What do you mean “ You don’t want to cause someone for losing their job”?
CHILD ABUSE is a very goooood reason to lose their job . What’s going to happen next time to your child ?
Please don’t jump to conclusions. I taught preschool (3yr Olds) for many years and this is a completely plausible situation. Kids at that age do lie or exaggerate, believe it or not. And those actions are very common for a 3yr old (especially if he doesn’t like his hands being touched). I would ask for a meeting with the director and teacher. Maybe record what your child has said and see how the teacher reacts to your child’s statement. Then use your mother’s intuition to decide if you need to file a report.
A false report could not only end her career, but could give her major charges. Don’t go that route until you dig a little more. JMO
Honestly the nurses/doctors should anyway as they’re mandated reporters but that doesn’t mean they will.
Everything my 3 year old tells me that happened at school… actually happened believe your kid
Make a report, that teacher used waaaaay too much force and was more than likely angry at the time . The hospital should file a report too. The sooner you report it the better.
Your child said he pulled away. She was just trying to redirect your child. It doesn’t sound malicious.
Report. In this situation ur ur kids voice and every other child in that daycare it can and most likely will happen again
I’d report her to the daycare and file a police report
The teacher knows she was wrong or she would have told you the truth. There is nothing wrong with saying she was trying to get your kid to do something and he pulled away. At the same time she should have been talking to him to get him redirected to what she wanted him to do. Not using physical force.
Definitely report that a child that young isn’t going to lie about who actually hurt them and how it happened especially if he’s saying that teacher did it the injuries obviously speak for themselves
She may have been wrong. However you should let your child know at certain times he’ll have to hold hands with an adult whether he likes it or not, sometimes it’s for safety. Now if he jumped up and down hard and she was holding his hand firmly then he could have injured her back all the same. Kids don’t get to do as they please. That being said if you feel she maliciously injured your child then file a report.
Report. For one maybe it didn’t happen like that and they don’t get in trouble or it did happen in a mean way and they don’t need to be around kids. The hospital should of already reported it and then if you don’t that also makes you look guilty but always do what is in the best interest of protecting your child and potentially protecting others
Sorry they need investigate it casue what if not report teacher hurt other kid not intenting and other child realy get hurt and 3 year old don’t know how lie sorry I would take my child word over anyone
If Teacher was holding his hand and dropped to the floor. That would not cause his Elbow to be dislocated!! Similar thing happened to a friend of mines 3 yr. Old daughter! Teacher said she was holding her hand on playground. Believe the Child!!
His arm was pulled out of the socket? Hell ya you file a police report!! WTH are you waiting for? The police will figure out whether it’s an accident or not. She may end up doing it to another child. Hopefully you won’t be sending your kid back there anyway.
Report it! Accident’s happen but you weren’t there to make that call. Let Child Protective Services do a investigation and make the call.
Does your daycare have cameras in the rooms because most do and most are required to by law nowadays. Also filing a police report was recommended to you by the emergency room so if I was you I would listen to them and do it. Also your child’s elbow was out of the socket which wouldn’t be caused by a simple grab of the arm. Also more than likely the emergency room will contact social services since it involved a child and a teacher. You need to file a report take the paperwork with you from the emergency room and have the police do their job and if they find it’s necessary to arrest the teacher then be it. The teacher had no right to grab your child’s arm to the point it pulled your child’s elbow out of the socket that’s called excessive force.
People please don’t be nasty she is still. In shock over it and trying to make sure of what she is thinking and doing please she is a concerned mother
I would report it especially if it’s out of socket!
Do what the er told you. I dont think a 3yo has the strength to pull his own arm out of socket. If he does, let the cops and child services figure that out
Make the report. As a teacher of this age group and a parent of a 4 year old. The investigation will show if it was an accident or not.
It takes a decent amount of force to get the elbow out of socket, not typically just a kid “dropping” to the floor, but it can happen but rarely… I’m sure your kid drops to the floor with you and doubt it you continue to hang on that hard… I know when my kid falls to the floor I’m letting go.
The child’s dislocated elbow is from a jerk from an adult. Very common injury from this type of thing.
That’s called CHILD ABUSE!
If you don’t file paperwork,
Its called nurse maid’s elbow dislocation one is pulling one way and one is pulling the other way I would report but this elbow dislocation is more common children’s joints are very flexible and it doesn’t alot of force to happen
girl what… report it. how are you questioning it?
Report it and ask to see the video at the daycare
I would report it immediately! Out of socket means force and it sounds to me that someone is trying to cover their butt. My daughter has been through something similar in public school and I believed her we now home school.
Your child comes first. If someone yanked him hard enough to dislocate his elbow that person NEEDS to lose their job.
