Should I stay or leave?

Kids come first !!! This is toxic to not just yourself but your children. If cps got involved they would give you an ultimatum. Leave or they take the kids.

If he’s hit you at all, it will get progressively worse. Then he will start beating the children. He’s a bully and a coward and will only pick on the weak.

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Get rid of him he won’t change

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No father figure is better than a shit one who calls a child an idiot.



Why would you want your kids to see any of that? Your boys will grow up to be woman beaters and your girls will grow up thinking that I’d how men should treat them. Your situation is the exact reason I’ll be single 11 more years at least. No man will ever call my kid names.

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Calling my kids those names would be it for me.


U know you’ve gotta go girl!


leave he wont change if he really wanted to he would listen and understand what he is doing to them and you , leave is your best choice for them


Get him out before he mentally or physically hurts you or the kids. Your kids need to be your main priority & not some W⚓ that has anger & alcohol issues …

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Leave for the safety of your kids

You are absolutely doing the right thing. Leave now go no contact and don’t look back

Leave before you loose everything.

It’s time to leave. Your children did not ask to be mistreated or be in this relationship. You need to put your children first. No way would I allow this. Your children is your first priority. By you asking what you should do already says you know you should leave. If anyone heard him being abusive to your children they could call child services and you could have them taken away. I’m sure you don’t want this. Stand strong and remove your children from this abuser. Your children will grow up the same and or resenting you for not protecting them.

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Get out now and never go back around him again. Your kids need a decent life not around him. Live with your mother etc but get rid of him now!!

If anyone spoke to my children like that, they would be out on their ass in a heartbeat… The fact you really have to ask if you should leave or not is sad.

Protect your children I can’t believe somethings people ask are you serious :confused:


Leaving is most definitely the right thing to do.

Run for your life, girl!

Kick him to the curb!

Leave …your children do not deserve to be mistreated and neither do you …please please leave so your sons do t think it’s ok and your daughters think this is normal I’ll be praying for you and your children


If u wanted to do whats best for the kids, is to get the fuck outta there, why the fuck you coming on here asking for advise when this man is literally calling your kids names and getting angry for a baby crying plus putting hands on you. You or your kids are seriously going to get hurt. Get out before that happens

Really? You’re an idiot if u stay with him!

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Move on. Its hard be a single mom but for those kids sake get them away from that abuse they should never see how he treats you and how he talks them is not acceptable get out fir all of your protection dv shelters are good starting point i been there with my kids

Fuk him off immediately

Its def time to leave… u may choose to put up with his shit but those poor babies don’t have a choice. Leave now for them!!

Yes and get some birth control and don’t hook up with another man until you kids are raised.

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People will only treat you as poorly as you will allow. Think of your children. It’s scary and it won’t be easy but moms always find a way to take care of their children.

Run for all of your lives!!

You already know the answer. A person won’t change for anyone else but themselves.

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Your own words is you want to do the best for your kids.Then you need to leave him now!!


Red flag not safe run

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Don’t lose your kids

I read the first paragraph… obviously leave. Be a parent


That’s a question you should not need to ask .


Leave you and your kids need love and support not Verbal or physical abuse etc.
He needs help and maybe time away he might change but if he doesn’t you need to make Amends with him not changing
Do what is best for you and your kids mental health

That’s not a dad figure honey. If that’s the only dad they’ve ever known it’s time to find a newer better version. Kids live what they learn. If you don’t want your boys to grow up to be bullies leave! That’s what’s best for them. No toddler should be told they are stupid or an idiot. And if his mother is worried about yall that should tell you all you need to know right there. The only logical step for your boys is to get them away from him.


“F” him!!! Kick him to the curb! I’d want to beat his ass…just sayin.

Sorry but it’s clear he does not love you, if he has put his hands on you that is not love and treating your children like trash is definitely not love… your kids deserve better, a negative influence like that excuse of a human will only mess around with their heads… love yourself and protect your kids, they never asked for any of this, they only have you!!!

Please leave! He’s already put his hands on you and he WILL do it again! Leave before he hurts you really bad! He may be hitting your kids next! Especially since he is getting angry at a 4 month old baby. He’s just a baby! He cries to let you know he needs something. Leave before your kids are physically hurt next!! My prayers are with you and your kids!! Remember you are never alone! (Edited to say by no means do I or could I even begin to understand what you are going through but I’m just giving you my best advice. I’m just another concerned mom for you and your kids)


You don’t want negative words cause you already know the answer…… leave, your kids come first


Seriously??? Get those babies away from him!! He’s a ticking time bomb!! No father figure is better than him!! He is going to cause your babies severe emotional issues, which is just as bad, if not worse than physical abuse!! Be your kids’ hero and LEAVE!!!


