I’m not saying this to be mean, more saying it for you to understand. You’re worried about being a single mom and your kids not having a father figure, so you keep someone who is emotionally abusive around to null those voids. However, you’re only doing more harm than good because those kids will grow up to have low self esteem and be troubled because of the emotional abuse. Those children do not deserve to be destroyed based off who you choose to be with. Think about the kids before anything else.
You need to get out of the relationship. That is not good for you or the children. I know you are scared. But look at your children and see how scared they are, and do you really want that for them.
Leave! And don’t look back!! Nothing ever comes from raising a child in this type of environment! ( from someone who’s been there)
Leave, your life and your children’s life is worth more than the abuse you are getting.
Definitely leave. I would’ve left the second he got pissed at the child potty training for having an accident
Get ur stuff and kiddos and leave! Don’t put up with it. I was in a abusive relationship for 4 years, he had two kids and I had two kids.
He beat me almost to death several times. Girl, get ur courage up and do what you need to do for them babies and ur self! He was mean and mentally abusive to all four kids when I wasn’t around. (Didn’t find out til o left that was going on) he always said it was my fault, if I didn’t make him so angry blah blah! Don’t let him brain wash you! Get out! U can do it mama! It’s hard, but we’ll worth it! If you need someone who has been thru it contact me I will talk to you! I left on nov 17, 2014. Never turned back! U can do it mama! Never give up!
Why are you with this man?? You have kids. You are suppose to protect them! Why would you put your children in harms way?? They are your #1 priority! Leave him now!!!
Not even my baby daddy can speak rude to our son. I wouldn’t allow it. How low of a person do you have yo be to be mean to the point that you name call a child!? It’s mental & emotional abuse. On top of that he gets MAD when his 4 M O N T H CRIES??? Plus has put his hands on you???
Please get away from him!
I’m worried about your future.
I’m seriously so concerned cause many of us have been there and it won’t get better the scariest thing is that it only takes that ONE time for you to be seriously hurt and those babies are left without a mother. Get away!!!
The damage he is doing to you and your children is bad enough. Get out now. There are shelters to help you get on your feet. Protect your children!
Well if you have to question your relationship then I would leave. The fact that you said that he calls your kid an idiot and stupid I don’t understand how you are still with this person. I would never allow anybody to talk to my child that way especially my so-called partner
any man ever dare talk to my kids that way theyd be out the door, THAT DAY! dont wait for his to hurt them before makn the right choice.
You better run!! The kids safety is always first you have to think beyond you and him…This is out of hand and will just get worse…Blessings to you and your family.
Yeah get the hell out of that situation before one of your kids or you ends up seriously hurt or dead. It’s not going to get better.
Run that’s abuse you don’t have to physical hit someone to abuse them your children deserve better
You and your kids deserve to be happy not sit on pins and needles 24 hrs a day Please leave
Your environment is toxic. Your kids will need counseling and more if you don’t get them out of that. Hopefully you never leave them alone with a man that is abusive.
The real question is: Why are you still there? He’s abusive to you and your children and your still there? You are allowing the abuse by staying. Run, don’t walk- far, far away. There are women’s shelters that will help you. Please get the help you need.
Why are you still there?? Grow up and be the Mom. Get out of there and find out that there is your best life just waiting for you. Your kids will thank you. Sometimes you need that swift kick in the butt to turn your life around and get out of your hole. Leave that sorry excuse for a human and do what you already know is right. It will be hard; but there are many resources and help available for anyone in your situation for the asking. The first step is always the hardest. Make your plan, then follow thru.
Sooooo, why stay with this loser? No one would call my children these names! The Momma Bear would attack @nd leave. He’s obviously very mentally unstable.
Get him out n away from kids n yourself! Taking meds for anger n depression then drinking. That’s a huge red flag!!! Yes!! Do What’s Best for All of You!! Your better off Alone!!
Get out and don’t look back…… your children’s safety is more important than you not wanting to be a single mother……this type of crap is full of bs….
Leave. You’re damaging your children by staying with this child-man.
You’ve answered your own questions. Your children deserve so much more.
You need to leave, I found out 2 years later that my ex husband was abusing my daughter (not his) while I was at work
No way would that ever be acceptable. Kick him out and dont allow back. Ive been single mom 14 years. It can be done. You got this!!!
Leave. Period.
There are programs to protect and assist single mothers and their children.
Woman, you need to get yourself and your kids out of that situation now!! He has already put his hands on you twice and he’s bad mouthing your kids. It’s not going to get better. He’s going to get more physical with you and your kids will be next. Get out while you can even if you have to go to a shelter. Don’t go to his Mom even if she takes up for you. RUN!
Leave. Your kids come first. I don’t want to read that one of your kids was murdered by a boyfriend. Run!
Get your baby’s and run as fast as you can away from him! You can be a wonderful single mom and I believe much more happier mom and kids.
Leave now, he shouldn’t ever be yelling or mad at babies. Especially if you say he just snaps imagine if he “snapped” and put hands on any one of your babies?! Do what best for your kids and yourself and get away some place safe
You need to leave period. But why would you keep having babies especially with someone who has anger problems. This is so irresponsible of you in my opinion.
Anyone that calls any child stupid or idiot needs to be OUT of your life. Your kids are your top priority and they are going to end up with mental health issues if you don’t stop the abusive behavior. And calling them those names or any names at all is a form of abuse. And you matter and you don’t deserve this abusive behavior either. Run as fast as you can and don’t look back.
Leave, keep your kids out of potential danger and mental harm. Your kids are more important than a relationship.
