If you have to ask you already know the answer. Get out before something happens to you or your kids! a “father figure” wouldn’t call them names! They are only kids but will remember!
So how can you say all that with no comments…& yes they prob will be rude…sorry but, pull your head out your ass & get those babies away from him!! What about you being I dependent & take care of you & them…I sounds mean, but you’re looking for a man to complete you…
Why are you even asking for opinions? He’s mentally abusing your children and clearly has the potential to become physically violent. GET OUT NOW and FAST!
Don’t worry about being a single mom… Worry about the damage the guy is causing on your kids. You can’t fix broken spirits, the abuse can hunt you forever. Get out of there!
Unfortunately it seems like you know what this answer is.
Way do you need to ask
Get out now!! You and your children’s safety is at stake!!! You will find away to be a single mom!! Go to a shelter for battered women if you must! Get out now, God won’t give you more than you can handle!!
those babies did not choose to come into this world hun. you need to do what’s best for them and for urself u know the answer u have said it all in ur question. yes being a single mother is hard work but imagine how much pressure is taking off u when u don’t have to walk in eggshells every day. He is abusing u and ur children. unless he is ready and truly wants to change he will still be an abuser. you need to leave sweetheart. There is so much help out there and you can do it! those kids will thankyou for giving them a happy life.
Don’t walk —— run ! This man is not worthy of being around you or your kids .
I wouldn’t have to ask anybody me and my kids would have been gone
Leave if you’re able.
Get the effff away from him asap.
worry about the kids and not your self he is not worth them he is a piece of crap snd you need to get out before he kills one of the
You need to get tf out before he kills one of your babies out of jealousy and your story becomes just another statistic he’s not worth it
Run, your kids will grow up thinking the man was more important. Anyone called my toddlers stupid or a idiot and I would have flipped my shit. Those words stay with them. All I can think about it these small kids wondering why the are stupid or idiot’s…
And it sounds like his mom is supportive of you if shes knows all this maybe she can help you out with staying there for a bit since she is the landlord. You have her grandbaby and her son Is treating all 3 terrible
Wtf is wrong with you girl? You need help. Get away from that dude
I would be even more scared if he snapped and killed one of my kids…those kids and their safety should come first not your fear of being a single mother…
Leave him now! Run and don’t turn back!
WTH??? Did you think all the desperate single moms were gonna be on here rooting for you …what is wrong with these mom’s who stay with losers…they are babies and he is being a monster …are you going to wait for the worse to happen…stop choosing these men who are losers…girl your track record is obviously bad in picking your baby daddies so for the sake of humanity stop making babies with losers stop keep your kids around a man who is angry at YOUR BABY WHO IS 3 FOR ACCIDENTS…I’m so sik of these selfish woman putting themselves before their kids…honestly it’s time we speak up and speak out and hold these moms flipping accountable for their stupid choices…I left a monster you can do it girl …it’s hard doing it alone but it’s harder to live with allowing someone to hurt your babies and that is a risk your taking…
Time to leave now to protect yourself and the kids, his anger problem doesn’t seem to helping either, tell him he needs to see someone for help
Why are you even asking?? Of him putting his hands on you wasn’t enough you let him abuse your children. He calls your 2 and 3 yr old names yet you thought having a baby with him was a good idea. Inwould of been gone the first time he called my toddlers names. THIS is how babies and kids keep being murdered bc mothers don’t do what’s best for thier kids. So I say leave now before things get worse or you are just as much at fault if he hurts your children.
You have to leave, I know it’s hard but you have to
Leave. No question about it
Get out! Make a plan…dont tell him…the longer you stay the worse it gets!
Would you like for your children to be injured or killed behind your fear of leaving…or whatever it is that keeps you there and allows for them to be abused. I pray that never happens but let’s hope they don’t grow up repeating the same behaviors or allowing those behaviors to be done to them. You are being selfish. Those babies need to be the main priority and you have a job as their mother to protect them.
To avoid being a single mom you would stay with someone who is verbally abusive to your children and physically abusive to you? He isn’t going to change. And I hate to say it but he’s probably not far off from being physical with the kids at this rate. Get out of there.
Pack up today ! There’s lots of agency’s to help u
You need to think about your kids first. This sure is not healthy for them. Cut your ties and get out. No one would talk to my kids that way/
You already know you need to get away from him !! Calling your babies stupid ! Seriously lady. Those babies will be scarred for life !!! Take your babies and get away from him !!! Smh.
You truly do need to leave. He is literally a threat to your children. He is endangering their life. That anger? It can turn deadly. Get out.
He put his hands on you! Why are you asking what you should do? For your kids sake…run! Get out! Give them a better life!
GET OUT NOW, I lived in that before and it will put scars on your children.
Go now with these children they are just now learning a pattern for their lives and how to treat you leave now.
Please leave this man. He is unstable.
Alcohol is a depressant and the problem will only spiral the more he drinks. YOU WILL BE HURT or even 10x worse, the kids. GET OUT! My ex was bipolar and drank instead of taking his medicine, my kids were old enough to remember daddy screaming at mommy that he will kill her. No partner is worth that, there is a better match, there is always a better match.
