Should I stay or leave?

You shouldn’t even have to ask that question. Why would you honestly come here to ask and see what people say. You are a mother and have two young children and this man out his hands on you and calls your kids idiots. Leave now! Don’t say anything to him just go and never speak to or see him again.

Leave. Girl your kids come first always. And to be honest it will only get worse trust me.

Run! And I just read the 1st 2 sentences. I dated someone for a year and he screamed at my 5 year old on vacation in Hawaii! And his ass was gone tbe minute I got home! DONE

Please GET OUT NOW!!! I didn’t and my Daughter paid the price for his animosity. No physical abuse but mental just as you are describing. Trust me, no matter what he says HE WILL NEVER CHANGE! I regret staying every single day now.

Anybody calling your kids names is a dealbreaker! Get out before he kills one of your kids. It’s that serious, you read all the time about these boyfriends killing their girlfriends kids especially over potty training accidents. Get out now

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Leave now because it’s not going to change.

If you felt you had to write this you know what you have to do.


LEAVE! Before one of your kids get physically hurt!

He’s already verbally abusing your kids, right in front of you :smirk:

I wouldn’t even leave my kids to be watched by him.


I dont want to be a single mother, but you want to pick out caskets?

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He needs to go. Or u need to get your kids and get out. Yelling at YOUR kids that would have done it right there. It’s emotional abuse to YOUR children. Think of their welbeing.

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Yes please leave. It will likely get worse. Starts as yelling and comments will turn to being physically abusive. And then an apology will usually follow. I know it sounds easier said than done but find resources around you and get out.

Talk with his mom and see if she will evict him so you and the kids don’t have to uproot your entire lives. If not, you need to leave asap! You and the kids deserve much much better! Good luck and stay safe. Praying for you & the children :pray:

Stupid and idiot will eventually be the voice in their head. Please leave.

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Leave him your kids are number 1 and they should not be treated like that.

Leave he is abused your kids!!! That should be enough. You should be more scared of how them babies are being treated.

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Get out before it’s too late. I think the recent news of Gabby Petito should remind us all of that reality can be and you need to get out while you still can. You just never know.

Get out of there. Take your kids and leave. He is abusive.

Leave now! :exploding_head: it your job to protect those babies you will never forgive yourself when you finally do leave because things get worse because they will and you could have stopped his abuse against your children much sooner!! These seemingly small fights and negative words to your children will permanently effect them for the REST OF ThEIR LIVES !! If you have to stand up for your children because of him abused and actions he needs to be out immediately :ok_hand:t2: ps it’s called failure to protect ( mom) is guilty and children will be removed if reported …. Do your job and take care of those babies who are innocent and counting on you to protect them and kick this piece of crap out the door today

Look at it this way, if you had a daughter would you be happy if she was with someone like that and hurt her, or a son that was doing this to a woman would you be happy to say this is my son, I guaranty the answer is no, so why stay with someone like that because you are only showing YOUR children that this how to be treated , I’d run with your children.

You need to run as fast as you can out of there, those babies come first and it’s not a good environment for them.

I’d leave. He sounds like a ticking time bomb. Even if things never got worse, I could not deal with the stress in that situation. It’s just not worth it. Being single is hard but what you’re doing right now is harder.

I didn’t have to even read the whole thing. Leave and don’t look back.

Yes run better alone than dead…

Um. Leave. Now.
Not like walk out……RUN

I’d definitely leave. Protect your babies! That’s not okay. :disappointed: I’m sorry you’re going threw this. Be strong, add me if you’d like we can chat :heart:

You already know the answer to your question.
Better to be a single mum an protect your children.
He isn’t a father figure he is abusive.


Leave. I think he needs therapy, but it may get worse for you and the kids. I went through this s child. It leaves lifelong emotional scars

No idea why you need to ask this !!! Your children and safety are number 1 priority

Single Parent is better & safer than living in an abusive household.
There is No Question here … Leave now before your children are damaged more.