If you know you wanna do what’s right by your kids, FREAKING LEAVE and put them first. Instead of some abusive drunk. Idc if this is rude, it’s your wake up call. Woman!! Pfft!! …the audacity!!!

Get out now- the fact his own mother is worried about you is red flags!
He hasn’t hit the kids yet? But has with you?
Only a matter of time before he does to all of you. Stop letting this man treat your babies like this! You’re meant to be the person who is protecting them- not letting him get away with it because you’re scared of being alone


You should have left him a long time ago. Children before damn boyfriends.

I read the first 2 sentences and stopped. Run. Far and fast. He will abuse you and your child soon. Be it physical or mental/psychological or emotional


Leave. After reading drinking and refusing to stop, I don’t need to read the rest. Leave .

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Take your kids and leave now. It will only continue to get worse if you stay.

Look at his penis size and then decide on leaving

Get rid of him b4he hurts ur son physically hes already hurt him verbally and emotionally get rid of him

I didn’t even read it all. I got to calling my kids names. You need to leave!

Look I get your situation and how hard it is but I promise you he will not stop. He will put his hands on you, your kids, and any future partners he has. Not having a dad is so much better than having an absolute piece of shit that hurts them physically and emotionally. You all deserve better. Being a single mom is hard but watching your children be abused, degraded, and beat is harder. It will only escalate.

Get out before he hurts someone. That is a bad environment for the children as well as yourself

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Skimmed this and the choice is clear here. Take your babies and run. Its only a matter of time before it escalates and your AND your children are targets. RUN FAST

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I didn’t even have to read the whole paragraph. If anyone yelled or called my kids names, I would leave in a heart beat. If that’s not an instant red flag, I don’t know what is. That’s not love. That’s straight up harassment & child endangerment. Leave now before things get even worse.


Omgah girl… someone needs to take your children and get them stable for a year or more and in the mean time you need therapy. Also, you should answer legally for allowing your children to be abused.

Leave now. I stopped reading after he called your children “stupid” that’s a whole lot of RED FLAGS,:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:verbal abuse, emotional abuse not on at all.


I didn’t even have to finish reading your foolishness. If you can’t see that it’s way past time to leave, then you’re the one with the problem. The first time he called my child a name would have been the last time. Get the hell out!!!


It’s tike to leave before he seriously hurts y’all. He shouldn’t treat you, your children and both yas infant child that way.
Better being single than in a toxic situation

Please leave for your children. And if it is healthy for your children try to coparent with their father. They will thank you later. And birth control.

Leave and don’t go back. Even if you gotta go to a shelter and start all over. it’s better than putting your kids through the trauma. My daughter was 3 when she witnessed her dad beating me and choking me. She ran down the block to her papa’s house all on her own and got her papa too come and help me. All while her 1 yr old brother sat in back of the couch watching. She remembers that day pretty clearly and she is 6 now. The guilt I have for putting my babies in that type of situation will live with me forever but I left for good and it’s been nearly 3 years since I left. My kids saved my life & I truly do believe that.

Get the fuck out, they never change, you will find your inner strength

I’m sorry. I stopped reading at the part where he calls your kids stupid and idiot. That is verbal abuse. Lived with it all my childhood. Get rid of that prick for the kids at least.

You’re better off being a single mom with three mentally healthy children. If you stay with this man who knows what can happen to you or and the kids. I think you already know the answer God will put a man in your path that will love you and your children. No one deserves to be called stupid by anyone. You brought these kids into this world do what’s right for them then for yourself. They did not ask to be here.

Your kid is going to be terrified of him and will probably end up with toilet issues . Get those kids away from him now .

Leave for the sake of your kids! How can you stay with someone who is putting your own flesh and blood. It’s monsters like these that hurt babies and don’t let that happen to you all because you don’t want to be alone. Quit being selfish and think of your children, put them first. F that guy! Your poor babies are probably feeling that hate from him. Slap yourself and get your kids out of there woman or give your children to someone that’s going to love, care and nurture them.

You don’t need opinions. You know exactly what you need to to. My heart broke for your kids reading that. Please leave now. You and your kids don’t deserve to be treated like that. I’d rather be a single mom any day over having my kids abused. And that’s exactly what’s happening. Your kids are being abused.

Praying for You and Your Children.

