… If she is dating thats her choice as long as she is following the rules you laid down when she moved in… Whats the issue?? Your husband sounds like a control freak if her dating someone is going to cause an issue… Sounds to me like shes separated and getting a divorce… To put your husband before your child at any age is wrong wrong wrong


As long as she is obeying your house rules, no…what her personal life is should not be under your control…


I’d help her out gosh she your daughter and grand kids it not only her battle it’s there’s the kids are feeling the same and so what she moved on
It’s called being a family helping one another


First of all why was she allowed out until the middle of the night when she was a teenager? Where were the rules then?..I kinda question you as a mother


She’s an adult and should have RESPECT towards her parents its thier house they pay the bills and all that comes with maintaining a household and if she can’t RESPECT the rules that her parents put down then she needs to go obviously she has no respect for herself so she sure isn’t going to respect her parents or anyone else for the matter pretty sad how some children wether they adults are not treat you only get 1 FATHER AND 1 MOTHER that can never be REPLACED once they are gone lil girl is got a lot of growing up to do!


She can date who ever she wants it doesn’t matter if she is married or not it’s her choose her life! You can’t tell her what to do. You clearly said ya had issues with her when she was a teenager like every teenager so that was definitely normal ok and it doesn’t give you or your husband the right to want her out! Also she’s an adult she should be able to hang out and come and go as she please especially if she isn’t hurting any one and especially if she will now help with the bills. I feel like your putting excuses just to make your husband happy. Your clearly choosing a man over your daughter god is going to punish you! And how would it even cross your mind to even kick her out knowing she can’t afford to live on her own. I don’t care what me and my kids go through no matter what a parent isn’t suppose to kick they kids out especially if it’s over petty stuff. My mom tells me and my sister you girls are my life I will kiss your ass over and over again I am nothing without my kids and mind you were are all grown and out of the house! Your daughter should be your number one!!! Your nothing without your kids!!! I bet you won’t kick your husband out of he cheated on you or if he didn’t help do chores. How dare you! A mother is first before a women you looking for excuses but that’s ok go ahead and kick her out so you can see what’s coming to you! This world makes turns and god don’t like ugly mothers!

If I read this correctly it is your two young children. It does not seem that she is breaking your rules of the house yet she is just doing/seeing someone you don’t approve of. It is her life and her mistakes to make. You can’t dictate that part of her life.


So the cleaning up thing I get but she is grown and will date whoever she wants. The more you try to keep her away from that the more shes going to so it. At the end of the day she is still your daughter and if it were me I would never leave my child (no matter her age) needing help… And if my HuSbAnD had a problem with it he could stick it where the sun don’t shine bc at the end of the day that’s YOUR CHILD!


So you want her to act like an adult but then when she does what she’s entitled to do as an adult with her own life you step in and kick her out??? Because of your husband??? Sounds like he’s the issue. She was a teenager. She is having marital issues as you stated if she’s not happy she’s not happy. She clearly isn’t with her husband if she’s living with you. Let the girl have some space she’s paying to live there temporarily if she’s cleaning up after herself and paying rent and the only thing your bothered by is something she can chose for herself as an adult. You need to check yourself not your kid.


My children always come first before anyone! :woman_shrugging:


She’s an adult, who she dates isn’t your business unless he’s beating her . If it makes you that upset just ask she doesn’t talk about him in front of youor being him to the house . And if it truly bothers you that bad to where u don’t know if u want her lvinging with you then I don’t think parenting is for you. U had issues when she was a teen ( that’s because she was a teen , all teens have issues at some point,that’s part of being a teen ) but to want ur daughter to be kicked out over who she’s seeing just because u and ur husband don’t agree is childish and frankly one of the worst things you can do . She needs your help with a place to live ,your her parents get over your teen drama and let her be with who she wants. If u don’t and u go forward with not allowing her to stay with you because she with someone else and she’s clearly separating from her ex-husband . … then ur gonna lose all her respect and u honestly may never hear from her again. So if u want to disown her that’s what ur going for if u continue to act like a teen over her love life.