Get the hell out of there your kids are priorities, just to call my baby stupid that is enough for me , Love yourself and yours babies First
PLEASE GET OUT… When I was a child my dad yelled, cussed, called us names and literally told us we would never amount to anything and we would always be pieces of shit. My parents divorced when I was 2 and my dad was a military man and got custody of all 5 of us. I was a senior in high school before I could convince anyone that he was abusing us and escape the abuse. What I’m getting at is the verbal abuse and name calling tore me up. I’m 60 years old now and still suffer from things in my childhood… PLEASE PLEASE TAKE THOSE BABIES AND GET OUT…
Read your post, and you already know the answer to your doubts. Do you want your kids living in fear & growing up to be violent or distant from you because you allowed it, Ive been there w my mom & get exes & I HATE HER. every scenario is different but you need to put your children first before your fears if being a single mother hun
That is not what you call a dad. That’s what you call a worthless peice of crap. Get out while you and your babies are still alive. What makes you think he won’t lay a hand on them if he’s already hit you.
I’m sorry but , tell him “bye bye” it’s not easy but you’ll thank yourself later
Walk out the door or be carried out and leave your kid’s with an abusive monster.
Omg get out! Your kids should be #1 and it will cause more problems for your children to be around that Ass wipe!!
The first time he called your kids a name he should have been out of the door.
Get out of this mess. Your children will have mental issues or worse he may loose it and hurt the children.
Get the heck out of there!
Aspulity leave you don’t want your babies to. Grow up. Being around that kind. Of person if he’s put. His. Hands on you eventually he’ll put his hands on them…LEAVE…
Being a single mom is better than having ur kids go through abuse easy answer to that
Get rid of him NOW. Your kids will be taken away from you in one way or another. Either the authorities will step in or they will become so troubled you’ll never have any relationship with them. Get out NOW
Leave for your children’s sake!!! You deserve better also.
It isn’t going to get better unfortunately
You should have answered your own . By everything I read at the beginning.
Run fast!! He is taring you children’s self esteem to shreds!!
You said your kids, NOT his you need to go before Your kids are taking away.
Toxic. Too many red flags and its not healthy for any of you. It will affect the children. Dont be scared. You are a strong and beautiful woman.
Wait until those kids get old enough to defend u… then bet he will put his hands on all u… especially when he feels hes lost control or authority…
Don’t let anyone mistreat your little kids your the only one that can fix it
His mom is always worried about you and the kids?? That tells you something too.
GET OUT!!! I really believe he will 100% kill your kids if he’s left alone with them.
Think of your kids first and show him the other side of the door.
Didn’t even read the whole thing pack up and leave put the kids come first
Get out of this relationship!!! For your kids and yourself. The way he treats you is not okay
You already know the answer. Ur babies deserve better. U deserve better. It’s scary to be a single mom but it can be done
Why would you ever subject your kid to that.
Leave immediately for the sake of your children’s mental health.
Women who think like this are the reason why there’s so many news articles about children being found dead or killed by boyfriends
Leave now. You’re children will grow up and thank you later on. I know.
It’s not healthy for you or your kids get out
First of I wouldn’t allow alcohol in the house or date a man who likes to drink.
Sign up for section 8 and low income there’s a long few years of waiting.
Seriously? Your kids come first get far away from him.
I can’t…are these scenarios being made up??? or are people really this stupid…I’m out!!
Fuck that he’s belittling your children!! How is it even a question to stay???
Put your child first. It is your jod to protect your children. Get out.
how quickly can you and your kids leave???
Am I in the wrong group? I thought this was a holiday group.
You already know the answer! Your children are your #1 priority, they deserve better than this. A single loving, caring mother struggling is better than abuse! Get out of there before someone gets killed! GoOD Luck God Bless you and those children!
I normally don’t comment on these. I Went through this. Married for 2 years, but with him for 12 years. It doesn’t get better. It gets worse. Leave now. Because the longer you stay, the harder it is to leave. I am now married again to an amazing man after being a single mom of 4 for over a year. You can do this. Do NOT stay! He may be the only “male” figure in their lives. But I wouldn’t call him a father figure. He’s not a good role model because he is not good to the kids. Or you. Do not allow a man to disrespect your children.
If you have to ask this question…you may need some counseling!!! Kids come first!!!
Listen to ur gut. Sounds like PTSD. BE SAFE.
Say goodbye. You can do better. Always ask yourself what’s best for my child💙 You can do this. Break the cycle.
Uhmmm hellooooooo you need to get your kids and go. What you going to do wait til he hurts one of them, pack and leave.
Go. Don’t let anyone treat your little ones that way!
I’d send that sob packing! Next thing you know, he’ll be abusing them!!! Get him out now!
Run sweetie, run far and fast, protect your babies!!
I think you know that answer. protect yourself and your children.
Omg you need to leave. Those kids don’t need someone abusive like that and neither do you.
Get rid or your kids will suffer I have been through it hope yous are all well xx
Get out and don’t look back. Hope everything turns out well for you xx
Disrespecting your children should have been enough.
Leave him, he’s abusive to you and the kids. leave
You have to ask if you should leave after all the crap he has done. RUN!!!
Run as fast as you can. He will only get worse if you stay.
Time to choose your kids first . Accident waiting to happen . Leave .
He is dangerous to you and your children you need to get them out of there now he want change
Divorce him now ! Your kids &you are being abused.
If he put his hands on you it’s time to go. Period!
Get out before someone gets hurt
Even his mother is concerned?? LEAVE!!! Put your kids well-being first always.
Girl he is showing you who he is. Walk away.
Run. As fast as you can. Don’t do that yo your children.
He needs to hit the road a long time ago.
Honey please leave. This situations hardly end well.
Dump him for your kids , If not for yourself