Should I report my sons daycare teacher?

Absolutely report it! The hospital legally should report it, as well!

File a report. All daycare should have cameras.

Look up nursemaid elbow. I would file the report, the story they told you can’t be true.

There are no cameras?

You should cal the police and that hospital should be reporting that as well.

Make that police report
She could be lieing

Does your day care have cameras in the rooms? I know most do In my state. I would take pictures of his arm and then ask the director to see the video to see exactly what happened.

I would told to her supervisor show pictures hospital reports and than I would still file a report on her. No matter what she shouldn’t been holding him that tight for it to be pulled out of socket

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  1. Contact the police immediately.
  2. Call a lawyer
  3. Demand an video camera footage in or around the property.
  4. NEVER bring your child back to that facility

Honestly a 3-year-old is not going to lie yes maybe the baby wasn’t doing as told but that does not give a grown ass adult the right to grab a child that is not theirs and if you don’t report it they can consider it neglect of a dependent because you know what was going on

Definitely tell somebody a hundred percent so it doesn’t happen to another child and they have cameras !

Report immediately. Listen to your child

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Why are you torn on what to do? Why are you questioning your child? Do you really think this was made up? Why?

Trust your child file the report if it was actually an accident the she shouldn’t lose her job…what if something later down the road happens and u would of had this report to back you up someway

If they told you to do it then you should. Doctors and nurses know more then we do.


Why is this even a question??? Report her and protect your child.

Your child was hurt and told the nurse how .the nurse advised you to report .I’m under the impression that the hospital has to because your child told them that an adult did it and that is child abuse so you should report .if you don’t and they do , it will look like you didn’t do anything to protect your child and cps could get involved

At a young age it can happen my daughter grabbed my granddaughters arm at a store once and it pulled hers out she didn’t grab her hard it just happened many yrs ago same granddaughter pulled a swim flotie off her arm and pulled her wrist out their bones are weak when growing I think it was an accident just keep your eyes open if anything else happens then I would say something

File a report and I say that because of what your son is saying but with that being said my son loves to dead weight and his father was holding his hand guiding him out of our room and when my son dead weighted he did in fact get nurses elbow so it could have been an accident.

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Listen to your child!


Even at 3. Your son knows what happen. He’s not lying and DCFS will talk to him also and I’m sure he will tell them the same thing.

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I would see if the daycare has cameras and talk to the person in charge first and if they don’t have cameras or refuse to show you footage or give any kind of issues I would report it. It takes quite a bit to get it out of socket like that. I’ve had ahold of my kids arms when they started dropping to the ground in a tantrum or even just falling and at times thought it was enough to do it but never once did it happen so it’s not something that just happens easily. So I would talk to person in charge of the whole place and see how they react then go from there if they can show proof that it was an accident and her story is true I wouldn’t file one but if they can’t or won’t I’d file one


I know for a fact that THIS is how nursemaids elbow happens. So all you telling her to report it and file police reports are wrong. You better make sure for 100% that it wasn’t an accident just like the teacher said because if it was and you have her arrested she can and I can guarantee will sue you for false allegations. Look at cameras. Talk to the director and teacher BEFORE you ruin her life! Same thing happen to my nephew and my SIL investigated first and it was EXACTLY what the teacher said.


Demand a video of the incident. Regardless your not to stop a child that way anyways by grabbing their arm this is one of the biggest injuries in children.

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If theyre legit, there will be an accident report, probably cameras in main areas, other teachers or aides… if she looses her job its because she intended to hurt your child. Never be ashamed of going to the authorities when your child reports some type of harm. Most likely, it was a pure accident but can you take that chance with your child? No. And honestly, the hospital will probably report it,I feel like they have to, so if you don’t and they say yup, this was intentional, then what? Noone will want to hear you didn’t want someone to loose their job. But everyone involved (most importantly… your son) will feel happy to know you protected him. Mama, it’s not always easy, but that’s your job. Good luck and I hope your boy feels better

I dont see a 3 year old jumping up and to the ground so hard that they pull their elbow out of socket. It would make more sense if the teacher had been yanking on the child’s arm while they were doing it. Regardless that’s not a chance you want to take is it? Not reporting it and then your child or someone else’s end up severely injured. File a report and demand any and all video footage they have of the incident or the classroom that day at all. If it turns out that it truly was accident she most likely will keep her job and she should understand why as a parent you would look into that situation. Also, you know your child better than anyone, is this something you could see them exaggerating or making up? Go with your gut.