Kicking her out for me would only be for substance abuse (I would try to get her help) or abusive behavior towards someone in the home. You also would most likely legally have to give her a 3o day notice since that is her residence

I read it as the younger children are the parents children. I would NEVER choose men over my kids. I don’t care what she they are.


You got your proity s messed up. You child comes first no matter what yes even if she is grown


She didn’t follow rules as a teenager…I don’t think any teenager follows the rules to the T. However, her personal life is none of your concern. She’s married and obviously not living with her husband or having a relationship with him. You knew this letting her stay at your house. She’s allowed to date or see who she wants. She’s your child but not A child anymore. Treat her like an adult. I feel so sorry for her to be honest. She wasnt happy and your trying to make sure she stays that way.


Sounds to me like you have never respected her and therefore she does not respect you. Let her choices outside your house be, not your business and if you kick your child out for anyone else … I can see why she was having so many issues as a teen. Its you two.

I hope she finds a place soon.


Get her out!! My husbands daughter causes so much shit for him and i!! Its a horrible life to live!! We fight daily and im done with it. Shes 23 and acts like she rules the world. Im about to head out of this also.

If she were breaking your rules then I’d say yes but from what you are saying that isn’t the case. Like it or not she is an adult and she can date who ever she likes. It is your house and at the end of the day you can do whatever you like however I would caution that if you kick her out because of her dating someone you don’t approve of or because your husband doesn’t like her she will resent you. And don’t be surprised if she cuts off contact with you also meaning you won’t see or talk to your grandkids or her because of a man whether that’s her new man or your husband.


The way I look at things is my kids come first…NO MATTER WHAT OR WHO! Idc if ur husband has an issue he can go pound sand. That’s ur daughter… ur flesh and blood. She comes first


Who your daughter chooses to date and when she dates him really instead you or your husband’s business. If she follows the rules pays her rent and doesn’t bring the guy to your house. I think you could be over stepping you position as a parent.


As long as she’s following your house rules I don’t feel like you should be metaling in her business. She’s an adult who’s obviously struggling. Kicking her out will definitely damage the relationship between you and her. I understand you not wanting your husband upset with you but my children will never be homeless for my husband to be happy. Just not happening.


Sounds like all the problems started when she was a teen if she didn’t listen to you then why would she listen to you now

As long as she pulls her weight, follows the rules and doesnt flaunt her “other life” she’s fine.


Sounds like your husband isn’t a good Man either. No-one would come above my child at any age… speaking as a child who fucked up numerous times, I still do at 37, my folks are still there tho.

My parents didn’t like my fiance. We have been together 10yrs will be 11yrs January 6th and we have 3 amazing kids together. He has supported me with every decision and helped me with every surgery I’ve had to have. Now he is helping me with PTSD and other issues as well. I couldn’t have asked for a better man and father for our kids. My parents still talk bad and I don’t have anything to do with them unless its to talk to our kids. Which is coming to a halt because of some issues that have come up.
My best advice would be to look in the mirror and ask yourself is this how you would want your parents to treat you as an adult? If the answer is no then you need to figure out who is more important, your children or husband. Because to me it sounds like you are going to loose one or the other unless you put your foot down and refuse to upset both and compromise with them.


If she is adult enough to be married and have kids she is adult enough to get out. Don’t let your selfish grown kids interfere in your marriage. Maybe she can go live with her new boyfriend. :thinking:


It’s not your business who she is seeing. Mind your own marriage.


I would NEVER choose a man over my child. Sounds like she’s going thru some things, 23 is still very young. No one has their crap together in their 20s. Especially if her mother is choosing men over her own daughter. Just being real here. And what teenager listens? I had a lot of issues in my teen years and 20s, but I got my shit together. Now I own my own house and business. Try bonding with her then criticizing her.

Well first of all her life choices are none of your business second she is an adult and 3rd lay down rules and give her a time line of when she should be out. Geesh she may be 23 but, sounds like she needs help again.

She’s your daughter. Forever… as a child who grew up in many foster and group homes… and now a momma of two. My girls are my responsibility and my life until my last breath… and I will never, ever give up on them. She needs you now, not just when it’s convenient


Save the rent she is paying. Use it for rent and deposit for her to move out.


