If you’re posting this, I think you know the answer!
Why is this even a question?
He gets angry at your children. L E A V E.
Whatever you have to do
Do it . And run fast
Do not stay another minute
This is a dangerous situation that can only end badly. The VERY BEST thing for YOU and your CHILDREN is to separate from this man. You’re stronger than you think. Make the MOVE and LIVE happily with your children. Good luck GOD BLESS
Why even post this? I stopped reading at the he calls my kids idiots and stupid. If you have any sense at all you will kick him to the curb
Yip I agree fone woman’s aid they will help x
Leave. He put his hands on you and is aggressive towards the kids, the chances are very high he will get physical with the kids.
Also, your kids deserve to not see their mom getting hit either.
It’s better to have an absent parent than an abusive one.
run, and never look back
Wtf. Leave. You need to protect your kids…
Leave. Your kids will be way happier with you raising them as a single mom than to be around his toxic behavior. There’s nothing wrong with being a single parent. Your kids are #1 and shouldn’t be in that environment
Do you really need to ask?
You need to leave now
Your children come first
He’d be dead if it were me
I went through the exact same thing… my ex was horrible to my little boy…
I won’t go into it, but he ended up hurting my kid…I kicked him out there and then… please leave xx
Should be a no brainier!! Protect your children
Leave! I promise you,it will continue, and keep getting worse. You cannot fix him. Don’t waste your energy trying. I wish I would have figured that out years ago…
get rid of him you and your kids will be much happier believe me
Sounds like you already know what you have to do
Staying is only putting your children in harm’s way. Get them away from him!
Run, run as fast as you can. Your kids come first NO MATTER WHAT!, first it starts with yelling and crappy apologies, they other things follow, run, run as fast as you can.
You’re allowing your children to be abused. But you’re scared of loosing your penis. Dick isn’t a particularly rare or valuable commodity. I honestly cannot believe that you a) laid down and got pregnant with someone who was already abusing your kids and b) are actually questioning whether you should continue to subject them to abuse so your relationship won’t end and c) have the audacity to say no rude comments when you allow your babies to subject to more than rude comments on a daily basis. Let me guess, you leave him alone with the kids on a regular basis too. If you want to be a dumb fuck and get your ass beat by this pos everyday, more power too you. But put your kids up for adoption. They don’t deserve to be harmed (and this behavior is extremely harmful and will escalate into physical abuse) because you’re too pathetic to be alone.
Do you really think you should post this here? And ask? I mean do you hear yourself? LEAVE if he is being mean to your kids that’s a red flag regardless there is no excuse for the medication and drinking with the medication. If he’s already belittling your kid then what else do you think will happen? You are your children’s only protected and savior. You need to do what’s right regardless of your feelings. Period.
If he can’t control his anger and take out on kids so small then just imagine the kids growing up.what they would turn out to be and he would ofcourse be different to Your older kids who are not his. You can do it alone without all these extra headaches. Just make yourself beleive you can do it and try to find someone who is in control of himself
Leave! Children learn behavior! Don’t teach your kids it’s okay to be like him or that it’s okay to tolerate such behavior from ANYONE! If you stay, it’s only going to get worse.
You’re not gone yet? Gtfo
This shouldn’t even be a ?leave him
Why are you even asking? Why are you still there? Be a Mom and put your children first! Over my dead body would I let someone call my babies names like that! Your poor babies are going to grow up so screwed up! Protect your babies! You are guilty of child abuse by staying and letting that continue! Damn
Leave now! Do not put yourself or your babies thru that any more, he needs to better his self and knowing he shouldn’t drink yet he still does tells me he don’t give a shit about anyone but himself. But seriously get out do better for yourself and your babies and by that I mean focus on you and ur babies you deserve happiness and a healthy relationship.
He’s mentally and emotionally abusing your kids and you and has physically abused you I don’t think you should even question it you need to leave
This guy is not a father figure. His actions speak louder than his words. I’m sorry that you are in this situation. You will need to make a difficult choice, but in the end your kids need a safe, loving, and healthy home to thrive in.
As a now-adult who is still healing from being the child in this situation, PLEASE leave. Your babies need you to protect them because they can’t protect themselves. Listen to your gut and run as fast you can, don’t look back.
Leave. It gets worse.
Whether you’re a single mom “again” now or down the road when you are faced with the same question, the answer is still going to be the same - you and your children deserve better and the title of Single Mother carries some BAMF power. Your children don’t deserve to grow up thinking they are “idiots” or “stupid” and his words will become their inner voice. Be done with him. Period.
