Should I stay in a relationship for my kids?

Is he abusive? If not go to consoling.

No one can make that decision except you.

No, I made that mistake and my daughter has a lot of mental health issues as a result of that and she also lost her self confidence and has low esteem because I didn’t leave til years and even decades later.
I really regret not leaving when she still had self confidence and a high self esteem and still made friends easy.

No. It will hurt the kids in the long run.

I think you should have stayed where you was happy an co parent.

My husband kept coming back for years and years before I divorced him. I was first wife and raised my 3 kids and worked and am very content. He is married to wife number 3 and he seems happy. But nobody else can decide for you! That was right for me.

This is business. Don’t use your heart. Make the best choices, then worry about the heart.

Make a choice, stick with it and carry on.

How come your kids don’t live with you?

Is this now becoming a “Dear Abby” advice column?

If you have to ask, you already know the answer. Why would you leave your kids with him if he was such an ass?

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What are you going to do when the kids are gone?

Maybe counseling would help you understand what you need to do.

U have to do what ur heart tells u what to do sometimes ur kids r not always gonna be happy with u dont throw away ur happy life to get back to together with ur ex just because he saids so ur kids and ur EX does not own ur life u need to realize that. If ur not happy with ur EX then do not be with him!

Take your kids and go, don’t leave them with a manipulative father

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If you aren’t happy they won’t be! Get out now! But take your kids with you this time

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Don’t stay in a relationship for children .


From personal experience I did that & wouldn’t do it again!!! Good luck to u❤️

Forget the man you married it want work. Go with the man you love. Don’t be miserable for the rest of your life.the kids will be happy if your happy

Never stay for your children. I did that. Worse choice ever

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Girrrrl u was there n let fool of x tell u different n u hurt someone else heart, which u luck on getting back where u was already, no man not gonna trust who say u don’t do bs again .

Go back to the man who loves you and who you love

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Make yourself happy kids will adjust! Ur x was the one that wasn’t happy!! Live ur life for u!!

I’m not going to read this. NEVER stay in a relationship for your children. Especially if you are not happy

Go to a therapist and get a good perspective.

No. They need a happy mom and a healthy example of a relationship

You need a close relationship with Jesus. He will see you through and guide you. Believe.

Do not show your kids they can be treated or treat people like that.

Didnt read much of this…
Spouses can come and go… yoyr CHILDREN will always be YOUR CHILDREN.

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Your make yourself happy first but take your kids with you if your happy you and kids will be happy

You have to be happy and love yourself before you can make others happy and love them.

Sounds like you abandoned your children. Stay with them

U no happy kido’s no happy when they see mom no happy been there done that never works!

I would leave and make sure the kids and you were happy again

Leave but take your kids with you this time.

I think you answered your own question

Stay is at all possible

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Go where you are happy take the kids with you.

So YOU left your kids. There is a lot NOT told in this story

Facebook is not the place for all your problems

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First y does he have the kids

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Sounds like there’s more to the story

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Worst decision ever, leave asap

Just read the first sentence and my answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! But don’t leave the kids, just him.

No,No,No. Keep your children and find a Lawyer ! Pronto

Promises made–promises not kept. It is not too late.

If your not happy, know one around you will either!

Never. Teaches kids the wrong stuff…

They will be fine if you leave and have shared custody. But personally I would get a place by myself and be single for a while. It’s more destructive for them to see you going in and out of relationships.

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Ad kinds like the kids Daddy is using the kids to get what he wants.

Connect with your local domestic violence, this person has narcist behavior.

I think you need help, I would not put these stories on Facebook.

Big Mistake you have forgotten about your happiness your kids would have survived with seeing you in a healthy relationship. Your ex didn’t want you until someone else did. Good luck :pray:

Dial 211 and speak to a professional

He can’t stand to see you happy. Stop talking to him

A broken home is never good for the kids

Stop using your kids as an excuse to stay in a unstable situation. You are messing them up with your back and forth on and off lifestyle.


Read 1st line and knew answer! NEVER STAY JIST FOR THE KIDS! U are doing more harm to them than leaving

Sorry but a real mother Never leaves her kids especially for a damn man

Sorry you need to blockers Wilson he’s a scam unless you want to waste your time.

How old are the kids? Sometimes waiting until they are grown makes things better or easier. No one should be forced to be unhappy or mistreated somewhere just for some manipulator ! Been there! Sometimes being strong and independent is a true ‘character’ builder and mentor for kids of any age!

You already know the answer

So when you were split the first time did you have joint custody of the kids? Or does he have primary custody? Not understanding why you’d go back. When my ex and I divorced joint custody was optimal if both parents are responsible. Sucks to only have your kids half the time. Sucks even more to stay in a bad situation. Your kids are going to be happier when you’re happy.

It sounds like you and the ex already had joint custody in place because the kids were going back and forth. This is the case in most of divorces where one parent gets the child four days a week and the other parent gets them 3 days a week. Doesn’t sound like the children AR being abandoned and all you have to do is go to court and say that he cannot move out of the state or city that you’re in so that you can be in a happy relationship with somebody that loves you and you will still see your children don’t let him threaten you.

