I’m not sure. My child has gotten nurse maids elbow from my husband pulling her onto the bed before. I think it’s a common thing. Also, your child should hold hands when asked to for safety reasons. If she is trying to get him comfortable with the idea of it in the classroom before trying outside then it seems he still has a long way to go. If he pulled away and threw himself on the floor that’s not on the provider.
Talk to the teacher/ tell her at her you were told to file a report. See how she reacts …then decide what you need to do.
Sounds like you may need to file a report.
Report it just to be safe!
I will say when I was pregnant with my 2nd child my oldest daughter was 2 & we was at a birthday party at a park by the lake. I was asked to watch my nephew for a few minutes. Before I knew it he was running down to the lake. I grabbed my daughter up & ran down to the lake to get my nephew. I was walking back up the hill pouring sweat & by the time we was about 10 ft from the park shelter ( I was holding both of their hands, one on each side) my nephew runs ahead back to his dad, my daughter must’ve really liked the lake bc once we was near the shelter she started doing the “drop rock n roll” my mama used to call it. I was still holding her hand bc I was so tired & we was almost to the bench. She kept throwing herself down & throwing a fit so I just kept pulling her up. Not much fight, nothing me or a million other people wouldn’t have done. Not jerking or anything just simply lifting by her arm. She continued to cry. So being that it was past her nap time, plus I was so pregnant in the summer sun we went ahead & packed up to head home. She was very fussy & crying when I get our things together so I put her in her seat with the air on & pulled up to the shelter to pack up , all within 10 minutes or so. She was still crying but it honestly didn’t seem out of the norm considering her being hot & tired. We went home she took a nap. When she woke up she was very whiny & wouldn’t use her arm, the one I was holding onto at the park. I gave her a cup of chocolate milk & she always holds it with 2 arms but she was fighting to only use that one good arm. I knew something was wrong & I felt so guilty. But I was also very confused bc all I didn’t was hold her up by her arm for all of 2 seconds about 3 times. Like lifting her up to walk instead of bending down to pick her up. When we got to the hospital I was crying so hard bc I didn’t want anybody to think I was abusive or rough with my baby. They didn’t even for a second. The said it was hands maids elbow & that its fairly easy to happen & very common! I’m not saying don’t report it but it could be a very honest accident as well. .
Report her!!! Kids don’t lie especially that young as they don’t know how!
First, do you have more than 1 child who got hurt? You have said “their arm” and also said “my son.”
Report that… she pulled out…
I did it to my daughter, not bad enough that it didn’t “pop back” by itself. Took her to the dr right away. She was wearing white pants (my bad) and holding my hand. She tripped and went to fall and I held her up by yanking basically, which popped it out. My kid also has hypermobile joints.
My point is, it seems like she used a lot of force. You said your child doesn’t like his hands touched. All of it kinda seems sus to me and im usually the one that is like eh they’re fine, walk it off (for everything!), etc
DEFINITELY REPORT HER! Next time it could be worse
Go to the school princi[;e or owner of day care and hand them a copy of a written report. Have one copy put with the hospital record of injury ; one for the school ; and one for your packet. Also, because this person should be capturing a 3 year old by their trunk, not their arm, I really think there should be a talk with a policeman about the injury; They might have other injuries on file.
Report it. It’s the reporting agencies discretion to screen it and investigate or not. You would feel terrible if this provider did it intentionally and didn’t report it or another child gets hurt.
This is very common and it happens easily. ( My daughter had it when she was little)
First, most daycares and preschools now have cameras in every classroom. I’d start there. If they don’t, I def recommend finding a place that does.
It takes a lot of force to do that to a child. Please report so this doesn’t happen to another child!!
Where are the cameras?
That sounds like Nurses Elbow, and I’d report it if I were in your shoes
You file a police report and request camera footage.
File the police report! Children don’t just lie about these things at that age!
