Should I stay or leave?

Go now. Your children are the most important thing in your life

He would have been long gone… don’t f… with my kids

Of course you have to leave him. Calling your toddlers stupid and idiots is unacceptable.

Get the hell out of there and don’t look back.

You really need to ask?
Those poor kids :sob:

You and your children are in an abusive situation. PLEASE LEAVE!!!:heart:

Take them babies and walk away. You don’t deserve it, and those babies especially don’t deserve that!

Get out. If you don’t want to divorce Right away that is OK. But I would get you and the kids out of the house and let him recover alone. If he doesn’t do the work on himself then you should file for divorce. He is subjecting the children to trauma that will affect them for the rest of their lives.

LEAVE NOW! Protect your children and yourself

Your kids are your main priority !!!:smiling_face:

You should leave. Those kids are going to need therapy if they continue to live like they are. You are allowing them to be mentally abused, along with yourself. Leave him

Leave!! Your kids are more important!

Not sure why people turn to social media for this kind of advice. But since you did…he obviously doesn’t want to help himself so apparently family isn’t all that important. Next, mental abuse to children is horrible

You can leave or kick him out and give it some time to see if he fixes his problems. Remember that doesn’t happen overnight. That is if you really love him and believe he loves you enough to wake up and get help other than medication. Concentrate on making a good life for you and children. Good luck. In the meantime I would like to suggest Al Anon even if you do separate. It truly helps you take care of yourself even though you can’t fix him​:heart::heart:

Leave for the sake of the kids and youself.

Most definitely leave. It doesn’t get better. It’s only going to get worse. This shouldn’t even be a question of debate, when you have children. No he doesn’t love you. Otherwise he would stop drinking. Wake up girl and run fast and far. You’ll meet someone who will care for you and your babies. You just have to be patient. :pray:t2::heart:

Take your children and leave…today…

Run away and leave him

Run…don’t walk to the nearest exit!

LEAVE! It will only get worse.

Get rid of him. He will not change.

Get out…it will not get better.

Omg therapy for him or you’ll leave

Your kids deserve better. This shouldn’t even be a question.

U got to leave. For the kids sake.

Leave the kids don’t need to be around it think of those kids its best to get out and tell his mom what you are doing he is a toxic person

You need to leave. Kids don’t need toxic from anyone especially a parent. Please leave before something worse happens.

He verbally abuses your children! You already have the answer to your question! Shouldn’t even be a question! No one will ever hurt my children

Leave now BEFORE your kids pay the price

Run as fast as you can

You need to leave. Like now.

I could never be with someone who treats kids that way. They are children and just learning. You need to get out to save your babies mental health. This honestly shouldn’t even be a question. Follow your gut.

Yes… Leaving is the right thing.

Why are you thinking about staying is the real question?! The man called your baby STUPID!!! LEAVE NOW!!!

Leave. Leave. Leave. Your kids are important. You are important. Leave.

If you have to ask, you already know the answer.

Get rid of him ! You know you have to

Why you still there…pack them babies stuff and get out

U need to leave…its guna only get worse. Think about ur kiddos. No one should talk to them like that, especially ur partner.

Tell him to go to therapy.

Anyone that treats a child that way is not ok with me. You and your children are not safe with this man.

Um…is this a REAL question??? Because girl if it is …GET. THE. FUCK. OUT. NOW!!! That’s all…

Kick him to the curb girl! Get far away from him! Years ago, I was married to a person like this. My kids were a victim of his mental abuse, then I was! He doesn’t love you, he loves the the need of you, for his self preservation. It will get worse, and weirder, you and your kids, need to stay away from people like this, trust me, for your children’s sake, you will want them to be in a peaceful home. Don’t compromise with him, just leave. Your not responsible, for his happiness, and if your happy, he will try to ruin you!

Leave that your children don’t deserve to be bullied by a grown alcoholic

Dump!! Before you get trapped

You need to start all over. Stop choosing losers. You and your children deserve more.