Imagine picking a man over your own child, she’s obviously going through something and needs her mom, doesn’t matter that she’s an adult, and if she is paying rent to live there she should be able to come and go as she pleases, she’s paying to live there.


Here’s what happens you kick her out when she needs you most and she will resent you. You’re making her pay rent whe you don’t even want her there. Solution ……Give her a deadline when she needs to be out by.


Ur asking Facebook what they think about u making ur 23 year old struggling daughter homeless? Because you and your husband don’t like who she is talking to? Wow… just wow.


2 children? You mean your grandkids? You want to kick out your own daughter and grandchildren not to upset your husband?


As long as she’s respecting you and your rules, Give her a timeline. I don’t agree with just throwing her out, mainly because she’s for your grandkids. His feelings are valid also if he’s supporting the household as I’m sure there’s more to the story. She should be focused on getting her shit together, her kids and not a new relationship. Do not let her use you both and your kindness but have her to realize your helping her and the kids but it’s not a long term thing. Is she already bringing this new guy around? Around the kids? Does she leave the kids with you and expect you watch them? Also, your house. Your rules. If she doesn’t like it, gives her more ammunition to want to get out. Yes as a parent my children will always have a home to come to if needed, but not to act a fool.

They’re still your kids after 18. :woman_shrugging:t4:


And shame on all you moms saying she should kick her out and pick her husband over her, and this is why children grow up not speaking to their parents have children of their own and do not bother with you because you were awful to them growing up, if me and the father of our children break up , I’ll be damn if another man tries and dictate what I do with my kids

Teenagers are expected to be rebellious, this is the experimental phase…it’s developmentally appropriate. Your daughters decisions (unless dangerous to the household, which it does not sound like they are) should have no barring on your relationship with your husband or with you. It sounds like your daughter needs unconditional love and a safe place to stay. Why did her marriage end? Provide support for this. You cannot control her and she will be less likely to confide in you and ask for advice if you attempt to instead of just providing a listening ear or love. Protect your children above everyone else. Why is your husband not understanding? Does he make all of the decisions? I would consider that more so a red flag for the husband than anything else. Can you help build up your daughter so that she can move out when she is ready? Help with your grandchildren, help her find a job, etc?!? If you want your children to be responsible and successful, sometimes they need support. I am sure you have also gone through hard times yourself. Nobody is perfect, so I don’t think you should expect this for your daughter, regardless of age. With the market the way it is, no one can afford to rent, it is awful. So, essentially, you would be potentially making her homeless. My belief as a parent is that, the moment you had children you chose to commit to helping or supporting or providing love whenever they need it. Parenting does not end at a certain age, IMO.


Sounds like you made your own new little family and she feels left out.


You’re gonna kick your own flesh and blood out over a little fling your daughter has?? That’s repulsive.


I’m willing to bet that there is a seriously strained family dynamic here… The whole not adhering to house rules thing I can understand, but that’s still trivial because she was a teenager then, and all teenagers are a bit sloppy in some way. Even then, I can’t imagine contemplating kicking my daughter(s) out because they decided to get into a relationship - an aspect of her life that you have no right to control, whether you like it, or not. And as much as you want to operate under the guise of caring about her, that is her lesson to learn, and you can’t say you care about her making healthy relationship choices when you’re literally putting your marriage before her need for guidance, love, and support. By doing so, you’re alienating her and it’s probably hurting her a great deal, and it doesn’t sound like your husband is sympathetic bc let’s be real here - there is no paternal attachment to her like with your other children, so ultimately, she comes last in his eyes. No matter what age your children are, they are STILL your responsibility. Whether they are 40 or 60. You don’t get to shirk off the responsibility just because you don’t want it to negatively impact your marriage. That’s selfish of you as a parent, especially since she needs help. You also can’t expect her to lead an adult life, with adult responsibilities, while simultaneously controlling her like a child, either. She pays rent, therefore she should be able to come and go as she pleases, but she should not be left homeless because you’ve chosen your husband over your child. Seems like you guys need to check yourselves more than she does.


