Yes let her hun… my 12 year old daughter just got a undercut and she loves it and she ain’t bothered what people think… hair grows back xxx
Yes!!! And if she gets bullied & hopefully she will not, make her see that IF SHE likes it & IF SHE feels good in it then who gives a rats a$$ what others think!!! One thing I’ve ALWAYS taught my daughter is, there are always going to be people who talk about her or make fun about her throughout her life, ignore them, cause all they really are, are attention getters, all they want is attention, for people to talk about them, not worth the time or energy to worry about
Yes. It is good to start allowing her to make her own decisions, ones that are not forever choices (tattoo).
It is only hair and it will grow back so let her get it cut!
Let her do it! It’s just hair…. My nine year old is getting her hair cut at this very moment and I’m sitting back … she has picked a side shave, shortish in the back with a longer section in the front… I tell her do what you want but if you don’t like it… 1. Don’t blame me lol and 2. It’s just hair and hair grows!
She always picks her cuts
Its hair ! My daughter had a adorable Pixie cut at 12 or so , then a RAINBOW DYE & one time her hair turned green ! Let them express themselves , it’s hair , not drugs or drink . My daughter is almost 22 now and has beautiful natural hair .
I think by middle school choosing your own hair and clothing style is needed. The chance to find their style is an important part of growing up. I had multiple friends whose dad’s wouldn’t let them cut their long hair until high school, unfortunately that was just a small piece of their controlling parenting.
Hair grows. She will be ok. It’s her choice and that makes all the differ even.
Let her, it’s just hair. When I was in elementary school as a young girl I begged my mom for a pixie haircut because Twiggy was popular. So I got my hair cut. Great memories of the day, but would never do it again.
Yes, she is old enough to choose for herself. My mom allowed me to choose and after a mohawk and purple hair by 18 I was done experimenting with my hair. My son grew his hair long and at 18 he chose to cut it off. It’s just hair and its always growing.
My eleven year old granddaughter donated her hair when she got a shorter cut. She looks so cute with her new style and she helped someone else in the process.
My daughter both decided that they wanted short hair we allowed them to go short they loved it at the time they both now are growing their hair out again.
My youngest has had a pixie cut for years! Its their head and they are able to do what they want with it!
My son has beautiful curls. He is 9, I love them but he doesn’t. He gets his hair cut how he wants it. If he doesn’t like it well then his hair will grow back and he does it a different way or less shorter. They have to be able to make some decisions.
“Shes only 12”… yes she is 12! Let her make her own decisions when it comes to her hair. She will be happier for it. And most likely have less bulling too. Or at least be able to deal with it because it was her choice and not her parents. Hair can grow back if needed. For all you know thats her way of fitting in more than you know.
We should try to teach our kids to make decisions about their body/appearance based on how THEY feel about it, not about how others feel. Amd as totally frustrating and difficult as it might be, I think you should allow it, bullies or not, because if she is bullied, she should have a solid support system at home to hold her up and give her love through the difficulties
I decided to cut my hair off at that age and really loved it and kept it short for years! Plenty of girls and grown women have pixie cuts! Who says we have to have long hair? I also allowed my daughters to choose around that age, before actually. I’m odd maybe tho, I also let them decide in Jr High if they’d like to have crazy colors too. Haha.
It’s only hair it will grow back let her choose
My Mom gave me ‘hair Rights’ around this age. I was so tired of long hair. Let her change her hair. My Mom told me for years after that I could do anything I wanted to to my hair, 'at least it grows back"
It will give her a sense of freedom
My daughter is the same way but was determined to cut it really short and she loves it! I say yes and if she doesn’t like it then she’ll learn the hard way.
I absolutely refused to let my 12 year old get a pixie like some of the other girls. I felt she would feel insecure with such a big change at that age. She ultimately thanked me for it. Instead she grew her hair waist length to have the fun of really long hair in her life. However if your child is secure with big changes then maybe start with a bob and work towards a pixie.
They have to learn to make their own decisions, good or bad. When I was little I was made to get a Pixie hair cut. I hated it. I always wanted long hair I wasn’t allowed. When I got big, I let my hair grow. I am 68 and still have long hair
Or you could start with a bob and see how she feels and go shorter from there if its still something she wants. If she doesn’t like it, growing it out again won’t feel like such a long time.
Hair grows back. She’s trying to figure out who she is and what she likes. If she’s bullied, she’s bullied. Kids will always find something to bully if they want to. Teach your daughter to overcome it rather being afraid to be herself.
I love having a pixie. My hair is so thick it’s not very manageable long. Having short hair helps me to feel more put together. I say allow her to have the hair she wants.
Let her try it. She’s old enough to understand that if creates problems she will be the one to deal with it.
