You chose to have those kids it’s your responsibility to keep them safe you need to leave it does not get any better it only gets worse and something’s going to happen that you’re going to regret so you need to leave
Go now, your children can’t make the choice for you, GO.
You’re a failure if you don’t leave him. Those kids are gonna be scarred for life if you don’t stop this now
I know you just need validation, momma. Ignore the rude people. In situations like this it’s difficult to think clearly as often one becomes so overwhelmed. You are valid and your feelings are valid and your confusion is valid. Yes momma, take your babies and leave. Go get safe. It’s only a matter of the before he decides it’s not enough to just yell at those babies.
Sounds like you need to choose your children and leave.
You people commenting with such snide stuck up attitudes oughta be ashamed of your behavior. So sick of victims being treated poorly. Only makes or harder to leave.
I cant tell you what to do. But your children well feel every bad thing said to them… Just the tone can hurt them down the road. And he’s put his hands on you No NoNo .Get yourself out of there. It will only escalate. Please keep us posted so we know you and children are ok.
You are not with a man you are with a boy chasing his demons! Get out for your children’s sake
If his mom is worried you need to leave or make him leave
Run. Do not put your kids or yourself through that. This isn’t going to well if you stay, it will only get worse. Good luck.
This shouldn’t even be a question if he’s already talking to and about your other kids like that
Why are you still there? Get out before it becomes something worse.
Dude you should already be gone , you don’t need that toxic behavior around you or your kids no exceptions
Calling your 2 and 3 year old stupid etc. You need to leave. Don’t put a sorry man before your kids. He’s probably already putting his hands on kids. They may be too young or too scared to tell. You have a responsibility to raise your kids in a proper environment. Do your job, Mom!
You need to leave. That’s absolutely unacceptable behavior on his part. Protect your kids and yourself; go!
Why is it so hard for you women To just answer her question without being condescending aholes? even if you don’t agree with it you can speak to somebody without being mean. People like you so called women are the reason other women are afraid to ask for help or advice because you get off on shaming people Because it makes you feel better about your own miserable lives, and frankly it’s just fucking disgusting. Didn’t your mother’s ever teach you if you Don’t have anything nice to say don’t say nothing at all?
Should have left a long time ago. You are your children’s protector and from this post, you’re letting this happen just so you’re not alone.
HELL NO GIRL LEAVE. I 100% promise you that will only get worse and it will severely effect your children.
Get your self and kids the hell away from this guy.
The fact that this is even a question
How about we stop the victim shaming? This mom obviously came here because she’s scared and needs support. He seems to have a substance-abuse problem. I’m not sure whether that’s triggering The physical abuse towards you and the mental abuse towards the children but it’s not okay. Or if he’s just not the man you thought he was. Either way… You need to give the ultimatum of him going to get help or you need to leave and protect your children and yourself. Unfortunately you have a knowledge of this going on and not doing anything about it could ultimately jeopardize your custody of your kids. You need to do what’s best for them and yourself.
Yes. Leave. Save those babies while you can.
Why would you have a child with an unstable man? What were you thinking?
RUN!!! DONT WALK !!! You are not his possession. Your are supposed to be his partner. You are in danger and so are your kids . This situation will get worse till he snaps . Your kids rely on you to keep them safe , but they are in danger now . RUN !!! If you cant make it out on your own , dial 911 and ask for help .
It quit being about you the day you gave birth to your first child. You have to do what is right for them, they cannot defend themselves and he is straight up abusive to them. If you were afraid of raising children on your own then you should have protected yourself, no one is guaranteed to have a partner for the rest of their life or to help raise their children. Like I said it’s not about you get the hell out of there!
Leave. Don’t let him abuse you and your kids! Your kids deserve better and you’re the adult that needs to protect them.
Hell no. I would be LONG GONE if any man ever talked to my children that way!
Why are you even still questioning anything? Gtfo now! Ur babies and you deserve better
I would leave as he is abusing the kids mentally , you need to protect the kids from what he is doing to them or they will grow up thinking this is how they treat people and they will turn out just like him . Sorry xxx
Leave before he hurts your baby’s or you. He is not worth your love. Don’t let him pull you down. He will never change.
I got to the stupid comment to your child and I was done reading. That is enough to gtfo.
