Leave now. Or fuck up yourself and your kids. Period. Choose them not him. That simple
He sounds like a ticking time bomb! Get out now.
Move on get , put your children first you’ll be better for leaving.
He’s traumatizing and abusing the kids…why wouldn’t you leave? maybe he has even put his hands on them when you weren’t around.
Hoe many times does he have to put his hands on you before you leave??
Escape as fast as you can
Get rid of him please, for the sake of your children!!
Protect those babies.
He needs help that you cannot give unfortunately
Leave. That’s the kind of person that could seriously hurt you and/your children mentally or physically. Please, break the cycle while you still have a chance.
Sounds like we will be seeing you in the news for not protecting your kids.
Leave leave leave. Yesterday. Just get out now.
Ummm for one as soon as he started yelling and calling your kids names u should have kicked him to the kerb
If you think this is normal??..you need help! Don’t question or wonder. Get you and your kids’ outta there!!
Leave.What kind of example are you setting for your children?
Why would you want someone in your life that treats your kids like that?
Leave him. Better off without him. Could escalate to physical abuse.
leave before you have baby number 4
Run out with those babies before you regret it and he hurts them. You are allowing them to be mentally abused
First time he put his hands on me that would have been it for me.
Run fast and don’t look back ever
The fact that you are asking I think you may already know your answer
If you love your children “LEAVE”. That’s emotional abuse. Poor babies.
You’re letting him abuse your children.
Single mum of 3 safe healthy kids or 3 kids with mental health scars because mum cared more about being with an abusive man, hmmmmm
Why would you want your kids around that? You need to put YOUR kids first and leave. PERIOD
Omg. How is this even a question? Your job right now is to raise your children (without exposing them to abuse)
Leave him ASAP!! It will only get worse!! Speaking from personal experience…
Yes! You and your kids deserve better!
Get the hell out. It won’t get better and he won’t change. Take your kids and leave.
Get the hell out he’s doing damage to the children and hitting is never ok
Take your babies and get out of Dodge and never look back you and your babies are in danger because it’s only going to get worse
I don’t know how you got yourself Into a 3rd baby with him… only making it harder to leave now but still you need to leave this doesn’t sound good. Leave before you get a 4th baby from him. Be strong you can do it! For those poor innocent precious babies. They will be emotionally traumatized forever if you stick around !
You need to move out and he clearly needs parenting classes. In this case, your are better on your own.
No one deserves to be mistreated as a women and as a child. As a mother is going to be tuff but you need to do what is better for your kids.
He can be around as a dad. But not full time care as a partner and leave alone the child with him.
leave i would not let anyone treat my kids like that
Get out and don’t look back. You and your kids deserve better. Your children will learn his behavior.
There is actually only you who can make the decision, and I guess you know what the answer is but wont take the final step. Unfortunately no one else is living your life, but if it were me I would be writing down a list of the pros and cons of staying or going, what effect staying has on the children and yourself, now and long term, and base your decision on the outcome. But in the end, you have to make the decision yourself.
The fact that his mother is worried should tell you his bad behaviour started a long time ago and will only get worse make a plan to get away from him the sooner the better.
You are a very bad mother, women like you should not have kids. What kind of women are you cause you sure as hell aren’t a mother. You have chosen to care and put a penis before your kids. Sorry not sorry get your tubes tied and put your kids up for adoption, if you have to ask after knowing he verbally abusing your kids your should not have them period.
I’m speaking on someone who has borderline personality disorder, BP 2, and intermittent explosive disorders. So I GET mental issues and that’s never a reason not to date someone BUT he’s got some issues he needs to handle ALONE. He’s got to figure out his triggers and coping mechanisms…
Mental problems is NO excuse to get physical. My mental issues calls for ALOT of rage but I’ve learned in my MANY years of therapy and meds that you have to identify the issue at hand and remove yourself before it gets too far. It’s a daily battle. If I walk off I’m seen as I don’t care. When in reality something SO small triggers me and if I don’t remove myself from the situation I’ll rage. I HAVE to redirect my brain and it’s thoughts onto one of my many coping skills that work for me.
He needs some help before he hurts yall. You are not the one qualified to help him though.
All of that said. I’d leave him…he needs to figure himself out.
Go to therapy together ASAP and go from there.
Get smart shouldn’t even be a question. Get out. Why post it so what’s right.
You should be more worried about your childrens safety than being a single mom, I’m not tryna judge you but the moment he started mentally abusing my children I would have left his sorry ass!
Your babies should always come first. Children are the innocent one’s. My prayer is God give you the strength to get to a safe place . Children need a stable, loving environment so they can grow up and be stable, caring adults.
Never let someone speak to you or your children like that, NEVER
Don’t just leave, run…babe, he is not for you & your children & your kids can suffer emotional from his attitude & actions. It isn’t worth it as much as you may love him…other fishes in the sea, believe me.
You need to get you and those babies somewhere safe
Just crazy … you need to get out of there … for yourself & your children
Now, read what you wrote again to yourself but slowly. Your job is to protect the kids. There are shelters and support available. Use them
No one can tell you what to do. I can tell you what I would do, LEAVE!
You know what to do. Have the courage to do it.
There is something important you need to understand about this guy. There is nothing that you or anyone else can say or do. No magic phrase or action that will change his behaviors. The only person who can change them is him. If he wanted to be better he would make an effort. You doing this right or making sure that happens just right or making sure something doesn’t upset him is no way to live your life. It is unfair to you and your children. I understand he’s the only father figure they’ve ever had but do they really need a father figure like that? Do you want them to be in relationships where they are treated this way when they are older? Because staying in this situation is showing your kids that this is the “norm”. If it was your son or daughter in the situation…what would you tell them?
