If you don’t leave, this will always be your life. It will be nearly impossible fir your kids to feel good about themselves or have confidence in themselves. They also have no role models for how to be good parents when they grow up. Sooner or later he will turn violent towards you or the kids. Don’t settle for a miserable and controlled life. Leave. It may be hard, but you can build a better life.
I think you already know the answer.
Get out for ur kids safety nd yours b4 to much emotional damage is done to ur kids ur job to protect them
Omg WHY ARE YOU EVEN ASKING??? Get out of there and save your kids! There’s NO D!¿K worth your children’s mental health!!
get out whole you can
I didn’t even have to finish reading all that leave girl leave
I litterly read the first few lines and that enough. Get away from him. Why the hell would you even xonsider keeping him around. Is this seriously even a question. Are you just click bait? Are just trying to get comments and likes?
For the mental health of all your children, you need to leave this guy.
Please go to the woman’s refuge and take your children and get help for your self and your children . Don’t let theme grow up in a violent home it is life long damage .you may think you love him but ask yourself do you respect him.xx
I am so sorry girl but you need too leave right now!!!
Because he is being treated for anger and depression ,don’t let that guilt you in to staying… Seen it before… get out with those babies and go to a safe, healthy environment … Best for all of you … It will only get worse… Hopefully you have good family support…
The abuse will only get worse. Leave now. Ask yourself is this what you want to teach your kids is normal for relationship. You deserve better.
Didn’t even finish reading it because once I read a sentence about how he’s treating the kids, the answer was clear! Leave! Now! I would never allow my child to be a part of that.
Oh honey the best thing you can do for yourself and the kids is leave. It will be hard but worth it.
You should know the answer to this. Your kids well bring comes first
Oh girl how is this even a question I didn’t even read past the part of him calling your kids stupid. That right there is enough for me to make someone disappear get your babies and get the hell out of there if you don’t protect your kids and stand up and show them what’s right nobody will.
Get out!! You should be more scared of the mental harm he is doing to your children!! no child deserves to be treated like that
EVER…. Leaving is absolutely the Best Thing for you and your children!
Sounds toxic to me and you need to think about those kids first. Get out while you still can. Your children’s lives also depend on that. Calling them names would have been more than enough for me and I would have been gone.
He is calling your 3&2 year old names and you need to ask if you should leave.
Get out of there as fast as you can. He’s a ticking time bomb. Those children do not deserve that and cannot defend themselves.
Leave like house is on fire. Before that man kills your or those kids ! -
This Evil lives here type of thing.
Where let cops know leaving while he at work.
Nothing and no one is more important than the mental health and wellbeing of you and your children. The long term damage from the trauma they have endured will have severe repercussions. Being a single mother will be very hard, yes, but it is doable. Erasing child trauma that began in infancy, borders on impossible. Leave Mama and save your babies a lifetime of preventable misery
Run as fast as you can! Your kids come first! He does not respect you are your children!
Definitely leave! It’s not going to get any better. Here in Michigan there was a girl that stayed with a man and was abusing her and her kids. The youngest had an accident on the couch and he beat that little boy. Sadly he died and mom and the boyfriend were both arrested. Please get away from him!! You and your beautiful children deserve so much more!
Don’t walk. RUN!! Those children will definitely be damaged by that kind of behavior.
Leave!! Those babies are your priority and neither you nor them deserve what he is putting you through!! Its eaiser to repair what y’all have been through now then it will be if you wait months or years.
Leave him Now! It will only get worse. Verbal and mental abuse is just as bad if not worse than physical abuse. Your kids are building their self esteem right now. All the verbal and mental abuse is going to hurt them. Thinking about yourself and being a single is not important. Those kids wellbeing is the most important thing.
Leave. Safe for the kids and yourself before something happens. Things will only get worse and your kids don’t need to hear him say bad things to them or be around it. Be safe and think of the safety of your kids and you and be done with this guy. Best of luck
It’s hard to be a single mom, but even harder to try and fix all the things mental and emotional abuse can do to a child. My kids father was abusive in both ways to me and after a few years I left because I didn’t want my kids around that. I raised 5 kids on my own as a single mom, it isn’t always easy but definitely worth their peace. Get out now.
