Wow that made me cry! I’m sorry but you can & will do better then that poor excuse of a boyfriend. Nobody should ever talk down to your children or name call period. Your gonna have to do what’s right & you know what it is we don’t need to tell you. You were blessed with those angels to protect them. You all deserve better. You gotta believe in yourself. Get into church it will help as well. Good luck!!!
I never comment on anything here, but you need to leave. He doesn’t love you or your kids. That’s not love! Your kids deserve better.
Leave. Sadly it’ll only get worse from here if he sees nothing wrong with his actions then he can’t work towards fixing them. I’m sorry momma. Ur littles don’t deserve to be belittled especially at that age. Newborn-7 are the most important years in a kids life. You and them deserve better.
Why is this even a question obviously he’s very abusive mentally and from what I read physically. And frankly if you’re even asking this question you should seek counseling too. You got to do what best for them kids and yourself why stay with someone who talks to your kids the way he does?! That’s ignorant on your behalf and very pathetic that this is even a question. Do BETTER them kids deserve better.
I really think you know the answer. Value yourself and run. You and your son deserve much better than this. Thing always get worse no better.
I literally can’t think of 1 reason to stay. Look at the situation this way: children’s services would remove those children from both of you if you don’t separate.
You need to muster up the strength that you certainly have (from putting up with him!), take your babies and run
Get out now! DO NOT let those babies grow up in that environment. They WILL be damaged adults if they learn that this is acceptable. It’s your job to raise them to be productive members of society. Teach them what is right vs wrong. You won’t be sorry. Will it be hard? Probably, but there are people who can help you along the way. Be strong girl. YOU can do what’s right
Time to take your kids and leave. Not going to get better. Your kids deserve better as do you. Especially since he has put hands on you. Next it could be your kids. Kids have accident while potty training, that’s yourself any more pain .
I could not finish reading this cause i just felt so sick. This man is not right in the head. Medications depression or not. He is abusing you and your children. How much more do you need to get your babies away from that toxic environment. Yes a father figure would be amazing for them to have. A good father figure. Not an angry drunk who abuses them and their mom. This is not okay. Your job is to protect them from anything and everything. I can promise you if you keep them in this toxic environment and they grow up around it they will grow up to resent you for keeping them in this situation and leave as soon as they are old enough and never look back, or one of these days someone will hear all the fighting and report it and you can lose your children. This man is not worth it. Please walk away and never look back. He will never change. He is hurting you and your children. You are just as guilty as him for keeping them in that environment for fear of being alone. Not okay.
Better to leave now before he starts laying a hand on the kids which he has already started doing to you. He needs to get his life on track all by himself. And you don’t jump into another relationship tomorrow just to have a man around concentrate on your kids and be happy with them and yourself for a good while, In the mean time You will learn to value yourself as a woman without having to depend on a man to make you feel worthy.
Leave. You Already Know This. It Will get worse. Your children Will suffer.
There are resources out there to help you. WIC. SNAP. Income based housing. Teaming up with another single mom. Or kick him out… it sounds like his mom is on your side.
The way Will appear and the support Will come. Protect those innocent souls. He is doing more damage to them than you realize.
Emotional abuse is just as damaging as physical. Your children will end-up emotionally scarred which could later lead to low self-esteem, depression, drugs, dropping out of school, or becoming just like your boyfriend- an angry abusive bully.
Do the right thing before your children suffer physical trauma OR tragedy of death. I’m sure you’ve heard cases of children being beaten to death by a mentally unstable parent, etc. Leave before it’s too late.
The best thing you can do for both you and your kids is to leave. It’s also the best thing for your boyfriend. Urge him to seek help with drinking and anger management. If he cares, he will take responsibility and get help and follow thru with taking medication. If he doesn’t then he straight out doesn’t care about you or you kids nor what he putting you all thru. His behavior right now is selfish abusive and dangerous. If you truly care about your kids do the right thing and give them a calm, stable, and loving home. If you stay your failing your kids and yourself. Do be afraid and don’t make excuses. Seek help and protect your kids.
Please leave. Please don’t feel like you have to stay. It won’t get better and you and your babies shouldn’t go through this. You are their protector please do that for those babies. You don’t need a man. That should be the last of your worries!
Nope. No way! Defending your 2 & 3 year old was enough to be gone but he has put his hands on you!! You are really making yourself appear less than smart to put it nicely. That shouldn’t be a question here. Here or anywhere! Leave! Should have already been gone. Don’t put your babys through that!
Run (don’t walk) out the door. You and those kids deserve better. He may not hit them (yet) but what he’s doing is abuse. Better leave before it gets worse. None of you deserve that especially those babies.
