Should I let my daughters fiance take our last name?

At the end of the day It’s not your choice

I wonder what her last name is?


:rofl: literally nothing to do with you.

You married into this name, no? Its not yours to decide


It’s not your choice

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Why are you thinking about their divorce before they are even married???


Get over it. If they get divorced he can change his name to his mothers name or something. It’s really not that hard. You’re making a big deal out of nothing.


My ex husband took my last name and I have tk admit it was weird.

:joy::joy: you sound like a blast of a mil. You don’t get the choice. He does. And his wife. And I’m sure you aren’t the last ones.


Let them do what they want.


I think it’s a great idea!

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Not your decision. Support whatever they want. Is it your birth last name? What difference does it make.


Imagine this being your biggest issue :roll_eyes:


should YOU let him take on your name…
that’s your daughters decision as it is her fiancé and her name too!


Petty Betty get over yourself it wasnt your name to begin with it’s more your daughters name than yours …It aint like you the queen of anything.


I was adopted by my dad, I have his name, my son has his name, neither of us are “blood” and my son is the last of his name, unless there is a male heir, but if I married a man that wanted to take his name, my pops wouldn’t have batted an eye

Wow guys settle down she’s allowed to feel how she does.
I think it’s lovely he wants to make that change, he must feel very comfortable and loved by your family to even consider changing his name to yours.
All the best with whatever decision is made


Sorry to be a bum but it’s just a name! A name doesn’t define a person or a house hold!

I’m pretty sure your surname is common around the world, it might just be where you stay your surname is not common but it doesn’t means it doesn’t exist elsewhere!

The sad part is you already thinking negatively about the marriage of you thinking of divorce!

Just be grateful your daughter spoke to you about it and they didn’t just go ahead and do it without your knowledge.


I mean realistically it isn’t up to you, whether they got married or not, anyone could decide to change their last name to yours. People can change their name to literally anything they want. It’s as simple as filing a petition for name change and paying the court fee. But with that being said you should be honored he wants to take your name. You’re worried about you guys being the only ones with the name, if your daughter changed hers it would be one less to have it and their kids. Also him taking it makes the name live on moreso


You’re divorcing them before they even are married.
See the honor in it! Celebrate the fact that he’d rather share your last name than his biological father’s.


Im sorry its just a name…how could you already be thinking about them getting a divorce? Your already doubting their relationship n they haven’t gotten married yet. If ur so worried about the divorce…you could pay for it urself for him to change his last name back. That’s my opinion.


Wow. You should feel very loved and honored that this man wants to take your last name; and I feel like you really shouldn’t get a damn say in it.
Its not your marriage its theirs, and I cant believe you’re already thinking about divorce.
Its just a name. This man felt connected and accepted by your family- evidently not. :-1:

I believe you can change your name on a marriage certificate legally. My father did that when he married my mother. He took his step fathers name that way. Have him look into that to take his mothers last name.

I think this is Awesome

If this is your biggest issue I would love to live your life


I don’t see and issue and you should see it as an honor and a way to carry on the last name

I don’t see an issue with it. Personally I feel like you’re thinking a little to negatively. If they have a good relationship then I’d say go for it.
Also, idk what state/country your in but where I got my marriage license my husband and I both had the option to change out last names if we decided we wanted something completely different from our family names. So if they wanted they could easily change both their names to his mothers if that’s an option in your area.

My son in law took our family name. It was such an honor and it meant alot to the whole family


My husband took our family name, we actually double barrelled our surname, it meant a lot to the family too. In my opinion it’s a honour your future in law wants to take your surname!

My step father in law took my father law last name when he married my mother in law.
It a lovely way to keep your family name going.

My husband and I both hyphenated because he didn’t really have strong ties to his family. Hyphenated names are kind of a pain. Imo.
If we did it over, I might just let him take my name. Our kids would have liked to have my last name too since they are so close to my family.

You wouldn’t of had an issue about divorce or the fact your last name is already “uncommon” if it was was your daughter changing her last name, so why have an issue with him doing it.


Thats an amazing honor he wants to take tour family name

My cousin and her husband did this. He took her last name.