You haven’t left yet???

Sorry but you have to go for the safety of you kids, emotional stability and mental stability. Your kids are also being exposed to trauma. Seriously you need to leve. :pray:

Girl leave! Your kids are your priority. This man needs help and you should leave before he ends up hurting one of your kids. These are babies and they don’t deserve to be in that type of environment. This is an abusive relationship. You allowed him to put his hands on you not once but twice it will happen again. So before it gets worse and he ends up hurting you or even worse your kids GET OUT! Save your kids and yourself!

Yes absolutely leave him. I have gone through the same thing, it only gets worse. My kids are every thing to me. He started threating them, I knew it would not be long before he would start to abuse them. The guy that you are with knows he’s not suppose to drink while on that medication and he does it anyway, so it seems to me that he really don’t care anyway. Put yourself in your kids place and think of them. I know that you said you didn’t want to be alone with three kid’s but you or your children don’t deserve this. I prayed, prayed, and prayed some more ,GOD sent me a wonderful man and that was 20 years ago and were still together and happier than ever. I don’t know what you will decide but I will be praying for you. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR LITTLE CHILDREN.

Get out while you can. His erratic behavior will get worse instead of better. Do not put your kids through this type of mental and physical abuse. Protect your children’s well being. His abusive behavior is teaching your children how to treat a woman. Not a good example! Do not stay for the money. I would go on government assistance, before I would ever allow a man to talk to and treat my young and innocent children like that. They come first!

He’s an addict of all things it dousnt get better it gets worse. Way worse! Your 3 year will never be the same or who he was intended to be possible if it keeps on. Dont feel bad for him you cant love him out of it,it dousnt work that way. You will hurt your kids fare more than you will ever help him. I know it’s hard to leave someone you love but this is where the girl becomes the woman we are to live for a kids once we have them! It takes us to where we were meant to be,the kids first always!! He needs to fix himself before he can be can ever be worthy of a good women and children❤

You need a good man to choke you at night and love you right during the day and the kids too … ask my wife ! Yours truly a good Husband!!

Leave with your kids, you and them deserve way better than that. You can get help. You don’t want the kids growing thinking it’s ok. If he’s hitting you now it’s only going to get worse. Bail out while you can

Do you really want to keep subjecting your little ones to this man?. They will repeat what they see when they get older. You have to think of your kids well being first and foremost. I would say to leave him and you will get the peace and quiet you deserve. But it is your choice only.

Leave. If he loves you and the kids he will change his ways and win you back and if he doesn’t, he wasn’t worth having. You have to put your down. Your babies are the priority.

Verbal abuse is worse than physical abuse. Leave while you can. You and your children will be traumatized for life and they will grow up thinking this is normal and that it’s ok and in all reality it is not ok for any of you.

You shouldn’t have to ask the only answer is get out for you sake and mostly for your babies no one has to put up with that crap

Anyone hurt my kids verbally or physically. I would be gone. Sounds like you are putting him in front of your kids. Not good

Girl u have the problem U shouldn’t have to ask. Please protect your kids… Seriously

Leave you are doing the right thing you and your children deserve better. You are strong and you and your babies will find a way to survive. I know it’s hard and words will not beable to compensate what you will go through in the process of leaving him but you will not regret it in the end. Where there is a will there is a way and you will find a way to thrive without him. Do what is best for you and you babies as long as you and your babies are happy that is all that matters. :heart:

Leave! You kids don’t need someone like that in their lives, neither do you!

I stopped reading at “and calls my 3 and 2 year old stupid”… leave. NOW!

Is this a real page ?because these situations people ask questions about seem like LifeTime network scripts

Him talking to Your Children like that is Emotional Abuse.

Send that shit bag packing , anyone calls my kid or grandkid stupid ,only happen one time

You already know the answer…protect your kids

I couldn’t even read the whole article I got to the point where it said he called your kids idiot and stupid and that was enough for me. Leave His Ass!!


