Should I report my sons daycare teacher?

I would take the ER report to the administration office and report it l know accidents happens but this sounds like there was some force and there needs to be a report done asap

I would file a report. It may save you from getting blamed.


Call state, file that police report, ask for footage of the cameras. If you’re questioning yourself, no hesitation mama. Make the call.


Definitely file police report. How many other wee qs has she abused, because this was child abuse. Teachers are not allowed to use that kind of physical strength on a 3 year old.

Adults will lie, children rarely know how to.

A child that age is going to say what happened because they are generally more open. I’d say file the report. No sense in talking with said teacher as people tend to lie if they know something serious would come about. When it comes to children, no holds bar. That teacher should not have held the child’s arm in any critical way as to cause that to occur. You say I don’t want someone to lose their job, ok, but what if next time its more than an arm? Keep that at the front of your mind.


I would 100% listen to your child listen to your gut!!

Do they have cameras set up…but that teacher needs to ge reprimanded

Definitely file a report & find out if the daycare has cameras and demand to see it.

Children don’t typically make up stories to explain injuries at that age. It sounds completely legitimate. I would file the report recommended by the professionals that see similar injuries all the time.

Don’t worry about anyone but your son! You don’t want it happening again or to another child, so please report it.


That used to happen to my nephew all the time. All it took was for him to drop his weight once while my mom was holding his hand and his elbow popped out. She wasn’t yanking him or anything, it was just the force of his own weight. After that it happened pretty easily to the point where the doctors showed my brother how to pop it back in himself so they wouldn’t have to keep coming back in.


Go talk to her and get her side, then use that to determine next course

I’d be filing a report immediately! It takes a great deal of strength to dislocate a young childs arm. Sounds like she wa yanking your kid around in an excessive manor. Completely unacceptable

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I would make a police report!

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That’s not from walking and then falling, report, for one if hospital told u to and u don’t they will no matter what

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I think you should report it…:unamused:

I thought hospitals were mandatory reporters. If they felt it was abuse, they should report it.


Omg she’s gonna hurt someone else’s baby worse than yours honey call the police

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Either way find a new daycare. With cameras.


I mean. My elbow literally used to pop out from the tiniest grab. I had nurse maids elbow. So it more so depends if this has been a prior issue or if your child has a normal joint there. My grandma grabbed my arm once and ripped it completely out because I jumped when she grabbed. :woman_shrugging:t3:


So it actually doesn’t take a lot of strength to pull an elbow out of socket. When you see adults swinging their children in between each other that actually stretches the ligaments and tendons which makes it very easy for the elbow to come out of socket. My elbows use to come out of socket all the time. I would talk to the director of the daycare and go from there first.


Listen to your child

Call community care license have them investigate

Report it even if it could easily happen that his arm could come out of socket like that why did she lie about it if it was a simple accident then she would have said that… she obviously grabbed him harder then she should have

Call and file a report now. You could save another child’s life and I would also report to the daycare

Report it! If it was an accident, a good person would of told you the truth.

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This happened to both of my boys. The first time at daycare and I was so upset. Once it happens it can easily happen again and again. The 2nd time it happened walking into epcot. We were each holding my son’s hand and je jumped up & it dislocated when he went down. Then it happened to my younger son 4 times. It is actually shocking how easily it can happen. The doctor said it can even happen from another child just pulling a toy out of their hand.


Google nursemaid elbow.
Same happened to my miss 3 cause she didn’t want to hold my hand, she dropped to the ground & well we know what happened after.


Is this even a question :joy::woman_facepalming: good lord


Seriously? The hospital should have reported it to the police. If you brought your child in with that injury, your child gave that story to the triage nurse except that you did it, they would have immediately called in an advocate. Listen to your child, they are innocent little souls at that age. Children need to be taught to lie.

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A child at three is most likely the one telling the truth he wanted to play she grabbed and hurt his arm! Report it!


Listen to your baby and file that report!

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Report. It’s the law

report it, please believe him

My husband dislocated our daughter’s elbow at 3 years old ACCIDENTALLY. He was holding her arms near the wrist as they were playing in the rain and she slipped, dislocating her elbow. It could very well have been an accident. If he jerked away from her and she was holding his arm.


Report the incident & talk to the other parents. It may have happened before & was let go.

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Wtf ??? I would be in jail if this was my child. Why are you even doubting your child? Or what to do? When the kid is saying what happened, believe him. Be his voice and make sure that person never goes near any Child or your own ever again. Protect him. Make sure he knows you believe him.

