Should I stay with my boyfriend?

Leave him. You will be much happier in the long run.

I just read 2 lines ā€¦he cheated and you still with him. Really

Wow!Not touching this one.

You should have left when he cheated. You should leave him now. You have to love yourself.

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Leave it only gets worse and if he cared he d stay work it out not run to another woman

If he is running to another woman everytime you have a fight, you need to leave. It isnā€™t going to get better. He can not be trusted and he knows that. This is why he is treating you that way when he returns. Itā€™s time to pack up your child and yourself and leave. Donā€™t look back, remove him from all your social media. He is not a Christian.


Why are these questions :thinking: you know what to do. Any self respecting individual wouldnā€™t put up with sh*t like thisā€¦ unless you donā€™t respect yourself?

Iā€™d be packing his bags nd chucking send his to his bit on the side like

Once a cheat always a cheat.

You your child deserves so much better

1 good parent is better than 2 parents where there is no trust. He cheated once he will do it again. A leopard never changes itā€™s spots. Run while you can.

Heā€™s a manipulative lying pig
He is playing games with you and the other woman
You both will loose
Leave you deserve much better even being on your own is better than the way you feel now

Once a cheater always a cheater kick him to the curb you will be better off

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Get rid of that looser your waisting your time

Nopeā€¦pack up and run

Run run run as fast as you can

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Do yourself and your child a huge favor let him go heā€™s not worthy have self worth and be secure in yourself so you can raise your child with the right morals and respect your child deserves it if you let him stay your child will pick up as time goes on the traits of what he sees. Your well being and your child has to be number one priority. This guy is not a man or a father your better than that. Think of yourself and your child first, heā€™s not worth the time or energy. Good Luck

If heā€™s questioning you itā€™s because heā€™s done something not you hunny. Untill heā€™s ready to be fully honest you will forever have this type of relationship with him.

He questions your every move because he is the dirty one.
He sounds like a massive knob head :joy: heā€™s all over the place . Do yourself and son a favour and let him go

If hes a Christian, why is he living with you as a boyfriend?

Hes a joke , just wants his cake to eat it too , put down boundaries and stick to them , dont vuy into his crap

Meh! Get rid of himā€¦ so many other great blokes out there that will treat you right.

Get rid of him. He wants his cake and eat it!!!

Run forest run you deserve better

Gtfo girl. It doesnā€™t get better, and itā€™s already unbearable. Heā€™s playing little boy games, not acting like a man/partner/father. You most definitely can do better than that! Dump his ass.

Donā€™t say you are with him for your childs sake please. He is shouting from the rooftops that he has 0 respect for you

He is a narcissist. Run sister, run!!!

Itā€™s called projecting. Heā€™s done wrong, so to make himself feel better, he projects on you that you have also done wrong. His world makes no sense to him if he is actually the scumbag, so therefore you must be equally scummy.

On top of that, if he cheats when there are no wedding rings, he will cheat when you get married too. I do believe some people can be one time cheaters. But his continuous going back to her proves he will keep doing it.

Dump him. He can see the kid every other weekend and 2 weeks during the summer or whatever the typical joint custody arrangement is now. Christian, walking the walk or not, isnā€™t even a factor here. There are plenty of Christian men who donā€™t cheat. Go find one of them.


He sounds like a narcissistic posā€¦ tell that clown to gtfo!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I stay with my boyfriend?

I feel like when people ask for advice on this they already know the answer. You donā€™t need 50 plus people to tell you what your heart and mind have already told you. He will only continue to do the same thing over and over because you allow him to do it. Get your head out of your butt and stand up for yourself you have got to have more self respect than this girl. Woman always say there are no good men any more well partially thats because woman allow men to walk all over us with no consequences for their actions. We donā€™t demand them to be good men anymore. Would you sit back and allow your son to treat a woman this way or if you had a daughter would you allow her to think this is how woman should be treated if the answer is no then stand up put your big girl panties on and move on have the back bone you would want your kids to have in a situation like this.


He is no Christian man it is easy to say you are. I would say he is more of a narcissist deflecting his mistakes as yours. I would have more respect for myself and leave. That behavior is not going to change.


