Should I report my sons daycare teacher?

File a report and sue.

yeah I think for that to happen she would have had to yank his arm

Get an accident report from the daycare but my daughter has done that too! It is called nursemaid’s elbow and might happen again. It did for us. She dropped all of her weight while I was holding her hand and dislocated her elbow. If they didn’t intentionally hurt him, I would not try to get them in trouble. The doctor probably has to report it.


My grandson had nursemaid elbow when he was a toddler and he’d dislocate his elbow playing. Any sort of tugging would do it. It first happened when he and his sister were horsing around and she pulled his arm.


LISTEN TO YOUR CHILD! Never doubt him. File a police report and also report it to the higher up in that daycare. The daycare should have had you sign an accident report and if they didn’t then there’s probably more to this than what is said. In no way shape or form is that acceptable accident or not.

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Report it. I doubt your kid is lying. There is no way he did it to himself.

I would report! Out of socket! Wtf!!! That was not a accident, she was probably being super aggressive for that to happen.


Make the police report and tell her in person what is now happening to find out the truth due to having to take your child to the ER, also speace to the director of the daycare

Pulled elbows are very common in toddlers and they don’t ALWAYS happen by rough handling, but your child explained it well so I’d go with his version and report immediately.
The fact she lied is a major red flag

Believe your child. If doctors are advising you to file a report do so.

If there is more to it, an investigation would free the worker of the accusations.


I would ask for the daycare’s report and do they have cameras??? Don’t most daycares have them these days? :thinking::thinking:

Listen to your child. But, it’s very easy to dislocate a child’s elbow. My son did it a few times. Not dismissing the fact that she should have told you what happened at all! But its possible she may not have had to pull hard at all and I happened.
I would definitely contact the head of the preschool and have a meeting. The hospital is a mandated reporter…so they will file also. Do they have cameras?
If she did it hard, then she should not have that job.


Do you know how hard she had to snatch his arm to dislocate it like that? I would definitely be calling and reporting it.

l ­g­e­t­ ­p­a­i­d­ o­v­er $ 140 p­er hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes $ 17733 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Mama, this is when you need to trust your gut instinct as a mother. Make a police report, at this point I wouldn’t care if she/he lost their job I honestly wouldn’t because they put my child in a danger environment

Not going to be a popular perspective, but that could very easily have happened by accident. I have been a 3 year old preschool teacher for 32 years and kids do that falling down thing all the time. They don’t want to go where they are asked to go, you hold their hand, and they flop down because, well, they are 3 and they want to do what they want to do. Ask yourself(honestly)if your child has ever done that to you at the store or in a parking lot. Your child said that his teacher hurt them because again, she did in his eyes, but that doesn’t mean it was on purpose. That being said, it will have to be reported because a child was hurt. In my state if there is an injury at a licensed school the director is required to report it(if your center is not licensed, that’s, in my opinion, not the best option for anyone safety wise) It is also our policy that we pay for any medical costs. If the director doesn’t report it, that again is a red flag. Those of you


You need to notify the police and let them investigate before the hospital notifies dhs, for your failure to protect your child after you were informed what happened, and your child had to go to hospital to have the elbow put back in socket… Something fishy sounding there, IMO, she was escorting your child by force across the room and your child fell to the ground because as you stated he doesnt like being touched…Most daycare centers have cameras, so call the police, you need to cover your ass…Dont worry about hers…

It definitely should be reported . This could possibly be a pattern. And the fact that she probably lied about it says a lot.

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Call the police file a report. Believe in your Son. He told you the truth

I’d report it. Better to he safe then sorry.

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Report that so fast. Listen to your child.


Get camera footage if they have cameras. Definitely report it!!

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As a preschool teacher and mother, I would 1000000% report it.


My sons are older now but here’s how I’d handle it as a Mom. The nurse and doctor who saw your child are mandated reporters, so they have to report any suspicion. Which is good for you. Then I’d go to the daycare director (without my child) and ask for any camera footage, accident reports etc. If there is hesitation, then I’d inform the director that you were advised by mandated reporters to also report yourself. And state that you are following through with the report in your own.


Those of you who think that accidents are not going to happen when children get together in a classroom have never been in a classroom. Bottom line…ALWAYS give your child the benefit of the doubt, but get all the facts before you overreact.


Report it.
Call the police.