If it was the other way around by law they must report you! You reporting here means an investigation and they check into things. I think you should file the report. Not you for your child but any others that may be in danger while in her care.
100% file a police report. There should be cameras in the classroom so if it truly was an accident there’s nothing to worry about but from the sounds of it, I don’t think it was an accident.
Ask for the video footage to confirm an accident and then act accordingly. There should already be an incident report filed.
I can tell you that my son dislocated his shoulder by something similar sounding when his care taker was trying to help him up from nap - it was no one’s fault. He pulled the exact wrong way. She was devastated, but had done nothing wrong. There was an incident report and I was able to confirm with the video.
Please don’t automatically assume the worst - trust but verify. And if she abused him, go balls to the wall to the full extent of the law.
All I’m saying is… It’s possible for it to have been an accident.
Nurses are mandated reporters so she should be reporting it. I’d check to see if she did/is going to and go from there.
Make a police report. !!! Are there cameras in the school room???
Do what the nurse told you to do. File a police report. They will investigate the situation.
Absolutely follow the advice of the ER.
I’d report it and if anything they investigate it and if it’s nothing, it’s nothing! But better safe than sorry, that’s your baby!
File there maybe more going on then you know
A similar situation happened with my brother. She had to have had a strong grip on him of he dropped down and it popped out. But if she pulled on him like he said then she pulled really hard. I would file a report. Even at that young of an age it takes quite a bit of force to pull it out of socket. With my brother he didn’t wanna go somewhere and was being pulled by the hand. The lady had a really good grip on him to pull him along. He just dead weighted it and dropped down, but he twisted at the same time. It was rough. Lots of pain.
Call the law she tried to hurt your child
You need to report this. 3 year olds don’t lie.
When a doctor/nurse says file a report, file a report.
File a police report. Maybe that teacher needs updating training on ways to manage that type of situation in a safe manner. No teacher should be pulling on a child arm.
I’m torn on this. When my son was younger he and I were walking down the stairs and I was holding his hand. He decided to try and jump down the stairs and I still had ahold of his hand so it caused nursemaid’s elbow. I took him to the ER and it was easily fixed but I felt awful about it for weeks.
I also know my kid was/is a master of blaming me for everything lol.
I’d say if you’re feeling like it wasn’t an accident, then go with your mama gut.
If they are in a daycare facility ask to see video. If its an home daycare they might not have camras. But id try that before pressing charges.
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Definitely report it
Yes report it, because the ER has an obligation to report it. If they report it and you brought him in and didnt report it, it comes back on you as the parent. And like others said what else has happened at the center that hasnt been reported.
It may not have been intentional but it happened and needs to be addressed.
Call the Director of the the Daycare and tell them you want to review the footage and the Director has to report it to the police.
The hospital is also a mandatory reporter. They are giving you the absolute best advice, report it asap!
Definitely report that to law enforcement
I’m surprised the hospital didn’t get cops involved
Cause someone to lose their job!!! GIRL ARE U A FKN RETARD? Just asking becuz uh ur 3 ur old had to go to the er cuz they arm got pulled outa socket by a teacher!!! Uh hell yes u call the police!!! Hell yes she need to lose her job!!! Wtf u gonna allow her to do that to another child. Girl u need ur kid taken too questioning if u should report her! Fk yea report her! Shiiiiiiiiiiid she lucky it wasn’t me cuz I for sure woulda went to jail!!!
Report it. Trust your kid for this one. A child will tell you they aren’t sure if they don’t know if it’s an accident or not but that story the child told sounds straight forward. You only need suspicion to report child abuse.
File, if something worse were to happen to yours or another child it’s good to have a report already. Especially if her career is working with children
Report! If she is that way with your child, she’s that way with other kids too. She should not be in child care. Saving her job is not your duty, especially at your child’s expense.
That had to be done with some aggression and force without a doubt you need to report it
This should not even be a question!!! Idgaf about NOBODY LOSING THEIR JOB IF THEY EVER PHYSICALLY OR MENTALLY HURT CHILDREN!!! Please tell us that you did in fact make the police report.