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Listen to the professionals and your son would call the police even if they hadn’t recommended it! Anything that happens to your son or other children after that would be on you!.

Ummm I would have pressed call as soon as those words came out my child’s mouth

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Listen to your child.


You need to report it ASAP- a teacher is never to use physical force- even breaking up a fight - opens hands - and only defensive movements- and if contacted only then opposite force is allowed

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There should be no question here except what are the charges and can you find another child care provider. That should never have happened. I’m so sorry

I would report it. but even if you don’t, the hospital will by law they have too. And k definitely wouldn’t be sending my kid back there.

You protect your child, that shouldn’t even be a question, report it.

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Your job is to protect your child! Act now, ask questions later!


I would go to the school and talk with them
But also know at a young age it’s very easy for a child to dislocate elbows and wrist and such
They will grow out of it
Happened to a friend of mines daughter all the time

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The ER is required to report it.

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Speak to the daycare and see if u can see the security footage for that particular time and day. Ask other parents from that daycare have they experienced the same or similar thing.


I would of reported it before the Ed told me to. That was no accident. Who knows how many other children she hurt.

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I work in childcare and we are not allowed to use any type of force regardless of how little to move the children. If you let this go it’s the first step in teaching your child there is no use telling you when someone has hurt him. You do not want that to happen.


Report it. End of story. Let them figure it out.

Your child’s elbow was out of socket? Um, you absolutely need to file a police report…. You shouldn’t even hesitate about that :cry:


It should get investigated
Sorry this happened to your baby toddler :two_hearts:

My sister did this to my brother when he was about 3 and same exact situation. It should be reported but keep in mind your toddler may have really been throwing a fit and she may not have meant to hurt him. Obviously toddlers don’t know how easy it is to dislocate and in your child’s mind she did hurt him.


Yes report it! They’ll investigate at the least. Babies don’t lie they’ll tell you straight and you need to listen.

Absolutely report this. No one should be holding onto a child aggressively enough to dislocate their arm. This makes me sick.

Would of taken alot if force for his elbow to b dislocated like that she should of let his hand go. Totally unacceptable. Definatly file a report.

Listen to your child! That’s the problem in these situations people don’t listen to their own children. He’s clearly telling you what happen. In details too. Let the police investigate that’s their job!! I’m actually surprised the hospital didn’t call the police.


You are supposed to protect your child it doesn’t matter about the teacher

Get. A. Lawyer.
Can’t emphasize this enough.
And report her.

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Report it.
I’d rather be wrong once, than to be right a hundred times. Even the police would say the same.

Pretty much only one way “nursemaids” elbow happens.
In fact it is named after a caregiver of the child.

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Report it. If what she says is true, shouldn’t ur son had made a fuss before just dropping to the ground ? Most kids will try get their hand out of a hold like that before just dropping. So she must’ve had a really tight grip on him. Which clearly isn’t safe. Defs report. This incident might’ve scared her but there needs to be formal action done too to protect ur kid and other kids

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It was no accident mama.
Report it. Who cares about that teacher’s future, you gotta think about your baby and other kids she may be hurting.

it’s called nurse maids elbow, a friend of mines child had it from just simply swinging them like we all did as a kid with our parents, it was harmless and no force, it really does happen their joints just aren’t fully intact to be strong, it takes a lot of force to break a child’s bone but dislocations happen often, I would personally say file the report like the ER told you todo, so it can be investigated. You can’t trust all teachers in daycares now a days, for two a 3 year old wouldn’t just come up with a detailed incident if it didn’t happen in some sort of sense. They can exaggerate a little bit BUT they don’t really know how to lie at all, they tell you the truth I’m their own ways so I’d be by your child’s side 100% if they have an issue we’ll “my child told the doctor this and the doctor said I had to file a report, if it was an accident then it was an accident” if it wasn’t an accident they need to be held accountable, that’s traumatizing to your child to go through.


Do you know how hard you have to pull a child’s arm for that to happen? HARD. You shouldn’t even question whether to report or not. Protect your child, file a police report and sue their asses!!!

Heck naeww press charges, nobody should ever pull a child hard enough, to take their arm out of socket !! That person needs to be held accountable for his or her actions, because it can happen again, but could possibly be worse !

He pulled away, she didn’t pull him. Sounds like an accident.


I have had three children in daycare and none of them have ever been physically forced to do anything. They use their words to get the children to follow instructions in a calm manner. Report it. And the fact that she wasn’t honest makes her even more guilty. They should NEVER need to grab your child to get them to follow instructions.