Please follow their advice and file police report, before another child gets hurt

I think a lot of questions need answering here. Have you had past problems? Has your child been unhappy coming/upset going to daycare? Any past marks on child? Have you suspected anything before? Good/bad/ok relationship with the daycare? Them questions can help you sort feelings on rather you feel maybe this was an accident or something more. The daycare may have cameras also. And you can ask for the report also. The hospital is a mandated reported so if they feeling something more involved they legally have to report it.

Fyi, I use to have a cousin who was so easy popping his arm out of socket when he was younger. The slightest falling on it, or lifting/ pulling arm would pull it out.

As a daycare provider myself, I once had a 3yr old say I didn’t feed him breakfast. And it was and wasn’t fully true not because he lied but because to him that was how he explained it without all the little details. I fed him breakfast but because it wasn’t breakfast he wanted he didn’t eat it therefore to him I didn’t feed him breakfast.


Believe your babies, ALWAYS! You could be wrong and the staff could be unfairly punished, but if you don’t believe your baby and their telling the truth that’s something that will stay with your family forever.

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Just because the child said “she hurt me” doesn’t mean it was intentional. I’m sure it did hurt him but he was also misbehaving and he’s only 3. He doesn’t know accident from on purpose. Some people’s joints are easily dislocated. If you’re concerned, ask to see the camera footage.


Idiot go dislocate her arm


What is the ratio of staff to children? Surely another member of staff was nearby to have witnessed?

Lady… if she pulled so hard that his shoulder popped out. I’d lay charge. Your only concern is your boy… no one else.

Accidents happen but your son is saying something different and keep in mind he’s only 3yrs old, so more than likely telling the truth! Yes I’d report it and let them decide but wouldn’t send my child back!

Sounds like she just tried to catch him… I say don’t call the police

You can look bad if you don’t report it since the hospital told you too. They will do an investigation to see if it was an accident. Your job is to protect your child and let the authorities figure out what happened. If it wasn’t an accident and you didn’t report it your child or another child could be hurt again.

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Well she rang you straight after it happened so if there was any maliciousness I doubt she would of rang ?

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Report. Even if it was an accident and nothing comes from it. At least it will be on record just in case it wasn’t an accident.


File the report and if it was an accident, the investigation will come out as such!

My son is 3 he goes to school his teachers wouldn’t dare hold him to the point his elbow comes out of his socket. I would personally be filling a suit so quick if I was in that situation

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File the police report and let them sort it out. It could be worse next time if you don’t. It doesn’t sound like an Accident to me.

report it the most important person is your child… you said he doesn’t like touching hands so id say teacher isn’t being honest. is there cameras in the childcare centre i would ask to see them

Ummmm why is this even a question.

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Why are u even asking file charges report her.

If the teacher made up an elaborate story and then your son says something completely different, seems like ol teacher knew what she did was wrong. Report it, reporting doesn’t mean conviction; an investigation is welcomed by innocent people. You have a responsibility to your child and your child alone.


Report it, let them investigate and you’ll
Have peace of mind. If nothing comes of it just tell the school the hospital asked you to make a report.

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Always believe your child and look further into something like this
A child needs to know you believe them and are on your side


Sorry but this is a stupid question. Always listen to what your child is saying no matter what it is, always believe them.


Demand to watch the cameras

Definitely report it to the police department. Let them investigate the situation. If you just brush it under the rug the next time may be worse! Protect your child and prevent this from happening to any other child

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Just to put it out there, nurse maids elbow it common for kids under 4. My daughter tripped while I held her hand and it popped out easily. A teacher helped her change her shirt it popped out easily. She rolled over in her sleep it popped out. I would ask other teachers, ho check if they have cameras, etc before I file the report


It takes a lot to dislocate a elbow something is wrong

I think you definitely have to report this to the daycare owner if someone pulled your little guy so hard she dislocated his elbow she should not be working with kids she’s to rough also she lied about how it happened so she knows she did wrong and is trying to blame someone else

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Yes for sure. They will do an investigation and come to outcome from there. I am a retired preschool teacher. I believe what your said. It sou,d’s just about right. Had to be it of force to dislocate elbow.

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Call the police ! File the report ! Always be your child’s advocate!!!

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I would file a report. It takes a lot to break an arm so if his arm is broken let means that she was holding his arm with a lot of force

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Theres no way that was an accident.Ask to see the video of when it happened.I would definitely make a police report as well as report her to the owner of the day care.She MOST DEFINITELY should lose her job and have criminal charges.

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I definitely would report it. Believe your child. That sounds horrible what happened and had to go the er! Children are very honest and tell the truth at this age.