I hope you can find a woman’s advocacy group for abused women and kids. You and your children are abused even if it’s just words, they sometimes hurt more than physical abuse. Yes it’s hard to leave, that’s why you look for a support group to help. I don’t always feel its right to hide things in a relationship but he doesn’t deserve to know what’s going on, he could lose it if you tell him you are seeking help and or leaving, this is a very dangerous time for women in your position. Please talk to someone to help you figure out what’s best for you and your kids. If you leave, and a woman’s shelter is available this would be a safe spot for you and your kids, and leave his mother out of your plans, she means well, but she is his mother and I’m afraid in the end she will stick up for her son. If you decide to leave, call the police to be there when you leave, and above all, keep yourself and your babies safe.
I didn’t even read past the first paragraph. LEAVE. Find a way and LEAVE. DON’T LOOK BACK. YOUR CHILDREN ALWAYS COME FIRST.
Right now that is mental abuse, will stick in the minds of your children forever, making them feel useless, etc. Are you willing to see his actions escalate to physical abuse? Nothing is worth that, your children come first, they will blame you for staying with him, leave now
What a miserable life. Leave and don’t look back. He is permanently damaging the children (and you) emotionally. He can best support them by paying child support.
Get out of there. Those babies deserve better and not to be mentally, emotionally or maybe even physically abused! They are kids, they should not be worried about that. Do what’s best for yourself and them babies and get the heck out of there!
Is there a domestic violence shelter near or around you somewhere? They will help you. They help with housing & everything. Please try to see if you can find one. Try calling the nearest police station, they will be able to tell you. Please get out. I’ve been exactly where you are. I got out. If I can do it, so can you. We are stronger than we think. Please be safe!!
I think you already know. The health ans well being of you and your children come first. Don’t let being alone or the thought of financial struggles force you to stay in it. I thought thr same thing and stayed longer than I should have when I should have known God would take care of me. I have more money now than I did when I was in the relationship that was causing so much strife with myself and child. And not only am I take care of financially, my relationship with my daughter has also been restored (she had shut down when I was with him, avoiding us, not communicating… it was upsetting because it wasn’t like her) but now she’s back to smiling, spending time with me, opening up about feelings. So, pray about it but again, God is our provider, remember that!
I’m sorry but he has raised his hand to you and belittled your children……the real question is why are you staying? You should have been gone a long time ago. Being a single parent is hard but it’s better then you or one of your sweet littles seriously injured or worse.
An adult should NEVER belittle a child no matter what. If he put his hands on you once…he’ll do it again. I’ve been there done that; I know from experience. You don’t need a man to be a good mom. So what if they don’t have a dad they need a mom and your the only one they have you need to be the best version of yourself for THEM!!! Aren’t you ever scared he’ll get a little too mad too fast babies cry and it’s easy to get frustrated. In my opinion you need to leave NOW before something really bad happens and it will trust me it’s just a matter of time. YOU ARE DOING THE RIGHT BY YOUR KIDS IF YOU LEAVE. Remember it ain’t about you anymore it’s about those innocent kids that are going through it.
Love is different.
He can say he loves you all day long. As long as his words are not followed by loving actions, they are just empty words.
For your and your childrens sake, brake it off. You and your children deserve to be treated better. Don’t expose you children to screaming matches. Take action.
Leavvvvvvve. Actions speak louder than words. Imagine how he treats your kids when you’re not watching, if he behaves this badly in front of you.
There are good men out there. I found one.
I didn’t even finish ur story and thought she needs to leave. Do you how that can affect a child that’s trying to be potty trained among other things
Kids are a blessing . protect them . being a single parent is far better and safer then . letting what can happen if you stay in a relationship with someone who has so much anger in his heart to speak to children with that anger could turn out to be a danger to them and or you . it’s not worth taking the chance with someone who is like a ticking time bomb . alowe your children to grow up in a safe and peaceful loveing home . that’s wear happyness will be single or not . you deserve it just as much as they do . There are plenty of good guys out there . let go of the bad one ! You won’t regret it .
Deep down, you already know the answer and it’ll be one of the hardest things you ever do Good luck and be strong knowing we are here for you no matter what!!! #FandomLove
Why would you even question that? Get your kids and your things and leave him in a cloud of dust. Dont ever take abuse from anyone, and especially let your children be victims. If it were me, I’d be catching a charge the first time he called my child a name.
I totally get it BUT that is major child abuse. Too many children are dying at the hands of their mothers significant other. Protect yourself and your kids before it turns into something worse, and eventually it will. Too many red flags with this guy. Believe me, you can do it on your own! I know it’ll be hard but YOU CAN DO IT!!! Don’t risk it any longer. Do it for yourself and mostly for your children. Many prayers for you and your babies
Leave him , he already hit you what are you waiting for ? Him to hit your kids? If he doesn’t want to change or help himself leave u got 3 kids you don’t need another one. Plus its not just a one time thing you should already know if it happens once it will happen again and each time it will get worse. They aren’t his kids ur kids are small they won’t even remember him in a year or even 6 months from now. So don’t make excuses to stay with someone who is verbally abusive to your kids and physically abusive to you.