I will say at three my son fell off a trampoline that was fully netted but still managed to fall and dislocate his elbow but your child is making it pretty clear this was not an accident.
Anyone like that shouldn’t be around children period!
I love kids and have 5 kids and 10 grandkids, all taken very good care of by me. However there is no way I would ever work in a daycare setting!! ANYTHING that happens, let’s immediately assume the teacher is at fault and is “abusing” your child. Let’s fire her, arrest her, beat her up.
Listen to yourselves!
Did your children never have accidents while in your care?? Did you never accidentally hurt them??
It’s a wonder that ANYONE wants to go into child care anymore.
Kids are allowed to totally disobey the adults, and do as they please, (one day care worker I know has been bitten, kicked, spit on, cussed at) and if they try to defend themselves then the parents try to get them in trouble!!
Don’t be surprised when Daycares no longer exist and we’ll see how that works out.
She had to be holding his arm pretty hard for her to pop it out of socket my 3 year old has threw his tantrums and plopped down pulling away having to hold my hand across the street so bad I’ve had to pick him up and fight him the whole way not one time has he ever popped it out of socket …If the doctors are telling you to I would absolutely do it …does the daycare have cameras ? And I definitely would be going to that daycare and asking questions possibly even try and find out if other things have happened like that there…
Report that teacher obviously this is why I don’t trust daycares. I’d wait till the day they are fired and kick her ass… with discretion of course😘
Why is this even being asked on social media protect your child call the police now . This shouldn’t even be a question
I would have the teacher arrested for child abuse
That takes a lot to dislocated an elbow, a child does not have that strength, she hurt that child, I would report, who knows who else she has hurt.
A 3 year old pulling away from a daycare teacher isnt enough force to cause a dislocation. He may have tried to pull away but there was DEFINITELY significant force coming from the teacher to have caused a dislocation. In my mind I’m thinking she pulled up/yanked on him forcefully. A 3 year old child doesnt have the sense to lie about something like that. File a police report. Im actually surprised the ER didnt report it themselves! Edited to add: make sure you notify the daycare center (not the specific teacher) that a police report was filed at the behest of the ER and request that your child not be under the care of that specific teacher until the investigation has been completed. In my opinion an open investigation should warrant a leave of absence for the teacher also. My only other question would be is it the elbow on the same arm she was holding or the other arm? If he pulled away and she lost hold of him and he fell and caught himself on the other arm it is possible to dislocate your elbow that way. Its not a common injury but possible if he just caught himself at the wrong angle.
Report it! They should have cameras they cameras won’t lie!
If the hospital is saying to file a report then
I would do it, it could of been innocent but what if it wasn’t and the teacher is hurting other children too
Ps. Always listen to your child, at that age they wouldn’t normally lie and make things like that up…
This happened to my baby! DHS had to do an investigation since it was reported. I saw the video myself and it was unintentional, the girl just needed more training. At the time I didn’t know about nuse maidens elbow and also could have pulled it out of socket by swinging her by her arms. The worst part is it kept happening until she was 5! Tickling on the bed, she was rolling around and it came out of socket again. It was heart breaking. DHS said it wasn’t malicious so nothing ever happened but I changed daycares anyway.
Always advocate for your child. A small child of that age does not just make up stories like that. File a police report and let justice take its course. Poor baby. I hope he or she gets better soon.
Report it pulling a child’s arm is a big NO it’s so easy to pull an arm out of socket at that age
So as the hospital says!
She def did it. It’s not easy to dislocate like that. Cal the cops
It wasn’t an accident go to the police. Children don’t lie about things like that
Make a report and surveillance camera should show what happened,never second guess to report it.
Sandy Woods-Fischer, you’ve ran a successful day care for over 35 years, what’s your “take” on this situation??
file a report with the police so they can obtain the footage and launch an investigation after viewing said tape then seek a lawyer if you discover findings of abuse. You are your child’s ONLY ADVOCATE! You have to live with the guilt if something happens again or to another child and you didn’t take the necessary steps to stop or prevent it. As a mother of 8 I understand accidents happen but my kids are my everything and if you hurt one of them you’ll lose your job! It’s their job to keep them safe… bottom line
It takes great force to unhinge an elbow. At the end of the Ulna is a sort of a cradle called the semi lunar notch, where the end of the hummerus sits. At the front of that cradle is the coronoid process or a front hook and At the back of that notch is the olecranon process and it’s purpose is to hold the trochlea or the end of the hummerus in place. It resembles a crescent moon. In order to unhinge the elbow he would have had to have been jerked with great good force to bring the hummerus up over the olecranon or the coronoid. There is no way the injury could have happened if she was “holding his hand” Even if he jumped and jerked from her it couldn’t happen unless she had such a tight grip on his arm and jerked with force against his movements. I would call the police immediately and file charges against her for willful harm on a child and get a civil attorney and sue the school for damages.