Suggest he go to therapy and if he says no, he isn’t willing to change and there’s your answer. You have two choices. Stay because its convenient or leave because it’s the best choice for your children.
CHOOSE your kids over that man!!! What I read made me sick!!! Wake up to yourself. You don’t want to be a single mum to 3kids? Well boohoo!!! Think of your kids. He clearly has issues that no child should be around, I’m sorry to be harsh but those children do not deserve that!!!
I’m sorry but this man is dangerous. Even if he’s not always beating you he is abusing you and your children. You cannot call children names and think they won’t be broken because of it. He needs to grow up and act like an adult and in no way is he doing so. You have to leave. You cannot let your children continue to be abused. People that yell at babies for crying are people who will shake babies to death. Don’t let that happen!
Leave him!! It’s not healthy for you or your kids!!!
I just got out of 11 year relationship!!
He was a narcissist!!!
Things won’t get any better, i promise you that!!
I will pray for you and your kiddos
Leave! As soon as possible! This man is disturbed and doesn’t seem to want to get better. Mentally abusing you and your kids? No good! Physically abusive? Run like the dickens! Those babies deserve a chance at a good life as do you. You CAN make it as a single mom, won’t be easy or often times pretty but CAN be done. Please, leave!
This monster isn’t a ‘dad’- not by a long stretch of anyone’s imagination. This man has emotional issues and behavioral issues. He is not fit to be in any type of relationship- let alone be an adult parent type figure to children.
You need to do the right thing - and that is LEAVE.
Get out before something really bad happens to you or your children…. Something that will be hard to heal from.
His moments of playfulness sound like manipulation tactics and it seems to be working on you. Rise above his bullshit, find your inner strength ( pull it from the need to protect your children) and get the hell out of that upside down relationship.
Im standing on the outside looking in…. I can SEE that you need to leave. You are in the thick of it and you are hanging on the tiny scraps of hope he tosses out to you. His scraps of hope are LIES. Be kind to yourself and your kids…… get out of his grasp.
Yes, being a single parent is hard. But you CAN do it.
Your kids will flourish and be happy, for it.
Be the HERO your kids need.
Have you ever realized how many “boyfriends” and “stepfathers” abuse and kill their girlfriends kids? What you are describing is abuse and you have a responsibility to GET THEM OUT OF THERE! Or you are party to the abuse. Do what is right for your kids. Being single is WAY better than being with a mean, depressed, abusive DRUNK!
You’re allowing your children to be abused if you don’t leave.
I got to the part where he calls my kids stupid and idiot and that was it for me! Things will only get worse please do the right thing for kids and leave! He’s like this now imagine in a year or two time? In my opinion he is very unstable and unpredictable which is not safe for you or your children. Get out now!!
I only had to get 3 sentences in to know that you need to leave.
You need to leave him and you know it.
Yes it is hard and yes it will get harder as a single mom with 3 kids, but you need to leave as soon as possible.
Even if he never hits your children, you can’t raise them into healthy adults being around a man who treats you like that.
Leave now.
Once you left, you will regret not having left him sooner.
Girl I got to the part where you said he yells and calls them names also put his hands on you and almost quit reading just to comment. Honey RUN dont walk away from this. I was in an abusive relationship for 7 years… trust me it only gets worse. Protect them babies and yourself!
Your kids come first if ANYONE talked to my child who is still learning and growing like that GAME OVER! Protect those babies get the hell out of that toxic relationship. They will see the way that he treats you and think that that’s normal they will talk down about themselves and think that they’re stupid because that’s what they were told growing up. Please leave you can do it for your babies!
Take ur kids and leave before something bad happens period plain as that get it done and NOW other fish in the sea he isnt the one now get to it
Love your kids more than that guy. He will make your childrens life very hard as he steals their self esteem. Children first
Leave leave leave! Your young children need you and if you can’t handle not being able to stay away from him, please seek counseling for yourself.
What the hell… Why are you allowing someone to yell at your kids!?! He’s 3, of course he’s going to have accidents once in a while. RUN before you have a kid with him, then you’re stuck seeing him for 18 years!
Honestly, how is this even a real question. Yes, you should have left a long time ago!
You know in your heart of hearts what you need to do. I pray you find the strength to follow through and leave him. The right answer is to always do what’s best for you kids.
Yes what they are all saying, get your children and leave, I know it’s hard but you are risking your life and your children’s. Best of luck honey, there are resources out there to help you, please seek them out
I would most definitely leave. You and your babies do not need his issues in your lives. Stay strong.
If you leave YOU are saving and protecting your kids!!! You NEED to protect them NOW and leave.
He is not helping you raise your kids, he’s helping you hurt your children!!!
You asked this question so you must be thinking about staying… over the safety of your kids ? Should this really be a question ? Having your kids getting mentally abused over being a single mother ?
