Should I stay or leave?

No man would EVER speak to my child like that. Your kids come FIRST-PERIOD


You already know the answer. Leave.


Leave him. The verbal abuse he is inflicting on your children is nothing but child abuse!!

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He’s abusing your children and you are allowing it. Why are you choosing him over them? Get out


You need to get out now. Your kids will have problems if not only now but later in life. They will think it is normal. And the cycle will continue when they have their own kids. The anger and abuse will only increase as they are older. If you get out now. Your kids are at the age they will probably forget because they are young. There are shelters and help with social services. They will help you , give you money and set you up in a apartment. You can do it. I only tell you this because my ex husband was abusive and drinking everyday. He even had the phone cord around my neck one time. I didnot have kids. When this happened they didnot have shelters or help. Like they do today. Please if not for you. Do it for your kids. Believe me it will escalate as the kids grow. Call social services, welfare or womens shelter. Biden passed some new help for mother and kids. There is alot available now.

He’s put his hands on you, you should of left after the 1st time. ( physical abuse)He’s calling your kids names( verbal abuse) he gets angry at a 4 month older, you argue almost every day. you need to leave now, before he hurts or kills one of you! I really don’t think He is a father figure you should want for any of your kids!

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Get away from this man before your kids are permanently harmed and scarred and damaged from this toxic relationship because you’re afraid to be single!

To be frank, you are letting a man abuse your children, point blank. This needs to end. Being single is so much better than what YOU are putting your children through. You may not be the one putting your hands on them or yelling at them but YOU are allowing it to happen & allowing it to continue. Your children and you deserve better than this & it’s up to you to get it


Leave. It’s never okay for someone to put their hands you, there’s no reason for him to call your children names - That’s verbal abuse and abuse is abuse.

He knows what he’s doing and my dear you need to kick him out. Leave him and don’t let someone bully you and your kids.

He needs professional help for himself and needs to get support around understanding child development and parenting. If leaving isnt an option as not always talking about what your needing in the relationship. Do some research on parenting groups offered by local social services and look at how you could go together. Or check out some online resources has some easy to read resources or on social media MrChazz MrChazz has some really cool videos that explains and explores some techniques and communication skills.

At the end of the day he is the current role model for your children, they will start taking on that anger response and giving it back which causes a cycle and could get dangerous with how your partner reacts.

Why are you still with him? Get rid end of story.

Ok I couldn’t even get through the whole post due to by the third sentence you had said he yells and calls your young children names about 3 times… if he is doing that you need to get out now. Go to a shelter, family,friends anywhere but there. These poor babies are going to be damaged for life if you don’t act now. You are their mother, their only protection, the one who is supposed to keep them safe so please for the love of God just leave


You’ll be so much happier without him. So will your kids

Scary… I wouldn’t trust someone like that around my kids. And if you can’t trust him around your children then what are you doing with them? He stuck hands on you. Your kids are watching this and soaking it up. They’re going to think that’s what love it.

The right thing would be to get your kids away from that toxic behavior.

Guys he needs help, let’s not be negative he his on pills so he needs a therapist

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Yeah you definitely need to leave. You are letting him treat you this way and if you really think he wont hit the kids then you are in serious denial…get out before he kills you or your babies.

Leave…do it alone…if you stay you and the kids may noy make it out

Why put your kids through that just because you’re afraid of being a single mom…? Get rid of him now, before something really bad happens to your children.

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Get out now. It sounds like he might hurt you or the kids

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I think you know the answer if you are asking…

Why are you even questioning this decision…Every sentence and every statement in your post is answering yourself loud and clear….a good solid kind and loving man is out there just waiting for you and your children​:heart:don’t make him wait to long and quit giving this selfish abusive man anymore of your time…your kids are depending you to give them better…minimalism the damage being done to them and yourself…always, and I mean always; people are how they act…not what they say​:heart::heart:do better​:heart:


Really don’t know why you’re asking if you should stay or leave when you say all this. I wouldn’t even hesitate to leave and keep my children safe. This man is abusive. Use your head.

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run for the door. get out of there asap.

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How bad do you really need a man??? Stop being selfish LEAVE.


You have to get those kids in a stable atmosphere what he is doing is not good for you or the kids

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Oh hell no. Mama, anyone that attacks your kids like that should get kicked to the curb no question!!!

You need to leave. The name calling is eventually going to affect the children’s abilities to be confident in themselves and it’s going to end up causing them a lot of mental health issues in the future. What he’s doing to your kids is abuse. Mentally and emotionally.

Pack and run and do not look back

Don’t let anyone tear down your kids. Talking to kids like that and putting his hands on you. The fear of the unknown, being a single parent would be my last concern. Fear of what you know is currently going on and what will likely get worse should be paramount. Yelling at the kids and calling them names is a deal breaker in my book, putting his hands on you is just icing on the cake. If ever you doubt yourself think of this and this is what I have strived to do.
Live your life as you would want your children to live theirs.

