Are you stupid? You should never doubt your child
File police report. She’s an adult and if she is going to physically harm your child or other children in a career field that is supposed to provide safety and ensure yours and other childrens well beings then she made her choice to lose her job for child abuse and physical assault. Police will conduct investigation with daycare center with the directors cameras other staff members as well as the teacher that harm your child. Also contact the daycare director because this teacher should have field an incident report. My sons daycare center files an incident report even for the littlest scratches or bumps to bites and severe injuries (severe injuries are very rare at my center). I would believe my son and advocate hun
. This is not to be brushed under the rug. Heck the medical staff advised in filing a police report. If not they are mandatory reporters of abuse and you could end up being investigated as well
I agree, get full discharge and medical records of your son and then goes straight to the police station with him to report that person from his day care!
I was always told this is called nanny arm. Where like my sister her elbow popped out of sockets easily… They even pulled up a cps case on my parents because of it. They had just been playing around. But they call it nanny’s arm because nanny’s back in the day used to grab and pull them so hard it would pop elbows out… It’s totally up to… I would still make a report regardless for you and your child’s safety…
I doubt at the age of 3 he s able to make up a story😏
With the evidence and the child being so innocent and honest believe your child. MAKE A REPORT!!!
File the report. Believe in your child.
I would report them.
File the report! Trust your child, a 3 year old wouldn’t make that up!
Nursemaid’s elbow is common in kids younger than 5 and can happen pretty easily. It doesn’t indicate abuse. However I would report it based on what your child told you so it can be investigated.
File the report! You are his mother and know him best. At 3 children are very honest.
Report her! No child would have been able to pull your sons arm that hard it was definitely an adult! File a Report and have the police investigate. Do not take your child back there
Always be your child’s biggest advocate! Seems you’ll not only be protecting him, but also an entire day care of kids. If it happened once, it will likely happen again!
A 3 year old has an inability to lie. I’d file a police report just so it’s on record. Worst case, your teacher was telling the truth but jumping up and dropping to the ground would not yank an arm out of its socket.
That’s your BABY and it is your JOB to protect him!!! You would be crazy not to!! Don’t let her do that to another child. Report her now!!!
Someone pulled so hard to dislocate your sons elbow absolutely report it.
Absolutely report them!!
I’m a daycare provider and little kids especially around 3 are some of the honest little creatures around BELIEVE your son
This is even a question!! ? Your child was literally abused by another adult, who LIED. Yes!! Call the police and file charges asap and report the daycare and demand the teacher be pulled
Report them immediately…
Yeah her story don’t make sense, your child’s does. Report it.
That was no accident!! Your child is always right ! Take up for Child. Call and make the report and call daycare licensing and file a report.
File a report and if it was an accident they’ll deem it so. If not it will prevent that teacher from ever hurting another kid from being too rough. My boys are super rough players and wrestlers never once have they had a joint dislocated or anythingmore than a sprain. That took alot to do.
Yes you should report it.
You believe your baby and report it
When your child gets hurt no matter how or by whom, there should be a report. Now that he was looked after in the ER and you got a professional (nurses/doctors) telling you to fill a report, what keeps you not to? You’re main concern should be your child. If ever this is just an accident noting that its common of nursemaid’s elbow to happen to young kids, still you should report it and the daycare should made their own report and give you a copy of what happened.
I don’t think another 3yr old child could dislocate your child arm by jumping up & falling to the ground🤔
File report, I know a daycare n mother didn’t file a report so another mother did, n cameras had to be viewed & the 3yr old child was telling the truth, n they found more incidents
File a report what do you mean you don’t know what to do you file a damn report that’s child abuse the fact that the hospital didn’t call the cops themselves or dcf floors me they r required to report that kind of thing. Your child specifically said his teacher hurt him u file a report and let the authorizes I investigate and determine if it warrants further action today a dislocated elbow tomorrow? Smh
Report them his arm was dislocated from his elbow
Report and the doctor should too. They’re mandated reporters.
This can happen to small children, without a lot of force being applied. View camera footage if there is some.
Report it and go from there. They should open a investigation into the situation.
I would rather report her and let there be an investigation, than to put other children at risk!! Either way, my child would not be returning to that Daycare until an investigation is completed!!
It is our job as a parent to protect our children, at any cost!!! I don’t believe a 3 yr old is capable of lying yet, they only know the truth. Besides, the teachers explanation of events just doesn’t make sense or add up to his elbow being pulled out of it’s socket!! No way, is that teacher being truthful!! Report her immediately. And while you are at it, hand the hospital bill to the Daycare Owner!!!
You file that report. It is very very unlikely that your child dislocated his elbow any other way at 3 years old. File the report ASAP
The daycare provider (if licensed through the state) also needs a report for her records. I’d ask for her report of the incident.
If you’re not sending him back there and feel this wasn’t an accident then 100% file a police report. Are you comfortable to call her and inform her of the hospital visit and what your son said to the nurses and the nurses advice?
File a report. No matter what happens when your child gets hurt to that extent at a center there needs to be a report. The center wont be in trouble if the report shows the daycare worker was right (which I would be my whole bank account she isnt). Also you have a professional ,who has no dog in this race, telling you to file a report.