Shes your daughter she went to you not someone else. Please help guide her. If you feel she’s making bad choices try to help guide her. Be there when she falls. But don’t make her choices for her. She needs to do that to learn and grow as a person. Kicking her out is also kicking out your grand babies :cry: Shes obviously not in a good place in her heart she’s trying to find and figure out life yet. We all take some wrong paths and make mistakes we all have exs that we can look back and say what was I even thinking. Your husband whether her father or not needs to be making a good effort to show her how a guy takes care of his family which she is apart of and how he treats you and what you care about putting that first. That will help guide her to the right person she decides to involve herself with. If she grows up feeling unwanted by you guys then she’ll have the tendency to fall for the guys like that fighting to be wanted for even when they’re not treating her good. You and your husband please be an example to show her love isn’t when your happy with the other person’s decisions or not. It’s unconditional. Teach her that as a women and as a mother. We all make decisions that may be the right one it may not. Your relationship with her and your grandchildren will depend on this in the future. I wouldn’t care for you as a grandma if you didn’t care for my mom. So be careful about your choices. You mention your husband not her dad so you’ve been where she has when a marriage or relationship didn’t work out. I’m sure you didn’t have yourself all put together in that time there’s hurt confusion loss of the thought and wantings you had for your future. I’m sure you never wanted life the way it went either at a time or how you had pictured it. So please put yourself in her shoes. Think about what’s running through her head and her heart. Maybe she just wants to feel wanted needed and loved and seeking it out to the wrong person because you and your husband are pushing her away. Please don’t give up on her and your grand babies they need you Be there for them. Without judgment. Help her back on her feet. Life isn’t easy. Don’t push her to what you want of her help guide her in her own path. :hugs:


You sound like a POS, disrespectfully😊


I’m glad your not my mom kids before men always


She is an adult, not a child. She needs to learn how to stand on her own 2 feet. She will not learn if she always comes back to Mommy when she has any problems. Talk to her and give her a week to straighten up or kick her out. There are places she can go to, they have rules there, such as the Rescue Mission. If you break the rules you are out. She has to start learning and be an adult. Playing with men as toys she is being a child.


My daughter and her little ones came and went a few times. She wasn’t sure of feelings or whatever. We helped with the grandkids as she sorted through her adult stuff. We need to be there in different ways now that they are adults. If i dont agree well shes an adult she needs to figure it out. But turn our backs is something we never do


She is an adult. She can do what she wants. Your husband sounds petty. She needs love and support. Whomever she is dating prob won’t last. Give her room to breathe. But talk to her. Maybe this other man is giving her some type of fulfillment or attention she had desperately needed in her marriage. Sometimes we need to make a mistake or two to learn. If she isn’t putting anyone in harms way, then let it go. And help her focus on healing and making a plan to get on her own two feet


Man im so glad i would never have to come and ask this kind of question because i would never kick my child out over something that stupid… seems to me that ur looking for a reason to kick her out because your husband doesnt want here there and if thats the case well then thats just sad


As a child of a neglectful mother, please pick your daughter. Seriously. Her consistency of choosing men over her children caused the biggest ripple and we no longer have a relationship. I’m getting married without her next month, we don’t even speak.
But if you’re willing to risk that…


My daughter(24 years old has made some of the same decisions, she is 24 living with her Grandma, with 2 young children still married). We, my husband and I are in the process of selling our home, waiting close so we can move cross country. Fact is my daughter is an adult and makes her own decisions and she will have to live with the ramifications of those decisions. What is most important is the health and safety of her children(they are only 3 and 4 years old). She will figure all this out in time. So for now, I advise and caution her on her decisions, but she is going to do what she does. If your daughter can’t live on her own, because she can’t afford it, what will happen to her babies, your grand babies? Both you and your husband need to not be concerned about who she is spending her time with, as long as she is doing the majority of the care for her children. My husband and I are Christians and we do not/have not agreed with the decisions of my daughter for the last few years :broken_heart:
From one struggling Mother of an adult to another hugs, you are free to message me if you like.

