I’m gonna be mean right now:
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Get your kids and yourself out of there, this only gets worse! You cannot change him, you cannot change the damage that’s already being done to your kids by staying - but you can get the hell away from him.
Put your kids first & pull your head out of your ass!!!
Id honestly leave. Theres no reason whatsoever to get mad at a 4month old baby for crying. Get out if there. If u have to ask friends and family for suport. Sounds like his mom is on ur side. Maybe she can help. Theres no reason to put the kids through that kind of emotional and mental abuse
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Get out before it is too late.before something bad happens to you and those babies…put those babies and yourself first…GET OUT NOW
if his mother is worried about you and the kids that should be enough for you to get out before you cant leave asap
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Do not ever let someone abuse your children in anyway. This shouldn’t even be a question
Everything in the unknown is scary. Being a single parent is truly the least of your worries. You will adapt and you’ll do great plus bond with your kids better. It’ll also teach them better habits than the ones it sounds like they’re currently being taught. If you have to ask this. Doesn’t sound like a good father figure either. Sometimes you have to get out of what is “comfortable” to grow. This being the case for you and your kids. Before you do anything get yourself an attorney and discuss the best route for your situation. You’re strong and you got this. Be positive and do what’s best for you and your kids. Is this relationship how you want your kids to think a relationship should be like when they get older?
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Leave before its too late! What are you waiting for?
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You need to act like a mom and kick him out. That’s abuse. You know it and you’re allowing your kids to be mistreated so you can have a man.
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Run now before it’s to late for yourself and your baby’s
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Get the f@#k out of there now.
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That’s why children end up like Gabriel Fernandez abused and dead because you let your boyfriend around your kids knowing they may snap at any moment. Sickening. That fact you even need advice. Dick is that important over your children?
Get the kids away from this guy NOW!! You need to get away fast!! Re-read what you’ve written here. If you can’t see that he’s dangerous to you and your kids then all of our advice is futile.
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Leave now it only gets worse been there and many scars later did I leave
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That’s called child abuse and you not reporting it makes you just as guilty of abuse. You’ll both be in jail if you don’t stop
Run only a matter of time b4 it gets worse and possibly hurts the kids
Honestly, if he cannot respect your kids then he shouldn’t be allowed to see them. He has also put his hands on you. This has told him he can. Once a guy is physically violent (in my opinion) it only gets worse from here. You may not want to be a single mom,but I would rather that then worrying when I’m gonna get smacked again
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Yes u want to best for the kids get them away from him
I have never understood why people defend abusers. He’s physically, emotionally and verbally abusing you. Nows the time to get the hell out. Don’t make any excuses for him. I would rather be a single mom of 3 babies, then a mom who may have to bury one of her babies because his abuse got further out of hand.
Yeah no you don’t want to have your kids see that and think the behavior is acceptable. Most likely it will get worse before better.
I think you have answered your own question, sending big hugs to you, you got this x
Your babies don’t deserve being verbally abused and it will turn into physical abuse, save you and your babies from that.
It’s not your job to fix him,he is too old to change. Please do the right thing for your kids ,you will be a single mum bit you and your kids will have a peace of mind
Kids first. Never put a man or relationship over your kids. You are their advocate. Leave that man now (if you can even call him that)
Run run run and don’t look back.
I would not put my children into a relationship like that
I think you know the answer. Get those babies out of that environment. It’s a matter of time before he puts his hands on a child. GET OUT NOW
You pack your bags take what you can carry and do not look back. Your letting him abuse your toddler’s. You are no better then him if you stay with him. There are a million men in the world do not stay with an abuser it will only get worst. Your toddlers deserve a winner not a loser.
It shouldn’t even be a question. You didn’t say anything positive about him. Why would you want to stay?
Leave him, he is not worth the time. Take the kids out of that life, it is harmful to them, you will find the right person that will love you and the kids
Get out now. Anyone talked to my kid like that would’ve been gone the 1st time it happened. You don’t want them growing up being mentally abused. Or them growing up watching him treat you that way or putting hands on you. Bad situation all around.
