Get away from him he will never change! Leave him before he hurts you or one of your children
GET OUT! Also do not leave your babies alone with him EVER!!!
That baby girl in Baton Rouge had a stepfather with anger issues…that was witnessed by not only the Mom but also the grandmother. Look where it led to.
Yes. The children don’t need to live like this. They will start acting like it.
I was afraid of being a single mom having 3kids under 3yrs old. I dealt with mental abuse from their dad and to tried to give them a house with both mom and dad under the same roof. He’s never been the way toward our kids like the way your describing. But we would argue alot, I decided that being a single mom, doing it on my own in a peaceful house was better not just for them but for me. I am now a proud, happy, healthy, single mother of three. The kids are happy, healthy, & thriving, & everything is better, I’m now at a job I LOVE and paying all the bills on my own again and providing everything the they need for them. Also me and their dad seem to get along better for the kids and even when we do argue about the kids we don’t do it infront of them. Don’t stay. You’ll regret it, your kids will grow up to seethat behavior as normal and you don’t want that for your babies.
Girl. Leaving that abusive man is the most right thing you can do for your babies. That don’t need to see that and think it’s ok. If he won’t stop drinking while taking his meds, he’s doing it on purpose and he knows it. Get out of that place. I know it’s scary to think about being a single mom to 3 kids, but that’s better then them watching you be abused daily. Keep your head up and stay strong, protect yourself and most of all protect your babies. I’m about to have my third child and if my husband ever acted the way yours does, I’d be gone.
His meds seem out of whack, its not an excuse for his behavior, but i do know when meds arents right you get highs and lows sometimes worse then when you arent even on meds. He needs therapy, to get his levels adjusted and to speak through his problems, also AA wouldnt hurt. But during that time i would definitely get you and the kids out of the situation for own sanity and health, also because when meds get adjusted it can get bad too. He needs to fight this on his own.
My kids come first and no way would I out any man before them especially if he’s mistreating them ,calling names no way,put them first and get away from that scum.Sometimes your better off on your own especially if that’s the treatment your getting…that’s abuse in every way,so do what’s best for u and kids and get out.
Mental abuse is sometimes worse than physical abuse. You need to leave. Stop worrying about being a single mom and do what’s best for your babies.
Say bye and dont look back!
If it is for your kids like
you say it is. Why haven’t you already left or asked him to leave? It’s a no brainer if you ask me. Won’t be long before someone gets hurt.
I’m not trying to be rude or insensitive… but this is exactly the type of tragic… and FATAL stories that end up on the news. And you will be held accountable for child neglect by allowing them to remain in this situation. I hope you get out, stay out, and take any and ALL precautions to be and remain safe! This is very disturbing!
I’m sorry …… but why are you still with him? No one has the right to belittle your children, it seems to me like you are looking for an excuse to stay. You want a man more than you want your kids. He yells at them when you are there ….guess what happens when you are not??? Maybe the reason why your child is having so many accidents is fear of that man. Like seriously!!! He already hit you…… do you seriously think he hasn’t hit your children??? Protect your kids!!! They don’t deserve to be in that situation specially because that isn’t even their father !!!
You do realize that it is your responsibility as a mother to keep your kids safe. If he does something to hurt one of them you will be charged as well for not removing them from the situation
Get out! He is abusive not only to you but also your kids.
Get out while your kids are young. The drinking will only get worse. My ex fiance is an alcoholic that is nowa convicted felon after going to his counseling appointment drunk he scared his counselor so bad she quit. He also has deep anger issues and depression. He did not hey physical with me but he would abuse my dogs. The longer you stay the worse it will be for the kids. The physical abuse will also get worse as time passes.
This is seriously a no brainer. Do you even understand the kind of damage that you’re doing to your children by keeping them in that situation?? Being a single mother is better than staying in a toxic relationship because you’re afraid to be alone!
Well if you stay your letting your kids be verbally abused by him so do right by your kids
Girl I would have been gone when he put his hands on me. Gtfo of there before he starts abusing the kids
Run and don’t look back he will hurt your kids next
Leave. In time you’ll both understand it was for the better. He sounds like he needs to work on himself, perhaps you both do. After leaving work towards a co-parenting situation which in my opinion is the best solution I thought I’d never have and thought would never work, but if you’re both willing, it will. Happy kids=Happy parents xx
If he calls a child stupid while potty training just imagine how helpful he will be when reading and writing come along, perhaps he’ll give bike riding lessons on the interstate, shit shows shouldnt parent
Whyyyy would you allow this?!
I can’t possibly understand why this is a question???
Why do you need others to answer this question for you? You know the answer.
Sounds like he is the one that needs counseling and assistance. Substance abuse is a hard battle to battle and not something you can do for him. He clearly needs to be removed from the picture. Your children do not need the treatment from him they are getting. I promise they will be better off without a father figure VS a abusive father figure. It’s your responsibility to protect those children. Be strong and do what you need to do.
