I would say the call is dads. If he wants to be exposed in order to care for his daughter, that’s his right.
I mean, he has a point and he is her dad and can take care of her while she’s sick too. Or if nothing else, I’d offer him make up days so he’s not losing time with her.
Keep her home and comfortable. Dad will just have to get over it. You could always let her go 2 weekends in a role when she is feeling better
Well if shes not well and she dont want to go its babs choice but yes he can look after her as much as u can I’m sure he would call u if he needed u or if she needed medical help I would prob be the same and not want to send but if hes capable of looking after her like u then let him … but if shes to poorly and really not well then why not let him pop in everyday and spend time with her while u do ur own thing if she just want to curl up on sofa … I dunno men (dads can do what mums can to) xx
He is the father.if there’s A judge orders for visiting then he is equal to you and visitation should go as ordered.
Dads can care just as well as moms. Let him be there for her.
If he had said no shes sick she needs to stay you’d probably freak out. I only say that because of the mentality of asking strangers what the right thing to do is.
Send her meds and let dad have his time. The world won’t burn
I still send my kids with their dad… along with their meds and whatever else is needed. I feel Dad is still responsible for parenting them and should do whatever he needs to do to accommodate them during their visits.
I’m 52 and I still want my mommy when I’m sick. She is 75 and makes me soup…love her. But if its a court order…
Is she sick in bed. Is she miserable. If so i would explain to the father she is really sick and has to be in bed and can’t be moving around all over and making it worse. If she isn’t feeling that bad then he should take her. Personally i think she should recover first. She may also give the flu to her dad or whoever comes to visit him while she’s there.
I mean . . . If he knows she has the flu and she wants to go I dont see why not.
It wont be like mom, but let Dad take care of her. And if its going to make you feel better, send everything she needs as far as medicine so you know your baby has whats needed. Thats what I did!
Hey worst case you will get a call like ummm she wants to leave:weary:
Your right but now it’s daddy’s turn let him care for his daughter as well
She need’s daddy love too
She’ll be fine you can facetime
It’s the flu…
That should not stop her from going to her dad’s on his time, a father can take care of a sick child just as well as a mother can. And if he’s perfectly okay with her coming and not feeling well, and prepared to take care of her, then point blank, there should be no issue.
Depends on the age. Small kids tend to want mama when they’re sick. He knows she’s sick. If he catches it from her, that’s on him, not you.
Absolutely he is her dads and he should not be exempted. He doesn’t get to pick and choose when to be a dad!
Ask her? If she os comfortable and if hes aware he will most likely get it, im sure he is as capable to care for her as you. If she got sick with him im sure you qould qant her back home when it w as time
I did and he always handles it. I learned to watch and see and trust. He know how I feel and we take each other’s parental advice serious and he takes care of her like I would. She’s three and he proved himself. We’re not together and that’s hard to put total trust but he showed it since day one. He always took care of her when sick. It depends on what you witness when you’ve been around him. The only thing we don’t agree on is that I do not like the Bronx hospitals and of she’s over there and sick and if need he’s take her there. What can I say on that. But I’d be a nervous wreck if I didn’t know him for years plus he says leave her home if she or I want
Just ask the child, and let her decide if she wants to go see dad. Hopefully she will make a proper decision. Hope she feels better soon.
He’s her dad. He probably is capable and willing to care for her. He might just want to pamper her too
We ran into this with my husband’s 2 kids and she was going to send them anyways and not tell us they were sick. The girld would tell us when we got there to pick them up. Court order or no Court order we were not going to have them come over. Kids get sick and it happens. We had them or one of them stay home when they were sick. We didn’t want to catch it and we had 2 smaller kids at home. I wouldn’t send her but if he gets demanding then send her and when he gets sick or he’s tired of the throw up or he couldn’t handle that he can’t sooth her. Hope all goes well. I woukd think he would be understanding bc he cant do anything with her anyways but if not send her and mske clear you’ll be checking on her. Nothing wrong with that.
If he don’t care and she don’t. I know some kids just want mom when their sick, but he’s a dad and he can take care of her too.
Send her… it’s her father and he should be able to provide a comforting environment for her as well. If it is court mandated and his time, dont interfere.