You shouldn’t even be talking to us about this! Go report them to police! Protect your children like you’re supposed to!


call the school asap

A 3 yr old does not know what a lie is. File the report.


Trust your child.

I will say though when I was about that age, I was holding my dad’s hand, threw a fit, dropped to the ground, and dislocated my elbow. It was truly innocent. With this said, if there’s suspicion that the adult could be at fault, report it and let the authorities take it from there.


#1… Has this teacher been reported on anything prior?
#2… Talk with the director first
#3. Three year olds are somewhat incomplete in their thinking…
#4. What does your intuition tell you?


You have to report it even if you don’t want to. Accident or not reports need to be filed to be on the safe side. Good luck, what a cruddy situation to be in. Hopefully your child heals quickly.


I would report that teacher before she hurts another child

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I get it things happen, I hate to make trouble for daycare, if you report it they will check it out . If nothing is wrong it’s said and done. If they find something like other kids getting hurt ext. You maybe saving a child . Tell school you had to resort it is up to your gut feelings


Confront the teacher, then by her reaction decide if you are filing a report

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Easily an accident, but then why lie about how it happened?

It sounds like something the hospital should be reporting to begin with because they are mandated reporters. I am a childcare teacher and I would be reporting it. If protocol is followed the center and teachers will be investigated before anything is done. If someone knows or saw anything it will come out. Usually there is someone else around to see what’s going on.

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Firstly, I would report it as you were advised. I will say, my daughter was about 3, I was holding her hand and told her no about something. She was in a stage where she would toss herself back to the ground when she threw a fit. She did that and to avoid her smacking her head on a cabinet I held onto her hand while she threw herself back, she ender up with nursemaids elbow as well (what happened with your kiddo) I BAWLED my eyes out and felt terrible but its was truely because she threw herself down while I was holding her hand so it’s possible the teacher is being truthful.

Report to the police no 3 year old lies about what happens trust me

You know your child and you know deep down if they are telling the truth or embellishing. Sadly cartoons and shows teach kids how to manipulate things. I would think you know the teacher and your child, take an honest look and decide. Trust your instincts

You need to report this who knows if she has done this before …when my older was 3 i put him in a daycare in Parry Sound …he screamed blue murder and went on the back seat floor in a ball and begged not to go …so i told him mama is going to see what was happening he was holding my neck so tight i was having problems breathing …so i asked a worker there… was there anything that happened to my son i was upset by his fear…she told me no and because it was his 1st few times this behavier is normal…and im thinking ( um nono my sons reaction was not normal) which i told her … we left i brought him back home woke up his father explained what happened went to work …could nt stay i was to distrauted to work …went home askef my son why he was not wanting to go …he told me in french that the lady grabbed his arm when he tried to go inside to go pee and dragged him back outside told him no and go play…he peed himself and had a slight bruise on his arm… so i called it in to find out they were under investigation for child abuse…I have never felt like a terrible mother like i did that day…SO PLZ REPORT IT…i trusted this place with my son…took me a very long time to trust a daycare after that …but found a good one in sudbury when second child was 3 and my oldest was 5…they loved it there …so teacher or daycare …they need t know…the teacher lied to you…

Report it. Let them decide the outcome

Ooh that woman needs to go to jail! She could hurt more kids!

What is wrong with you. Why is that report not already filed??? You don’t ACCIDENTLY PULL an elbow out of socket. Geez. Let’s ask Facebook first though.

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My child had the same thing happen at daycare. Her arm was jerked out of socket and it came out 11 more times that year. Her arm was hurt so badly the orthopedic doctor put it in a cast and she wore it 3 months until her arm healed. Report them because I wish I would have!!!

You should report it most definitely and NOW!

I would 100000% do a police report !!!

I’d report. They have video so police will have access to what really happened. If what the teacher is saying is true, then it was pure accidental. But if the video show your 3 year old telling the truth, then you know you did the right thing.

File !! As a mother , we are their advocate.

Ot takes a lot to dislocate an elbow. Report

I thought hospital employees were mandatory reporters, first of all. Now that you heard your child’s version go to your day care worker and get their version without your child there. Then go from there. You’ll know what to do.

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Believe my child. Always.

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Dob them straight in

This is your child!!! You have to be their advocate and prevent others from being hurt. Let the police handle it they will find out the truth… does the daycare have cameras???

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So they can do it to another child or do it again to yours! I know it’s hard confrontation is never easy and the thought of someone losing their job sucks but in this case momma you have to report this or your just as in the wrong as she was. It is a form of child abuse to neglect reporting for any reason good luck

does the daycare have cameras you can ask to watch?