Should I message the woman my husband has been talking to?

Message her and invite her over and wait till your husband comes home


Tell her he’s lying and get yourself a good lawyrr

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Heck no honey. You leave her out of it. You take this to your husband when you hand him the walking papers. He’s already made his decision. Now support him! Help him on his way out. So you can repair yourself with dignity!
Good luck and hold your head up!


You can’t be mad at her. True indeed she’s wrong as well but if he’s telling her bs like that and living a whole different story with you. He’s the problem sis. Anywho, I would keep the evidence and take it to court for proof of infidelity and get that alimony. Now if you gonna confront and not have a plan to do anything about it let that man cheat in peace if you just gonna stay


Telling her to back off doesn’t mean that he won’t cheat anymore. I would still message her, though and begin an investigation to come back to him with in case he tries to deny it.


That’s crazy. Lol just divorce him. What. He needs to back off. He is your problem

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Challenging them to “back off “ empowers” them!! Get a lawyer after you get your 1/2 of everything! Cover your 6


Then he can tell her you’re just crazy that’s why he divorcing you Lol

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Why would you want to keep someone that would lie about your relationship around at all??


I’d very much divorce


Shouldn’t your cheating husband be the one to back off from her? That lady owes you nothing. Maybe you should be having the talk with your sneaky husband, and give him the divorce he obviously wants.


Definitely message her!! Ain’t no way I would let my man get by with that

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You should hand him his walking papers and tell her good luck .


Let her have him - he’s already made a choice
Message 5 words to her and blocked
“He’s all yours :joy: good luck :+1:t3::four_leaf_clover:
If he did it to you he’ll do it to her let them have each other


Message him and tell him he’s way divorced.


No :laughing: you’re the one who’s sticking around!

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Don’t settle for a cheater. For heaven sake, don’t fratinize with a home wrecker. Sewing him up in the sheets and taking a sock with a bar of soap in it, still won’t help him have good vision…pack him up…AMSCRAY!

Damn straight I would!

I’d tell her simply we aren’t divorcing but that we might after finding this convo and block her.


I wouldn’t message her and tell her to back off. She isn’t the problem. Your husband is. The only reason that she is in the picture is because he brought her into it. If you feel the need to message her about anything, do it about the fact that he’s a liar. She has nothing to do with him going to her and lying that he’s going through a divorce. Maybe he told her that y’all have been separated for a while and are currently going through a divorce. He lied to her. If I were you, I would message her and the message would go like this -

Hi, I’m sure you know who I am, I’m (insert husbands name) wife. I know he has been talking to you, and I know he told you that we are going through a divorce, but we’re actually not. He is actually still telling me he loves me, still sleeping in bed beside me and still making plans for our future. So to clarify, when he told you he was going through a divorce, he wasn’t… but he is now. You can have the liar and the cheater.

Then, I’d go file me some divorce papers, requesting the house, the car, full custody, alimony and child support.


Absolutely not! I would much rather knock on her door IN PERSON!!!

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I would message my husband that I’d appreciate the heads up, I have these texts Saved Screenshot, we can do this the easy way, then make unreasonable demands , this situation , calls for it

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Tell him to find all of the rocks he can possibly find, and kick them


What about him? He gets his hand spank and keep talking to her? He is the problem. Deal with him.


He’s telling her he’s going through a divorce so I think u should text her and tell her she can have his triflin ass

The person you should address is your husband. He made a commitment to you & the children you share. Also if he is saying he is divorced then the relationship may not he worth saving.


If he’s telling her you’re divorcing , that’s on him. Your issue is with him. Not her


No! Just move on! You deserve better

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I think it would be better to tell your Home wrecker husband to respect you and not cheat. He’s trash and your stupid for trying to confront the one who owes you absolutely no loyalty.

Lol he’s telling her that he’s divorcing you, but you want to tell HER to back away? This is 100% a problem with your husband. I mean, she should be smart enough to see through the whole “I’m married but we’re getting a divorce.” line that all married cheating men use, but that’s not the point. :neutral_face:


Nnaaaah! Combine forces. Kick him out.

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There is no reason to be nice to him or her!


He will never stop, more then likely has been doing it all along.


Id tell your husband to fuck off honestly

You can’t be this dumb irl…


Well if it were me we WOULD be getting a divorce :joy:


No way. She can have him

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No, I’d tell your husband to move out an file for divorce

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I’d file for divorce papers and message her to let her know he’s all hers…come get him!


Obviously he isn’t. She’s not the married one. Direct it to him.

I’d message her go on a date with her & send him pictures of yall together. :rofl::woman_shrugging:t3:
Tell him he’ll have divorce papers wrote up on Monday.


is he really worth it once a liar always a liar

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i wouldnt be nice about it


No I wouldn’t bother everyone learns just like you did and she will. Clean the toilet with his toothbrush and pack his bags


I would message her. And let him know what a piece of shit he is. And then I would leave him. He wants 2 women… I’d leave him with none.

Let her have him! He’s not a real man!


only if you send it to both of them!

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Why do females always go after the female their husband is cheating with. Sure, she knows of you & your kids. She thinks you are getting a divorce. Who knows what else he told her??? He is the problem. He is a lying cheat. Is he even worth it??? I think I would file for divorce without telling him. When you get the paperwork hand it to him & tell him now he won’t have to lie to whatever her name is


Nah! I was in your shoes several years ago. Silence speaks volumes. Let them wonder what your up too. It’s not worth it! Knowing your worth means more. Find YOU and realize there are better things waiting for you. He will do the same to her! Don’t waste your time or energy on them, use it for YOU!

