Should I send my child to her dads while she has the flu?

If there is fever keep her home no fever let her go

Yes and dont dare take the chance away from the dad to take care of his kid…

If she’s ill she shouldn’t be going anywhere

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I would say if it’s his weekend and he’s fine with it let her go. As long as she gets the rest she needa

I mean… if he wants to parent (take care of a sick kid) I’d let him.

If he wants her sick you send her. He’s her parent and can care for her, it’s not even a question

Be an ADULT :woman_shrugging:t3: That’s her dad and it’s his weekend, sooo she goes. It’s really that simple.

If hes ok with it and he takes care of her while shes with him then absolutely.

Nope. I keep her home until she feels better. But that’s just me.

If he is comfortable with her being there then let her go…

No you are wrong,he is her father and can take care of her as well as you

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No, kids that are sick need to stay in bed

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Send her to dad’s, communicate how she is doing and what medicine you are giving etc. He is her parent.

He wantsher sick or not, let her go, if he gets sick it’s on him

Yes, he can take care of them just as good as you do

If she wants to go then let her. He can help make her feel better

He can take care of her as well as you can. If he’s a decent guy. Yes he should get his visit.

She should stay home until she is feeling better

He is the father and can care for her just like mom let her go💕

No. Keep her home, till she feels better :relieved:

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Perfect example Of A Mother Putting Her Feelings Infront Of The Situation. SMH

She should stay home when she’s better let him have two weeks

If he’s willing to take care of her then yes send her.

Send her make sure she has what she needs soup juice crackers, and then you get some rest.she will be fine.

Daddy needs to take care of her too… she will be okay

I’m sure he will take care of her she’ll be fine.

He is. He can care for her just as much as you can.

Joint custody no choice.

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She should go to her Dad’s. She can rest and be cared for just as easily at her Dad’s as she can at the Mom’s house. She needs her Dad during these times just as much as her Mom. It’s his time stop denying him it.

Go to dads, let him be a parent and take care of his little one too

She should stay where she is until she’s well

If he wants to take care of her and probably get sick too,then let him take her.

If her dad wants her, on his weekend, then you send her to her dads

Hell no! Take care of your baby and I’m sure her dad doesn’t want to get sick either.

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Sorry to say but her health is more important

She needs to stay home & rest

He is. I get why you want her but let her go.

Call the courts in the morning and tell them she’s sick

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It’s crappy he would ask in my opinion.

Guess if he doesn’t care they would all get the flu. :woman_facepalming:t2:

Yes, he’s her parent too.

He’s a parent just as much as you are!

Girl just let her go. And when his ass gets sick too… :rofl:

Let her go it’s his time with her he can care for her

You’re so right. Pls keep her home so that she can mend well and soon. :pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4:

My ex always wants our daughter unless there is vomit involved

I hav a q to my daughter doesnt want to go wit her father at all n we hav shared custdoy

Law will be on your side stay home if your sick

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I wouldn’t send her. She needs her Mommy.

Use your judgement. We do not know your situation. God bless

No he needs to be with mom…
Just my opinion

I personally would keep her home.

Is it flu season already?!? :sob: May the odds be in our favor.

Court order she go. He can get you for contempt

Yes why wouldn’t she go.

No one can take care of a child more than his/her mother. Keep her home.

Discuss it with her father. Don’t let us decide…

Send. He knows. His time so his responsibility to look after her

Depends on what kind of dad he is. Is he going to take care of her? If he will then I dont see a problem with it. My kids dad has proven on MANY occasions he won’t take care of them when they are sick so now if they are sick they stay home. But if he would take care of them and THEY wanted to go there then I would let them.


The only thing you can do is get legal counseling

Do i hav to make her go if she dont wanna go

Keep her home, u don’t want that family to get it

Let daddy take her has he ever had her when she is ill

No she should stay home in bed.

Send her… is he incapable?? If not he needs to help 2

If he wants to care for a sick child fine

Do what you think is best for a sick child.

Who raised you people court order or not if she’s sick why would you send your child off :bangbang::tired_face::woman_facepalming:t4:

I wouldn’t i can take care of my kids

Yes you have to go by a court order.

If she’s sick I’d keep her home.

Honestly if they’re sick keep them in one spot

Go a head and send her it’s good parting

You should definitely send her.

If he a good dad. Why not

He’ll bring her back when she vomits or diarrheas all over him…lol

No I would not let her go.

It is up to him not you

You are right he gets her another day

Please keep the sick child home with you.

You should keep her home

Wait? The flu still exists!?

Only if you feel comfortable doing that. If you don’t… No.

I’d check with my lawyer.

Its part of his job to care for your sick child too. Let him have his kid sick or reason to keep the child away. I am a divorced Mom and it was easier to share in the responsibility just as it was when we were together. He wasn’t getting out of doing the same as I had to do. Count it as a blessing that he wants to have his child regardless of their health.

Situation sucks but that’s what ya’ll agreed to thenyou should follow it.

Yes of course he’s her dad he can handle a sick child

The court order supersedes anything either of you think.

She could spread it to others

You dont have a choice.

Yeah if he can handle it why not

I wouldn’t but that’s just me

I think it’s his decision

No. Not until she’s well. Make up the visit.

If it is a court order you have to.

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if he wants and if she wants ofcourse

You dont keep your kids away from their parents. Unless they are bad parents . Depending on age ask the child if they want to go . Go from there . Compromise come on thid. It is yalls responsibility together .

No I would keep them home

Tested positive for… so 2020

I disagree. How old is the child and who does she feel more comfortable with when she is ill? What is her choice? Ask her and if she wants to stay with you let her . I don’t care who’s weekend it is .