By staying you’re allowing your bf to abuse your children and yourself. He is abusing your children. Leave.
Yes!!! For the sake of your kids and you mentally and physically. You don’t want to bury a child whether death by him or suicide because they can’t deal with him anymore and the kids differently need there mother.
The best thing you can do for you and your kids is leave
I suggest talking to pap, dad , uncle or brother. Around here family will take a no good to the hogs… they are always hungry
No amount of loneliness would make me want to stay in a sad situation like that. I would leave ASAP
You need to leave asap. Your children must be frightened and unhappy as well as you. I was married to a man that was abusive in drink. It was mental cruelty . He even raped me one day but then you didnt think it was rape as it was over 40 yrs ago n that wasnt heard of then if you were married. I left him but then my daughter told me he had abused her. Please leave before it is too late for you and your children. Best of luck
I would leave him now for your kids sake
Please take your babies and leave and don’t look back
I think you already know the answer.
Girl, get rid of that!!!..and your kids will grow up hating him also!!!
Protect you kids and leave. They should be your #1 priority. He could hurt them when you’re not around.
I didn’t even read the whole thing because quit frankly after he put his hands on u it pissed me off. Ur stupid 4 staying and even having 2nd thoughts about staying or leaving for the sheer fact of safety of ur kids. Do what u must 2 protect them and urself. Leave and do things legally 2 prevent him from coming around. He needs help and isn’t gonna get it unless he wants it. Abuse isn’t easy 2 just leave from for mental reasons because it’s not always that way. I get it but find the strength u have 2 leave and get proper help.
He’s abusing your kids… period.
Leave now …dont look back sweetheart…u have children and they need you…stay strong. Praying you find strength to leave …hopefully he’ll get more help …
Leave . Now. This will escalate to physical abuse. It’s already mental abuse . Do you want your kids growing up in this atmosphere so they can learn this behavior if they haven’t already? Girl, run for the hills.
Imagine staying and waiting it out for people online to tell you to leave or not. Greatest mom of the year award goes to you!
Why are you even asking, If you had any thought for your kids you would have left on the first signs of any anger issues toward your children.
You answered your own question. You said, “He’s the only sad figure these kids have”
Leave yes that’s the right thing to do for the babies. Mental abuse is what he’s doing to them stop that cycil let the babies know that’s not accept
You are absolutely doing the right thing you need to get you and the kids out of their I am also a single mom of 3
This is a no brainer, you pack up your kids and get out. Calling children names is the a start to violence.
Omg I can’t… I don’t mean this to be rude but seriously wtf. He calls your kids stupid and idiot? Puts his hands on you? He’s going to ruin your children with the things he says and does. Your fear of being a single mother should not outweigh your kids safety. Boss up and get out of there before he snaps and kills you or one of the kids. Dude sounds crazy like doctor told him so type of shit. I was a single mom for 7 years and it’s nothing to be scared of. It’s way more worth it to struggle and be alone then watch your children grow to hate themselves and you for staying in an environment like that.
You need to keep your kids safe. And being safe does not include the boyfriend.
ROLL OUT helll the the mutherfucking no !
Please get to a women’s shelter asap! They will help you and the kids get a safe place to continue to have a life away from abuse.
Run, don’t walk away, run now!
Yes, if you leave, you are doing the right thing.
Sorry but nope get out he put hands on you he will your kids he isn’t trust worthy! Your kids are #1 Please protect them !
Girl i stopped reading after he put his hands on you. Run. Run fast. And Run now.
I would suggest leaving him and moving on…your fear will subside once you make the choice and carry you thru
Get the children out of there and don’t look back!!
There’s nothing you can do that will change him. Being a single mother is better then being beat on and having your kids watch you get beat on.
Are you serious? I stopped reading after he gets mad at an innocent child who is potty training and calls them an idiot. Your kids deserve better. SMH.
Leave, living like that isn’t worth it and your kids deserve better. You can do it on your own and there are resources to help single moms. Don’t live in misery because things aren’t going to change with him.
Safety for your children and self is the only thing to be considered get help
Nope I couldn’t even finish reading after “he gets mad at my three year old” girl fuck all that… RUN… no man is worth that
Leave now. I’ve been in your shoes, but with 4 kids and it was so hard. 8 years ago I booted him to the curb and things only got better from there. Get your support team going and get those babies out before they have mental issues or he finally hits them. You and they are worth fighting for!