I’d say yes. My niece is 6 and she wanted to shave one side of her head so her parents did and she loved it. Granted she’s always had an “idgaf” attitude
My daughter, age 9ish, wanted a pixie cut, and the stylist did a great job, but it was longer than my daughter wanted. I asked if she could make it a little shorter, she cut straight across her forehead, said “there. Done” and RUINED it. Everyone mistook my daughter for a boy, due to the bluntness of the cut, and she has refused to cut anything beyond a trim in the years since.
The kid is 12. Why isn’t she already choosing what she wants to look like. Time to cut the cord.
I say let her. She’s 12. It’ll grow back. If she hates it then she’ll know next time that she doesn’t like that kind of hair cut she may love it and look cute.
Absolutely let her express herself. If she dislikes it hair grows back….
I say no. That haircut is for older women.
Absolutely yes! Hair grows back. She will only be 12 once, but she can grow her long, cut it short, grow it long again, for the rest of her life. Just remember she will only be 12 for a year!
She’s at the age where she should be taking care of her hair, she should be allowed to decide on her cut. And it’s hair, it does grow back
I let my daughter decide to cut her hair about that age. I cried like a baby when she did it. Now my granddaughter has long hair and I love it that she wants to keep it long!
Take her to a proper place that won’t give her a crap cut. Make her feel special, and show her that you trust her choices. Kids pick on kids for all kinds of reasons, and you can’t protect them from everything. What you can do is encourage them to make choices that make themselves happy and support them.
Let her cut it, it grows back, same as clothes as long as they appropriate for her age let her chose what she likes within in your guideline if line of limits, mom she is growing up.
I’ve had exact same
With my daughter with this style at same age… in the end I relented and she loved it … then after went shorter which was her main aim anyway. She’s 13 in couple weeks.
Btw it really suited her x
Let her have her hair the way she likes it and tell her to tell the bullies she loves her hair and she doesn’t care what they think. She wasn’t put on Earth to please them.
Absolutely let her choose! My granddaughter had long beautiful hair but decided she wanted it cut shoulder length it turned out so cute and she loved it and made her feel good she could make a decision about herself and shes about ready to do it again for school oh by the way shes 8yrs old!
Yes let her. My grandaughter is 13 and she went from long to short and it made her happy. Kids are terrible at school but I think a child at 12 should be allowed to choose her hair cut.
(1) It’s hair. It will grow back if she doesn’t like it. (2) Pick and choose your battles, Mom. There will be bigger battles, ones that actually matter, another day. (3) If you don’t give her a little control over her own identity now, you’re looking for a rebellious teen later on. (4) The best way to fight bullying… is to instill her with confidence about her own decisions… and by addressing it immediately with the school if and when it happens.
Hair grows back. I get pixy cuts all the time. When I was 12 my mom still let me pick my cuts. I am 50 now. Let her do it.
We all get different cuts as children. Let her. Just remind her it was her decision. You may love it, she may love it. Iv not, it grows back
If she wants to cut it, let her cut it. If she doesn’t like it or gets bullied tell her simply that it’s just hair. It doesn’t define her as a person or show people that she’s rich or poor and even better… it grows back if bullies want to bully someone , there’s nothing that’s going to stop them bullying that particular person unfortunately. But who knows the bully might just be jealous
What does the cut look like? If it’s too bad just remember its not permanent it will grow out and she will become just a little bit wiser for it.
Your daughter is old enough to know what kind of hair cut she would like to have. And it’s only hair if she doesn’t like it afterwards it will grow back and she can find another hairstyle to try!
Yes let her chose! Hair grows back so no stress. There are bigger issues I life!!!
First stop letting her be a brat and take her ill feelings out on her parents. She should come to you for support not dumping her anger on you. Her hair texture may not hold a Pixy cut, so have the stylist go over styles that will work with her hair type. Good luck with the new school year.
Let her.
If she doesn’t like it, it will grow back.
I have 3 boys and I let them choose their hair styles. They have figured out what they like and what they don’t.
Yes. Let her. She is young and hair grows back!!
It is hair it will grow back if she hates it
Please let her make this decision. My mom always supported me, she would guide me but always let me choose and never said I told you so if it turned out badly. made me a more confident person
She’s 12 and she may feel like she needs to control something In her life. Hair (no matter what) will grow back. Take her to a wig shop wig and let her try one on then she can see what she’ll look like. If she thinks that’s ok, chop away! Reminder her once it cut, it will take a long time to re-grow what’s been cut!
It’s only hair! I have a great kid I let her do what she wants with her hair. If some crazy hairstyle is the way she rebels then I consider myself lucky!
If she has long hair now maybe talk to her about starting with a bob to see if she likes shorter hair… if she likes having that then let her try a pixie cut.