As a previous teacher for that specific age, I would report it. There are many ways to redirect a child and pulling them by their arm isn’t one because it can lead to this type of situation. Something doesn’t sit well with me about it because I know from experience that there are teachers who shouldn’t be in that profession.
Follow your gut mama. If you think something isn’t right, something is probably up.
I would also bring it up to the director.
My kids have jumped like that before and it’s not enough weight to dislocate their arm. Especially a 3 year old. My kids liked to be swung by their arms and still do and they’re 60 pounds each. You don’t dislocate your arm from somebody holding your hand while you fall. That’s total BS and they may have similar reports against them and this could be the one to break the case, you never know. I’d report it, it could save another child.
Call licensing and file a police report
Call the cops please, your child is probably not the only one getting hurt in her class.
If it truly was an accident then they shouldn’t have lied about the child falling.
File a report and ask to see the footage from the cameras.
former daycare teacher here
Absolutely report it.
They should have cameras to protect them from flash claims.
Nursemaid elbow is super common and it could easily happen if they were to pull away. I would maybe sit down with the director of the daycare and see if you can access the camera footage of that day. As far as filing a report, I would wait to see what actually happened.
Nursemaids elbow is common at that age and easy to do.
I would report it casue teacher can report say the child came school like that make like u did it
Something is definitely not adding up. If you don’t want to go as far as reporting it to police, your state should have a licensing agency that governs licensed child care centers. You can file a complaint to them and they will investigate. They can escalate to police or CPS if they feel the need. Did they have you sign an incident report?
Yes a follow up for sure.
You should listen to your child
I would go to the daycare myself and talk to them in person and tell them what the teacher said and what your child said and go from there because its unacceptable if the teacher hurt him on purpose but as a mom with a child of autism and my son dont like being touched, maybe he really did wanna play and fought walking with the teacher. Its so easy getting mad at someone hurting your child but sometimes things really do happen and maybe it was really an accident.
It’s called nursemaids elbow, and is actually an incredibly easy injury to sustain at that age. Look it up, see if it suits, and go from there. The ER should have discussed that with you.
I would report the teacher
This happened with me and my son… when he was about 2. We were at the mall qnd he went to go dart off and run from me. My 1stvreaction was to grab him by his arm so he didn’t run. In doing so, I pulled his arm out of his socket. It was not a hard pull… but the force of him trying to run away and being stopped abruptly is what did it. The Dr in the er told me that children of that age have supple ligaments, that’s why it popped out so easily. I’m sorry this happened to your child. But it seriously could have been a genuine mistake.
For everyone saying it causes great force… It doesn’t. It’s called nurses elbow. In some kids can happen more easily than others. You just don’t know. Please just dig deeper before you jump to conclusions.
This hurts my heart that you’re coming to a public forum to ask this instead of taking the nurses advice. It doesn’t matter if “it’s easy to do” the teacher did it, period. It’s your obligation to report it.
I agree with a lot of these ladies. Don’t let it go. I wouldn’t say anything to the teacher directly yet, I would speak with the director and see if there’s cameras.
I see this both ways. Both of my children had nurses maid elbow and it can happen very very easily. The slightest pull in any direction. But I still would def be looking into it with the center because it did not hurt either of my children when it actually happened. As in, the incident of the elbow being pulled out of place did not hurt them. And it only hurt if they tried to use it. So for him to say she hurt him does make me wonder. Sorry momma, never a easy call in situations like this!
File a report a view the tapes!
That’s no accident .you don’t pull on a child arm who says no because you want them to do what you want . They have no business using that strength on small child
When I worked at a daycare it had cameras in every room. If yours does I’d ask to view the cameras. Then make my decision from there. Whether i thought it was accidental or intentional.
Report the teacher what she did is NOT okay and shouldn’t happen to another child
Someone gonna lose they job before my child lose a arm I know that much.
I would say can easily happen I’m sure she feels awful bad for doing it and I’m sure wasn’t intentional.
That happened to me as a kid I remember my mom on the phone with the on call doctor giving her instructions how to pop it back in lol I was jumping on the couch and she told me to stop a few times
And finally after like the 5th time of her asking me to stop she grabbed my hand and me being the A hole kid I was I went to jump off the couch to the floor to run away and it caused my elbow to pop out lol it
All was a total accident. So that injury can easily happen it’s not like a broke bone which takes force. I would possibly first set up a meeting and see if the stories align together before making a report.
Either you report it or it could be spun back on you that you caused the injuries and you could reported to child services and possibly lose your child
You know your child best. You know he’s not lying!
You are his advocate. You are his voice!
Stand up for him.
How many others could have been hurt?
If you don’t speak up, it could continue!
