Should I not buy my daughter so many Christmas gifts due to COVID?

Who cares what people think, u do u and ur child

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Do what you want. We will be doing our usual amount for my 5 year old. Don’t let others rain on your happiness!

You do you, girl. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Your money, your daughter , your Christmas, you do what is best for you and your family!!!


You get your child whatever you want she’s your child I am a working mom 2 and I will be getting my son what I normally get him ever year

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Your money, your life

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Do whatever works for you and your family. Another persons opinion in this should be irrelevant. I do agree with the others who say that the less expansive and more practical gifts should come from “Santa” But do what works for you.

Its your money your kids. It’s honestly none of their business. Spoil her. Its been tougher on the kids they deserve it.

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Fuck everyone else… Do you.

We will be buying all of my children(3) and all of my nieces and nephews (12) the same as we have every year. It’s already been a crappy year for kids, why would you wanna make it a crappy Christmas


Get your baby what you know you can! You are being a responsible person about the whole thing. No reason not to. Covid has been hard enough on all of us without people being all judgy and jealous.

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Get her how many gifts as you want. It’s your money. Especially because she is your only child. Who cares what others say!!

Why are you worried about what other people are doing? You do what you want with your family, and seriously this year has been such a shitty one for everyone but especially for kids that if you can afford the gifts I say go for it!

That’s your kid. Buy her what you want.


Do what you whatever you wish to do. People should learn to mind their own business and take care of their own lives. It sounds like you’ve planned it all ahead and can afford to do it so go for it. If anything, this year has shown how unpredictable life is so live it and love it while you can x

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Same!!! Buy her everything! Everyone else’s problems aren’t yours!! Don’t let them make you feel bad bc they wait until dec 23 to worry about it

Uh…wtf, you’re that baby’s parent. No one should be telling you how to or what to do for your child. Period. If you can manage and it seems you’re responsible with everything else, then guess that baby is getting everything… again. If you have it, why not!? That is no one else’s business.


Never feel bad for providing for your kid. We always go all out for birthdays and birthdays. Most people just say to limit what Santa gives out for Christmas.

This year “Santa” is going to spoil our daughter, as much as we can afford, I mean he can :grin: it has been a messed up year and nothing has been normal so we figure the magic that is Christmas is 1 thing that won’t be changing and if anyone thought they have a right to say what we do with our kid in our home can get over it! I’ve been shopping since last Christmas lol


But as much as u want
It’s ur life
If u can give the same
Just do it

if you can afford it then i would do it. why make them suffer because other people have opinions? they arent raising my kids or payin my bills, they dont have a say…

I have 2 boxes under my bed full of Christmas, Birthday (March), and Easter gifts for my 4 yr old daughter. Started ordering in July.

We do 1 present from Santa. I buy I specific wrapping paper just from Santa. But we don’t go over board. 2 big gifts then books clothes stocking stuffers. Then rest from us and family

It is your choice. How is it anyone else’s business. If you have the money to buy her lots and you want to, then do it!

Don’t feel bad for providing for your baby. I’m going all out for my daughter’s birthday and supporting small businesses. It’s your money and your child. Do what you like and raise her how you think is best.

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Do what you want. Do you expect people to parent the way you want them to: probably not. Everyone does what they think is best

2 sides to this…she’s your kid, no one should make you feel bad for giving your kid presents for any occasion. Secondly, if you have the means to stimulate the economy right now, you definitely should.


You are being smart by shopping ahead. You have every right to get her as many gifts as you can. Never mind what others who do not have your good planning instincts say. Be happy you can give to your daughter and have all necessities taken care of also! Merry Christmas!

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It’s your child and your money… who cares what others think :woman_shrugging:t2:


Fuck people. You do what you want with your money for your child. Everyone else can eat a dick.

Sounds like your being responsible, your Bill’s and stuff are covered. And you’ve budgeted the money for her Christmas there is no reason she should get just only 1 present. I usually start putting $50 or so dollars out of every check starting in june. To use towards my kids christmas and her birthday. Like you I also buy some stuff ahead, especially when stores are clearancing out toys or doing sales

You get her however many presents you want to.

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Who cares what they think of if you can afford do it. Don’t let covid take any more joys away!! It’s a win, win… you’re happy, grandchild is happy

You do you and don’t worry about what anyone else says! Your money, your child, your life!! You get to make those decisions!

Do whatever the fuck you want. People need to mind their business.

You do you. Good for you being prepared. I always say I’m going to do that, shop early but nope. Every year I drag it out. I have such a hard time holding on to gifts🤣

Your kid your decision!

You are justified to get her whatever stuff you want and however much of it you want to.

We do one smaller gift for each of them from Santa, which gets wrapped in different paper… Anything else is from us.
I think as long as your bills&such are paid, you should be able to do however much you want to do. Don’t worry about everyone elses opinions.

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I have a special Christmas fund I put money in all year round. I’ve already started shopping. Do what you think is best for your family.