She is an adult who is paying rent. You can’t charge her rent like an adult, then treat her like a child. She’s basically a tenant. Depending theblaws where you are, you may even be required to legally evict her to “kick her out” and dating someone while married is not a good reason to do so. Not to mention that you are putting your husband before her. Which, sometimes is fine. If she’s actually toxic, but she’s not. She’s literally just living her life and at 23 her personal life isn’t something that’s you get to have a say in. Stay in your lane sweetie
Edited to add: I had a mom like u. She was controlling, and always chose her boyfriend over me. I was kicked out once for eating an extra serving of noodles he’d made. She always found a reason. When she died, we hadn’t spoken in months. Most her family didn’t show up to her funeral, and her ashes sit in a box in my garage because no other family would take her. Think carefully about how u act, and what kind of memories you are leaving behind.


Is the husband the real dad of her

She agreed to pay rent, agreed to your rules, I am only assuming those rules were cleaning, hours to come and go. You separated yourself from mother to landlord when you did this. Continue to approach it the same way. Who she sees and whether she is married or not is none of your business at this point as her landlord. Realistically, the moment you had her pay rent and gave her a roof you can’t just throw her out. If she is smart enough she will know that. It doesn’t matter if you like her lifestyle or not she could require you to serve her a legal eviction and turn around and/or seek legal action against you. As far as it causing turmoil in your marriage, she is your child, if it were me I would tell him if he doesn’t like it he can leave. No person should have to choose between their spouse or child adult or otherwise.


She’s an adult so she can do what ever she wants. She isn’t the only married women who is in a relationship with another man. You’re really considering kicking your daughter out along with her children? If you do that she won’t ever talk to you again and she won’t let you see your grandchildren any more.


Disrespectfully, your kids should always come before whoever you are in a relationship with, first off. Second off, you judging your adult daughter’s choices is pretty shitty, ngl. Even if you don’t agree with it. She’s got to learn from her choices :woman_shrugging:t2:

You’re job as a parent is to love and support her. Don’t judge her. You can let her know your feelings but also let her know you love her and want to help get through this hard time in her life.
You guys agreed to rent and certain house rules and if she’s following them there’s no reason to kick her out, it’ll probably do more damage then good. At least now she has a safe home to come to


Mind your own business. If she is doing what is right in your home , then it’s all good. Who she dates is not your business. And for gods sake, tell your husband to shut up. She is your daughter.

I mean… What she does in her marriage is her business period because she’s grown. It has nothing to do with you or your husband who she’s sees. That’s kinda shady of you to think of kicking her out when she’s down just because you don’t like her marital problems smh do what you gotta do I guess :person_tipping_hand:


At best, you can say she can’t have him at the house, but what she does outside of your joke isn’t anything you can control. She’s grown. If her not bowing to your and your husbands every command causes problems between the two of you, maybe y’all need to evaluate your control issues. She’s not a child. You can’t prevent every mistake. You have to let go and let her live her life and that includes making mistakes.


As long as she isn’t bringing the guy to your house and is paying the rent and following the rules that were already in place, I don’t see where it’s any of your business if she’s seeing someone already. She’s an adult. If she wants to date before the divorce is final that’s on her, not you. Why wouldn’t you want your daughter to be happy during a difficult time?


The fact that you had to ask this question makes me feel so bad for your daughter. Children always come first regardless of age.


I would give her a deadline to move out. She is grown, not conducting herself properly and not setting a good example for her children. I wouldn’t tolerate this in my home.


She is YOUR child 23 or not she is YOUR child. Before this husband before anything you are a mother. There would be no way in hell I would kick my child out because of a man period. Do better “mom”


She’s an adult and can date whoever she wants…. even while married. As long as she isn’t bringing him into your home, I would leave it be. And your husband being like that simply bc of how she was as a teen (hello, most teens are lazy and don’t want to follow rules at some point) is ridiculous. Good heavens. It sounds like he doesn’t even want her to be a part of your family. You can’t run her life anymore. She’s an adult. She can get divorced, get her life together, and still date. She isn’t an old maid. :woman_facepalming:t2:


She’s an adult but hurting. Are the two littles your kids or hers? You and hubby should consider their needs first. I think your daughter’s fling is irresponsible and she’s taking advantage of your support. He’s a distraction from her situation. Instead of arguing over the boyfriend, focus on her future. Have her make some goals for where she should be (on her feet?) by January for the new year. If she’s paying rent to you and working, it should only take 2-3 months of saving to get a new apartment. Keep focus on the endgame.