Get him tf away from your kids NOW! Ur seeing all the red flags very early for the sake of ur kids get the hell out now!

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What advice would you give your closest friend or sister? Take that advice!

Any man that calls your child names does NOT love them or you! Stop allowing your children to be abused!

Take it from someone who knows from experience leave his ass he is abusive it’s only a matter of time before he hurts either your kids or you and either way that’s not something your babies need to be going thru they are babies you are their sheild their protection if you don’t do it who will they wasn’t ask to be born nor did they ask for the situation leave him before its to late

Why is this even a question?
Like don’t even walk run away! Your kids deserve so much better and so do you.

He sounds like a ticking time bomb. Get out now before it’s too late.

Read what you have written as if it were someone else writing it and ask yourself what advice you would give them. I think you have your answer x


Leave him immediately

That doesn’t sound like a father figure to me. Your kids aren’t being physically abused but they are being mentally abused it’s just a matter of time before he sticks his hands on them like he has you. You may love him, but staying would be a mistake you will be much more happier leaving. There’s so many resources for single moms in every state use them, call your local DHHR and see if they can point you in the right direction.

Get rid of him! I never read full status got to the bit he gets mad at your 3 year old who potty training… That’s enough for me. Get him to fuck. You deserve better, you and your kids. Xx

Kids come FIRST no matter what. I stopped reading as soon as I seen he gets mad at the kids. Save yourself and your kids….get out!! Your strong Mama…LEAVE and never go back!!

If you have to ask, you know the answer. Don’t feel bad about it. He treats your kids like shit. They will grow up to treat others like shit…

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Run save yourself and especially your kids!

Are you more scared of being a single mom or him doing irreversible mental health damage to your children… every relationship has its ups and downs but constant emotional abuse is not “ups/downs”. I personally would take the hardship of being a single mother over allowing someone to severely damage my children. I mean, do the red flags also need to be on fire for you to take them seriously and leave?


You should never have let things get this far.

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Leave please do not take his behaviour his grown adult you your children do not deserve this as time goes things will get worse hope you manage to do what’s best for you and your children best wishes x

That’s abuse hun. No one should ever talk down on your kids and call them names. Children understand a lot more than we give them credit for. Please don’t subject those precious babies to that abuse. I know it may seem hard but you need to leave. Protect those children at all costs!!!

I think if you’re asking you already know…You just need someone to tell you it will be alright. Its gonna be hard but trust me that the hard you’re in now is so much more harmful to those babies


Hes abusing your kids and youre wondering if you should stay or leave? Scared to be a single parent? So youre not scared to be a childless parent if it turns physical? Quit thinking about you and put them kids first.


That first sentence about your children should give you the answer. He is yelling at and name calling toddlers

LEAVE!!! Never ever look back it will get worse once the baby is born!! That is if he doesn’t end your life or one of your babies lives while he is being abusive. He will never change and he acts this way because that is truly how he feels. No excuses. He really feels this way towards you and your kids.
I left a severely abusive relationship and was hospitalized more than once. I am so lucky to be alive. It took me 4 years to get out of the grips of the psycho I was with. You need to run as far as you can away from this guy!!! He will continue to break you down in your spirit and who you are as a person until you feel like you can’t do anything without him. Part of manipulation & control. I’m sure there are plenty of women who survived an abusive relationship just as I did who will share their story with you. If you want to go even further it is all over national headlines about Gabby Patitto. So, get out of this relationship because it will continue to get worse. The dude does not love you or your children. You are all just property that he can abuse.

LEAVE HIM. Because one day he will seriously hurt you and your children. I’d rather be a single mother and have my kids safe than have them see me in a toxic situation like that.


You need to go NOW. You not only will be doing the right thing for your kids…you are doing the only thing you can do to protect them. :100:

Definitely leave. I think you know in your heart of hearts that you should. Do you want your children to turn out like him?
I would go to your local women’s refuge for starters. Maybe pack a bag first and keep it at a friend’s house

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Leave! Why ask if that’s what’s he is doing?!?

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If you need to ask than you need to leave.