What are you waiting for? My God! Are you waiting for him to hit your child when you’re not around? OMG! This should not be asked, the answer is common sense.
You already know what to do baby just pull the cord . Its tuff out here im pregnant now with my third and while no physical abuse there is mental abuse and we deserve better .
hugs and prayers please grab your precious babies and run
Yes he shouldn’t hit u and I would be afraid for my kids tell him to get help or get out bottom line
Leave. Protect the kids and yourself. All of you will be happier without him. Having no man around is far better than having a verbally/emotionally abusive one.
Verbally abusing your kids, physically abusing you…not good. Take back your peace for yourself and your kids.
Is this a real question??? Mental abuse is still abuse and he is ABUSING your children. I didn’t read past him calling your kids idiots and stupid… you know what you need to do if you posted this.
Get those poor babies away from this imbecile, you all deserve better. He is a train wreck of a man who will damage you all.
OMG r you for real? get out asap thoes kids deserve better n so do you he wont change
You lost me at he calls a 3 year old stupid….
You need to protect your children FIRST.
Yes, you are doing the right thing. He has no respect for you or kids. Drinking on his medicine is dangerous and cause horrible outbursts of anger and irrational thinking. Anything can happen. Get out before it’s too late.
Leave. You can do this
You both need help. You for letting him verbally n mentally abusing you n your kids n him for anger management n then some. That’s a toxic relationship!
How are you even with a man who abuses your children? Those kids need better parents all around…
Take your kids and leave. Just how stupid are you? You allow a man to abuse you and your children? You’re a coward. Get out before he kills all of you.
You need to go hun. File for assistance, get somewhere safe. Like, now.
Yes get the kids and get the hell out before he hurts u ir the kids
I can’t believe your even asking this question !!! What are you 12. You want to be a moron and stay, thats fine, but let your kids be raised by someone with a brain in their head
I thing for certain, 2 things for sure; if you stay you’re doing the absolute wrong thing. Being there subjects your children to trauma they shouldn’t have to bear. When they’re older and have depression and anxiety themselves, think of this moment, and ask yourself was worth it.
If anyone spike to my kids like that I’d kick them out the door so fast
Who knows maybe you’ll get lucky and he’ll have a fatal seizure from drinking and taking meds. Problem solved.
Grow a pair and get out
You better go before someone gets physically hurt. All the yelling is not healthy fir those babies
Please leave before you slit his neck
You need to think of your children first. Being mean and verbally abusive is as bad as physical abuse. He is a grown man and can take care of himself.
Wow go back and read what you wrote and I mean read it you already know what you have to do protect your self and your children
I grew up in a house where verbal abuse went along with the physical I have been thrown into walls have had broken fingers and sprains leave either way it screws you up
You need to leave this relationship before DCF takes your kids or you wind up hurt or dead. Children need love n patience he has nothing to offer them. He also needs counseling for his anger. Try n find a church or seek legal council at your local police department n afk for guidance and help. Catholic charities or Salvation Army usually have many services to help you out.
LEAVE. Pretty obvious
U need to leave him now! It will just get worse! He is abusing u and the kids get out
wtf!!! seriously???
I never comment on these post but had to now, get out of this relationship it will never get better no matter his promises. I had two cousins go through this before they finally went the single mom route and after the initial hurdles were so grateful they did. They showed their children examples of strong happy women instead of weak beaten down versions. Be a shining Example for your children
He is stripping those kids of self respect, hes harming them emotionally and that’s not ok, he sounds like a narcissist and I’ve been there and thankfully got away. Take your babies and go cause your already a single mother … of 4!!!
leave before he kills one of yall
If you stay its gonna mess all your kids up. They’re so young. Don’t ever be afraid of doing it alone. Doing it alone is way better than them living with that. You’ll blossom, They’ll blossom too. And you’ll see how much better life is on the other side. Maybe he needs his meds altered. And if you leave that may be the push he needs. But NO child deserves that kind of life. That’s so sad.
you want your children to be treated like shit otherwise grow some balls knock the prick out and leave
I’m not trying to be rude, but sweetheart. If you’re not sure if you should leave him. Then you’re not cut out to be a mother.
Elysia Drizzy does this remind u of anyone? Sad to hear about stuff like this.
i would bring this relationship to a halt.
If you will not think of yourself
Then think of YOUR HELPLESS children.
You are all they have
To protect them
When something bad happened it’s too
Is just a word. You cannot go back and you know in your heart what you have to do.
take bad things away
Start stashing some money away. The end will come. You will know when you had enough. But you will have to be the one that’s had enough. There are programs out there for single women.If you ever feel there is no where to turn there is always Turning Point. They will help you.
Run. Kids first and foremost!!! You are their protector.
OMG really!! Adults should need to pass a test before being able to have children, your poor kids having to deal with this selfish ‘dad’ figure
There is a lot of help out there for and the kids! Leave now! The worst thing for your kids is to keep them in an abusive household!
You’re a SINGLE MUM already. Relationship or not is he ACTIVELY parenting!
Leave fast!!! If his mom is worried about you and the kids that is a Very bad sign. If you love your kids go to a woman’s shelter right now!!!
Dump him and move if possible
How in the name of God have you stayed and watched someone emotionally abuse your toddlers and infant?! Get him out of their life ASAP. Record everything possible to make sure custody is no contest. Get the hell out.
Run and don’t let him know where you are
Leave now and go to your nearest women’s shelter. They will assist and guide you as to what to do next