Unless they are paying your bills they shouldn’t have a say so. We have about 30 people to buy for plus my kids. I have to start early. I got mine done early this year so I wouldn’t have to work about it. Done it all online. Covid has ruined everything so it’s definitely not ruining Christmas for us.

If you have the money why not, maybe just don’t tell them people all the gifts she got x

Girl do you, if you were able to plan ahead give her whatever you got her. Yes it’s tough times but it’s your money, your child.

You buy her whatever you can afford and want, that’s your child

Do whatever makes you happy. Have the money, buy the gifts. Boost the economy.

You do you and screw the busy bodies

If covid wasn’t a factor, wouldn’t you still buy her whatever you could for Christmas? If yes is your answer than there you go. Don’t feel bad. Do what you can for your child regardless of any circumstances!

Dad here

Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for celebrating

Do your thing

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Not really anyone elses business. DO U!!

Girl, its your kid! They are going through enough! If it doesn’t hurt your budget, spend away!

Buy her what you want and if you have extra money just think about buying extra presents and give them to kids from families in your community who’s parents are struggling and might not be able to afford it

Give your baby girl whatever you want. You don’t have to answer to anyone.

If you have the money I don’t see why not…

While it’s very sad other families have suffered financially threw this including my own , why should you and yours suffer because of it! You do you! Ignore anyone elses opinion ,unless your doing something to cause you or others harm no one has any input on your life :slightly_smiling_face: I myself will be doing my best to spoil my boys because after this year so far there deserve it ! Life’s to short to hold back on :slightly_smiling_face::heart:

You do whatever makes you and yours happy! Sod anything else. I buy early too helps so much in December :blush:

Do what you want. My daughter is 8 all i have left to buy is stocking stuffers and wrapping paper. Go us for getting it done early and spending what we want to on our children.

That’s your choice we need the holidays remain the same go for it momma

That’s your business. If you feel you can afford to do the usual, then by all means, do it! Your daughter is probably already confused by this whole thing so Christmas should be as special as always. Enjoy this time with her. They grow up WAY too fast!

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Do what you think is best! No regrets…your a mom.Its your family.Maybe you and your daughter could find a family in need and make it your Christmas
To buy for them!!! Explain this to your daughter and let her pick out the gifts…I am just saying,i dont know your childs personally.
You do mom, just thi king it mite be fun.???:hugs:

Let your daughter buy some gifts for charity. Never too early to allow children to know the joy of giving.

I go all out for Christmas and birthdays for all four of my children. People have always told me i spoil them and that it will cause them to become brats. I DONT CARE ABOUT ANYONE ELSES OPINIONS AND I WILL KEEP ON GOING ALL OUT FOR THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE MY KIDS. You don’t need anyone else’s validation for your children.

This is completely your decision and nobody else’s. I’ve always got a little bit over the top for birthdays and holidays. Birthdays were sad this year with no friends we haven’t really got to see family or go on many vacations because my husband’s at risk if he gets covid so I think it’s fine to be a little extra. during stressful times I swear there’s nothing better than seeing a smile on your kid’s face and watching them be happy.
During the holidays I normally have one or two gift to put away and I wrap it with my daughter and we take it to one of the places that take donations for kids around us. It’s always a good to show them that the holidays aren’t just for receiving it’s for giving too and that some people are less fortunate than us.

What and how much you buy for your daughter is your business and your business only. If you have the rest of your commitments covered and have extra funds to spend, have at it. I would suggest, though, making donations to Toys for Tots or other like organizations in your area to spread some love to kids that may have to go without this year.

I was done Christmas shopping for our son in March. He is 4 and will be getting multiple gifts. I do not feel bad that I planned ahead. They are not enormous or expensive gifts.

So this can be touchy but not in the way it seems you are being made me feel. You should not be made to feel bad for giving your child a good Christmas. At the same time 2020 has been hard on many families. Most families Durning Christmas have gifts from mommy and daddy then gifts from Santa. Now in my family Santa gifts are anything Santa can make in his work shop. Coloring book, teddy bear, sled ECT. Mommy and daddy gifts are stuff that can’t anything with a battery or game system stuff like that. One year my nephew got really sad because Santa only brings him teddy bears clothes ECT. But his friend got an Xbox from Santa. He thought he was a bad kid because Santa didn’t like him as much. So if you are really wanting to try to make it fair for the kid next door whos parents may have been sick or lost there job do to covid then maybe the big expensive items can be from mommy and daddy that way Santa is fair and loves all kids equal. Because even though she is only 4 both her friends and herself knows what love is.

Do what you want. Follow your family’s traditions and do whatever it is that makes Christmas magical for your child!

We dont do multiple gifts. One gift per person, but they are gifts that a lot of thought go into, so it is sure to be special. I want my kids to learn that presents are meant to be special and meaningful. Not that christmas is all gimme gimme gimme. Same goes for birthdays. I feel the party with friends and family should be the emphasis rather tha , again gimme gimme gimme.