Sweetie this is not a Christian man. A Christian man will not behave and/or treat you this way. You have got to walk away from this and learn to set your standards high from the beginning regardless if you are just dating. This will weed out all the bad apples. Know your worth so you wonā€™t have to have someone question it later. But above all, love and respect yourself and know your worth as a human being, person, girlfriend,mother, and ultimately as a phenomenal woman that you are. Much love.


A cheater will make you feel like it you.I been there I had to get out before it my sonā€™s would think it was ok to fight & call name :name_badge: at each other Walk Way


RUN and never go back.


He doesnā€™t trust you because he cheats. If he makes you feels as though everything is your fault and doesnā€™t take any responsibility for his actions, he is not the one for you.


BYE, you should not be with someone who cheats on you, looks for her when you fight, and canā€™t own up to his faults instead blames you or points the finger at your faults.


Run the other way and donā€™t look back


LEAVE NOW . Donā€™t look back! He cheated on you for one. You need to know your worth! He doesnā€™t trust you because he knows what heā€™s doing so he has it in his mind ā€œif Iā€™m doing it so is sheā€ . Doesnā€™t matter if yā€™all have a kid together staying with him is showing your son that itā€™s ok to treat the spouse that way and to act the way he does. Get out find happiness itā€™s not going to be easy at first but it will be worth it


Heā€™s not a Christian man!! Leave and wait for the one that God blesses you with. You will know him by his fruits. Galatians 5:22-23. One of those fruits are faithfulness.


If he were a true Christian he wouldnā€™t be pointing fingers & judging ppl, rather he would try & lead them to the Lord. I say trust your gut. It sounds like you have your mind made up already.


Leave ! He sounds very manipulative and you do not need a partner who runs off every time things get rough.


Oooo girl thatā€™s called gaslighting & manipulation and itā€™ll destroy who you are. I was in the same boat. Married with children for 4 years to the man and let me tell you since I left Iā€™ve been GLOWING. Iā€™ve lost weight, gotten a better job, gotten more active, Iā€™m so much less stressed. Itā€™ll just get worse until yā€™all end up hating each other.


I always quote a line from Lauryn Hill, ā€œBaby girl, respect is just a minimum.ā€ You have to respect yourself enough to set boundaries, that donā€™t allow people to disrespect you or the relationships you have with them. Just because you have a son with him doesnā€™t mean you have to be with him. Itā€™s not stated how old your son is, but not only does how he treats you not only demonstrate how he feels about you, but it also can demonstrate to your son how he should treat women. He doesnā€™t sound like he is the type of role model you should want for your son.

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Time to go! You do not deserve to be second. Be strong for yourself and your little boy. He is also learning how to treat women by your example. Good luck.

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Take your son and walk your own walk. Your son doesnā€™t need to grow up thinking this is what men do. It will be a bit of a strain at first but it will get a lot better. You and your son need to be happy.

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Leave and go find yourself a real man. He is most definitely not worth your time, energy, stress or tears. Good luck


If heā€™s questioning your every move itā€™s because heā€™s doing something wrong! Respect yourself and get out!!


Itā€™s like a pattern you better off getting away from him that just gives him an excuse to the treat is the fighting get away from

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Leave! Been there, done that. Especially if he keeps going back to someone that he cheated with!


Thatā€™s because heā€™s still cheating on you! And making you look like the bad guy! Its not right for you to live like that when your doing nothing wrong and having a child involved! Leave his ass it will save you and your son a lot of pain and damage in the long run!! My ex husband did this all the time

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Once a cheater always a cheater show him you are not a full no more walk out that front door and tell him to go to hell

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Well if hes a Christian then he has God in a box that he pulls out when he needs to act self righteous. This is a common practice. This isnt a relationship with God. He calls himself a Christian because why? Does he go to church? I mean going into the garage doesnt make you are car. Saying you are a Christian doesnt make you one. He wants to control you and cheat with this other girl. Leave him and stop disrespecting yourself. And remember God loves you and there are many blessings to be had. Just not with him.

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Why are you still with him? Past time to put him to the curb. Find your self respect hun, you deserve better.

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If he cheated on you, move on. He doesnā€™t respect you and he doesnā€™t love you. Find someone you never have to question.

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Do you want to stay? Are you wanting to live through that? You said so yourself that you canā€™t go on like this so why do you? This man is a boyfriend those come and go itā€™s a marriage that you fight to fix and in some cases you have to let the marriage go. Why do this to yourself, be happy!!!