Sorry to say, but its time to leave. Good luck.
You’re more scared to do it on your own then your worried about your children’s mental health and internal happiness … that’s basically what you just said . PRIORITIZE your children … no one is gonna hate you for putting your BABIES first .
It’s time to go for the safety of you and your kids.
The answer is obvious. He is treating your children badly. Do not let that happen. You are their protector. Leave him.
The fact you even had to ask that tells me you shouldn’t have had kids.
Cannot believe you’re still letting him treat them like that. Stop choosing dick over your kids already
Leave. Don’t put your kids through it.
You like we love it js ,why you aski for others opinion you don’t put your child thru that .for safety of you and your child get out before both or one is hurt badly
Yes get out while u can.think of Ur kids. It wil only get worse
It might be scary to raise them alone, but what’s scarier is what if… What’s scarier is how much worse he will get…
Why put your kids in danger and probably yourself because he KNOWS he has an issue but won’t deal with it properly.
If his own mother is worried
… get out now. Why wait till you’re on the news because your boyfriend beat one of your kids to death? SMH
Ditto! Run and get out of relationship!
Girl…what is wrong with you? It would be a cold day in hell before I allowed my own children’s father to call them names and yell at them for literally just being children. Stop putting your desire not to be a single mom before the safety of your babies.
If you don’t leave that will be the wrong option!! This situation is not good for children or you !!! Get out now & don’t look back. It doesn’t have to be physical to be abuse.
Good luck, act quickly this only will get worse.
You are not only doing the right thing by leaving ( go now!) but you are teaching your children what love looks like. The way he treats them is not love. Don’t settle for just anyone just so they have a dad figure. You sound like you are in a situation that is hard to get out of. Leave and never look back. A real man is waiting for you.
No one has the right to put a hand on you. I would suggest a womans shelter and he needs professional help.
leave no don’t let your kids think that is what a father is…run
That sounds very abusive, it does not show up as physical abuse but when your kids are older that kind of name-calling can be extremely destructive on their psychological well-being so sorry that you’re having to go through this. Having been in a relationship similar to this, my opinion is that it only gets worse from here. Wishing you strength.
Get out! Sad thing is the mother asking about your kids. She knows something, that’s about a big red flag! He put hands on you and he verbally abuses your children, just take your babies and go.
You m as y be able to go to a woman’s shelter, they can help you, good luck!
I stopped reading your post at “he calls your TODDLERS idiots”. And your asking if you should leave!!! You already know the answer. I’ll be damned if ANYONE insults my children
Anyone calls any of my kids names especially at 3!!! They would never find him
I have no words for you, but one day your children will resent you because you had the opportunity of leaving but chose a man over them.
Get out go to a shelter . They will help you and your precious children
Definitely leave you shouldn’t let your kids go through that they will resent you for it later, it will effect them very negatively. Also you deserve much better, I know from experience a man like that won’t change unless he’s ready himself and it’s very obvious that he isn’t ready.
You need to leave now to protect yourself and those babies
I would have already been gone and don’t look back
Um, yeah you need to leave him! What’s the confusion about?? He’s put his hands on you and verbally abused kids under the age of 3!
So wait? You said he’s the only real dad figure the kids have had. So he’s not their bio dad? So you are putting your kids in harm’s way for what?? Girl no. You better leave that situation before something happens to those kids or someone calls cps on y’all! I just don’t understand why females let their children be around men who calls their kids names! That what it starts with and then it will escalate. Smh. I’d rather be a single mom than a dead one or one of my kids gone.
Over my cold dead body would someone be calling my kids stupid! No effing way.
Leave him : what he’s doing to your kids is a form of abuse
Get out of your toxic relationship. Go to the shelters theres one near by. Do whats right, your children are more important k. And you need to take care of you.
Why are you even asking?? You know what you need to do. You’re so scared of being alone that you are willing to subject your kids to that? Girl, put your big girl panties on and do what’s best for your kids.
Your kids should come first, leave
He really does need help do u want your children to think this is what a real family is like .please please for the sake of you and your babies get help .let them have a happy family xx
And dont go back and dont feel guilty, and Dont feel sorry for him
The fact that you’re questioning whether to stay or to leave, screams volumes! It tells me that you already know what the answer is to your own dilemma.
If it helps to serve as a reminder - our #1 job as mothers is to protect our young. It should be, without a doubt, our first priority. So, as an outsider looking into this small snippet of your life, my only thought is; if it were my life, I’d pack myself and my babies up and get out. I’d never look back, no matter how tough things get being a single parent to 3 young children. But in saying that, at the end of the day, your job; your responsibility; your priority - offer stability, unconditional love, and security. Keep your children (and lets face it - YOU as well!) safe. Take your babies and get out while you still can.
I may sound cruel but I really, truly know how that affects children…and you owe him nothing
Grow up and protect your children. Get out. It will only get worse!!!