I would personally go to the school first and ask to see footage and if they deny or don’t have it, go straight to the police station. If you see in the footage that harm was done intentionally, I would most definitely report it even if you feel like it could have been an accident. I only say this because IF it were to happen again, to your child or even another in the class, there’s already a report there to show abuse with this teacher. Cover all your bases for the kids momma
The hospital has already reported it I’m sure, I would to if I were you
Nurse maids elbow it happens
She shouldn’t have been holding onto a 3 year olds hands that tight
Report it. It could have been an accident but they should have cameras to confirm it.
Ask to see their camera of that day.Report I wouldn’t even ask that question . your child at 3 has not lied…
Sorry but I wouldn’t be questioning it unless your child has lied often
And this is the exact reason why I’ve been hesitant to put my 2 year old in daycare . You cant trust ANYBODY !!! I would file a police report ASAP
I’d call the police from the daycare. Perhaps there is video footage. The daycare administrator should be handling this!
Damn! Report it! His story doesn’t add up to what you were told by the adult. Never doubt or fight your intuition when it comes to your child.
I would do what was suggested by the hospital. The teacher should have either left your child alone or picked him up and set him in a chair if he was misbehaving. And not asking you to come get him immediately knowing he was hurt?! Crazy! Yes. Report her.
If this is a one time occurrence, it probably was an accident! I would document it, in case of future issues, but I wouldn’t press charges because it probably was accidental. People are too sue happy nowadays! If I was charged every time one of kids got hurt accidentally or if I reported my kids friends parents anytime my kid got a boo boo, nobody would be friends!
Hell, my kid goes to professional skate parks with his friend, but if he falls & cracks his head, I’m not going to report or sue the parents of my son’s friends … that’s the sad mentality nowadays. Was your child seriously injured or just had a sore arm?
My boys did that to me all the time when they were little, just suddenly drop & swing while holding my hand! It actually hurt me more than them lol!
I think alot of y’all are young parents who haven’t gotten to the eye roll stage yet lol! If your kid is a boy, a hurt arm is just the beginning lol!
Document, but don’t be a jerk unless it’s actual abuse!
Report it. If the teacher hurt your child it is very likely they will or already have hurt others.
Call CPS immediately! Honestly the hospital is also a mandated reporter they should make a call as well.
Yes asap. Trust your child
It takes a lot to come out of socket.
l get paid over $ 140 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes $ 14842 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
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Since your child is 3 they have no reason to make stuff up I would with what my child said. Teachers can make something up to cover his/ her own self
Report! Get them in trouble. It’s horrible that people that don’t have patience for children still do jobs that require just that! They can fk off and find a different job that suits them better! WTH
Report it and let them investigate it. That’s their job not yours. They will interview your child, the staff other staff,and your self. If videos are available they can subpoena them for evidence. I would contact CPS and the police.
Go with your gut feeling mama, u know your son better then any1 else, listen to what your inside mama is telling u
Call the police, file the report and let them see what they find. You don’t have to blow it out of proportion; but you should still take the claim seriously.
Question, was it Nursemaids Elbow?
No child can fall to the carpet and cause this themselves!! But the hospital will report it themselves so if you don’t cps will provide them for you
My daughter had nursemaids elbow- and it actually just popped out really easy. We used to swing her around by the arms with nothing, and then around 3 she was pulling a wagon at a little league game that pulled it out. After that It kept happening- almost at nothing. We eventually learned how to just pop it back in. It solidified by like 5 and stopped happening. So it doesn’t actually take a lot to pop the elbow out of its socket at that age level.
You never know to how many other kids that teacher has pulled and hurt. File those charges
FILE A REPORT. Let the case workers and police decide if it was an accident. This time it was a dislocated elbow but what if it wasn’t an accident and the next child get more severely hurt.