Why are you even considering this? Report them immediately without hesitation
If it was an accident… she would of been honest. But she wasn’t so that’s now her problem. Report it and protect the other children if you won’t do it for your own.
This happened with my special needs child in school the story kept changing from the school and teachers but not from my child. I called the police and cps on the school and teachers involved. They investigated and found the teacher at fault. This was after I was told the school never had any complaints against that teacher in 15 yrs. Doesn’t matter how long they worked there cps investigated and found kids that backed up my son
Always be your child’s voice
Honestly accident or not u need to be ur child’s voice u would report it
Report it & if they are innocent that will be proven
My daughter did exactly this, we were holding her hand and she dropped to the floor. After that she couldn’t move her arm and it had come out the socket. It’s a very common injury with that age of child. What she said on the phone could be possible but so could what your child said. Remember kids can make things soubd worse than what they are. I would ask for witnesses and cctv footage, your right it’s not fair a person looses their job over 1 incident. You have to weigh it up has she been deemed heavy handed before? How long has she been there? I think for the hospital to say file a police report is almost unfair until evidence is proven.
When my daughter was 1.5 her elbow dislocated, from grabbing both her hands to pull her up after changing her. It is common and can happen very easily.
Ask for video of the incident
Cameras /Videos @ the daycare ?
Very unlikely a child of that age would not tell the story as it happened !!! for your family
To be honest… it happened to my son & daughter all the time when they were little. We could be doing the littlest thing & it will pop out. JS it can happen
My son had this happen, 3 times actually. It took No force at all. He pulled against my husband (& an older child,) helping him Stand up. If there is video please watch it to see. If she hurt him Yes file a report. But it could be she had his hand and he jerked away and is completely innocent. Read about tennis elbow. Also we were told it is easier to happen again after it happens once.
No offense but are you serious?! She should probably lose her job as she’s snatching kids arms out of sockets. You’re better than me because I’d snatch her arm out of socket and probably catch a charge. Also read flag is she lied about how it happened. People lie to hide something.
Why is this even a question? Report them!!!
Believe the child!!!
Maybe she was trying to hold him back a lot of people’s bones dislocate without a lot of pressure I would sit down and have a one-on-one conversation with her and other parents Maybe obviously something in your gut tells me that you felt that maybe she didn’t do it intentionally so go with that feeling and do more investigating
Do it. File that report.
Girl you better listen to your baby. They’re too young to make that up
At first I just read the question at top… should I report my son’s daycare teacher. & my answer was yes! If you have to even question that then yes. Now reading the story behind it DEFINITELY YES! Show your baby you won’t tolerate someone abusing them. Even the hospital is telling you to file a report. Your child story lines up with his injury I doubt he’s making it up. If teacher is in fact being honest let her prove it cause it sure don’t seem like her story is true. Unless she we’re to have pulled him back up by his arm but even then she should not have use that much force to cause him to dislocate his arm. REPORT HER! STAND UP FOR YOUR CHILD! & HELP PREVENT OTHER KIDS FROM BEING HURT BY THIS WOMAN!
File a report, at least it’s on file.
But yes, believe the child
Fyi the hospital will call themselves as well. They have to if they think the child was hurt on purpose
This can happen so easily it happened to my Nephew swinging him around ( like when you walk and swing by pulling up by the arms ) so I’d be careful
Plz believe your son and stand up fr him since he can t himself, report it , and let her tell the truth and if she isn’t in the wrong she ll be k
It’s called “nurse maids elbow” and it isn’t your child’s elbow being out of socket. It’s caused be pulling the arm and the tendon that lays on the elbow gets moved and pinched, very common injury and not a huge deal at all. Happens to my 2 yr old at the zoo because she decided to drop to the ground as I was holding her hand.
Wow why are you even asking
I would have in a heartbeat
I would report it. At that age they tend not to lie.
Does the center have cameras? Where were the other teachers? Get the director on the phone immediately.
No hesitation…… call them!!!
I’d file a report. Even if it so happens it was an accident, there will be record for the future in case it happens again. Red flag if your son doesn’t like his hands touched and she said she was holding his hand. Regardless always leave a paper trail
First of all this is known as nursemaids elbow. It’s very common and the nurse shouldn’t have told you to call the police. It can literally happen from you holding your child’s hand and then pulling away. I can guarenree you it happen the exact way the teacher told you. Does the daycare have cameras? Talk to the director and teacher before you ruin someone’s life and job working in childcare.
I think it is important to report it. I know these things can happen but they should have a video and if it shows that your child simply pulled away from restraint she should not lose her job. You can always ask to see the video first but I would be concerned that if you raise the alarm the video could potentially disappear.