Out of socket??? That requires some serious pulling, would it not???

File a report!!! They not only hurt him they lied!!! It might not be as fixable next time!!

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Hell ya i would want them to be investigate and i wana see the cameras too!!

Remember. Children pull away when they don’t want to do something, it’s probably happened when you wanted him to do something. Ask yourself, has there been other instances, is she a new person at the day care. How is the overall care he receives. And if you feel it needs to be reported, report it

What are you confused about??? Make a damn police report!

It needs reporting. No matter what.
Its up to her to than prove what happened

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Without a doubt make a report. It was out of socket and required medical attention. The school should be made aware of it as well that’s not just jumping up and down that’s being pulled by his arm


My daughter did the same thing but I was the one holding her hand. It’s called nurse maids elbow. They tried to put it back but it wouldn’t go. It took nearly a week before it went back in,the day before surgery to fix it. My doctor had told me that since my daughter was pretty big that I should not swing her by her arms or anything like that because her elbows couldn’t hold her weight until the bones were fully formed. It’s super common. I’m sure your child felt she hurt him, I mean guilt by association, but doesn’t mean she actually intended to hurt him. I wouldn’t call the police.

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Nope report it. I had to report a teacher because as I was picking up my son she had yanked a small girl up by her arm and clearly the child was crying and uncomfortable. Never had trouble with her before she was very sweet but as a mom I had to report it and I’m sure the girls mother would not have appreciated that. Your son comes FIRST ALWAYS. FILLLLLLE


Listen to your child! That’s the problem in these situations people don’t listen to the babies. He’s clearly telling you what happened in details too.


Are there se urity cameras? Maybe use that as a base.

You better then I cause I would have called the police and told them to meet me at the daycare cause I’m fixing to show her what she did to my child definitely report it cause she doesn’t deserve a job in that field period


I have a daughter who is always dropping to the ground and a son who is always falling from things (age 3 and 4) no way are they popping their elbow out of socket from it. Definitely sounds like something an adult caused. File a report, request camera footage if they have cameras.

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The Daycare should have cameras, most do. Have you checked ?

Report it. I’m thankful I didn’t have to pay for child care much I had family that could watch him. Only once did I have an issue when they won’t watching him when I left he ran out the door right in front of my car as I was leaving. Thankfully I was paying close attention and stopped but it could have been worse if somebody else was leaving at the same time as me. We took him out of that daycare real quickly and to a different one with no problems or complaints

I would confront the teacher… in person and if teachers story doesn’t check out file a police report hun ur childs safety is a big deal especially if ur child is 3 and gives absolute detail on what happened to his/her arm :pleading_face::pleading_face: id believe my child more than anyone else especially if they show how upset they r over the situation :heart::pleading_face:

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No you shouldn’t. My son’s elbow comes out of socket super easily and it’s very easy to put back in once you know how. It could have easily happened with a small tug from your son pulling away.

Report it! Probably not the first time this person has injured a child and won’t be the last.

Report the hell out of that. Reporting it will lead to an investigation which will get you answers.

Report I am a child caregiver and a nanny never once have I accidentally hurt a child in my many years I have had to report other caregivers for things such as this. Your child did nothing wrong and his person caused an injury and they could do it again please protect your child and every child in the care of this person and report


File the report. If anything it’ll be good to keep legal documentation this way in case you end up in court.

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Definitely file a police report

Nurse maids elbow is very common with a jerking motion…

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Report it! That’s so much force to pop an elbow out of the socket wtf! Dang, I don’t even know what I would do in this situation…

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I’d file in this situation.
Let the police investigate

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They must have a video

Definitely report it and let them decide whether it was an accident or not

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File a police report- does the daycare have cameras? And do this quietly so they don’t erase footage- all the hell nos in the world on this


File the report. How could a 3 year old make up a story like that

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Don’t report it. This is a super common injury for toddlers and happens much easier than you’d think. They called and told you about it, didn’t leave it until end of day hoping they’d would stop favoring the arm. They will 100% lose their job if you report it (the whole “cover your own ass” mentality) and I don’t think that would be warranted at all.