He put his hands on you… that’s an automatic LEAVE!
Not having any father figure is better than an abusive father figure.
Kick him to the curb. Don’t look back. This is a abusive situation and you need to protect your children and yourself before it goes any further. All the red flags are there. Don’t ignore them. You already know this and I think you might be afraid for yourself. Ask for help now. Good luck
Please your children deserve better period should not even be a question if you should leave or not GO before your children pay the price
Pack your babies up and leave mama, that’s going to do much more damage if you stay then if you leave… That’s not healthy for you or your babies what’s so ever! Get out, get safe, be happy! Best of luck to you and your babies!
Leave! Don’t look back. Single mom life is better than any life with a man like that!
Your kids are your priority not a man. Get them away from him.
Talk to his doctor, the medication isn’t working. He needs cognitive therapy too. If he won’t figure this out, show him the door. You know this isn’t healthy.
Sounds like an alcoholic and narcissist. Bad mixture, gets worse with age. Sounds like your 3 year old is more mature than him. Nah sis No matter How much You want him to change he wont. But Its hard When he brings the bread i get that.
Everything you said are all red flags for me, run as fast as you can frm a situation like that, choose yuh kids firstly and always, men come and go, I believe u already know what you hv to do in a situation like this
From my experience, sounds like you already know what you need to do momma. Your job as a mother is to protect those kids. You can ask for all the advice in the world from strangers and they will all tell you the same thing, you have to make the decision to leave… yes it’s scary being a single mother but what’s even more scarier is a man who’s mistreating your children especially if he has anger issues what’s to say that he doesn’t accidentally hurt those children because he got too mad at the baby for crying or the three year old for having an accident? He can let his anger get the best of him and one of those kids can end up hurt and that’s not a CPS case you want to have on your hands. It’s going to be hard to leave there’s no beating around the bush about it… ultimately it is up to you but you have to do what’s best for your kids and yourself.
Kids come first in any situation, he hurts your kids physically or emotionally then your as much to blame as him he you stay
You need to leave. Don’t put the kids through emotional and verbal abuse from him. And u dont put up with the abuse either. I think u should leave.
U need to run fast, and remember you can get more help being a single mom than having a man that’s oblivious got some issues
Read your 1st sentience- you said it- he “claims” if that’s how your sentence starts I didn’t need to read anymore- 36yrs in- trust me I know- GET OUT NOW
Nope. I couldn’t even read it. Your children deserve SO much better. If you won’t leave for yourself, leave for them.
You have to break the cycle.
Yes leave you have to protect yourself and your baby’s there is no telling when he really won’t be able to control the anger and do more than just get mad and yell
I’m a single mother of 4 boys. You can do it. Leave and give those babies a better life. They shouldn’t live in fear.
The first 6 years of a child’s life is so important, his mental and verbal abuse and physical abuse is going to permanently damage your children I would get him to leave as soon as possible
Please leave. It’s better to be a happy single mom, than to be miserable and abused. It will only get worse. Your children and you deserve better.
I’d leave he’s verbally abusing your kids at a very fragile age.
Get out ASAP! Call police to protect you, your children, and your possessions while you escape! Please, ask domestic abuse shelter for advice on safe escape plan even if they don’t have physical space for you, they have the ability to assist you! You are living with a time bomb, walking on thin ice which you know will break just unsure when or where!
I normally don’t comment and I didnt even finish reading because once you said something about the kids. Leave, leave NOW.
Ummm nooo! Get out now. No body should be yelling at your kids like that. Or putting their hands on you. So many red flags here !!! Don’t ever put a man in front of your kids !!!
Get out!!! Being a single
Mom is worse than worrying about what he will do next!!!
I read as far as he gets mad about your 3 year old who’s potty training, if they have an accident!!! Smh…RUN!!!
I stopped reading at he gets mad at my 3year old. He got to go that’s your baby and I have a 3 year old to they try so hard
You are absolutely doing the right thing if you leave. Verbal and emotional abuse are just as bad as physical abuse.
Why is this even a question? Get your babies out immediately. They don’t deserve this and it’s up to you to protect your children from this abuse.
Please take your children and leave. It’s not going to get any better, it will only get worse. For the safety of yourself and the children please leave.