Why even ask? The min the anger is directed at ur kids u get tf outta there afore somthing acc happens! Run mama run :heart:

Leave run as fast as you can that ain’t no man that’s a child !!!

Do you want to keep your kids. If DFAC or CPS wherever you live figure s out who you are they are gone. Or are you just going to wait until you wake up dead. Leave now.

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You shouldnt even have to ask. You should have been gone the minute he mistreated your children…

I didn’t even finish reading… Leave

Do what is right tell him to get help for if he chooses not to then tell him to be prepared for you leaving him. You have to concentrate on the kids and if he chooses his addiction over you leave him. Unhealthy environment for yourself and the kids. Talk to his mother and if he refuses to get help leave the toxic environment. Have courage to leave him.

Sounds like it’s a negative spiral thing… When I read your post I have a hard time believing that you (alone) will be able to turn that spiral (don’t take me wrong, no one could) , with a man who doesn’t seem to understand the impact of his actions. Who already have laid his hand on you twice, you think it’s the last? :cry: You have 3 kids to attend to. If you are staying you’ll have that 4th giant baby to take care of as well!?:thinking: I’m sure you are strong as hell but ask your self… is it worth it? What will the cost be. :thinking:

Get out. Your kids will grow up to be him. Their lives will be ruined. All because you don’t want to be single.

Your children deserve better than this

I’ll never let someone call my kids names smh

I am sorry , but I believe you have to leave him, for you and the kids sake. He is dangerous and can’t control himself.

Leave, this is not something you want your kids to remember.

Leave. Protect you and your children.

There are no other options. Your children are already being abused. Please look into resources. It’s time to go.

I’d be more scared that he’d potentially kill myself or my babies. Leave him, there is a chance that he can be even more physically abusive. I’m not saying this to be mean, but as a first responder I’ve seen some messes like this and it broke my heart. Don’t stay please, go and don’t look back!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I stay or leave?

RUN. This is how my ex-husband treated my kids. My 22 yr old now has diagnosed ptsd from his screaming and insults and my 19 yr old tried to kill himself when he was 16 because of him. Get the hell out fast. I wish I had way sooner. :disappointed_relieved:


Run. Your numbers one job as a mom is to protect your kids.


Leave those kids will have to deal with the outcome if you dont and you dont want that

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You already know the answer


You and your kids deserve to be treated better than that. The names he calls them will affect them forever, especially the older they get. I remember all the horrible things my dad said to me way more than I remener all the times he got physical with me and still to this day it is a big barrier to get the things he said to me out of my head, and that was over 15 years ago

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Why would you allow anyone to treat your children this way? That’s what I had to ask myself when I was in this type of situation. I since left and I am so much happier and better off and so are my children! Follow your gut.


If hes treating your children like this kick his ass to the curb dont let him emotionally abuse your children


Leave. He may not physically abuse them yet but he IS mentally abusing them and him and YOU are teaching those kids that his actions are ok & staying is what your supposed to do.Be the role model they so desperately need no matter how hard or scary it is! Your job as a mother is to sacrifice EVERYTHING for your children to keep them alive & safe!


I’d leave while you still can , the kids need a good role model , they are your priority and you need to keep them safe. If he is violent towards you he could turn violent towards the kids , then you will have social involved , get out while you still can you deserve so much better and so do the kids x

Yes you need to leave no question about it

Your children should not feel like this is how relationship are, by you staying it may seem that your not protecting them. Get out ASAP for theirs & your protection, sanity

Sick you are if you allow that person to treat your child that way. Are you thann desperate for a ma

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This sounds like a news story. The one that details how the boyfriend watches the kids and claims he was just playing. Children in caskets is really tragic.

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Get out ! Run ! Your kids and yourself deserve so much better ! Don’t look back … just run :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::blue_heart:

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I didn’t even have to read all this… Girl run… Don’t stay… He’s not going to change… and u can’t fix a man like that… And u dang sure don’t want ur kids feeling scared all the time… Or them to grow up watching his behavior thinking it’s normal… My ex sounds alot like ur bf… He ended up fracturing my jaw and destroying my house… I finally left the state and have never looked back… Don’t allow ur kids to grow up in his issues… Prayers coming ur way :heart:

RUN!! Don’t raise your babies in that nightmare. They will live in fear everyday and it’s better to have a single mom than a dead one or one who won’t protect them. My husband grew up in a home with step-dad after step-dad that was just like him and some worse and it leaves scares on a person for a lifetime. Get your children out of that!!