Time to make a big change without the boyfriend!

I think you know the answer…. You need to leave

Get out and find a women’s shelter. They will help.

What more can he show you??

You need to leave . Thats what is best for your kids.

Not good for you or the kids, get out!!!

Leave him and take care of your kids that’s just what I’d do

Got out, run far and fast. Has put his hands on you, those babies are next!

He is a narcissist! Get out now. Coming from someone who was there. Its so much better on the other side.

Shouldn’t be a question. Leave!!

LEAVE. Run, do not walk. LEAVE.

You have go what’s best for the kids.

Leave him now! He will if he hasn’t already damage your beautiful children and yourself. Leave leave and leave NOW!

LEAVE him… ruin, don’t walk away.

you shouldnt have to be told

u know what needs to be done…do it

Run girl. As fast as you can and don’t look back. He’s a narcissist. He’s gaslighting you. It only gets worse. Been exactly there. Run

Rude comments? Girl you and your kids are getting abused on the daily and your worried about rude comments? Get the fuck out of there and leave that man. He’s not worth it. Who cares about being a single mom if having his help comes at the price of yours and your childrens soul. Women in these situations can end up dead.

Leave him immediately. Your kids come first!!

Leave him he’s an abuser leave him your kid are first they don’t need him telling them that a man can come and go not your kids you love your kids leave him

Get put…Hes abusive and your children will never be the same if you don’t… He will never change. And by staying your being an enabler and his mom even knows this.


Straight up, you should be more afraid of what he could do to you or your kids then just being a single parent. Your kids need to come first in this situation. You need to grow a pair and leave him before he does more damage to you and your kids than you’re willing to admit to yourself. If you think physically is the only damage he can do, just think about mentally. I have two kids and I have no problems calling the cops on my significant other if things get out of hand between us and I have. Why? Because as much as I love him and know he has problems, I will NOT put my kids in danger in any way shape or form. I have told my partner either get your sh** together or get out because my kids physical, mental and emotional well-being is more important than my relationship status. End of story. Your fear of being alone is stopping you from doing what’s right.

You lost me in him yelling at your kids. That’s it. That’s emotional abuse. Leave him. Why should your kids be belittled for being children or put up with abuse? He put his hand on you, he’s a coward. It’s a matter of time before he hits them. As their mom, you’re to protect and defend them. Do that and you will also be protecting yourself. Call the cops the next time, get a restraining order. And he won’t be able to come back. As for the mom, she can’t retaliate. You have tenant rights. But if that will make you feel uncomfortable to stay there, then start looking where to move to. But I will deff get out of that situation asap. I’m a single mom of 3 kids. My oldest is disabled, my 2nd and 3rd have night terrors, and my 3rd was born early. It’s not easy being a single mom but it can be done. Don’t stay in a toxic and abusive relationship just because you don’t want to do it alone. That adds more stress and more drama. I rather come home to my kids happy and healthy and know our house is at peace. There are programs that help single moms for whatever you need. Look up your local resource center.

It is your job the keep you kids safe place. His not good man hi should bi calling them bad names you are bad is him get you kids out ther from this monster

You really have to ask???
Do your job and protect them kids !!!
Get out!!!

Why are you arguing with him? You need to take your kids and run away from this loser!

If hes calling your kids that GET OUT and dont look back… Kids are like sponges and dont forget a thing…

Who do you think should come first?? My only comment is how do you feel when he’s screaming at your babies? Now think how they feel TERRIFIED

I didn’t need to read more than 3 sentences. PROTECT your kids. Get out!!

Quit putting these poor babies in this situation !! Kick his ass out or you leave :rage:

Leave him just gets worse

Leave him. How dare he speak to your children like that.

Leave him before he hurts one of the children

Leave him now before it’s to late

Save YOUR Children LEAVE!!!