My daughter is 11 and wants to shave it all off!!! She starts secondary this Yr… I’ve told her that’s fine but when she is settled and has made her friends to save any bullying when she goes…she wants to do it for charity, which is an amazing gesture and I am all for it…but hoping by waiting, there will be more understanding…I don’t see how the children will bully for a pixie cut…its really in at the moment and a child has to find their own identity and making those decisions is part of growing up
Holy crap! I can’t believe they have the pixie haircut around anymore! I’m 61 abd I remember getting it! I hated it! it was because of the model Twiggy from the 60’s!
My mom wouldn’t allow me to get a haircut growing up, only a trim because SHE liked long hair. On my 18th birthday I went out & got a pixie cut. She made such a big deal out of it & refused to look at me unless I wore a scarf over my hair & I’ve never forgot it. I wasn’t allowed to be myself. Here’s the thing… those are the years we spend experimenting with our looks & discovering who we are. Don’t deny her the opportunity to be herself because one day she might resent you for it. It’s just hair.
My daughter wanted to shave half her head at 13 i told her no . One year later she asked again. I warned her that once its done its done… I also told her she has to be confident because people may be rude.
Yes i let her do it and she loved it! Which was great . However when she wanted to start growing it back in she hated it and always wore hats… the school didnt let her… and this caused huge problems…
Overall she had to learn a life lesson that her decision is her decision and that she has to take accountability for all of it.
Years later when she looks back we use it as a analogy for other things she wanted like piercings… and how you never know what its gonna be like till its too late.
My daughter buzzed her hair short. Twice. Mines 16 but she’s had her hair short for awhile. It’s hair. It’ll grow back. She’s also had some crazy colors too over the years.
Yes you can’t protect her from the obvious all you can do is consult her and if you are aware of how she deals with her emotions allow her room to express herself because in time she will grow. Start teaching her self love and why it’s important to be aware of self projection and why being confident in yourself is your own right and what others think of you is what they think of themselves. To kill them with kindness and to sit in front of class because that’s how we get shit done❤️
Find a happy medium that you are comfortable with. I grew up without a mom and went through some extremely embarrassing moments because i didn’t have someone that cared enough to say no or at least guide me.
Let her choose. You will be there for her if she decides it was the wrong thing to do for her. It’s her hair. Hair grows. Let her spread her wings a bit while it is still safe for her.
I would say yes within reason. My daughter is 21 and I wanted.her to fit in so I wouldn’t let her do anything extreme. But I know now it really didn’t matter. My daughter is very artistic and so different then me my husband and my older kids. And she tells me now how she felt.
Have her try on a wig and see if she likes it. Easy and then she will know if she really likes the look.
We were the exact opposite growing up. Mom insisted on pixie cuts. I was happy when I could grow it out lol.
Cut it ! Or she’ll do it herself at some point my daughter has very thick textured hair she wanted an undercut “ faux-hawk” and it looks cute
Sure, it’s only hair. I would make one stipulation, however, whatever other people think of it, she is NOT to take it out on you or your husband or she will NOT be able to make a haircut choice in the future.
My 12 year old granddaughter just got a pixie haircut and it looks adorable they are actually very much the style right now days to be very popular back in the 70s remember Twiggy
This is a 12 year old child. And the same child that is your duty to protect and keep safe from the public. You’re supposed to monitor her and make sure she stays out of harm’s Way in the same time teaching her. I said that it’s okay to say no. After all she is a child.
It’s only hair. I surrendered that one a long time ago. All of my girls have short hair and my son has long on top with an undercut. It always grows back!
YES! Hair is such an easy battle to let them ‘win’! It grows out, you can get a color correction, you can get it trimmed. Let go of the hair control, it’s one of the easy ones
So let me get this straight… you won’t let her cut her OWN hair because you’re afraid she will treat you bad because she gets bullied in school? I think you have your priorities wrong here. It’s her hair and it grows back let her have the hair she wants. The trouble now a days is we hold back from being our true selves because of fear of what other people think. You should be teaching her to stand up for herself against people who treat her bad verses not letting her be herself to fit in. This will create more harm then good. Please also seek a therapist for her because if she is acting out for being bullied maybe let someone professional help her work through her emotions in a better way than lashing out.
Yes, 12 is a big transformation stage especially for girls,not a lil girl but not a teenager yet, it’s a thing she’s going thru…it will grow back, she’s not asking to tattoo her face,neck body it’s a haircut that IS GOING TO BE A CHANGE IN HELPING HER MENTALLY
This is what my mom told me when I was in your exact situation: have ur daughter write a letter promising certain details (bullying, caring what people think, etc) then let her get her hair cut. The other thing my mom did was take a recent picture of my daughter then cut the hair in the picture to resemble the pixie cut. My daughter changed her mind / then cut her hair when she was out of school. Good luck.
She’s old enough. Let her pick her own style. It will grow.
For me it would depend on the length she has right now. If she has beautiful long hair maybe not. If I did let her cut it, it would be shoulder length only
My 10 year old just got her hair cut above her ears and it was to her waist. I let my kids do whatever they want with their hair. It makes them feel good about themselves.