If he wants too then that is up to him I do see your point of view she is sick he can get sick. Offer him next weekend instead and then back to schedule. See what he says other wise he can get you in contempt, I used to watch twins for a single dad on his weekend the mom never told him his kids had pneumina she never sent the meds along he spent the weekend at the er and then he found out when insurance wouldn’t pay for meds he did out of his pocket. You sound like a great mom, but there are others that like to cause trouble. you both need to agree on it
If she feels comfortable and you know he will take care of her. When kids are sick most want their moms
If she feels that bad then stay with you until she feels better and let her see her father when well
No reason for her to go, infect his household and possibly passing back n forth between houses for a while.
When my son is sick and is supposed to go to his dad’s we discuss him being sick and he usually stays with me
I think I’d ask the child what she wants to do. Afterall she is the one that is unwell so she should be allowed to make the decision. Is she well enough to move etc
Correct she stays with mom. Dad should totally be cool with that.
My sons dad is fine with him staying with me while sick so him and his daughter don’t get sick. Then I just give him a couple extra days with him when our son is better. Our son feels more comfortable being here when ill anyways…
If its not a long car ride or anything I’m sure Dad can take care of her and it sounds like he wants to.
Send her …if he is a complainer who would cause problems if you didnt . let him be nurse mate . plus honestly if he does a crap job or he cant handle it …next time he might be quick to complain
He is just as much as her parent as you. How would you feel if he did that to you. Its his choice if he still wants her then send her. Sorry but if its court ordered your in the wrong if you don’t send her. Dads can care for them to when there sick.
No she needs to be with her Momma caring for her while she feels sick. Specially if she has the flu. Dad might not know how to handle her and she will need someone who will be checking up on her often.
I would not and get a doctor’s note stating she should go no where so if it comes back to bite you
If it is his turn and court order and he still wants his turn knowing she has the flu, send her on.
I feel like it would depend on what the child wants if she is comfortable let her
If you have a court order and she is not hospitalized, legally your opinion doesn’t matter. If he wants her, he legally has the right to make her go.
If you have a medical cert your clear not to send her. I don’t have to take mine to the contact Center to see their dad if I’ve got medical cert.
Ask her what she wants to do.
Personally I’d keep her home
I would ask my child and then if my child said no they wanted to stay me then I would talk to dad and if he wanted to be a jerk about it I would lawyer up!!! Because legs face it who wants to move around when they’re sick. Dad sounds selfish to me!!
No… She’s sick, why are we dragging a puking, diarrhea having kid around?
This is a chance for dad to take care of his sick kiddo, I don’t see a problem with that.
Yes why not? Im sure he has enough commo. Sense to properly take care of her while she’s sick, just like u do. These are petty things to wanna fuss over if tbe tables were turned wouldn’t you still wanna see ur daughter sick or not on ur visitation time. His time is his time n urs is urs. Plus its not about what YOU WANT its About Your Daughter seeing her FATHER.
If he knows she is sick and says still send her, then send her. Hes her parent too and I assume is just as capable of taking care of a sick child as you are.
Keep her home until she is well. Her father should want his child to recover. There should be no question about this
If the child has a fever I would keep her in bed I would ask the father if he wants to come visit her in her bedroom I would explain that she has the flu
You could be held in contempt of court for violating a court order. So you should send the child or offer make up time to him and see if he agrees to that. However on a parents stand point send the child and if hes like most men he will never ask for the child again when he or she is sick
Daughter should be in Bed, no going out and getting worse.
Yes I think she should go since dad is ok with it. And it is his weekend
As long as he’s willing to take care of her while she’s sick. She most likely won’t be up to having fun.
Technically if there is a court order you send her. Why do you not want to? Has she expressed that she doesn’t want to go?
its tough. I feel like she should not be moved. But there is probably more to it. Is she vomiting? If yes does he know?
Don’t matter what anyone thinks or which of u is right. Dad wants her court order says dad gets her
No I get my at my kids father anytime he sends them other without telling me they are sick now dont get me wrong I’m mommy it’s my job to take care of them but I also have other kids in the house I have to think of everyones health
If it was my kid , I would want to keep him/her home til their better. Dad can’t wait a few days ?
If it’s his time with her and he isn’t worried about it then there’s no reason for you to keep him from seeing her.
Let him look after her, its perfect opportunity for you to catch up on things or even rest
I think you should trust the father also to care for his child, part of being a parent
How would mom feel if she got sick at his house and he refused to return her because she was sick?
No I personally wouldn’t send my child to the other parent or family members house sick. ESP during a pandemic.