Leave that sorry sack of shit! I didn’t even read the whole post. I stopped where he was calling your toddlers STUPID!!!
Walk away don’t raise ur children to be talked to like that it’s not normal they’ve done nothing innocent be brave u can do it …don’t be afraid
I stayed for 14 years and because I did my children spent 5 years in therapy, I always had a reason to stay mostly financial , I’ve been out of it over 10 yrs now and I can honestly tell you it will never ever get better not even counseling will help you now your only choice is to leave, its your responsibility to teach your children that nobody has the right to bully them! don’t break there hearts or spirits because you may never be able to mend them, my oldest harbored resentment toward me for half of her adult life because I stayed with him because he was her little sisters father
Run… as far and as fast as u can
Your children will be traumatized if you don’t leave him
Yea, that’s a no from my dawg. Don’t stay with a man that treats your children like shit. No reason ever to put your relationship before your children.
Pack a bag and get out right now. Don’t wait.
I’ll be as gentle as possible because you’re obviously in a fragile state of mind. Because if your mindset was strong, you wouldn’t have to question if leaving him is right. The real question is, why does he deserve to be around you and your kids when he will be what ultimately screws everyone up. Someone somewhere did you a major Injustice if you honestly believe that man loves you or your kids. Medication or not, Alcohol or not, mental and physical abuse is never a sign of love. A sign of hate? Yes. A sign of jealousy? Yes. A sign of anything but LOVE. With that being said, read over all that you wrote, and im sure there’s so much more we don’t know, and tell me it doesn’t Break your heart that your small children are treated this way, spoke to the way they are and growing up thinking it’s OK. The only reason a 3 year old would need therapy would be if that small child has experienced trauma of some sort. And if that’s the case, then sure, let the kid talk to someone. But if the only problem is that his poor little brain has been convinced at such a young age that he’s an idiot and that he’s stupid, then mama, you can fix that. By allowing this “man” to stay, you’re showing the kids (even the baby) that it’s OK to treat people badly, and that what’s being said must be true. Just because yall end up yelling at eachother after he talks down to them, they know that he’s still there and that justifies what he said. You don’t want them to grow up and think that abuse is actually love, because well… then your grandchildren will also live a sad life. Your job is to protect them, and that means in every possible way. Their brains are still developing, so protect their brains also mama. It’s never easy to be a single mom, but I promise you it’ll be way harder to fix them mentally when they get older. Also, hes already put his hands on you twice. Once was too many times. I wish I had listened to my own advice, because no matter what he says, or how long I takes… he will do it again. And if he’s that angry, the end result could be worse than a bruise. I think you already know what you need to do. And I also think youre scared. Thats totally OK! You’re in a situation that you need to get out of. There’s agencies that will help you if you need, use them. And it will be tough. And he will be pissed. But do it for those kids. They need you and you need them. And make him fight to see his baby. He can’t be trusted if he gets angry at a 4 month old. You got this!
It’s better to be single & raise ur kids on ur own than for them to grow up in a toxic household . Why would you wanna put your babies through that … it’s not about you anymore it’s about your kids … since your first born it should never be about you anymore … I know it’s hard but you’re going to put those kids through trauma . You need to leave … you want them to grow up seeing you getting abused? When they grow up like that then they start to abuse woman to because they think it’s okay … it’s not right @ all u need to leave .
I really don’t understand why this is even a question in your mind. You’re really asking if you should put someone before your kids and yourself?
Grow up. Who tf cares about any adult aged person when you have kids?
Leave. Don’t look back. Let him grow and figure his life out on his own. You don’t owe him anything. You owe those kids for allowing them to be verbally abused and mentally scarred.
Leave him if u love yr children. They deserve a loving home…
You need to protect your kids. If my boyfriend called my kids idiots or stupid, no matter what I would leave without question. You can do so much better.
You need to leave. Like yesterday. One day he will put his hands on the kids too. Your children are learning how relationships are by watching yours. Do you want your son to talk to people that way? Do you want him to hit women? If the answer is no then go.
Do you want the cycle to continue through your kids ? You know in your heart what to do x
Run as fast as you can, you will never change him.
You already know if you have to post this.
This man IS ABUSING your children and you don’t know if it should continue. Think about that.
This is what I understand.
- Save and protect your children. He’s yelling at an INFANT.
- Be a caring and loving and PROTECTIVE Mother.
Single is irrelevant. Your children are IN danger from a MONSTER.
3.His own Mother is SCARED for all of you. - WAKE UP! GET OUT NOW!!
Get out now. You and you’re kids deserve better.
Leave him. Wtf? It’s your responsibility to protect your kids from people like that, not subject them to being abused. Why is this even a question?? It’s better to be a single mother than to raise kids in an abusive situation, he’s a sad excuse for a gather figure and your kids deserve better. Stop being selfish and really think about what’s best for them
It’s probably not going to change so do what’s best for you and especially your kids.
Get out now. Your kids and you deserve a better life. I was in a abusive relationship as well with a child an it was scary leaving but I did and now 10yrs later I’m alot better off and thankful that I left.