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At 23 an adult child needed some help is fine, however when that help starts to create stress and unhappiness in your own life, then it’s time to do you. You deserve happiness. Give her 30 days to vacate and stand on her own.


It’s a hard spot, and you love her and want to help of course. She is free to live her life whether good choices or bad, as she’s an adult , very young still; but your home is your rules, you and your husbands. I’m advice as a mom of 4 growns, is in my house, this isn’t going to happen, and you simply have to agree to that to stay here, without question, or make other arrangements by week end. You have to be respected in your own home, and there’s nothing wrong with that.


I mean, she’s an adult. Don’t choose ur husband over ur daughter. You might not like it. But it’s her choice. I’d just ask her to not come in the house late because of the kids in the house.


Shes an adult n clearly seperate from her husband. Leave her be.


If she doesn’t respect you enough to respect your marriage, then yes. I took a young lady in my home one time who was having problems with a step parent, I think they needed the distance for her to accept and respect. Different people have different perspectives though.

Unpopular opinion- but I would be helping her find somewhere else to go. :woman_shrugging:t2: Everyone shouting “children come first” but I was raised that when all the children are grown and immersed in their own lives, all you have is your spouse. This husband has clearly been around, it’s not like she married the guy last year. So, the husband and the children she still has at home come first 100%. Sometimes people have to learn the hard way (I did, even with the help my parents and grandparents always gave me- and it was a lot), and she’s plenty old enough to know how dumb she’s being. She’s also plenty old enough to have some respect for those around her, especially living in a house that isn’t hers.
Obviously don’t kick her out today, but make her look at other places and help her get into one. You don’t have to burn a bridge to fix the situation, but you don’t have to tolerate for months on end waiting for her and her husband to get their crap together.


You said she’s 23 and paying rent? If she’s paying rent as an adult you shouldn’t be treating her as a child. Pick one… Either no rent and rules or no rules and rent! Her dating life is also her choice, period and she is the one that has to learn from her mistakes, not you. What kind of parent throws their child out when they know they can’t afford to live in their own because it “could cause problems with your relationship”. SMH


So you want to kick out your daughter just because your husband doesnt want her there? Thats pretty messed up. I mean as long as she is paying what you agreed too. And picks up after herself. Then whats the problem? Im guessing she isnt wanting to be with her husband and getting a divorce takes time & money. So it might be awhile before that happens. So what she should just be alone until that happens? How is that fair. As long as they both know they are seeing other people then I dont understand why its your business to begin with :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


Somethings is wrong with you put the husband out lord have mercy on her


Lay down the rules of her staying. She’s a guest in your home no matter her age. I’d she follows them great but if not then you tried and she ruined it. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Your husband needs to suck it up and get over himself. Is your husband more important than your child? Don’t throw the relationship with her away, work on it. She may be an adult now however she was still a child the last time she lived with you. Also, they are separated it’s none of your business who she is getting down with as long as she isn’t bringing said man around your other children.

Sounds like you need to get YOU a new guy.


If she is paying rent than she is a tenant and has certain rights and some of them are you cannot just kick her out and another one is her privicy…she is an adult now and even though you don’t approve you shouldn’t interfere


Seriously choosing a man over your child? Very confusing and very conflicting. Not showing support is probably making her lash out. Siding with your husband every single time her whole life makes you sound like a narcissist


Your child should always come first.


Lead and guide. She is grown. Voice your concerns then let it go or you’ll only drive her to do it more, as long as she isnt using you as a babysitter, she has to learn her own lessons. You cant live her life for her.


From experience get her out now. We took in my 48 year old daughter because her husband passed away and she couldn’t take care of herself. Well long story short her and my husband her step father now live together.


Your husband sounds like a jerk, and who she sees is none of your business. Next.