I’d rather be a single mom then having my kids belittled
It only takes one time for a grown adult to say something like that to my baby and guess what? Bye bye, there’s the door. You don’t get another chance because that was shameful enough and my job is to PROTECT my baby. Leave yesterday, that woulda been the right thing.
Get out! He’s probably an alcoholic if he insists on drinking while on meds. This is as good as its going to be. Mom’s first obligation is to protect the kids from an abusive person.
Leave I was in a relationship like that for 7 years and tried to make it work… I got tired of the drinking and the verbal abuse and mental abuse I suffered for years and finally walked away and now am happier then ever
Leave, that’s abuse to the kids and isn’t fair
Or kick him out. Dangerous situation.
Run before it gets worse and I can promise it does!
He’s abusing all of you. Physically towards you and emotionally towards your children. You and your kids would be better off on your own then with someone who acts this way. Please leave before be snaps and gets physical with them, it doesn’t sound like it would take much.
Leave. You and your kids need to be safe. It’s better to be a single parent than be in an abusive relationship. You can do this. Call on your support system of friends and family they will help you.
No father figure is better than that. Get your kids away from him before he permanently scars them. Sorry but are you blind? His own mother is worried for you she probably knows him a lot better than you.
Nope nope nope. Leave and don’t look back.
Omg… YES! LEAVE!!! This is not okay. Read about the cycle of abuse, read about abusive relationships! Read and educate yourself- HE WILL NOT CHANGE, IT WILL NOT GET BETTER!
What an absolute heap of garbage calling those poor babies names. Youre not defending them by getting into yelling matches… that is emotional abuse on both your parts get it together woman.
Get out before he hurts the kids or you!
Leave. Leaving is whats best you and your kids do not deserve any of this.
Run ,don’t walk…RUN ! NOW !
Why the hell are you even questioning staying when he speaks to your children that way !?
Um… I stopped reading at “he calls my children idiot and stupid”…
Get the F out of there before they end up dead!!
Do it right now!
I didn’t even need to finish reading your entire post. Get out and get out now!! Those kids and you deserve way way WAY better!
U need to leave him ASAP get them poor babies out of there they don’t deserve that kind of abuse
Why is this even a question? Of course leave.
I stopped reading at “he calls my 3 yr old stupid and idiot” this shouldn’t even be a question & I don’t think you or anyone should ever question if that is okay for their children. He’s sick & needs help, yea things won’t be rainbows & butterflies but there will always people who will help you if you speak up
Soon as he put his hands you that it should of been game over …he will keep doing it and your showing your kids that behaviour is OK.
Go to a shelter if need be. Don’t make excuses. LEAVE get away from him NOW!
Get out it will get worse fined some safe place and u will see the the way. The children will be happy x
Make a plan for Escape he won’t change EVER, I raised three kids on my own…he was their father. Abuse only gets worse get out asap
Get tf out now before he hurts your babies.
Leave I didn’t even finish it’s not safe
Get ur kids out of there, if u want to be in an abusive relationship that’s ur choice, but your allowing this man to damage your children! Be a good parent and get them out! They are innocent and depend on you to take care of them!
your children are your first priority
Warning …Warning… Get out! He must think you’re stupid he’s still in your lives
Just leave. I stopped reading at he puts his hands on me. That will NEVER stop and only get worse !! And for how disrespectful he is to ur kids why on earth would u stay!!
I think you already know the answer. It sounds like you are only staying because your scared to be a single mom again. You know what’s right, leave hun B4 it turns into something horrible. I hope you find the strength, do it for your kids
Leave, your children deserve better. You need to protect them. The arguments will escalate the older the children get. You will be fine.
Listen to what your saying. There’s your answer. You as their mother are responsible to protect them. DO NOT let this go on any longer. That is not love.
Leave and block his whole family girl
You should leave. Him being in treatment for his anger indicates that this is a lifelong issue he will be navigating forever. Some things may be out of his impulse controls but that that does not mean it is safe to stay and it also does not make u a bad person for having to walk away from someone who needs a different kind of help (not any that you can provide). You are your children’s protector and need to be their safe space. Enabling their mistreatment will not give them that sense of love and security they deserve and need to thrive. You will have to deal with that man regardless because he’s the father of your youngest but you need to remove his ability to have any control or it will most definitely get worse. Also, document everythingggg because uncontrollable anger can be scary and you will need your proof to be protected from it. Good luck, sending prayers.