Girl bye. I would’ve left him a long time ago

Leave!!! His like that to your kids when you around, what would he be like if you not there!!!

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I honestly am shocked and heartbroken that you need to ask this question… Please get your kids out of that situation, you need a new place as you can’t go on having his mother as your landlord, it’s not safe for you and the kids, and he clearly needs to sort his issues out. It will not end well if you stay.


Leave and never look back for your kids

100% leave. I’m not trying to be mean, but I don’t even know why this is a question. He will only escalate from here.

I’m pretty sure this is exactly what happened before a moms new boyfriend killed her kid/kids for soiling themselves.
Please leave now. Think of your kids

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As a single mom, I am really saddened that this is a question that needed to be asked… You have clearly stated that he is verbally abusive towards your kids, drinks when he is not supposed to, and physically abusive towards you… Those kids need to be taken out of that situation and I am hoping you read these responses and do so yourself. If anyone even remotely got upset at my kid for having an accident while potty training, I’d be out. Much less allowing them to call my kids names… please do right by those precious babies and get them out.


Leave! You
Know you need to. You know the answer. I know it’s hard but you have to do what’s right for you and your children.

You’re children need to be first. Please. Get away. He is jealous of them and may hurt them someday. You will never forgive yourself. Plus, it will be nice for you to not have his drama. It will be more peaceful.

Sounds like a toxic and unsafe environment for you and those babies, leave, it will only get worse


Um yes? Don’t let someone insult your kids.

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He needs therapy to help him understand and you should go with him.

Go to a woman’s shelter and take your kids. Start over for the sake of you and your kids.

I didnt read very far into yiur explanation. I didnt have to before several red flags popped up!! LEAVE!! His depression and anger IS NOT your responsibility. YOUR CHILDREN and their health and mental wellness is along with your own!! He clearly isnt taking full responsibility for his own wellness either. I have been in this position I stayed WAY TOO LONG and he was the father of my children. My biggest regret to this day is not leaving sooner and saving us all from the emotional and mental trauma he caused!!! Dont wait save yourself and your children from the trauma he is inflicting and stio letting your empathy and fix it mentality to keep you stuck in an unhealthy situation. It’s hard to walk away but once you do amd yiur head begins to clear you will see the situation for exactly what it is!!! You are the only one who can make the decision to stay or go. Your kids are stuck with your decisions but honestly a healthy relationship doesnt require CONSTANTLY defending your toddlers :sob:. If you are struggling talk to a counselor there is no shame in that and you will be surprised at how much it will help to empower you as a person, mother and woman. I wish you clarity and peace and pray yiu and yiur children are able to move forward to more healthy situation.

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If you have to ask if you should leave that’s usually self explanatory.

Kids come first. Leave

Just to help you out - :heart:you need to walk away from all that- what this guy is doing to u & your children is very wrong, damaging & all the
emotional Abuse is not in your or your children’s best interest now or ever. (leave & dont look back you’ll all be better off in the long run & you’ll be safer & happier in life. good luck to u. :slightly_smiling_face:

He’s not the man for you. Your kids should be first. That’s verbal abuse. You don’t want your kids around that.

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Girl he’s going to end up killing you… leave and make sure you get a restraining order and document his behavior for custody court for the baby.

Ur basically answering what u wanna hear he needs serious help before he does something fact his mum worries get out before one of u end up worse u done it with two kids one extra no diferent

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Girllll take them kids and leave …

It sounds like to me you already know the answer on what you need to do… you just don’t want to do it. Get the fuck away from him and give your kids a better life WITHOUT him in it.


Not your responsibility to wait around for him to get better with whatever he is dealing with, especially with how he is acting towards your kids. Rasing kids is hard enough on a mama, having to deal with him and fighting everyday defending your babies must be exusting and horrible. Everyone can say leave, but thats got to be your choice, I think you already know what you got to do!