Get out of there before he hurts y’all
Get rid of him Simply
Didn’t even have to read the whole thing. I saw he laid his hands on you. Leave.
Leave NOW before something terrible happens.
You and your kids deserve better. It will be hard at first but you will make it through mama.
Get rid of him, …your poor kids and you. Please dont say you love him, he’s damaging you and your children
I didn’t even read after your question in the post, because if you’re even questioning it then you need to leave.
Um I’m not even half way done reading and I know u need to get tf out. Toxic and abusive. If u love ur kids, get them out and away from that monster.
Growing up, my step dad was super abusive.Physically,however, the mental and emotional abuse is what has stuck with me all these years. I wonder to this day how my mom could allow somebody to speak to and degrade us the way he did. He became my inner voice. My mom and I do not have a relationship barely because of this exact thing.
Just leave. No father figure is better than a father figure who is always yelling and scary and calling names. I’m telling you from experience your children will resent you for staying.
Leave he’s going to end up hurting you’re kids he is not safe to be around them please listen to everyone that is saying leave and just leave befor he hurts one of you’re kids or worse !!!
You’re better off without him.I was verbally abused for years and sometimes that is just as bad as being physically abused.I found the strength to leave him and my kids were better off for it.I slowly regained my self esteem and am now living a happy life
Leave now before you invest anymore
RUN as fast as you can before he kills you or the kids
Leave this man your life and your kids life may be in danger
Get help to leave. Your children will suffer the rest of their lives if you don’t
LEAVE NOW!!! He is doing irreparable harm your child…it is child abuse!!!
He needs to go. Not good for you or your children.
Girl what the fuck are you doing with your kids! You want what’s best for YOUR children LEAVE! They don’t need to be around that environment & that “dad” figure is HORRIBLE. That’s not a dad figure I would want for myself let alone your children
I made it half way thru, get out and get out now! No child should ever have to be put thru what they are going thru! I have been a single mom, is it easy…NO! Is it ideal NO! However it is so much better than having your kids emotionally and verbally abused by some over grown Neanderthal! Even his mom knows he is a Jack ass! Your kids should always come first. They will mimic what they see, and daughters will marry what they grow up with! Raise them by yourself and show them what they deserve!
Is this even a legit question? Honey. Leave before he causes one of you to leave for good. There’s always next time, until there’s not.
Leave. He is abusing you and your kids. If you stay then you are allowing the abuse. You can get help. There should be programs in your area. Google is your friend.
Run as fast as you can
Get away from him…he will end up hurting/killing one of those kids because it happens way too often these days. Please get yourself and your babies away from this guy before it’s too late!.
Please leave him for your kids sake ! Just leave prayers
Leave!!! I could never, would never let a man talk to my children like that!
Leave. Now. This is abuse to both you and your kids. Throw the whole man away. You deserve better. It does more damage to your kids for them to see you in a toxic and abusive relstionship than for them to see you struggle as a single mom.
Wait, hold up…. Go read that back to yourself and you will hopefully see clearing the need to get out. There are so many places a single lol can get help.
Ummm if this even a question? One he verbally abused your children two he put his hand on you multiple times. Like you should of left the 1 time he even sad one bad thing about your kids
I’m not even why you asked.
He is obviously bad news and belittling your kids is a HUGE red flag. Then he got physical too?!
Start reading through this sight. It may help you see clarity in the fog
Get out follow your momma instincts before you lose your babies or your life.
Right OK get rid now leave him had this with a man in the past glad the kids and I got rid as it got a hell of alot worse let me tell you
Go, quick before your children learn from him. It’s not easy being a single parent but you will manage, your self esteem will grow and you might even find a nice man one day. I’ve never regretted bringing up my children without a man, they’ve turned out great.
Girl go for them babies just leave the longer you stay them kids will need therapy and that’s if he doesn’t decide while drunk to make them the target of his anger outburst just leave.
you need to get you and your kids out of there YESTERDAY or you will regret it in the near future, this man is not stable . next he will hurt you or the kids physically not to mention what hurt he will bring all of you emotionally . there are shelters that will help you .
Shouldn’t be a question, get out.
Get out NOW! Your children are more important than some angry man!