What would you do and what would you say to your children if they were in a physically and mentally abusive relationship?

I love you and the kids is just to keep you where he wants you. Actions speak louder than words, all you have to do is look. I’m not going to lie, being a single parent is daunting especially in the beginning of a new chapter where you second guess yourself on just about everything. Once I found my balance things looked up and the better I was at balancing my kids and work the better I became as a person overall. Establish rules for yourself and make those your boundaries going forward. I have missed out on potential opportunities for partners along the way but looking back I don’t regret it because they would have taken me off of my path and what was right for mine and my children’s lives. Had I not had those children to help mold me and build up my resolve I would be in a much worse place today. I wish you the best in your challenges.


You’re seriously asking what you should do??? Wow.


Leave, before something happens

You need to leave, that’s what you need to do. Leave and do not turn back.

Get the hell out, this isn’t a man, boy, guy or person in my opinion… he’s trash & will most likely remain a POS. People with evil in their hearts usually stay that way, get out before you’re on the news!

You really have to ask this question? Put your children first and run from this man.

How is this even a question ? From when his getting mad at your child run for the hills

this is a joke right ? your not really putting your own need for this creature to be in your life over the saftey and the fact this man is verbally abusing your babies.
i would seek councilling and maybe have your children stay with someone who is safe untill you get your crap together,
seek a councillor !
i am
shocked this is even a question and i feel honestly sad for your babies

Your children should always come before any man for you to even still be there after the first time is showing him that he means more than your children do


Get out. Your children do not need to be exposed to that abuse and neither do you.


If you stay you’re as bad as he is.

If your post is for real, you know what you should do and only you can make that decision. If you need strength & emotional support to do it, get counseling for you and your children, Early Childhood is there for the baby also.

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Nope. I’ve told my husband to bring any issues he has with my child to ME, not her. If he even looks at her wrong I told him I’d divorce his ass. Too many women let MEN treat their BABIES AWFUL and what happens?? I think we all know…. If he’s put his hands on you, it won’t be the last and you won’t be the only one in that household once he’s comfortable abusing you, he will move onto your children. Sad you even have to ask.

Mental/emotional abuse is just as bad as physical and those kids are too young to be dealing with that kind of trauma. Get them away from him. Their brains are little sponges and everything he says to them, the names he calls them will stick with them and can give them issues as they grow older. Do what’s best for your children. They don’t need a father figure when this guy clearly isn’t that. They need stability and comfort and love

Leave. The kids deserve to be treated better and you also deserve to be treated better.

People on here are judgmental and rude. Shame on some of you. It’s not ok to be putting down someone who obviously came for support. Some of you are just as bad as her man. Smh

If you dont want to end up in a hospital one dsy, you’ll leave him. He could hurt them very easily.

What are you waiting for?

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And you want him for your kids step-dad…put your kids first

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He can say he loves you and your kids, but his actions say something completely different. Please choose you and your kids well-being over this man.

Get rid of him. If he is verbally abusing your children and physically abusing you why are you questioning what to do… Your kids are your priority.

LEAVE and do not look back.

Your Children come FIRST!! PERIOD! If he is calling them names, yelling at them all the time, etc. This is NOT GOOD FOR YOUR KIDS. HE NEEDS THERPY AN HELP …or I would leave. You need to protect your kids!! Your kids do NOT DERSERVE to be treated like that. Do the RIGHT THING FOR YOU AN YOUR CHILDREN!!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Wtf! Is this really better then being a single mum?? Putting your kids through traumatic experiences instead? And them being/seeing abuse?
Those poor babies need a safe loving home where they can express themselves how ever they need to! And you being there mother should be providing that for them!! Leave!!!

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GET OUT NOW !!! He will never change

Leave before you can’t :frowning:

You need to leave and never look back. This will not get better, only worse. Save your children and yours years of abuse.

Girl, leave that man!

I have been where your at,no end to the abuse,you can provide better for your children if you leave him,you can support yourself and your children much help in the state and government offices and he can pay chikd support, wish you all the best but the first step is hard but it does get better :heart::blue_heart:

Please leave as soon as possible. You and your children deserve so much better. No dad is better than one like him. With his actions he could and probably will eventually hit your babies or even worse. Leave before it’s to late. Praying for a quick and easy escape for you and your babies :pray:

It’s time to go. If DSS gets involve, you will lose custody of all of your children because you willingly put them in a dangerous situation. They will define that as negligence. I have seen it before and I am trying to let you know. Your kids are always first. If he has a problem with it then, show him the door.

Sad realisty is that you are stuck in an abusive realationship and you are making excuses for his behaviour. I think your childrens needs should come b4 your own. What postitivity does this man bring to your life? Your children are going to be raised beliving that abuse is okay and that is sad, more sad that your allowing your children whom your suppose to protect to be abused aswell. Your children are not safe in your care and i hope someone close to you sees this post and reports you to children services.