She’s lucky I’m not that child’s parent! It would not end well for her at all!
Must have pulled pretty hard to pull it out of socket hope your son is OK
Report and get that teacher sacked straight away no need to hurt a child like that
Ummm I’d be letting everyone loose their job. Your child’s elbow was out of its socket. It’s not easy to do that.
So whoever it was, was being to rough anyway. Accident or not. Your trained in stuff like this
Please file. 1) you are your child’s voice. 2) stop this happening to any other kid!
Your poor boy 3 attempts to get it back in
The Dr said that because they are calling dcfs on your child’s daycare over the incident. Dr’s are mandatory reporters. And, as a Dr, doesn’t believe the your child throwing themselves on the ground was enough to cause the damage to his arm.
Girl always trust your kid. They don’t make up stuff.
I would definitely file the report. Filing the repost will begin an investigation .
What did the daycare director say?
As someone whos worked in childcare all i can say is file it, and hopefully youre not planning on sending your child back there!
Report it. Let the cops figure out if it was an accident. Believe your child not the teacher. Show your child that no matter what you will Believe them and protect them
Report the daycare. Period.
If it was an accident, the police investigation will reveal that, but you need to report the incident. I say this because every accident should be reported, and kept on record. It’s very possible that it was an accident, but if it wasn’t, the teacher needs to be removed so that other children won’t have to experience the same type of “accident”.
Also, because you were advised by medical staff at the hospital to report it, you need to report it. If you don’t, and they do (which I believe they are required to report suspicious injuries to DHS), then it’s going to appear to be neglect on your part for not reporting it.
The bottom line is that you want your child to be in a safe environment. You need to be able to trust the daycare staff. Accidents will happen, but an accident that leads to an injury must be reported.
Call the cops . U don’t let anyone to hurt u baby. Make her get fired .who knows how many more kids she has hurt or will hurt in the future. Don’t think about. Do it
You need to report…the hospital will confirm that abuse. If you do not CPS will be involved she’s probably done this before.
At this point why care if she lose her job?
If someone hurt my child you bet someone will go down for it
I’d have a best down session with that teacher. As a teacher myself that is totally unacceptable. Definitely file charges and turn it into CPS. I’m so sorry your baby had to go through that.
File a report. I’ve worked at many daycares and seen many ‘teachers’ get away with abuse to a child because it’s easy to cover up because who believes a 3 or 4 year old? File a report. That’s not okay,
File the report! It’s a no brainer to me.
Report. It at least need an investigation
Absolutely file a police report!! No doubt about it.
Report!!! When it comes to getting hurt, children RARELY lie about an adult doing it. (Not saying it doesn’t happen) better safe then sorry.
The whole daycare is getting shutdown!!! Accident or not!!
Someone who would place a young child’s arm out of socket most definitely needs to lose their job. Yes you report the incident, I would do it through the police and the daycare so YOU can be sure a proper investigation is done. It may have been an accident but I’m finding it hard to believe another 3 yr old jumping on your child’s arm would have caused a dislocation. Pulling on the arm causes that and suggests your child is telling the TRUTH!
Does the daycare have video cameras? You need to fill a report soon before something happens to the video camera.
Even if it was an “accident” the teacher was being too rough. I would absolutely report!
Idk. When my son was around that age his arm would come out all the time. The doctor said some kids arms do that. After 2 trips to the doctor of it happening they showed me how to hold his elbow and gently put it back in place. I had to do it several times. It actually came out with him hanging off the monkey bars and once I was pulling his shirt over his head.
File report if its not you child it will happen to next she souldnt be running day care!
Report it because you are his champion.
I own a licensed daycare. The daycare provider should have filled out an accident report that they would have had you sign upon picking up your child. If they did not, I would be extra suspicious and most definitely would be filing a report with the police as well as reaching out to their licensing agency. To be honest, I would file a report regardless. That type of injury seems more like she yanked his arm in my opinion.