Get rid of his ass, no body is going to call my kids stupid and idiots, that will stay with them for ever, they start believing it, it’s better to be a single mom then to have a guy that is abusive


You and your children deserve more hun, find the strength to leave

Get out of there n do what’s best for your kids

Fuck that. Ain’t NOBODY about to call my kids names and I stay…especially that young.

I think you already know what the right thing to do is, but making the first step is difficult. Once you finally leave him, you will fee a huge sense of relief. You’re already doing it alone, his behavior is only making it harder on you and the kids.

The fact that you’re asking people to not post rude comments, should tell you that you’re in the wrong for staying with him even this long. As a mother, you should know the answer to your own question, DUH you should leave. You shouldn’t let anyone emotionally abuse your children, you are just as much to blame as he is at this point. It’s not okay and I’m sorry your kids are going through that and have to live in a home where they’re not protected.


Um yeah leave, he’s an adult and should know how to handle is emotions better than a 2/3 yr old, regardless if he’s the only father figure for those kids he ain’t the best figure period. Kids are very impressionable and the first 4 yrs of a child are VERY important so then being talked down and witnessing angry and hostility isn’t good. Get out and move on you can love someone and not be with them or accept their shitty behavior

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Leave. Don’t let anyone do that to ur kids

Leave now! You know it’s what you must do. I waited too long and my 3 have suffered a lot. I questioned my choices too many times till the behaviour got too much and actually now I see how traumatized they are from it all. You will be fine, there is a lot of support out there all you need to do is reach out. Save your own mental health as well as your babies and leave. xx

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Honestly by the time I read that first three sentences it was already 100% clear you need to get out. He’s sounds like a peice of shit. Depression is not an excuse for that kind of behavior.

I hope you never leave them alone with him if that’s how he treats them in front of you, I don’t want to even think about how he treats them when he is alone with them please for the safety of your babies, LEAVE BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!


no question asked get you and those babys out.he his mental abuseing these kids.& physically.abusing you now mental abuse is the most harmfull to the brain.if you dont get out now the kids will be messed up for life.mental abuse never goes if you really love those wont care if your raising them on your own.or stay and have children services on you.and they will take them.GET OUT NOW.while still only gets worse as time goes on.

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If you don"t want your children and yourself to be in the statistics,walk away and never look back.You must overcome one fear because even while you are still with him you are fearful.It won’t be easy,but you will pull through.Get some therapy and give yourself a break from men.God,Almighty will never forsake you.

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It’s so hard being a single mom, especially to young children! I can see why you’re worried about doing it all alone, but it’s amazing how much your life will improve when you love yourself and your kids enough to walk away from a toxic situation. This guy sounds like bad news and chances are, it will only get worse. The stress from the relationship will continue to wear you down and in my experience, this actually makes it harder to leave, even when things do get worse. You’re so much stronger than you think and you can do it for your babies. They need you! Sending you so much love and strength :heart::heart:

You need to get the kids out of there!! If he is physically abusing you and is mentally abusing the kids it probably won’t be long before he hits one if the kids. I know it’s hard to be a single mom but I would rather be a single mom than have my kids abuse in anyway and I wouldn’t want my kids to see me being abuse and thinking it’s okay to do that to others…

I pray you leave and get to a safe place b4 something really bad happens to you & your babies!

As an adult I have suffered great because of this very thing growing up ! Please go !!

RUN! Get out of that situation before it gets worse

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I truly will never understand why people ask the obvious. The second he started calling a toddler names, his a** would be out of there in a heartbeat. You are not doing anyone favors by staying. Instead, you’re unintentionally letting him teach the kids how to behave badly. You’re teaching them it’s ok to treat others like that by putting up with his crap.

No relationship is worth the trauma it’ll cause the kids, they are your priorities now and if he is mistreating them, get out.

You need to leave now before before he does something you will regret. Your babies are number 1 and he has to go

First of all…I’d beat his ass for talking to my babies that way. Waht a ficking asshole. Leave…duh…put your fucking kids first and STAND UP FOR THEM LIKE A MOTHER IS SUPPOSED TO…FUCKING DUHHHH!!!

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