Please get out of the situation. Since he will not stop drinking while on the medication he needs, it sounds like he could be a danger to your children. You are their momma and it’s your job to protect them. Do you want them to grow up to be like him and say the things he says to them, to other people, even to their children. They are learning a behavior now in their very tender young ages that they could keep for the rest of their lives. Protect your babies, they can’t.
Sounds like you already know the answer and just want us to confirm it.
And yeah, I’d say yes. Domestic violence is never ok, even if the anger outbursts are something he’s medicated for, the fact that he’s drinking means they don’t work in the first place or the drinking is making the drugs not work.
Either way, his refusal to do something about it is enough of an answer for me.
the minute he started calling your kids names and yelling at them you need to leave. You should not be putting your kids in that type of environment it is not healthy for them or you its very toxic you need to leave before he does any physical harm to you or your kids
You need to get out. If not for yourself do it for your babies. They deserve way better! You can do this. Its going to be tough but you can do it!
Even if he IS the only father figure they’ve ever had, it’s just not worth your kids being unhappy and getting treated like that. And especially YOU! If he’s starting to put hands on you, it’s a matter of time before it turns to them especially with everything he’s saying verbally to them already. Speaking from experience.
In my opinion, get out now. It’ll be tough, no doubt about it, but you all need someone emotionally stable to be around.
You have your plate full with raising your kids and he is not making any easier for you. He needs help but to get that first he needs to acknowledge his problem and WANT to fix himself so you could support him. If he is not willing to do that at all or is hoping that only meds will sort his situation, I’d be out immediately for your own sake and for the sake of your kids. Your kids don’t deserve to grow believing that sort of behaviour is acceptable. You are your kids mirror! And you will be just fine and a lot better off if you’re out of this even if you don’t believe it at this stage…
Sounds very toxic and dangerous. Get out. I do not know what state you were in but there are plenty of places to get help. If you do not have any family that can help you please call the women shelter. There are safe places that women can go and get help with their children and the man will not be able to find them. Please seek help. I will be praying
Im going to be completely honest, I didn’t even read anything past the first line. If you are asking if you should stay or leave, then you should leave. If it’s ever a question, always leave.
There shouldn’t ever been a time that you sit there and wonder if you should stay when in regards of your marriage.
Run don’t walk away. That is definitely not love. It doesn’t get better. If you stay with this man you are just as guilty of abuse to the children as he is. You are their mother and mothers would do anything to protect their babies.
Get out… if he doesn’t want the help for himself it won’t change but get worse! Hands on you is enough reason…but yelling and insulting children is all the reason you need! Good luck momma
If you had any sense at all…you would leave…no father is better than what you have described…not good for you or the kids. Scare or not…get away from there …the sooner the better. He is apparently a ticking time bomb and you never know when or what may happen…don’t wait until it’s too late
You have to think about their future because this can be extremely damaging to their emotional state. Broken people raise broken children and seems very emotionally broken.
I know it’s hard taking that leap but it’s worth it. Don’t underestimate yourself because you can do it girl!
Get out while your kids are still young and it’s not as affective and traumatizing as it will be when they truly understand! Also nobody should be putting their hands on you and that’s not healthy for the kids to see! Good luck hope things get better for you. Also I hope you do what’s right for the baby and file for custody and have all this stuff written down so you have dates(seems to be more affective in the court) so that you can protect that child too!
You may be afraid of being a single mother but I will be more afraid of what he would do to me and my children he needs to go
Imagine what this guys gonna do as these children grow older. They’re gonna get fed up being treated like shit by this guy and you say he hasn’t hit them, but he will. Get your children out of this abusive environment before one day they don’t speak to either of you or end up dead or any other awful scenario… or you end up hurt!
Your kids RELY on you to keep them safe! Being a single mom may not be your dream, but it is better than having your children scarred mentally/emotionally and possibly even physically if you stay with an obviously toxic and dangerous person. And children aside, YOU deserve better.
Yes, you are doing the right thing for your babies They need stability. Kids don’t need stress, there’s enough of that when we’re adults. Kids live what they learn. I think you know what you need to do
Be strong, bless your heart and get your kids out:heavy_heart_exclamation:
Girl you are putting your kids threw emotional abuse staying with him. Longer you stay the longer and harder it will be for them & yourself to recovery from that.