Dump him.now!!! Mine left and I had 4 kids(2 in diapers). No job no money, no nothing…if I can do it you can also!!! I was scared to death to do it alone but I did and now I have a house I own
Take them kids and run!!! Or kick his ass out and get a restraining order against him before he hurts you or them babies!!! Better to be single than to be scared!!!
This right here….you are “scared” of being a single mom again….you don’t think your children are “scared” of the situation you are putting them in. As a mother it’s our job to protect our children. Period. You need to do what is right for your children and show them that you love them. Get them as far away from this man as possible. You will look back and realize you did the right thing. If you stay, you or your children may not have a future. There’s so much more to life than being with a man. Focus on your children.
You already know the answer. With domestic violence and child abuse for some reason go hand and hand. The county you live in should have a domestic violence shelter with advocates that can help you find a place. Think about your kids and your safety. Good luck
Anyone putting hands on you and talking to your kids that way??? Bye mothafer
You really have to ask? Get rid of this guy. He needs help and your kids will be horribly damaged living with him (who knows where his rage might end).
There wouldn’t be an option you talk to my kids like that or treat them that way there’s the fuckin door and don’t come back. I’d say the same thing to my husband if he did something like that. I sure as hell wouldn’t put up with it
Alot of people make their own drama. If you knew this why have a baby. Some people think a baby is the answer well how’s that working for you. Too much drama for me.
If you’re here asking the question, then you know you need to go.
You need to go for your own safety and for that if your children! It’s hard, but don’t let that stop you.
Sorry girl but leaving is best.
I didn’t read past the 3 sentence! You need to leave.
Leave! No question about it, this is an extremely dangerous situation. There has been both mental and physical abuse towards you and the children and you are doing them no favors by keeping an abusive father figure around. Calling a 3 year old stupid and getting upset at a baby for crying is completely irrational. It is up to you at this point to do the right thing and leave to protect them. His own mother seems concerned that he is going to snap. Leaving is 100% the right answer.
He is extremely abusive. Please contact 1-800-799-7233 DV hotline for resources and support.
Move on it’s safer and better fir your kids
The hardest thing is leaving a man you hope would change. But no matter what you ever do it will never be enough. Leave sis, raising your kids should always come before loving a man.
Leave, look some kind of support group, or a woman’s shelter.
End the relationship straight up, don’t be afraid of being a single mum do what’s right because this is going to cause damage not just on you but those kids. get out while you can, be safe about it and remember you will rock being a single mum don’t ever doubt yourself
Read your post aloud then pretend it was your sister or best friend writing it. If you dig deep you know the answer. You’re in an abusive relationship and the abuse is spilling over to your children. Figure out how to leave.
I think you already know the answer
You already know what you should do, be brave and do it for your kids.
Leave before it’s too late
Maybe he’s learned how to parent like this through his own experiences with his parents.
Therapy helps
What the hill is wrong the guy is going to kill those kids or you. Get the hill out if you want what’s best for your children. If your mom can’t help find a phone number for battered women. Any situation is better then the one you are in
I get why you are asking and seeking answers, that is great you are seeing the signs now and reaching out for help. You’re scared of leaving, becoming a single mother raising children alone but scared of staying at the same time, I get this too. But you gotta take that leap, it’s easier said than done but for your children and yourself you have to leave. There are many resources and support for victims of domestic violence. Start planning your leave, reach out to any friends or family you have to help you get you and your children somewhere safe or call your local help hotline is another start.
Being a single parent is scary and hard as well as your journey of recovering… but it’s very much worth staying safe and doing that will not damage your children, they do not need a father figure who is abusive- he said your 3 yr old needs councilling? Your child will need it later on in life if you choose to stay.
I’m a single mother to two kids and got out of a 6 yr abusive relationship 2 yrs ago.
It does get better. I hope you leave immediately, feel free to PM me I can point out some great private FB groups for DV support💜
Find a support group in your area, they often have safe houses where you can live free of charge
LEAVE! Before your kids don’t have a mom or you Don’t have a child! This type of man will only keep escalating
I think you already know the answer. But you’re having a hard time accepting the answer. This is abuse, please don’t let your mind fool you.You need to leave.
A relationship like that isn’t good for you or your children. If a man wants to change, he will, and there’s nothing that will stop a man from being the person he wants to be. If he won’t seek help then he won’t change. Protect your heart, your sanity, your safety and your children….leave.
This will not get better run before its to late don’t expose your kid to that . Believe me I have been through it