Yes agree you should have been gone yesterday… get involved in a women’s domestic abuse group on how to get help and get out and leave Google it and then call. Good luck. Just please get out your kids and you do not deserve that you are the only one to protect them. Please
You’re better off single. Jeez.
This is not only toxic, but also abusive. You need to keep you and your babies safe and this situation is not safe. You deserve security.
Toxic behaviors get worst. His behaviors now is just the beginning.
The fact you even have to ask is a huge problem. You’re watching him abuse your kids and then experiencing him do it to you. Don’t think about how you’re feeling or how he’s feeling. Think about those kids. Leave now.
What the hell you doing still in the house ??? Run run run and don’t ever look back or let him have those beautiful children!!! You shouldn’t even have to ask Hodda
Wtf you even asking get him gone and close the door
This man is abusing your children and you’re allowing it every second you keep them there. Is that really okay with you?
Leave. you can do better for yourself and your kids if you dont you’ll end up another women killed by her abusive boyfriend
Hell to make it easier on yourself call women’s domestic abuse group and then call cps for him to have to stay away from you and the kids.
Call a Women’s and Children Center and run . Don’t warn Him , don’t tell anyone who can’t keep secrets where You are. You and Your kids don’t deserve that life . Your showing your kids pain that will last a life time . Run ,run ,run . Even if you can only get your kids and You out !
Leave him and do you. You can do this on your own alot better than allowing this to continue. Just know you’re making the right choice for you and your kids. I wish you the best of luck hun.
All the victim shaming comments are absolutely disgusting. This is the reason why so many women are scared to reach out for help. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Not everyone can just up and leave. Not everyone has the resources or the privilege of staying with friends or family until they get back on their feet. How about instead of calling her a failure, we all give her resources and options for her and her children? Be encouraging instead of calling names and guilt tripping her for a situation that SHE is in, too. What we’re not going to do here is shame women who are in abusive relationships, okay?
You better get them kids away from him! Don’t come asking for advise you already know the answer to! Your kids don’t deserve that!
the kids come first.
I put up with a man like that for 7 years it started as yelling and by the second year in it got physical and my oldest son and me got the worst of it I have a piece of my skull missing and can’t feel my nose and am almost deaf in my one ear ,after getting out of it I met a wonderful man a couple years later and have been together for 29 years
Please don’t leave because we’re telling you to, but for your babies sake. My child turned 3 yesterday, she’s been trained for a few months; but I couldn’t imagine anyone belittling a child learning. That’s a HUGE RED FLAG
He’s calling your babies names, and put his hands on you and you’re asking if you should stay or go!? Really??!
If you really want this to work he needs to go to treatment and after that mental health counseling as well as you get mental health counseling and you both need couples counseling.
Or you could just leave him. But without professional help it’s not gonna get any better.
Um leave… he call your kids names and yells at them … toxic hes needs help
You should honestly leave and if he wants to be a part of his child’s life then he will show you the actions to prove it.
Yes, time to leave. If he doesn’t treat you like a queen then someone put there will
Girl. Are you for real?
Leave, it will not change.
O yeah you and your kids deserve better
He verbally abuses your kids. What more do you need to tell you to get out?
He is emotionally abusing your children. GET OUT.
run girl. run fast.
How is this even a question if you should leave? He emotionally abuses your THREE year old and has put hands on you. I don’t understand. GTFO!!! You’re only job as a mother is to protect your kids and you’re not doing it
I’d leave before your kid gets hurt or gets anxiety/ptsd from this
Tell his mom you need to leave him so maybe she can rent you somewhere separate or help
Remove him from the home.
Please leave him. Because as long as you stay he will keep doing it. And it will get worse. I’m telling you from experience
Your kids will grow up and blame you if you keep putting them in that situation. Get them and yourself out now.
Is this seriously even a question… 1… those are your babies he’s mentally abusing!! 2… if he’s put his hands on you… what makes you think he want hurt your kids! 3. He’s put his hands on you!! What is wrong with you that you even need to ask this question! You need to love yourself more because you are worth so much more and deserve better and so do your children!!
Run FAST. Protect your kids.
I only got to the part where he calls your kids names… leave him!!
Please leave. You are putting yourself and your children in danger. When he’s on meds and alcohol there is no telling where or how is anger will manifest. You can’t predict his behaviour, he can’t either it’s like living with a wild animal. I speak from experience. PLEASE LEAVE.