You sound real entitled, if I was the lad I wouldn’t be changing my name to yours marrying your daughter or not.
I’d make my own fathers name something to proud of!


Its not really your decision or choice. You should probably back off. I’d hate to have a mom like you honestly.


Wtf it isnt your call…like over bearing much.


I don’t think your opinion should matter in this situation.


“let” you sound like a mil from hell. back off woman it’s not your call.


Even if he had any other children they would still be half siblings so why does it matter??


Wth you mean should you let? Oh please. Those kids will be divorced before you know it with a mom like this. I can’t stand someone like this! :joy:


Ummmm…this is weird. Who cares? Its a last name. Its a decision for the 2 of them to make. Has nothing to do with you


Why not? I don’t understand…


Hes going to be a part of the family is he not?


Is your last name, your husbands? If so shouldn’t he decide? And just cause he takes y’all’s last name, and gets a divorce, he would normally go back to his old, or switch to his moms(I was gonna switch to my moms instead of my maidens name, when I almost got divorced) so why would any other kids he have, have y’all’s last name… I’m confused🤔


Not really your decision. But when I got divorced, I just took my maiden name back.
My sisters husband took her last name because he had no ties to his own family.

I understand you said she asked how you’d feel. You should have just simply said you’ll support whatever they decide. You worrying about him keeping your last name if they get divorced just makes you sound uptight and overbearing


This is gross and rude. Your opinion and feelings shouldnt matter.


Honestly, a person can change their name to whatever they choose. You don’t own it and you have no claim to it.


This is the dumbest post I’ve ever seen. It’s not up to you AT ALL


People have serious problems where their daughters marry abusers or drug addicts… And here you worried about your name… Priorities are off


You’ll get over it. Quit trying to shove yourself into their marriage.


Everyone is being very rude on this post she just asked for an option so do like you parents taught you if you can’t say anything nice then don’t


What’s your last name?! :thinking::rofl:


So every woman in the world would need her FIL or MILs permission before they can change their name to their husbands? Lol it’s the daughters name too she should decide.


Crazy how thinking of a split before your daughters even married :see_no_evil: he wants commitment, you like him as stated so therefore should be happy for your daughter


I don’t see a problem with it… but also, if he was close with his mother who passed, maybe him changing to her last name would be a good symbolic way to keep her family name going. I don’t see how it really matters either way though if he takes his fiancé’s last name instead. Us women change ours when we marry, and then we keep it if divorced too, unless we pay to legally change it again. A name anymore is just a name.

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Let? Yikes. If my mother thought that was her decision, she wouldn’t be part of that decision at all. That’s ridiculous. It’s a name, get over yourself.


Seriously? First World problems :roll_eyes: they don’t stand a chance if you get funny about a minor detail such as this.


I will also add I wouldn’t of even asked my mum if it was my name too lol she wouldn’t mind though :woman_shrugging:


Maybe some sort of prenup regarding the name(s).

I hope you LIKE him since he is going to be in your family shhhh

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Combine your last name and his and they can start their own family line

Her last name of Boots
His last name of Taylor

Becomes Bootstaylor

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You should feel proud and welcome him with open arms. Why are you even thinking about divorce before they are even married??? Negative Nelly. Wow… Leave them be… They are adults and you should be happy they value your opinion. Be more supportive “Mom” .PERIOD.


You should feel honoured he wants your last name it means he feels part of something, something he has probably yearned for his whole life. I wonder how he’d feel knowing you feel like this?


In all honesty you should be the mother that encourages your daughter to decide as it is her last name as well and this is HER marriage. Let them as a couple make this decision together. Any lessons that come from their decision is for them to work through and learn from. At the end of the day not swaying her either way will build her self confidence, and her ability to make life decisions


What a way to welcome him to the family… :see_no_evil:

Just remember, he doesn’t need to marry your daughter to take your name, and anyone in the world can choose to change their name to yours :joy:


Should you allow it? Excuse me? Its not your decision to make.


Let him do what he wants.