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Ummm no, you have to deal with your husband not the other woman. Your husband is the problem.


If you do, then it might not be her this time. But, the next will be the one. :woman_facepalming:t3:

If you message her , just let it be to tell her he’s her problem now. Tell her you all weren’t going through a divorce , but now you will be… ask if she’d like his stuff sent to her house.


No. You divorce him and tell her

I’d be filing for them divorce papers asap. And beat him at his own game he’s a cheater. :100:

I would message her and let her know that he was full married with children but he is clearly available now and you wish them both the best….I would not tell anyone to every back of my husband because he had the audacity to take it that far that he is not the one for me…let her have him and move on…as much as it hurts your better off alone…


Go forward with the divorce :woman_shrugging:

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No. I would tell my soon to be xhusband to back off.


no. i wound just divorce him


I would prepare to divorce him, I would warn her that he was lying about everything and he’s a cheater… what she does with that is complete up to her.


you might tell him that divorce can be arranged!!!


No point. Deal with your husband she’s the one doing wrong.

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I would file for divorce, find out where she lives and send all of his stuff to her house

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Hell ya. You need the evidence.

Save those. Document everything quietly. Save them in an email. You absolutely can confront her, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s happened.
You can stay and try counseling and therapy. Don’t forget you deserve better than that. You exist, you matter, what’s happening is out of your control and deserve so so much better. And if after everything he doesn’t show you, you’ll know what to do.

I’ve confronted someone before…was a waste of time and breath. Felt good to let the other person know, did it matter at the end of the day? No. Not for me. It didn’t change anything.

Document everything.


I’d message her and tell her to come get him and all his shit

Why bother? You aren’t going to shame her into stopping. She probably already knows. She’s not the issue your husband is- he’s the one who needs to end it. She’s not talking to herself. He needs to .


I’d message her to tell her to come pick him and his crap up and that she can have his a** but that’s just me.


No, you should probably get a divorce though :joy:


Just be done no need for all the other bs

I’d be telling her as a warning and telling the husband to back off. As in gtfo. Trash.

She doesn’t care honey…the damage is done…:confused:

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Send her your address and let her know your ex husbands things are waiting to be picked up


U can she won’t believe u but at the end she will end up apologizing to u once she realizes what u told her is true

i would let her have him and leave him.

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Deal with him not her!

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Even if she does back off he’s gonna find another. I would tell her and not saying anything to him. Cause she’ll tell him and just watch him squirm. Little hints fuck with his head make a joke about a side piece on r go out with out you wedding ring on and make sure he sees. Not the best plan but I tell ya freaking worth it :sweat_smile:

Girl, drop him. He clearly is searching for someone else. You deserve better. :heart:

Nope. Let her have him!

Surprise him with divorce papers :upside_down_face: he’s lying hella to her, let her have em :sweat_smile:


Put his ass on child support and file for divorce; you can’t keep what doesn’t want to be kept!

i msged the other woman and ended up finding out all kinds of things
file for divorce while youre at it girl


Why would you tell her to back off ? If it’s not her it’ll be some other lady. Men that cheat are not worth being with. Cheaters always cheat. Life is too short


yes but it dnt work, i speak frm experience, its ur husband who nees to be put in check, get rid of him, he wont stop, hell just get sneekier

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Nope. I would message him with divorce papers and copies of their messages, though.


Issue is with your husband. He should have let her know he was married. Trash the man.

Yeah… call her and tell her you’ve packed his stuff and she can have his sorry, cheating
a$$! :joy:

Let her have him. It’s not worth it. It will always happen again with someone else when she realizes the truth


hummmm…talk to him about it?

Hell yes and document it all. Serve him with divorce papers and get what’s coming to you

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Even if she “backed off”, who’s to Say he won’t find some one else who doesn’t know about u and the kids? Who’s to say she’s the only one he’s talking to?? What if he changes his phone pw if he had one or add a code to keep u out of his business?? No matter what u do to stop him, only he can stop himself. He’s not going to quit his crap just Bc u go after every one he sees behind your back. They’ll always be someone else if he chooses to have someone else. Sounds like he doesn’t care about being married at all


Lol how about you talk to your husband. Apparently he is cheating and wants a divorce. Calling the other women is going to serve what purpose?? Clearly she knows you are in the picture and could care less !

I’d let her know he’s all hers instead lol no thanks keeping him around after that smh


I wasn’t married to the narcissist I was with he kept messaging another female and denied it to the max. I called her and told her she can have him I don’t need nor want him anymore, he apologized about it but it was too late I left him. You can blame her all u want but “he” needs to be blamed first. My opinion

And I agree, file that divorce and when he tries to ask why: tell him it was his bright idea.

Why do you want him at this point?


It takes 2 people.I would go get divorce papers and text him with the messages and,the divorce papers.


I would call her up and say keep him if she likes used things she can have him , don’t fight for someone like that u are worth way more that have respect for yourself and let them have each other . I mean if this women really wants a man who cheats on his wife then she must be stupid as hell

Yes but don’t expect a happy ending. I did that twice. Once was a scammer :rofl::rofl::rofl: they backed off when I told them he is a broke and bitter old man…the other one said that’s fine with her and when I said we should go for coffee she said she has enough friends …she ended up marrying him in a hurry and left him 6 months later when he got sick. But I have a strict no return policy so he’s on his own :rofl:

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I’ve gone through this and I fired for divorce thought I would never be happy been married to my second husband for 15 years always a cheater not worth the pain and the distrust and keeping secrets from you is it worth the anxiety over it, :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

I’d file for divorce. She can have him

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