Ask for video footage


I’d report it too. Then this way you can see what happened truthfully. My opinion anyways, I know if be up side then dwn the other side of that class
No need for it to happen

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Absolutely report it

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Hello there I came across you story and well with me being a previous teacher/assistant at an daycare facility my opinion is to report it not sure your state but we can put cameras in the classroom here where I live (Tennessee) we actually had them at our facility for parents to watch as the liked it’s also how we had a employee lose there job do to her tryin to harm a child so yes please report it no matter the situation. Hope he heals and has a fast recovery from this!!

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I would file a police report ASAP!!! There is absolutely no need for her to yank his arm hard enough to pull it out of socket. That’s abuse.

Always believe your child!! Report it to the police!!

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Report it. A three year old wouldn’t lie about that stuff. So she obviously was trying to cover something up

Police report, for sure!

Report it there shouldn’t be a reason for a kid to get a dislocation from pulling away unless she yanked back on his arm and like others have said with the report they can see the footage and decide


It’s your kid, if you don’t know for sure (which you don’t as you weren’t there) then report it, you owe it to your kid and to your self to get it investigated and to make sure that where ever you send your child that they are safe and not being purposefully harmed

Police report for sure. They shouldn’t have done that, so it’s on them if they loose there job.

I’d report it. Her story doesn’t fit a simple jump up and fall down scenario. Kids are built tough. It took some force to pull an elbow out of socket.


Ooh I’d be flipping fired up!!!

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Report it and ask for the truth.

Report it! If they do not have cameras then they should just for this purpose. As a parent always believe your child. I feel that even if this were a accident it wouldn’t be out of socket. That seems pretty hard in my opinion and esp for a 3 yr old.

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You were already advised on what to do and I’m unsure why you came to Facebook for different advice?


WTF believe your child I don’t care how old they are!!!

If you already know the story sounds fishy because your son doesn’t like his hand held, REPORT HER.

WTF. I hate this shit, advocate for your child!

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Do they have cameras?

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I’d file a police report . Because who knows if something worse has happened or if it were to happen again.

Nurse Maids Elbow- common for that age . Can happen just by swinging them by their arms or a sudden jerk as described.


Report that ASAP!!!

Kids don’t lie period!

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This same thing happened with me and my child though and I would never intentionally hurt my child so I can see it happening. I was holding his hand and he wanted to run off to where his brother was and quick as a flash he jumped up and then dropped to the ground before I even realized what he was doing and let go of my grip. It’s called nurse maids elbow and is actually quite a common accident I was told in the e.r


Ohhh I would report it!!!

There should be cameras

Yes it takes a lot of force to dislocate a child’s arm report it

Out of socket? I’d report. Minor injuries that toddlers can get at home/park etc at any time is one thing but that? No I’d report

no one is more honest than a toddler and a drunk. use your mom brain if your child said this person hurt them then how can you say you are torn on what to do? you were sitting at the ED trying to figure out why their arm is hurting, and you are torn on what to do?

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Absolutely file a police report and report her to CPS

Yes, report and get a new day care!

I would definitely report them. You are your child’s only advocate if you don’t stand up for him then who will…?

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Report it! Better to let them investigate and decide. Even if it was an accident it will hopefully teach her to be more careful. And if it wasn’t then you just might prevent it from happening to someone else’s child.

Report it! Better to let them investigate and decide. Even if it was an accident it will hopefully teach her to be more careful. And if it wasn’t then you just might prevent it from happening to someone else’s child.


Call the cops, file the report.

Always believe your child


Report her and put her on blast that women should never work with children it takes strength to rip a child’s arm off like that. What worries me is the lack of care for your child? Like anyone else would of had a police report made. Stop being a pushover and defend your child.


The hospital should have called CPS. You need to file a report, otherwise CPS can say you failed to protect your child. Advocate for your child


What the fuck? She absolutely lied about what happened. File that report. Advocate for your child!

Report it immediately.

You better report it. Next time she could do worse.

Is this even a serious question?

Report her she shouldn’t be grabbing any child that roughly omg!!!


Definitely report it!

Report it and they should be paying that hospital bill

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