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How sad for your daughter that you’re talking about her divorce and she isn’t even married yet. How sad for your grandchildren that you’re implying a negative to their possible half-siblings having the same last name.


None your business …He can change his name even if he not marrying her … Anyone can change their name … You dnt have rights to it … Sorry this may sound harsh but its reality … Mind your business


Not up to you at all not your relationship not your choice its their choice as a couple to do that their selves dont be that person who comes off as (excuse my language) a cold bitch and you daughter ends up stop talking to you be cause its her life and your being hateful be the encouraging loving mother you daughter wants


Uh…that’s not even your choice or well it shouldn’t be lol does it make them happy? Yes? Okay end of story.

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For 1. I doubt that out of all of America you are the only one with that surname. 2. You don’t solely own that name to yourself and who is it hurting if he changes it to that? How does it ever impact you? He is part of the family and if you are so concerned about a name I feel for that man because nothing will ever be good enough for you.
When they have kids will you be happy for the children to take “his mother’s last name”? Or will you whinge about that too?


I have to know what this last name is and how she knows they are the VERY last ones that have it lmao She sounds a bit crazy



For one, you should be honored he would want the last name and be more welcoming. And, it’s not your decision to make. Shame on you.


It seems the mother/parent in the situation is more childish than her own child and her soon-to-be SIL


Should you allow? Are you living in the 1800s?? Lol


This is going to be hypothetical. I dont know if you have other kids or if there’s any males left in your family you carry on the name but say your daughter is the last generation with your name. She gets married and takes his last name and they have kids with his last name and then get older and and all of the other generations pass and then your daughter passes. Guess what, she’s the last one woth your last name. Now no one from your family will have that name so the family name dies as well. Then y’all will just be forgotten. Is it really going to affect you that much? Do you not want your grandkids sharing your name? Was it even yours to begin with? If its you husbands I hope he asked his parents if you could have it first.

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If the genders were switched and this was your son’s fiance wanting to take the same last name would you have an issue?


Have it notarized that he is to change his last name in the event of a divorce.

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Isn’t that your daughter’s decision, not yours?


This post is so stupid!!! :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::rofl: that’s between them what last name be wants :woman_shrugging:t2: stay out of it… :roll_eyes: if you were my future mother in law I’d tell you off and tell you mind your damn business lady


That is your worry. Really?? Are you kidding me. Stop it


If they was to get divorced tho he would have his old surname back surely? Is that how it works??

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Wow, what a way to make him part of your family, that’s really just petty of you…


I highly doubt you’re the only ones with the name in the USA.


you’re a woman child & you’re worried about the wrong damn thing.


I feel he wants her last name because she is the ONLY person he has ever felt welcomed by. This is honestly just sad that everyone in his life besides your daughter shuts out HIS feelings.

My grandfather took on my grandmothers last name when they got married . It had no knock on effects

Ummmm, not sure what you mean by “let him” take your name. If he wants to, he can and will. You sound a bit much and are going to be one hell of a MIL I’m sure :sweat_smile:


My cousins husband changed his last name. Who cares? Let that man take her last name. Yall aint special because you THINK youre the only ones left with that name. And why would the what if they get divorced even be a thought? That mans grown. You dont let him do anything. Hes free to choose what he wants.


‘Should I let’ seriously!! Who cares, it should only be the couples decision.


Sounds like he takes pride in your family and your daughters last name means more to him then his own family name. Yet you’re being a Karen, and trying to have some kind of control.


It has nothing to do with you. Get over yourself and your “super rare we are the only ones left with it” name. It’s a name and you literally get no opinion on it anyway. It is between your daughter and her fiance.


Was this a Karen? I feel like this was submitted by a Karen…


I mean, there is the option that they both change their last name to something different

Im not surprised you are the last ones in the USA with it if you won’t let anyone else have it​:joy::joy::joy::joy:


Wow you suck, let them take the last name… It’s an honor one you’re not worthy of… Fucking strive to be a better inlaw.


I don’t really feel like it should be a choice for the mother. It’s the daughter and fiancé’s choice. “Letting him” take their last name sounds extremely selfish


Fortunately you don’t get a say lol

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