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Break it off with him. If he cheated one time he will cheat again. He knows he feels guilty so he shifts the guilt

You can do better and do deserve that! If he loved you he wouldnā€™t even know how to get ahold of her, and the fact that heā€™s constantly questions makes me wonder what heā€™s doing behind your back

First of all, anyone can CLAIM Christianity. It is what you said, walk the walk, talk the talk. A true Christian man will 1) be faithful. 2) will not cast stones. 3) will treat you as though you are queen. Do not settle. This man is using Christianity to benefit himself. He is not a Christian, and once you find a true, loyal, loving Christian man you will see the difference

You really need to ask? Find a better way for yourself n child you can do it just set your mind to it

Leave its him that has the issues heā€™s cheated on you thats why heā€™s so parra about you ā€¦get out now you deserve more

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I do not want to judge ā€¦ But his actions are not that other Christian man. I think you have reevaluated your situation enough times to know that itā€™s time to leave. Move on, go forward without him. Be a good person, do what is right, get active in a Bible believing church and God will provide for you in so many ways including providing a mate according to his will that will value and love you

you better leave him!! thatā€™s not a christian man! he has issues!

Get out while you can. This is definately not Christain behavior

Heā€™s not a Christian man. Going to church doesnā€™t make you Christian

Christians fall down tooā€¦but you already know the answer to your questionā€¦Why do you need confirmation from strangers?..

Heā€™s the guilty one. Iā€™d try counseling first if he says no then Iā€™d leave

This is the classic behaviour of a very narcistical person. He feels guilty about cheating and questions youā€¦ the problem is him not uā€¦

Run like your head is on fire and your backside is catching

He is definitely cheating & accusing u. Leave him it will be healthier for u & ur son.

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Run dont walk as far away as you can

Itā€™s simple leave. Heā€™s messed up!

every person that goes to church is not a Christianā€¦

My advise is, run and run fast. It will never change!! Save yourself the trouble now and find someone deserving of you. Respect yourself, because he sure isnā€™t!!

The fact he jumps between u both says it all just leave him :woman_facepalming:xx

Leave before you have kids with him.

Leave him now while the getting good! Never look back!

Yes you need to leave now hes not going to stop cheating.

Move on before he knocks you up

Narcissistic jerk. He makes you feel like itā€™s your fault that he cheats. Get out.

Leave your life will be much happier

If you need to ask the questionā€¦the answer is no.

No you need too move on.

Narcissism at its finest!

You already know the answer. Leave.

He keeps coming back and having you stick around because he knows you wonā€™t leave.
If you stick up for yourself and show him youā€™re done he has no excuse to keep coming back.

You answered your own question.

Sounds more like a Hypocrite

Guess what? You will know them by the " fruit" they bare. What does his life look like? That will tell you everything you need to know.

Leaveā€¦ best thing you can do for you and your childā€¦

Hi. Typically the only male commentator here. So heā€™s cheated, then when yall have issues he cheats again. Yes even if heā€™s just talking to her thatā€™s cheating. Dump this loser. You donā€™t deserve being treated that way. He can claim to be a unicorn but that doesnā€™t make it so. I can assure you heā€™s claiming Christianity for a feigned moral high ground to use against you. Do you want your son to grow up doing this sort of thing to women? He will with that as an example. Know your own self worth and find someone who will treat you with respect

Heā€™s still cheating. Leave him. Just because you have a child together doesnā€™t mean you have to stay. Donā€™t let your child see you sacrifice your happiness by just keeping the family together. Your child will suffer too. He isnā€™t a Christian man if he cheats and downs everyone. Heā€™s just a hypocrite.

Heā€™s a narcissist. Get out now. It will only get worse. If he was a true Christian man he wouldnā€™t treat you this way.

What would you tell a friend in the same situation?

He is far from being a Christian from what I read on your post.

Girl please, leave that loser. Hes only doing what you let him. You donā€™t need him. Move on and donā€™t look back

Leave him and move on.

Drop his ass like a hot potato girl.

He isnā€™t a Christian man ā€¦
Fake ass!
Leave him

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Drop him like a hot potato

Hit the door running and donā€™t look :eyes: back!

grow up and get out. problem solved