You said he was the guy you were with so I’m assuming you aren’t married. While my opinion of the situation would be the same whether you are or aren’t, it’ll be much easier if you aren’t married. I say get out and get out NOW! If you have that many concerns about the way your kids are being treated, that’s your answer. And if he’s already put his hands on you, it WILL get worse. I have a family member with some of those same issues and I would have the same advice to any potential mate they might have. I was a single mother and I almost always ended up making it better alone. If for no other reason than because my home was full of love and peace. That’s what my kids remember without their dad. I know you’ll do what’s best for YOU and those kids!
What you tolerate, escalates… you need to leave hun. Refuge will take you and the kids in and support you to move forward etc. Make a plan and leave asap.
All you people running her down arent helping one bit. Shes obviously already stuck in an abusive cycle. And by running her down just makes her feel worst, and she’ll be more likely to stay.
Lift our sisters up, and give productive advice and support.
Kia kaha mama. You got this x
I wish there was a way I could respond to you privately because I was in the exact situation… Not similar, exactly what you described. He was abusive a few times and had anger issues took medication I protected the kids two was mine the youngest his. I left him and It ended with him killing himself and our youngest 3years old. Yes Murder-suicide is what the papers read. Looking back leaving to protect all the kids was the right thing to do. But make sure you list his abusive history and request supervised visitation for the child you have together. You have no idea how quickly this situation can turn into a tragedy and you have to live with the choices made.
Sounds like possible bipolar- my husband was like that- flip a switch kind of thing. Leave. Maybe it will encourage him to get the right help, right meds, follow Med protocol or something… but leave now before you and your children are permanently damaged
In my opinion I’d leave abuse is abuse physical for you and verbal towards the kids it sucks but that’s not okay at all those babies are babies and shouldn’t be called names for doing what “babies” are supposed to do…
Leaving is not always the answer. Try to get him help, if he will take it. Maybe you could have his mother encourage him as well.
No kid should be raise in a home where they feel scare, unsafe and no peace at all. Us women are born with a special strength from heaven to fight for our families and more. You are not the only one who is a single mother if you leave him. I’m a single mother myself of 3 and I left the father of my kids because of the same issues of alcohol and depression. He never insulted my our kids but yes did to me and put his hands on me and my kids suffered that and I decided that the was no life for them. It was very hard and no money at a lot of times but here we are happy mentally and emotionally. My kids now are almost adults in two o 3 years and they leave happy. First your kids happiness and safety then the rest you’ll figure it out
Get out sis! You need what’s best for you and your babies. It’s obvious that he not only physically abuses you, but he’s also abusing your children verbally which can take a stance on their mental health as well. Being a single mother is nothing to be scared of or ashamed of. It’s your job as your childrens mother, to also protect them from harm and harm doesn’t mean just physical harm. Many prayers for you, your babies, and your SO.
There’s no man in this world who would make me stay with them especially after talking down to my children- drunk or not and I sure as heck wouldn’t be there if he laid hands on me.
I’d walk out the door and not look back.
Get put & get going while you still can. He sounds very scary to me, your kids & you deserve much, much better. Go to a woman’s shelter before something terrible happens to you or your kids like DEATH.
Leaving and being a single Mom with 3 kids is scary, but your children are living in fear every single day because of him. I would rather be scared than my children live in fear.
He is Mentally abusing your children. Protect them and get out before something happens and its too late.
Remember mental abuse leaves a deeper scar than any physical abuse. Do it for your children. You’ve got this!
You need to decide if you’re more scared of being a single mom or of him fatally hurting one of your kids.
Boot him if his mom is supportive of you. Trust me, they don’t change no matter how much you beg and plea.
It’s not a healthy relationship for you or the kids. You don’t know what will happen the next time he starts in again. For you and the kids leave. It will be hard but he is not supporting you or your kids. LEAVE now while you can.
I have a friend in a similar situation but he is the biological father to all 3. She is leaving him after many of the same concerns you have. There’s no reason to stay with an angry person. He’s not going to magically change. And the older the kids get, the mouthier they will get and more expensive they will become and if you think he’s angry now just wait until then.
Also, as a step mother to 2, it is hurtful to call the biological parent the ‘real’ dad/mom just because they gave birth or sperm to create them. The real parents are the ones who love and support the kids and teach them life lessons. The unconditional love all children deserve. My kids biological mother is complete trash and I am their mom and they are so thankful for me.