I think you should do what makes you and her happy. It’s really nobody’s business what you buy for her.

From your question your already concerned your over buying, so perhaps it is a good time to cut back on the amount of gifts at this young age, as they get older those gifts become more expensive and they won’t have that many, tell other people to limit their gifts to two or three then you figure out what she needs, some clothing, some books , games etc, just make it special but not overboard, then help her pick out a ticket from the Angel tree to help a child who doesn’t get much or anything, make it all special and magical, sometimes five gifts is more magical than 25 gifts, the number of gifts is up to you, what you can afford, remember children want or ask for everything, doesn’t mean they really want them, make your list then think about each item and make a decision if that’s what needs to be purchased, have a wonderful Christmas

People can be so negative. You buy your child whatever you want, and don’t let someone’s comments get you down. Our children are only young once. Don’t look back and wish you had listened to your heart.

You are her mother…you know what’s best for her 100%!! It’s been such a tough, confusing year for everyone, especially children. So I say why not give more/spoil her a little more than previous years!? That’s you’re one and only little girl who you wish you could give the world to!! I dont see the harm in expressing your love to her in multiple ways especially with all the hardships going on, what did your little girl do to deserve less this year!? I am sure you are still doing a great job educating her best during these times and wanting her to have an even more special day this year, for just maybe one day to block out all the negativity that’s been surrounding all of us!! Just because you are doing that for your daughter doesn’t mean that’s taking away from anything else generous you’re able to do for others!! You are that little girls world and giving less may actually be confusing to her at such a young age! Yes you can explain and educate but for crying out loud shes so young and shouldn’t have to have any of that stress on her, that’s a mother’s job after all, to protect her babies from any harm :wink: good job mama! Keep doing you and loving your little girl to the fullest, at the end of the day YOU are that little girls mother and know what is best for her! Dont ever doubt yourself because of outside pressures/opinions! Spread the love people…not hate! We could all use with some extra love these days I think, however you chose to express it :two_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You have the right to do what you want and I will buy as usual if I can and always donate to places to help others for Christmas if I can

As long as your daughter knows she’s loved that’s all that matters she shouldn’t believe you will always do that but If your able that’s your choice dont forget about the rest of your loved ones though

Get what you want. Just because other peoe are broke right now doesnt .ean you gotta act broke. Even dave ramsey would tell you to spend within you means. That’s what matters. You dont have to live based on another person’s finances. If that’s the case we should all act homeless

It’s your family… do what makes you happy…no one should be telling you what to do!

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I could see saving money. I think we are in for some hard times. But a small child only one gift? It’s your money and your child do what you want. They are only little for a little while. Do what you can

You can do anything from 1 to 100 gifts just remember there are other holiday and you budget for the future.
I buy for gifts early too, I don’t like crowds and it makes it easy for to make your cooking.
Remember she may gifts from family. A child that age has no capability of number of gifts.

The kids have already lost so much joy this year. If you have the means, if anything make this year even better.

buy what you wanted for your child, we had 3 so we did 3 gifts and clothes and there stocking stuffer. but you only have 1 enjoy her and do Christmas the way yoi want its your money.

Other people need to mind their own business. You’re the parent end of story.

I’ve used the idea of something they want something they need something to wear something to read.

Who cares what others say! I started buying in June to avoid the hassles & last minute rush! Do what you want for your child.I have 4 adult children (2 are 25, 1 is 21 & 1 is 19) & buy lots for them!

How you spend your money is no one else’s business. Not everyone has been financially impacted by this and what you choose to do is your own choice.

Your child and whatever works for you, that being said ,they are little only once, Enjoy❤️

Stop listening to other people!!! It is your life, your child, your money and your right to spend it how you wish. Don’t let anyone TELL you what to do!!

My kids got 3 gifts…just as the 3 wise men gave Jesus.

You do as you like…no one has the right to tell you what to do…your money. Make that little girl happy however you think is right for you.

We buy 1 from both parents then 3 each from santa. Jesus got 3 and so do thee.

Why even ask the public it’s you , you do you. It’s been a hard year mentally don’t let COVID kill Santa . The kids need him now

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You should buy whatever you want to buy for YOUR child.

You do what you want to do, know one knows your circumstances to tell you any differents.

I think you should stop asking strangers for advise on how to raise your kid.

You do what you want for your family…don’t let anyone shame you into what you should do. Congratulations on being the smart one planning a head!!

I think it’s your choice and as long as your bills are paid

No one has the right to tell you how to spend your hard earned Money

Damn slow internet. It’s no ones business what you buy your daughter or how much.

Your child your money… Their opinion doesn’t matter

Its up to you. Its your child!

Why would people tell you how to spend your money???

Do what you can afford and what makes you and her happy, Merry Christmas, I start buying in July LOL!!!