See a counselor ASAP.

How can u not put your kids first. It sounds to me u left before & left the kids!! You have a responsibility to your children!!

The time to “find yourself and be truly happy” is when your kids no longer need you day/night, ie, when they are on their own.

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If you have to ask …don’t. Seek a shrink

If the children are grown remember you only have one life go where you are happy

I stayed in a loveless marriage for my kids.
But as soon as they grew up and moved out I moved out right behind them

Kids would rather come from a broken home than live in a broken home!!!

Why would you move out leave your kids? Your their mom. Take care of your kids.

Kung saan ka Happy doon ka at walang sisihan, good luck girl !!!

Why can’t the kids be with you full time ?

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Kids grow up and have their own lives.

Stay away it won’t change once why would it change on two or three times

Never go backwards…always forward. You left him for a reason.

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No, he will never change​:rage::rage:

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What God has joined let no man put asunder.
Get some counseling

Go work things out with the fella you left to go back. Screw your baby daddy!!!

Kids first! I couldn’t leave my kids for any relationship.

Take up your cross … your choice.

Blackmail- he’s a jerk to use the kids as pawns!!!

Residing together for the kids, never works. Even if you don’t fuss, fight and argue, because your heart isn’t in it, there’s tension. Home is where you should be at peace whether you are a man, woman or child. To live restricted, unhappy and miserable helps no-one. Your children would want you to be happy. You can be a better parent when you’re happy. It’s a disservice to the kids and an unfair obligation to them to say i stayed for you. If you love your kids be the best version of you that you can be, you owe it to them and yourself.

I think you’re stupid sorry to put it so bluntly but if you were in love with another man and then you move back in with your ex husband because you thought your kids were unhappy then you were wrong you need to make a choice of making yourself happy which would then make your kids happy kids can see misery.

Your kids would be happy to have two parents separated than two in misery.

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First off you are a selfish person and shouldn’t even be a mother what mother would walk out on her kids if you’re not happy fine take your kids and file for divorce if anybody is messed up it’s your kids for what you have done those children didn’t ask to be born you have them it’s your responsibility to take care of them quit thinking about you you you I have no time for you or for what you’re doing it takes more than giving birth to a child To be a mother you are very very selfish person

I spent my childhood trapped in my moms shitty marriage to her second husband, I’m almost 51 and have never married.

Why aren’t your kids with you full time? If you have 50/50 custody then make sure you have a court order that your X has to stay within so many miles of you

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That man is a user, loser and abuser, kick his butt to the curb. You’re making your life and those children’s lives hell by staying with him.

Time to wake up… do you think kids don’t know you aren’t happy? Do they hear you fighting… complaining? I grew up with parents going back and forth and it destroyed me! Pick up your stuff… see if you can share custody of the kids and hit the road! Life isn’t fair but your kids depend on you for stability so make the move… spend time with your kids alone… keep your dating out of their lives until you decide to marry someday! Stand up and fight for your sanity and your kids! Don’t move ANY man into your home until you have married him! You are the role model your children are to follow! Just my personal opinion! Go for it! If you are happy it will show!!

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Get the hell out and try to get custody of your children. Your life will be a living hell if you stay with that loser.

He is a narcissist and cannot be trusted. Get your kids and leave him for good. Stop putting your kids and yourself through the emotional hell and get help for them and yourself. You are blaming yourself for him failures. STOP IT NOW…

Your kids are the most important. I’d never ever leave my kids and if you do you’ll regret it. You’ll need up alone without any man and no kids.

Talk to your kids privately and ask how they feel; get their input. You do have a right to be happy, as do they. They will grow up and go on about their own lives.

If your marriage “just wasn’t the same” after he left you, why in the hell did you have “a couple more kids”??
Get your focus off yourself and get it on your kids. Why are the kids with their father and not you anyway? Sounds like you basically abandoned them and only want them
around when it’s convenient to your life with the new boyfriend

You have to make YOURSELF happy inside. The kids are a top priority but they SEEMED happy with you when you were with the guy you loved. Go back to him and take your kids with you!

You’ve answered your own question ,too many domestic violence black man kills wife children then self. The lord giveth and the lord taketh away. Stay gone but love your children.

Dont stay because of the kids. Follow your heart and it will show you what to do. Staying there if your not happy will effect the kids. You didnt mention how old the kids are. But what are you going to do when they are old enough and go there own way. follow your heart.

Go back to your new man and stay away from those kids. You’re poison.

If you went back and your ex is the same malignant @hole he was b4 and refuses to see why you left and does nothing to try to change to make it better… then I say get out now and dont spend eternity being unhappy and miserable. Its not good for you emotionally, mentally or physically.
Dont allow yourself to be manipulated! Move on and let your kids CHOOSE who they want to live with so they will feel happy with THEIR choice. Conversation explain your reasoning to the kids so they can fully grasp comprehension of the situation and that you are NOT just LEAVING them.