Those that are slating this poor mum have obviously never had to go through this and if you have remember how u felt back then x
Leave for goodness sake. For the babies. I didn’t leave and almost lost my kids and my own life in the process
Leave. If he can put his hands on you, he will put them on the kids. He’s already mentally abusing them by yelling at them and calling them names. Don’t let him start physically abusing them too
Anyone male or female who calls my kid stupid is out!!! The first time he did it you should’ve taken your kids and left. They will have it embedded in their heads that they are stupid and with time will feel they have to walk on eggshells. They will grow older and wonder why you let them stay in this environment and if it dies last then their mental health will be affected by this and maybe you will be resented by them for staying with this man… it’s great that he’s on meds but he’s more than likely not on the right meds and has a more serious mental illness than anger and depression. Maybe bipolar. I’m bipolar and it sounds like he needs a different treatment plan for his issues… Get those Kids out now! Don’t settle because you don’t want to be a “single mom” and just because you may have to be one doesn’t mean you’ll always be one, but if you are then your kids happiness should come before your fears of being single! Plz make conscious decisions for your kids sake… good luck and plz see the picture and relationship for what it is.
We’ll you’re not real bright if after the first incident with the kids you stayed and didn’t leave immediately
Ok. First, the second he called my kids stupid/idiots he would have been gone.
And second… he had put his hands on you?!?
Girl… i don’t care how much you like/ love him. Or how much he claims to love you and the kids.
That is NOT love and you need to run… not walk… RUN away from him immediately.
As someone who literally BARELY survived a domestic violence situation ( as it is, the attack left me permanently disabled) Im Telling you. . Once they take that step there is no turning back.
It only escalates. They may not do it again for a long time but they WILL do It again. And every time it happens, it gets worse than the last time.
One day it will escalate again and you could end up being killed.
I know that is brutally blunt of me, but you need to hear the truth as clearly and bluntly as possible.
You simply can’t risk your babies having to live without their momma hun.
No man… or woman ( as men are definately NOT the only ones who can be physically abusive to their partners) is worth that crap… no matter how much you love them.
My best advice? Imagine your child coming to you and telling you THEIR partner was doing this stuff to them.
What would you say to your child or best friend? What advice would you give to your child or best friend in this situation?
Be brutally honest about your gut reaction on how you would respond to them.
Then take a deep breath, straighten your crown and follow your own advice.
You and your babies deserve so much better than this.
Oh for the love of god… when it’s this transparent do you need a group of strangers to tell you that your subjecting your children to abuse. You already know the answer. Leave yesterday.
Get out while u can you could end up losing ur kids because of the way hes treating you and the kids get out before its 2 late trust me
If you don’t leave him and you or your children get hurt then you are as much to blame
Back in 2007 or 2008. I worked at Home Depot. There was a lady that Work there with me named Pam. She always would come in with stories about her beautiful grandson named Kavi, He was three years old. This lady Pam Came into work devastated because her three-year-old grandson was beat to death by her daughters boyfriend who had anger problems. There were warning signs but they were ignored. Now this grandmother mourns her grandson forever. Please do not ignore the signs leave now!!! RIP KAVI
I don’t think you need no one else’s opinions I think your heart knows what to do you just need to be strong and do it
I think you already know the answer no man puts a hand on a woman, or kids.
you had me at “claims” and then “drinks”… my last straw was “gets mad” at a baby who’s learning.
LEAVE mamma. that’s some toxicity you and your babies don’t need. it’s hard, but you and your babies deserve better.
Leave before he hurts one of the kids or you… he’s not gonna get better .the way he treats you and the kids is very bad…
Being a.single mom is better then a dead mom and kids have no mom
Be single. It’s scary but it’ll be better than this. You and your babies will be okay.
Leave. It will not get better. He’s not just in a relationship with you, he’s in a relationship with your/his kids as well.
Simple get the hell out from a survivor of emotional abuse
If your kids were adults and in this situation what would you want or tell them?? Be a mom and put your kids first.
Yes because if you stay it will only get worse and either you or your babies will be hurt. You have a right to protect you and your family from harm, even if it’s someone who you love. Get out before it’s too late.
Don’t even know why you asking……leave….period. Why would you subject your kids to that?
Run…and never look back!
If you are asking, if you are seeing red flags, then you already know the answer.
Leave now
If his mom is worried for you and your kids that’s the icing on the cake. This mess doesn’t get better.
Your kids come first before your relationship especially a man like him
I believe that you are headed into a bad situation and you’d better off getting away from it while you can by John Jackson
Leave before your kids end up getting his hands instead of you. They don’t deserve that
I made it three sentences in and said “Why TF is this even a question???!!!” LEAVE
He has a serious problem. Get out while you can. When he snaps it will be bad.
I didn’t get past the first line about him calling your kids names… GTFO. Your kids hearing this is horrible.
If you have to really ask this question-maybe you are the problem. Really?
Que estás esperando que te golpee a tus hijos o los mate ellos están indefensos dependen de la protección tuya no seas cobarde déjalo Dios no te olvida el provee se valiente lucha tus hijos te darán la fuerza!!!
Leave it will only get worse I’ve been in this type of situation praying it gets better