I’m a Special Ed mom, Parapro and have a Medical background!! Report it!!
I agree with nursemaids elbow… 2 of my 3 kids have had it… My oldest did it the first time when jumping on a bed and fell off at about age 2. Dr said it’s common to happen again if it happened once … about 6 months later while taking a nap he rolled over on his elbow and it popped out of place… My middle child it happened the first time when she was about 10 months old… She was on the ground rolling from stomach to back and back to stomach and rolled on her arm and her elbow popped. The second time she was 3ish, we were at chuck e cheese… It was time to leave, she was holding my hand walking withe and not arguing. All the sudden she decided she didn’t want to leave and just dropped her body and her elbow popped. So it very well could have been an accident.
How long has she been your son’s teacher? Has he complained about her before? Do you talk to other parents?
Milk maid elbow is what this sounds like. Not saying it’s unimportant but common. You should follow through there we are custom to removing our children at home in a certain manner that might require physical intervention but most of the time that’s bend over pick them up by the armpits not yanking an arm. Even if it results in no further action it may be enough to scare someone to change the behavior
I would ask to see the cameras first. What is your child’s usual behavior in school? Defiant? Aggressive?
I wouldn’t even have the power to write this message I’d already be back at the daycare talking to the supervisor ASAP thats NOT okay! I dont think a 3 year old would just make that up randomly. Mama rage would come out. This happens more then you know & its not okay what so ever. She may seem like a nice person but deep down she could become annoyed at times & eventually snap. At 3 you can’t expect a whole lot of listening.
File a report. Report her. Your child was hurt in the care of a trusted person and she abused her trust. File!!!
I’d speak to the daycare head and ask her to investigate as ur other option is to call the police and u don’t want to if it can be dealt with in the daycare x
Why do you care if they lose their job? They hurt your child, accident or not. Highly doubt it was an accident. Children really don’t lie about things at that age, especially in detail. It wasn’t just a pull on the arm. She had to yank it pretty hard. This happens when people lose their temper. Should be asking other parents if they have had any issues with injuries or bruises.
My daughter had nurse maids elbow. My husband had one hand and I had the other and she wanted to pick up her legs and have us swing her. Her elbow popped out of socket. Super easy to do at that age. See if you can review cameras but it was most likely an accident.
Your son could save a child’s life or his own! Call and report it!
Is he okay? I’d report her. I’m sure the hospital documented what your son said
3 year olds don’t lie…. I agree with nursemaids elbow… was in the er with my son at least 5 times. Dr eventually showed us how to put it back in place.
Please do not make excuses and please file a police report it is obvious that she pulled his arm out of socket let the police do an investigation there may be more children at risk
The hospital have told you to phone police so you should do that because they will have it on file and have probably told police anyway x
The thing about little kids… they tell the truth. Report it. If the investigation proves there was no foul play she won’t lose her job. If it proves there was than she needs to never be responsible for children ever again.
All the teacher needed to say is keep your hands to yourself and as for the story above there are a few different senerios the story told (written) and because children have different strengths at any age holding hands isn’t always a nice thing to do, And if the children were playing a game they wood have to know when to jump down onto the ground together (simantaniously with one another), the teacher should not be handling the child roughly if the children aren’t in an equally state of force), and you should probably think about why or they both felt that they couldn’t let go of on another while jumping.
It’s the fact she lied
I would look into it more. It sounds just like both stories add up if you think about perspective. She did hurt him as his elbow pop out of place. Most likely she had his hand and he wanted to play so he dropped/pulled away. Unfortunately its very easy to do its happened to my daughter when she was around 2. We didn’t think it was the easy to do harm like that kids pull from their parents all the time. We learned not to grab her at the hand but at the above the elbow if we have to. I’d talk to the day care the teacher needs to be trained on proper ways to deal with a child who is resisting
Report it!! That takes a lot of force to do that!! That is abuse!
File the report. Sounds like she hurt your child. Whether it was intentional or not she shouldn’t be pulling on a child’s arm like that
Nursemaids elbow, happened to my daughter when she was 3, she was hanging on to the kitchen countertops swinging. We also went to the er as she could not move her arm, Dr said it’s common in young children bc their ligaments are still loose, if they turn their arm while pulling on it it doesn’t take much, it’s a common accidental injury in kids that age.
No girl !!! Your child is more important than someone’s job!!! Not to mention if this wasn’t her first time doing so to someone else’s kid. View the video footage and then go from there!!!
As for the teacher blaming him for what happened is f up trying to cover their own ass.
If that doesn’t tell you enough that she isn’t sorry about what happened then Idk what will!!!
Always place your kids first no matter the situation. Cause no one else will!! Good luck
Nope. Too wonky of a story on her part. His elbow is freaking dislocated. Report it.