Leave. You need to put your kids and yourself first.
Time to go. Even his momma is worried about his behaviors. He is abusive end of story. GET OUT NOW
If you have to ask the question you already know the answer
If you work, you need to put him out and get his mom and the police to help you. Domestic violence is never okay and that’s what you’ve already experienced. Your kids shouldn’t have to grow up in a household like that. If you don’t work, get a job so you can pay the bills even if it’s a wfh job. Just something that’s enough to afford the rent, electricity and water bills as well as food. I hope it works out for you.
Soooo what’s the question??? LOVE your KIDS and YOURSELF!!! just end it before you end up on the news!!
He is being abusive, and people like this tend to escalate and it’s a step process so you won’t even see it happening until it’s really bad.
Raising your children on your own is a million times better than raising them in an abusive home. You know what you need to do and you are strong enough to do it. Hugs, mama.
Leave simple as it doesn’t get better
Go now. He is emotionally damaging your children. And for heavens sake don’t have anymore kids.
And why are you even asking this question ??? Better to be safe than sorry… better to be single and safe for your family then with a LOSER and damaging your family!!!
You need to get out soon. No one should get mad at a 4 mo. old. You can make it by yourself. You need to have Jesus in you life. He will help you through.
Leave now!! Don’t wait!!! Get your stuff and get out.
Get rid.kids first everytime
Yes leave that is verbal abuse which is just as bad if not worse than physical abuse get the kids out of it You can get help for y’all .If he won’t get help then leave because hes not going to change
Do not stay with this person.
Get out as fast as you can
Listen, he will continue to put his hands on you. You gotta just leave. I know it’ll be hard. But itll be for the better. Plus who knows, you may find a person who will never raise their voice in anger.
PROTECT those babies what he is doing is abuse and your job as a mother is to protect them from anyone no matter what
Time for him to go or you to go. Kids are in the mix. Separation needs to happen.
You are seriously asking if you should leave him? He is calling your kids names and has put hands on you. You need to leave him like yesterday!! I don’t understand why this is even a question.
Girl, there is absolutely no reason on the world for you to stay! You are not doing anyone any good by staying
And the emotional effect on your kids will be there for a long time!
I think you know the answer deep down. It isn’t the easier option but will be the one you won’t have regrets or have your kids needing serious help later on in life. Physical and mental abuse is NEVER okay.
Kids always come before a man period. If he ain’t good to your kids he ain’t going to be good to you period. Leave.
Leave. You’re strong enough to raise those three babies on your own. You don’t need a man who doesn’t love you and your children. It will only get worse the longer you stay, please leave.
Be gone, your kids come before any man. So sorry you are going thru this.
Why are you even asking? Are you serious? Kids come first🤨
If he is not willing to get help. Stop doing this and change his life around u need to get out. Those babies don’t have the choice to stay or leave you do. U are their protector. They will suffer for years and have issues as adults w his abuse. I know it’s hard alone but please put them babies first. Verbal abuse is worse to me
You know how on the news you see a man arrested for killing the girlfriend’s child and everyone asks “how did this happen?” Well you my dear are in that same predicament and only time will tell if it will happen. The good news is you don’t have to wait, you can leave now. This is your opportunity. The fact that you said “he hasn’t hit them” made me read outloud “yet”. What’s scarier, being a single mom of three or a single mom of two and a dead child knowing you could have prevented it?
Of course it’s the right thing to leave before anything awful happens…kids safety and your safety should be number 1 priority…
Your kids will grow up with his anger issues thinking its ok,if he isnt willing to change,you need to leave for the sake of your childrens wellbeing
Why are you still there?
The fact that you ask means you already know what to do. If you stay, Your children will grow up thinking they are worthless. I’ve been a single parent, and I would be a single parent all over again if I ever felt my partner was a bad influence on my children. Be brave, you are stronger than you think!! Move on, protect your children and show them no one deserves to be in your life if they are abusive. Good luck.
You should leave . It’s not healthy for you or your children. He needs help and if you all mean enough to him he will do it… good luck
Get out. Hes an asshole
Run girl, it will only get worse, those kids deserve better
Why is this even a question? Get those babies out of there
You already know exactly how to handle this situation… GET OUT NOW!
Run, very quickly, like, yesterday!!! I PROMISE you it will only get worse.
Its time for you to think about your kids . Sometimes we have to walk away from love and start over when we dont want to. You can do this. It will be healthier for you and your children. No one deserves this. There is help out there to get you the resources you need.
Why are you still there?
If you want to live like that give up your kids! Save them a lifetime of damage.
Get out, now!If he cant control his anger how long do you think it will be before hr hurts you or the kids. Babies cry. Kids have sccidents when they are learning to potty. If he cant understand these things, your childten are in danger. I know. I lived it. Get out.
He’s doing what he’s doing because you allow it!!Leave him and be the queen that you are
Its better to be a single parent then let a man continue to abuse children that don’t even belong to him and you. Name calling is a form of abuse what they see and hear at home continues in their life and they bring that to their table as an adult if you dont fix it you have to sit at the table and watch your children be treated in that manner and say nothing because that will be normal to them.