I hope you find someone who cherishes you and makes the kids his own, too.
Good luck to you.
There’s no reason to stay in a toxic relationship.
Leave l. Get you and your kids out of that toxic situation! He obviously needs some help and sometimes tuff love is the only way people realize it. Also some people just don’t want to change
Leave! Leave! Leave!! As fast as you can!!! Get your children and yourself out of that situation!! And don’t look back! Do not leave a forwarding address. Block his number!!
That is not love, get out of there before he does serious harm to you and your children!
Honey you need to leave. Alcohol has a strong pull but if he will not stop drinking because you asked him to then you need to leave. He has already put hands on you and your babies saw that. They are watching you and learning it’s okay to be in that kind of relationship. Do you want you kids to grow up and be with someone like him or worse be like him. I know it will be hard to leave and to be on your own with 3 babies but it will work itself out and be so much better for you and your kids in the long run.
I would consider leaving. Because you never know if and or when he might start hitting the kids. Especially as they get older. Verbal abuse is just as bad as hitting especially to a growing child
I can’t say this enough but you need to leave. If you feel that way imagine how your babies feel. If he gets angry like that who’s to say he won’t lay a hand on those babies and then it be to late. Going to be hard but you got to do what’s best!
Why aren’t you already running!??!? If it’s permission or validation you need, then YES leave! Kids MUST come first. It doesn’t mean you don’t love him, or empathize with him and his issues, but the kids must ALWAYS be first.
If u want to stay….pick which child will die first and save $ for the funeral. If u decided to leave…proud of u for standing up for your kids, self respect and u get to see ur kids grow up with no violence.
No mention of husband.
Walk away
Your children need to come first
And this behavior is not acceptable from their dad or grandfather let alone a significant other
Run it wont get better because he doesn’t think he needs it if a child grows up critizied he will be the same for your kids sake move on
Yeah, I just read the first few sentences…RUN. Is this what you want your children to grow up with? Children learn what they live…so if you want you daughter’s to grow up and get in an abusive relationship or your son to be an abuser, you just keep doing what you’re doing
Úr better of on your own a better atmosphere in ur home for u and your kids, his bringing the kids down by the name calling i nó it will be hard but do it for ur kids xx
His good days will never ing frommake up for the bad days. Noe will you ever make up for the bad days . Speaking from experience please leave him before your children are permently harmed.
His choices are not your price to pay.
Someone said “you can’t love someone out of an addiction”, they have to want to change.
Absolutely not, get your kids and LEAVE. Why would you ever be ok to let someone yell at your kids and call them stupid? Your children come first, above all others. He sounds toxic. You are not a rehabilitation center for someone to say “Oh I love you tho” and expect everything to be ok. Your kids will remember that as well, don’t do that to them.
It will only get worse. Take your babies and run! Emotional abuse can end up being being worse than physical abuse. There are programs out there to help you get started on your own.
I know it’s hard to be alone, especially when you have to support yourself and your 3 children, but in the long run, if you stay the emotional scarring it will do to your children will be much worse, not to mention your mental health, no mother should have to be concerned of their child’s safety around a father figure, verbal abuse is just as awful as physical abuse, & I think you know what you have to do, if it takes all of us to tell you an outsiders point of view so you can start the process, so be it, but I think you know the answer, I hope our reassurance will help you act on it x
Me two health is a big thing but if he’s choosing to not better himself now then he never will. My dad was a bad alcoholic. Suffered from ptsd from the military and loss of a child and tons of other things. He went to rehab like 10 plus times. He never stopped until he met my step mom. My mom not me nor my brother was enough to make him stop. He wasn’t ready until he was ready. Seems to be he has alcoholism and needs to work on himself before being in a healthy relationship with you or the kiddos. He needs help and the way he treats you will only get WORSE until he does get help. His mother clearly sees it as an issue and thinks yelling will help but clearly it hasn’t. Maybe you leaving will be the eye opener he needs but get out now. You and your babies get out now while you can. Before anything happens and you regret it for the rest of your life. 3 tiny humans are relying on you right now and you’re asking if you should stay?? Seems like you already know the answer momma. Run and don’t look back
I couldn’t even finish reading this. When you said he is calling your children names. I say kick he to the curb, ASAP. Good luck.
Always put your kids first. Yes it’ll be hard being single but they don’t deserve to be treated this way. Neither do you.
If it’s a question… you already know the answer…I understand how difficult it must be because you love your children and him, but put your babies first you have to protect yourself and them