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Your kids and their safety and peace come first.
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You know the answer to your problem. You must leave because it is only going to get worse
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Why arevu even asking he sounds right down mean your poor kids
Verbal, mental, physical, emotional… any sort of abuse towards yourself and/or your own kids is a damn good reason to leave a relationship!!
Definitely passed time to leave, you’re doing the right thing
Please don’t be scared to leave! I was in the exact same position. 3 children, the youngest was his. He would be horrible to my older children name calling and he stuck them a few times. One time he struck the baby on the foot when he moved during a nappy change to ‘teach him’ not to move. He was an alcoholic and got worse as time went on. I left, you can too! There is lots of support out there, you just need to ask for help! Never be afraid of being single, I have been for 3.5 years now and it was the best decision I ever made, not only for myself but my children. We all went to therapy and now we live a happy life without drama.
Is this a rhetorical question? Not being mean but really….
Not just red flags, soaked in red! Get out!
Get out before it is too late. If you don’t your children may be motherless!!! He will never change,not for you or anyone down the road.
Questioning why you even need to ask.
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You know what you’ve gotta do mama, you wrote this for clarification that you can and should leave him, you can look after your babies alone, you already are! The only thing causing you stress and pain is him, get outa there or kick him out, get a restraining order on him for your and your kids safety for now until things maybe calm down. Do what you gotta do and pack your shit and go. If you can do it when he’s not around so there’s no violence or upheaval. You’ve got this! Xx
The fact that you are asking for opinions from a bunch of strangers, says deep down you already know the answer. He’s already getting you so unsure of yourself you are looking for affirmation from people you don’t know. Get away from him! Do it for your kids. If he is already verbally abusive to your children at such young ages, how much worse will it have to get before you accept it? Run!
Why are you frightened of being on your own ?
U already are Hun …. Just with extra stress 
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Leave! Worry about you, and your kids. He is unstable, and unsafe. Dont look back.
Get out before he hurts the kids or even worse .if he carries on about the kids now when you are around what would he do to the kids if you weren’t there .?
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Don’t be scared to be on your own the kids will always be company for you and won’t take long to get used to it
Stop being stupid who means most him or your children
Do you seriously need too ask! Leave him. That’s scary. I’m sorry your going through this but he needs help.
Get out while you can!! It will only get worse!!!
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You better get him out your life and especially out your kid’s life before it’s too late I’m sorry but I’m straight to the point he is no good for those kids bad influence they’ll be having low self-esteem
Heather Brokar you are absolutely right! There are shelters out there that will help her and probably save the lives of her and her chilldren.
Yes leave, Dear…it is really hurting the children AND you…sometimes love is just NOT ENOUGH
What has to happen you need a man or should I say SOB that badly you care more for him than your children
Seek help from an organization who helps the abused, form a plan to leave, then LEAVE.
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Its just going to get worse.think of you and the kids… They come first… You will survive if you leave may be hard bit in time you will be ok.you want to be happy orsad.
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Omg leave before a child gets seriously hurt
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He’s just getting started in my opinion. Get your kids and yourself away from this ticking time bomb. Hurry!
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Get the hell out! No one has the right to talk to children that way or to put their hands on you!
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Follow your heart, remember your kids will always be your kids!!!

U need to get out for yourself and your children
Sometimes Love hurts and when it hurts everyday it’s time to leave. Children cannot defend themselves and even though you are defending them it’s not enough !!!
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Leave now before is to late.
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Of course leaving would be the right thing. Imagine just one incident of him snapping and hurting one of the kids… lock that in your mind and it should be all the fire you need to leave him and never look back. 
Leave, please for you and your children’s mental and physical well being. And pray for him.