Heck no when she get on her own she can do as she please not until, unless she is already in charge at that house now.
It’s hair. Let her do what she wants. It grows back if she doesn’t like it.
Yes it’s is her hair and realistically it’s only hair it will grow back… …
I let my 13 year old shave her head bc they had been begging for it… It was already short … until they were 10 they had waist long repunzel hair (yes I cried when it went to shoulder length)… but in the end it isn’t my hair and my child is not my property. They are a separate entity from me with their own body autonomy and can make their own choices regarding hair.
It’s her choice let her do it. Also you’re her safe place so she should take it out on you but that will pass!
I always kept my oldest daughters hair in a Pixie cut. She was very tenderheaded and didn’t want her hair combed.
Coming from experience… when I was growing up I wasn’t aloud to choose my hair length. I wanted short & my parents wanted long… I hated it so much! My self esteem went down even further because I couldn’t just choose MY STYLE , MY FASHION… Finally on my senior trip to Canada I got all my hair cut off into a pixie cut & I’ve never looked back! It’s been 30 yrs! I have 3 children now 26, 25 & 23… I’ve always allowed them to have say in their hair until age 11 & then @ 12 they had full say! They tell me they loved that I did that because it made them feel good about themselves & that I trusted them to make that decision for themselves…
My daughter was about 6 - way back when - wanted the Dorothy Hamill cut. Mind you, my daughter had beautiful long hair - down to her waist
She wanted to cut it off -
I cried, she smiled.
It was easier to care for -
She wears it long now, soon to be 50. I don’t remember her last short cut - it’s been years
Its only hair…it will grow back…I let my 14 year old son dye his hair blue…today he is a fine parent with a more traditional haircut
From a hairstylist. I let my kids pick how, what color (temporary) their hair should be knowing , it’s grows back and it’s not permanent. With them asking you and you being understanding about such things, it’s going to open up a line of communication and understanding. It’s a thing that all kids go through. And they will be less likely to sneak and do things without your permission.
She is 12 old enough to know what she wants. Hair grows quickly if she doesn’t like it.
Yes, I always wanted long hair but because my dad had to take care of my hair it was cut short(my mom died when I was 2). when I was 11 my stepmom said let her grow it she can take care of it knowing it was the style, but not the best look for me. I eventually got tired of taking care of it and now wear it pixie all the time.
I think it’s so important to have creative freedom with your life and body at all ages. Everything, literally everything, every step, every word, every feeling, every day, every choice, is an opportunity to learn & grow. Let’s say she gets this haircut and she hates it. It’s just hair. It’ll grow back. She could shave it, get a wig,.so many possibilities. Let’s say she gets the haircut and she gets bullied, you’ll comfort her and be there for her and it’ll be a learning lesson (and ammunition for the next time she bugs you to cut her hair lol) but what she won’t do is lash out at you for a decision SHE made. My dad used to write up “contracts” with me for stuff like this. I wanted a tattoo so badly when I was 16 and he didn’t love the idea for obvious reasons so he wrote up a contract saying things like, ya know, if I hate the tattoo or it gets infected or whatever that basically it’s on me. I made that choice despite my parents objection and they wash their hands of the situation cause they know it’s gonna end badly lol. Honestly, this tactic really made me rethink alot of decisions when I was a teenager.
She is 12. It is her hair. Hair grows back… there are much worse ways to express yourself than hair (drugs / alcohol/ boys/ etc.). So, yeah, let her get it cut and assert her independence that way.
I wish my daughter would cut her hair. It’s a tangled mess.
Yes. It is only hair. Let her have control over the easy stuff. There are bigger battles to be fought. Do NOT say “I told you so “ it is not such a good decision.
She should be able to make her own decisions. All that matters is she like it. She had to learn how to handle those bully situations when that situation arises. Just remember hair does grow back. Let her get do what she wants with her hair.
Yes by 12 years old a child should definitely be picking out their own hair styles. You may have 1 or 2 basic rules. Remember you are raising them to be responsible adults. Therefore they must learn to make decisions and own them. You as a parent should not teach your child to cower to bullies. Instead teach them to be proud of who they are, hold their head high, be themselves and just not have time for bullies!
Hair grows . At 12 she needs to start making small decisions .
It’s her hair. That’s something that won’t have permanent consequences like a tattoo. Her hair will grow back & pretty fast at 12. If you can afford it & she wants, let her do some color too. My next door neighbor controls everything about her 13 year old niece who she is raising after her brother (the girls dad died) & the child cries to me constantly. The woman is in he mid 60s, a spinster & an absolute control freak. Hair grows back.
Its only hair, it will grow back. Just tell her if she doesn’t like it, you are not listening to her complain.
Hair grows back. Let her have the cut she wants!