Leave him. He will not change, and will only get worse
You already know what you need to do. You don’t need our validation to know he’s toxic for both you and your children. The harm he’s causing your babies will last a lifetime. They remember the name calling and belittling. I know from experience. I’m 39 and it still hasn’t left me. I still feel worthless because that’s what I was told as a child. Yes, being a single mother is difficult, but watching your children suffer is even more so. There’re resources out there to help you get on your feet. For now, save as much money up as you can for a place of your own. Look for help. You have us to talk to if you need advise.
I stopped reading the article when you said he yells at your kids.
I say leave, your kids ALWAYS come first.
Pretty sure you know the answer to this. By staying you are the one causing your children trauma. No child should be called names ever. Leave
There are so many pages but here is another one you may find helpful.
I don’t normally tell others what they should do, but girl GET OUT NOW!!! First off the way he is treating your kids is a big nope for me. Your kids could grown up with issues or try to hurt themselves as they get older. He’s a grown man if he wants to drink while on medicine he can, but them kids can’t choose what they can do. They would be better off without a father figure (which he doesn’t act like one) than be around him. I’d also be scared he’d really snap and hurt or kill one of the kids.
I’m sorry but I think you need counseling for staying with someone who would treat your children like this. He will probably abuse them but hey you need him right
Lord help the man that calls my toddler an idiot
you need to take your babies and run. He is verbally abusing your very young children, his words will stay with them forever and will shape the way they view themselves. They will grow up watching their mom be verbally and physically abused, which will form the way they view relationships. He is right, your little boy does need to be put in therapy, but not because he is a “bad” boy, or the problem, but because this poor child has been verbally assaulted for heaven knows how long by someone who is supposed to love him. Damage has already been done and as their mother, you need to remove them permanently from that situation and do everything in your power to undo that damage. Not to mention that you, yourself are a victim of domestic violence. There are so many resources out there to help you get out and to start over. I know it can be scary but you would be doing the right thing. Start by calling 1-800-799-7233
U deserve better
This shouldn’t even be a question as to if you should stay
If he is verbally abusive towards the kids and physically abusive to you…
I had a very similar issue and left my husband last month. He finally turned physically abusive and I’m 7 months pregnant. I suggest you RUN before it gets worse… it ALWAYS gets worse… the more you let them get away with it the more the test their boundaries until its to late…
no judgement I’m going through this, pregnant and alone right noe
There is no reason you and your kids should put up with this abuse.Its better to be a single mom then living with an abuser.In the long run your kids will have big problem.My husband is not the father of my two boys, he never disciplined them or yell at them.The discipline in my house was my job.If he would of mistreated my boys in anyway he would of been out the door.RUN RUN RUN.
this relationship is toxic.get out of me your children will thank you when there older.why would you not put your kids first.?
Everyone can pass their opinion but no one can tell you what to do. You are the one living in it and you ave to be the one make that decision. From the outside you are always going to get told you should leave. No one walks in your shoes so no one knows the whole truth and all the details.
Hell yes you are doing the right thing if you leave.
Send him packing it always goes from screaming to hitting
You’re torturing your kids for your own selfish desires if you don’t leave
If your kids are being treated wrong lady get the hell away from him!! Put your children first!! No man’s worth more than your children are!!
Get out of there yesterday.
Get out of there. Things will only get worse. Been through that and only wish I had left sooner.
LEAVE… or give YOUR kids to more responsible PEOPLE. Who will love and care FOR them, and if you love that kind of TOXIC PERSON more than your BABIES you stay but set them BABIES freeeeeeee…
Get out now Don’t look back.he will never change
WHY IS THIS EVEN A QUESTION? DON’T YOU WANT TO BE THE BEST PARENT FOR YOUR CHILDREN? DO NOT EXPOSE THEM TO PEOPLE LIKE THIS. GET OUT, NO MATTER WHAT. PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN FROM MENTAL AND/OR PHYSICAL ABUSE. Unfortunately you had the misfortune to have a child with him, knowing how he was (no ladies you cannot make a man change no matter how hard you try and those “good” moments don’t count if there are plenty of bad ones afterward). So, now you have to make hard decisions to do right by ALL your children. Being single is hard but it isn’t a death sentence. When children are raised by a loving parent who protects them and cares for them…that is what matters! You are setting a poor example for them of how to be a parent, how to be a relationship partner and putting them in the middle of an abusive situation for them and you. LEAVE…
He is going to hurt one of your babies! Get out now! Go to a shelter
Why would you even have to ask? Of course you should leave him! Don’t ever let a man be mean to your kids or abuse you!
Leave before it’s too late!
Put your kids first. Get out now.