Verbal/emotional abuse will mess a child up mentally as much as physical abuse ever will. Sometimes worse, Bc while physical wounds heal easily mental ones do not. You need to LEAVE for your babies!! Please! I made the mistake of staying “for the kids” and the abuse that they saw me endure, and that they experienced themselves had caused SO MUCH damage. Kids need a happy, healthy mama. They need to feel safe…and they won’t around someone screaming and yelling at them. Please consider my words of advice. Don’t end up with regrets like me, of I wish I would’ve/should’ve. Believe me, it’s a long road to healing and it quite frankly sucks…and tbh, NO father figure is better than one who screams and yells constantly. Kids are little sponges at that age. You don’t want them absorbing his insults and anger and taking it to heart. Believing they’re stupid, etc etc
You need to leave now. Protect your children.
I’m a single mother of three. Please get out. This is the whole reason I’m a single mother. They. Do. Not. Stop. It gets so much worse!
Nice job having a third baby with this gem. You’re in a pickle now. Buckle up, get out and take care of those kids. They deserve better.
Leave before he injures or kills you and the kids.
Yeah you needa leave
Yes you are right to leave him, those kids will be scarred for life and be angry with u for allowing that man to treat them that way. Also , he isn’t a good role model for your kids, those kids will grow up thinking it’s ok to hit and disrespect women… it’s not ok for any man to hit or disrespect women let alone anyone. You deserve someone who will treat you and your kids right. I’d rather tough it out and do it alone then to have to ever worry bout that guy hurting you or your kids. You and your kids should always be first priority! There are plenty of decent hardworking men out there who would give anything to have a ready made family… don’t settle for this… you got this!
Why does a mother even have to ask this question? Leave now.
Wow seriously?? Why are you even questioning whether or not you should leave…you need to gtfo asap!!!
You already know what you have to do . Hes hit you and verbally abuses your kids…they are already suffering trauma .
Makes no difference that he’s ill…you are all in danger. Please leave
Get you and your children out of that situation. My dad was mentally, emotionally, and physically abusive to myself, 2 sister and our mom and we begged her to leave him, she never did and we all hold resentment and hate for her because she seen it and decided to continue to let it happen.
Horribly blunt here-- unless you enjoy seeing your kids verbally abused-- enjoy being abused your self-- you need to get out FAST! It will only escalate over time.
Why are you still with him? He doesn’t love you or your kids because he’s intentionally hurting them.
The minute they put their hands on u and verbally abuse ur kids it is time to leave.
We are all scared to be single parents but we learn to cope.
Get rid of the shit bag
Why the hell are you with him?
i don’t understand why r asking
why r u allowing this man around your babys
Don’t question it just leave before it gets worse!! Because it will
Single mom raising 3 little ones for 3 years now all by my damn self. Bottom line. Is absent is better than toxic. And I’ve experienced both. You CAN do it alone. It’s scary yes. But also so worth it.
He doesn’t value you. And never will. And if he does MAGICALLY one day see your worth. The damage to you AND your babies will already be done.
Being alone isn’t all that bad and there ARE good men out there. Just have to be patient and focus on you and yours.
Shldnt have allowed him to put his hands on you once, let alone twice. The fact that he even has the audacity to yell at a 3 year old, thats not his, was your first sign to say bye bye to ol boy. Your children should always trump a dude, regardless of who he is. Your kids are yours forever and depend on you, guys are a dime a dozen.
It does the kids soo much more damage staying in an abusive relationship than a single mum raising them
The first clue even his Mom has concerns!! And she knows more than you’ll ever know!! Get out … get your kids out!!!
Leave. Do it for your kids!
There are worse things then being alone, sounds like you’re staying with him to have someone.
The fact you even have to ask that is beyond sad and only cause you don’t wanna be a single mom. Get out now! He is just gonna get worse.
If you don’t leave, you have FAILED as a mother!!!
Omg no way would I stay ,
Fkn leave as quickly as possible!!! That is NEVER ok!!!
If he won’t see a therapist , leave . This is not good for the kids . He needs to get help.
Don’t see how this is even a question! GTFO!
I got to the part…“two different times he put his hands on me” and that’s the clincher before I thought…RUN…RUN NOW…
What the fuck kind of stupid ass question is this?
He’s emotionally, verbally, and physically abusive and you’re really sitting here asking Facebook for advice?
At least sign the kids over to someone that will care for them properly before they end up being killed by your stupidity