You need to get away from him, for your children’s sake.
You better leave!!! Calling the babies stupid!!! AND put his hands on you!!! If you don’t get your kids out that toxic environment……
God bless you, and remember that God does love you and your children and want’s a great life for you and them
Dude should make like a tree and leave. Kids safety comes first and I have no patience when it comes to abusing alcohol around them.
Yes leave him now I had 3 babies and left and raised my 3 children all myself no child support either it can be done its a rough road to hoe but it’s worth it if you love your children get a job keep it and just live for your children love them and raise them knowing right from wrong manners and respect My children are grown and being productive people have children of there own and they have given me 5 great grandchildren pray to God and he will help you through the hard times
What are you doing?? Leave this guy and protect your kids before he hurts one of them. Women these days so concerned about their love life and not seeing all the red flags in front of their faces. Leave.
Leave him before someone sees and reports you then you could lose your kids
Id leave.My children’s mental health,means more to me and what he is doing,is a form of abuse.
You don’t need opinions! You know what you need to do for your kids ! It will be scary at first but a mother will do what it takes ! You got this
This is not even a question. The first time he called my children a name would have been the end and on top of it he hits u!? No ma’am. U and ur babies deserve better…
Yes you need to leave
Leave. You and the kids deserve better. That’s not the role model you want for your kids.
What a STUPID QUESTION!!! DO NOT WALK, RUN!!! It will only get worse with injuries to you or one of your babies!!
Omg leave now before your children or you get hurt or worse
You need to leave for the sake of you & your children. He’s already put his hands on you. It will only get worse. He’s already emotionally abusing your children. Physical abuse isn’t far behind. Good luck sweetie. I know it’s hard, but you can definitely do it
It will be too late when he lays a hand on your children, leave and get to a safe place. You could lose your children to the state because he harmed them and you didn’t leave knowing he was potentially dangerous. Plus being angry at an infant is far from normal and extremely dangerous. Follow your intuition protect your children, he needs mental health care and some for you would be a good idea as well.
the first time he was rude with the baby you shoulda kicked him straight out of your life…wtf are you doing. im sorry but you cant even question this! what are you gonna do? stay and wait till its the baby he hits! and ya those kids will need therapy if you dont boss up RIGHT NOW
If you have to ask the question love. Then you know the answer. You gotta go for your babies sake. Do you want them to grow up and act like him? Leave. as a mother of 6 been there done that. And my oldest kids pay the price everyday because they grew up around their dad like that.
Take it from a mom who has been through the same thing. Take you babies and go it’s going to be hard but you can do it. No man should hit a woman and it starts with you then the kids and he will say it’s just discipline but a child needs to know love and comfort before someone can punish them for wrong doings. Take a deep breathe call who you need to and leave that boy and I say boy cuz real men don’t hit woman anger issues or not!
the question is… how much do you love your babies?
do what you gotta do
You need to leave. Your children don’t deserve to be around someone like that & you deserve to be w/ someone that loves you and those babies the right way. It’ll only get worse. His mom is even worried , get out.
I understand that you scared being on your own with 3 kids but we as mom’s are resilient and we make a plan…
Please leave before he gets worse…
By staying you showing your kids that it’s okay for someone to treat them that way… they so young and it can break their spirits…
I would never ever ever ever ever let anyone touch my kids! First of all, I would never let a man touch me like that!
This is a no-brainer! Leave!
Stop putting a man over your children!
Run. Now. It will probably escalate. Neither you or the children should be on the receiving end of that mental abuse. It will scar you and them for life.
dont leave!! cuff him you are safer that way.
You just need support. You know you need to leave yesterday
Seriously I wouldn’t even waste my time with him!!! No one will disrespect my children!!!
like what? you know leaving is best, you and your kids deserve better. being a single mom is not a problem. a happy heathly home is better then destroying innocent children because you don’t want to be a single mom.
Leave immediately!!! This shouldn’t even be a question.
Scared to be a single mom ?? 1 day he might take it to far and your kids will have no mom x take it from a mama who early died at the hands of a man take your baby’s and RUN you can rebuild your life but your baby’s will struggle living life with no mom …. Don’t let anyone talk to your baby’s like that and ever raise there hands to you !!
Sweetie, he’s not going to get better unless he wants to. And until then, there is nothing you or his mom can do. Please, protect yourself and those babies!!
He calls your toddlers stupid, and you’re not sure what to do? Wow
You need to get yourself and those babies away from him ! Especially before he gets violent! No child should be called names or picked on period !!!
Leave! The children are suffering trauma from his yelling and name calling
Get out now. … why are you even debating it?
Leave, now. Before you get way to deep and can’t get out. You’re seeing the red flags and know it’s not good for your children. You’ve tried to communicate the issues and it’s not working. Sounds like you’re basically doing it on your own anyway. You know you need to leave. Go with your gut, stop second guessing yourself.