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Easy love your kids first.get out

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You already know. LEAVW

You know what to do, you already answered that question yourself. So do it, get away now for the sake of your kids & yourself.

Admin have a duty of care to report incidents as this to the police, so if i was you id be getting yourself out of that situation before children services turn up on your door and make that decision from you.

Leave leave leave it’s the right thing to do for u and kids

Baby, you can do this single. There are a lot of us who had to do it single. Please be safe trust your mommy’s gut. If it says run, do it. Please, you will be doing yourself a big favor. YOU are WORTH it!!:heart:

I can’t believe your more worried about being a single mom then worrying about ur kids life n safety. Your just as bad as he is.


Leave before it’s too late! Those kids will be scared for life and will most likely end up with behavioral issue soon if you stay!

It’s better to be single mom then to be a punching bag and to put your kids though it walk away.

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Get rid of him sooner than later he won’t change believe me theirs s lot of help out their wish you the best of luck your a great mother you don’t take abuse any more


I will tell you this… My ex husband was abusive. He would call me and my kids names. He was physical with me. I stayed because I was afraid to be a single mom and thought the kids needed their Dad…I was completely wrong! You don’t realize how much damage it causes them to be in that situation. I finally left when I found out my 16 year old was cutting herself. She broke down and begged me to kick out her own father! I held her for an hour after that while she was hysterical. None of them ever said anything before that. My kids now have depression and anxiety from him. I feel like I failed as a parent. I know I wasn’t the abusive one, but I allowed it to happen by staying! It may be scary to think of doing it on your own, but the consequences of the abuse are scarier! Please don’t let that happen! You’re kids emotional health means more

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You know what to do momma. Babies come first you can’t take back anything that may hurt or god forbid kill them.

What are you waiting for? Leave for your kids sake and yours.

Leave Before Something Awful Happens!

Leave if you can’t do it for your self at least do it for your kids

Girl you better leave… no man will ever call my child names and I’m still with him. My child comes first and your kids should too

Why you women keep breeding with these assholes??
Collecting kids as you go.
Fucking them up, putting them through so much at such a young age.
Shame on you!!

Get out of there now . It will only get worse.

I’m sorry but you and your kids come first. LEAVE!


Leave now! It doesn’t get better, those babies and you deserve better. You can do this

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Damn his Pp must be real good to actually want to be a woman first than a mother.
Leave. Those kids dont deserve that! I hope we never listen to your story on the headlines of the news because it will be sad that YOU or one/all your kids are Dead because YOU were too scared to be single again.

Get rid of him. How long has been acting like thst towards u and yr kids? U need to pick yr balls up and kick him to the kurb. Those kids will grow up having anger and mental health problems because of whats going on in the home.

Get out of your situation. I was where u are yrs. ago. It damaged my daughter. He will never change, I know.


I didn’t even read your entire post. After reading the part where he’s calling your toddlers stupid, I have your answer……leave!


Just from your post you can tell you put him first you have serious issues and should never have brought 3 babies in to this world if you were not going to protect them grow up and leave

Leave an abusive relationship. Please consider your kids.

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Leave…what this is doing to your children is VERY damaging to their mental health and may take years to correct. Get away from this guy fast!!

Wtf did i even just read. Do you actually need to ask people if you should leave a man thats cussing your fkn 3 year old kid out. Mate there should be no asking the question you should got your babies the hell out of there. YOU are your children’s voice, YOU are your child’s protector… I’d seriously consider getting out before he does more harm


Absolutely leave you are :100: doing the right thing for you and them babies!!!

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Leaving is the right thing. You wouldn’t want your children to grow up and be in a relationship like that, or be the person that he is. Leave and don’t look back, look forward and keep on going forward.


RUN don’t walk your kids deserve better and so do you. Prayers

I know it’s scary to think about being alone, and this is a difficult situation. But when children are involved, you have to do what’s right for them. You are the only voice they have. I hope you have a support system of friends or family to help you. Either way, you have to leave him.

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Leave you are stronger then you think. You are a warrior to your babies. No good for their mental health if you stick around. Be strong and be that warrior within you!

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My daughter’s both have gone through similar situations…get the hell away from him…NOW

If you leave are you doing the right thing? Well lets explore the alternative: you stick around and wait and see. He gets a little extra drunk one day and hits, shakes or kills one of the kids or you in front of the kids. You’re not HIS flipping mother. You can’t and won’t fix him. What you are, is your KIDS mother, keep them safe. Kids are better off with no male parent than an mentally abusive alcoholic. And even if he never kills anyone do you want your kids to grow up with him as a damn example? You are the leading lady, stop acting like you’re an just an extra in the movie that is your life.

I can not for the life of me believe what I just read. If you need to ask people if you should leave a relationship in which your son is being mistreated as well as other things happening…then YOU are the problem. Of course u leave. Jfc…:expressionless::frowning_man::woman_facepalming:


Single is better than having a dead child. All it takes is one time for him to lose control.