Make a report it took more than a little pressure to dislocate a joint
Definitely report it. Your poor son especially them knowing don’t like hold hands and them trying to cover it up by saying he jumped. That’s a lot off force to pull out socket x
Report it. It is very easy for child’s elbow that young to pop out but they shouldn’t have had their hands on your child in the first place
Wouldn’t even think twice. 100% report it and change nursery
Go talk to the teachers and get an explanation. Let them know what your son said and say “can you elaborate on that…” , you will know from the body language, the response, and the tone of it if it’s truth or they trying to feed you some sh*t. I worked at a daycare and it happens. It sucks. I myself have done it twice to an older child and a younger one. Go figure it was the older kids parents that freaked out. Talk to them and talk to the managers, let it be know that you know what happened and you believe your child and you understand that it could happen but you don’t want no lies, and this isn’t gonna happen again. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
This is your child nobody’s job is worth more then the safety of your child. Go with your gut feeling. If it’s nothing then it’s nothing. It sucks talking to the cops and explaining what happened (I’ve only been on employee side of both the main person and someone who had seen and reported another teacher, never the parent my children aren’t in daycare)
This isn’t clear abuse. A teacher grabbing a child’s arm isn’t unusual. It could’ve been done to redirect him, keep him from danger etc. The child pulling back is what got him hurt. I’m not saying the teacher was in the right. It needs more investigation to find out if she was being aggressive & what the reason was.
It’s weird the nurse told you to report it. Hospital staff are mandated reporters. If they suspect abuse they have to report it themselves by laws. Being that she put it your hands I get the feeling that she’s not convinced it’s abuse.
Yes. Plus it sounds like the daycare person lied to you about what happened.
File a report to the director immediately
I would make a report. If it was an accident they’ll find out and no harm done. If it wasn’t an accident they’ll find out and the next steps will be taken. Either way, report.
The child shoulder was pulled out of the socket Which now leads to speculation because she hides the truth hmm Try to always be honest This is part of the problem Honesty goes a long way Covering it up leaves more speculation and unanswered questions
I hope ur son is doing well
File police report! Report teacher!! Seriously what r u waiting on!??
Report them, file a report, there’s no telling how many times she has done this and it’s unacceptable.
Report the incident. Yes your child is 3 but you choosing to not believe your child speaks volumes. Even the nurse told you to make a report. If the daycare isn’t hiding anything they shouldn’t worry. Now if the aide/teacher LIED to avoid getting in trouble, I can only imagine what else they may lie about to cover themselves.
I would file a report . Heaven forbid she does this again to another child the outcome could be even worse next time. I understand that dilemma - I am the same way but for this circumstance you are your babies advocate and other babies future there too now .
Trust your child and report it
Report it,and find a different daycare.
Report that!!! Get that lady fired!
Definitely report it and let there be an investigation!!
They’re too little to be telling lies. Report her right away.
Out of socket is not an accident. The hospital has prob already called dss. Id file a report to save yourself the blame
Definitely file a report because she had to pull very hard to pull the elbow out of socket
File a report. Forget about anybody’s feelings. Your child should always be #1.
He most likely has some nerve damage that is hindering his use of the arm. My son is double jointed, and had nerve damage from a dislocated shoulder during his birth. It healed in time. Even he, however, (having cerebral palsy, as well), does not dislocate that easily, and has never dislocated an elbow joint. I’d definitely report it, to be on the safe side. You may save some child from going through this in the future. The nurse likely told you to report it to ensure that it doesn’t get swept under the proverbial rug and go uninvestigated.
Is that what he said? That he jumped up and dropped to the ground? My take on that would be she had hold of him and he did just that… jumped up and basically went limp. Still report it, but it may well have been an accident.
Believe your child. There are many teachers who are bullies. Just watch some that have been caught on camera.
Report report report
All y’all saying kids don’t lie must not have kids because yes kids lie!
File the report. She shouldn’t have a job with kids having this type of behavior. This is way to much information for a child to make up.
It sounds like an accident to me……he probably dislocated it like the teacher said-he jumped up then dropped down to the ground. Kids can dislocate their shoulder if you and another person have each arm and swing them like a lot of parents do with their kids.
I personally wouldn’t fill out a police report, especially if this was the only incident that ever happened at day care. Do they have a nurse on-site at the daycare he goes to?
Honestly being a former daycare teacher things like that do happen very rarely and I am sure she didn’t intentionally hurt your child. A lot of children try to do their own thing and it’s our job to redirect them. And when they won’t listen to us we will grab their hand. Or pick them up and move them to where they need to be with the class. He associates my teacher hurt me with his arm being hurt from throwing himself down. I would have a talk with your child about listening to the adults and how it’s not safe to pull away from his teacher because if there was ever an emergency and she needed him to listen…. Also I would talk to her I am sure she feels terrible and it’s a scary thing to go through too. I know it’s a sad thing that happened and it sucks on both ends but I think going to the police is pretty extreme.
As a daycare provider that sounds like nurses elbow and it should definitely be reported. Holding hands with a child and them falling wouldn’t cause that unless she was pulling.
I would talk to their bosses and see what they would like to do anf provide them with the medical bill and diagnosis
Sounds like she’s grabbed him to guide him to the carpet and he’s pulled
I don’t think from that she meant to hurt him as severely as she has but it shouldn’t happen and clearly she’s kept hold of him when she shouldn’t
I would be taking pictures at least so have a day to decide before any marks disappear