Ieave him this will scarf your children for life. One of my daughter’s lived with this guy for years. He abuse my grandson which wasn’t his until now he has alot of anger thrown he’s mom that he says he hates her for choosing this guy over him he been with me since he was fifteen. And he’s thirty four and he still dosed want nothing to do with her. I also have a granddaughter she a single mother with two daughters she’s thirty three she left her abuser 6 years go she doing fine God has bless her with a good job has her place drive a nice car. But she works hard for what she has. So leave him you and your children don’t need to leave that way.
Could you even imagine staying with him n your kids living like that till 1 of your kids take their own life, leave now
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You need to get out of there now. What if he snaps and hurts or kills one of your kids.
I believe you already know the answer, you just need reassurance. The only answer is to leave the relationship and pray for him to get the help that he need and get some for yourself because going through situations like this, you need help as well. I’m praying for you all.
Hate to say it but get out now. A single mom now doesn’t mean single mom always. And you need to set a better example for your kids. The first time your 3 year old turn around and treats one of the Littles the way the Man treats him you will know you should have left a long time ago!
You want to do best for your kids?!? I call BS! If you love your children you get them the hell away from that person immediately. I’m sorry but anyone talks to my kids like that even their own father would be getting the boot!
Get out now! Before he hurts you or your babies!!
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Leave immediately. Wtf… What kind of parent shits there and let there bf talk like that to her kids especially young ones. Your kid deserve better than that.
I would not take any chances! You need to leave not only for your safety and most importantly for your children’s safety!
Leave while you can…he is verbally abusing the kids and he is hurting the children self esteem and there confidence…men like that are hard to change…they are children we need to teach them so the can learn and know…nobody wants to raise kids alone but sometimes its what best for the kids…you claim his mom yells at him but what is yelling it just goes through one ear and out the other if I were you I’d leave sweetie save yourself the heartache or something worst
His behavior is abusive. Please leave as soin as you safely can. Wgat he is doing is damaging your children every day. You deserve better and they deserve better.
Your kids are better off without a father figure than growing up in a toxic environment. Childhood trauma effects a person there whole life. Please be strong and leave for your children before the damage can’t be reversed.
leave and lead the life you want for you and your children, change the cycle and let the kids laugh and be a child.
Verbal abuse leaves scars just as physical. If he lays hands on you it’s just a matter of time til he escalates to your babies! Get out while you can.
The hardest thing to do is let go of the negativity. Your children are young enough to unlearn his abuse/ abuse is abuse whether physical or mental.
They need you more than him!!
Do not be scared of being a single Mum.
Your job is to love and protect yourself and your children.
Single Mums are the real heroes of the world.
Create a safe loving space for you and your children and you will all thrive and grow. Once you find peace in your life everything will start to fall into place.
One step at a time 
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Leave now!!! He is toxic and already abusing your children. GET OUT
Leave run get the hell out of there. Killers start somewhere
Get out now !!! Before he hurts or kills you and\or your kids. Your job is to protect them. The big dude is verbally & emotionally abusing your kids. Fun now. There is no reason or excuse to stay there !
Get rid of him you don’t call a child names like that your kids are better than that so get rid of him you can do better
Yes you are, and please do it soon!
Why do you need to ask
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Leave. Hes put hands on you already not once but twice. Its only a matter of time before he puts his hands on your children. LEAVE
He’s abusing you and your children? I don’t understand the question?
Why would you want your babies around that? Leave him.
Get rid of him. Thos kids don’t need all that toxic stuff
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Then do right and get them away from him. They will remember the hurtful words forever.
Don’t be scared to be a single mom, it’s not as terrifying as you think and please leave him, don’t give into the “I want my kids to grow up with their parents together “ bullshit, because believe me, putting them through this toxic environment and watching their mother being belittled and beaten is far worse and will damage them in the long run.
Leave a volatile relationship like that. Go, go, go…l.
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Gone like the wind baby!! Your kids come first before he does!!
First question. Do you love him? Do you feel safe? Is he open to receiving more help rather than just his medication? Maybe like therapy or anger management. Has he seen his doctor lately to see if his medication is working?