Thousands die from the flu every year. If she is contagious and has fever she needs to stay put. If she’s feeling better tomorrow she goes.
Court order=have to. I have tried that once. I had cops knocking on my door showing me the order. I was denying his his bare minimum visits! It’s sad. I’m sorry.
If the child has Covid and should be isolated, I think that might change the visitation arrangement.
Unfortunately if the dad won’t go along with that
Maybe ask if he’ll trade weekends? Otherwise here in Texas a court order is the law unless the parent will be flexible!
He can take care of her just fine, right? Might do you good to not infect the rest of your family.
well he wants to be that way send her let her puke on him and when hes sick say well you wanted her this weekend I told you she was sick. I hope she feels better soon
Why not? Use the break to wash bedding, clean and get some rest so you can be the best parent when she comes back!!
Have either of you taken 2 seconds to ask her what would make her most comfortable or are you both too busy trying to be “right”?
As her dad I would hope hes more than capable of taking care of her while sick. But, a court order is a court order hon. Until he is no longer wanting to parent and/or gives up his right then you have no choice but to share what you both helped create.
Depends on how responsible the dad is, some prefer they stay with mom, and some dads can be as maternal. As a mom can be fraternal. Each case is different
No. I think I’d keep my kiddos where they feel most comfortable. But it’s different with every situation.
Go to dad. Thats her other home to feel better as well . mother or father, if my kid didnt feel good id want to be by their side
This is why you should just not get into this situation to begin with… poor kids
Maybe a cold I would but not the flu, that’s awfully contagious
See if she wants to go and if not see if you can change a few days send her after she feels well and let him keep the time that she was home into his time
All a sheriff can do is suggest you hand over the child. Yes you could face contempt but typically its not taken super serious and would cost the ex money. Regardless the sheriff would say ask a lawyer
Nope. I want to have my babe with me when she doesn’t feel well and she always wants her mommy in those occasions.
It would be the dads choice… it’s his time so his decision…
Depends on the character of the father. If he has a past where he’s neglected to care for the child in any way… I would ignore what he says and wait till your child is better BUT… if he’s one that’s known to properly care for his child… why not? That’s his child too. Sick or not, He deserves to spend time with the little one. ( I’ve seen both situations)
I just warned their dad and let him decide. Now if it was something major… that’s different but I’m lucky because he would of understood.
You are right, he’s wrong but let him get sick if he wants to get sick!! She won’t get any sicker unless its covid and then he will get it and maybe put an end to custody problems.
He is her parent, as well as you. You share joint custody. You should tell him your daughter is contagious and you would like to keep her in bed, but ultimately it’s his decision. If he chooses to take her, send along the medicines you’re giving her and forward the doctor’s orders.
Girl just let him take her. I know we mommas gotta do everything but Dads have to also experience what it’s like to not have your kid be 100
He wants to handle a sick kid, that’s up to him. I’ve had my ex drag his feet to get our girls treated, then throws it in my lap. Maybe he’s already planning a chill weekend on the couch with blankets, tea, and Disney+.
My kiddo prefers to stay with me when she is sick. Her dad is usually agreeable to that.
She shouldn’t have to, but unfortunately, she does have to.
I would keep her home until she is feeling better.
If he wants her then send her. Just make sure he updates u on how she is feeling and if here is any problems make sure he knows he can bring her back to you and u will do something to make up time that he loss with her
Her father has the same right as you to nurse his sick child. We treat men like babies and wonder why they dont change
Ask your child if she wants to go and be glad he is willing to help.
If the child wants to id let him or her. I really think it comes down to that.
We tested positive and we got a email saying we had to stay home a quarantine don’t know if you got one ask your Dr
If no other children are with him, yes he can take her.
The law says he is right. Court order will always supercede what either parent thinks.
Insite from the other side(stepmom) no. Sick babies need their mommy. (I have 2 of my own) I wouldn’t want to put my baby through that. Normally, but adds to a bigger no with covid on a rise.
Honestly id leave it to the child it should be where ever they feel comfiest while not well
Its his turn, she goes, if she wants to come home then cool.
I was told “the other parent should know how to take care of the child the same, so the court order stays the same, other parent has visitation”… I disagree, so I keep child with me!!
If he had any sense, he,d leave her home so she can rest & get better.
Where is the child most comfortable?
Who takes best care of the child?
Where does the child want to be?