Always make a report! This might not be the first time or last time something like this happens with that teacher. At least if you make a report it is on file. If there was no wrong doing she won’t lose her job. But in the chance that there was some wrong doing you don’t want it to go unnoticed! Good luck momma :heart:

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I’d report it and let them investigate

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Definitely report it. He had to have been jerked pretty hard to pull it out of its socket.

l ­g­e­t­ ­p­a­i­d­ o­v­­e­r $ 140 p­er hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes $ 16610 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Report it. Because if its happened to your baby it could happen to someone else’s.

Girl you need to report her before she hurts someone else’s child & the next time it could be worse! REPORT IT TO THE COPS & even allow your child to tell them what happened since he was able to tell the docs

Haha haha come on are you fuckn stupid or dumb. Who gives a fuck wether she loses her job so what. Omg pathetic. Some would of gone over there and smashed her one.i can’t even comprehend with your question.

make a report mama! this shouldn’t have happened in a daycare environment, especially by a teacher :purple_heart:

What are you waiting for! Why is this even a question you should be asking a bunch of strangers on Facebook of all place get your butt to the police station she assaulted your child!!!


Ask for the video. You know your child. Do you think he jerked always from her?

It should be brought to the attention of the director. Whether it was an accident or not, there should never be that much force(enough to give nurse maid’s elbow!) When helping a child get from one place to another in the room.

I probably would have went to jail if teacher yanked my child hard enough to pull their elbow out of socket. But you should listen to the hospital and file the report. Go in the morning and get the footage of the incident for the police. Let them review it and go from their.


Listen to your child!

Report it !! Call the police

Report immediately, do they have cameras in the rooms?

File a police report. Just do it.

I work in childcare, report them. If I’m holding a child’s hand and they tug away even the slightest I let go. One, a child that doesn’t want to be touched shouldn’t be touched. Two, it can cause an injury like this. They may not have done anything with bad intentions, but they should know why we don’t walk a child around by the hand against their will.


The hospital has to report by law


I’m so sorry to hear this :pray::pray::pray:

Make that report. What if it happens again. Do not pick her over your child.

Report! Report to law enforcement and school authorities!

I mean I could agree that it could have been an accident but if it really was an accident why wouldn’t they just tell you that and not just try and brush it off as though it was nothing.

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First of all you are not costing her a job she done that herself if it was an accident then accept it but if it was not then you could stop it from happening to another child. I worked in the hospital and the doctor said it’s hard to hurt a child without meaning to

File the report!! This time he was injured but what else does she do to these children that isn’t leaving evidence?


It doesn’t sound accidental to me file they could be hurting others too

My niece got widows elbow from being pulled out of the pool. I bet he was playing and she told him it was time to do something else, he threw his body to the floor (tantrum like or just dead weight like most kids) and that happened. I would talk to the teacher again and see if the story changes.

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Wow! It’s worth looking into!

l ­g­e­t­ ­p­a­i­d­ o­v­­e­r $ 140 p­e­r­ ­h­­­­o­u­­­­­r­ working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes $ 16064 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Time for you to be the mom report it!


I would definitely file a police report Always believe your child no matter how old they are

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Isn’t the hospital a mandatory reporter? Seriously, what kind of accident could have happened to cause an injury like that? I would file!


It could of been an accident… kids do sometimes pull themselves down hard and if the teacher didn’t let go right away I could see this possibly happening, but it could also be a teacher pulling him by an arm or being too rough. I would report it, at the very least to her director. I am a preschool teacher and have never had an injury happen like this to my students but have had plenty of kids yank themselves down hard! I don’t think this would happen very easily.


File a report to cover your own self.

I would go and remove her head from the socket! Praying for your baby. Please report her so they can investigate. There must be cameras


I would report it. Best that there is an investigation especially with that type of injury.

Always trust your child until proven otherwise.

His 3. And from experience they can tell stories but they don’t flat out lie. File a report.

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File the report and let the police figure it out

Call the police something not right I was a 3 year old teacher for years please make a police report


And praying for you and your children

Fuck that! File the police report and be the voice for your child who cannot advocate for himself. Children at that age don’t lie. Please listen to him if he’s telling you something is wrong. I’ve worked in the prison system for many years and I cannot tell you all the horrid things that have happened to kids because either their parents didn’t listen, see the signs or didn’t believe their kids. I have a friend in Sonoma county who basically picked up her toddler from daycare brain dead due to repeated abuse from her daycare provider. She buried her only baby. Don’t take any chances with your babies. Protect them and do what you have to do. That’s your job as a parent to protect your babies. These babies didn’t ask to be brought into this world.