My grandpa “tapped” my child as discipline (on the hand) when i was not working…we do not hit in my household and my grandparents know this but he said it was just a reaction and didnt think about it before he did it and that he was sorry…now i feel uncomfortable sending my child over there to visit them unless I am there and my grandma is upset…am i over reacting about this? he said he did it because my child kept touching my grandmas plants and would not stop…but i feel there are other ways to get a 4 year old to listen
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I stop sending my child to his grandparents?
I would be upset yes but I wouldn’t stop sending my child to their grandparents. It sounds like uve spoke about the matter, got an honest answer, time to forgive and move on. Don’t punish ur child by not letting see their grandparents
Wow smh. Poor child, poor grandparents.
If you find another way to get a 4 year old to listen please let me know
Yea if you don’t want ur children punished by other people, u probably shouldn’t send them there without u.
It’s not like they beat your child. Kids gotta learn and sometimes that is the only way to get their attention.
I would be very clear about the expectations and consequences if they aren’t respected and followed through. But I would not without visits over this especially with an apology.
You are DEFINITELY overreacting. Jusy sayin…
Totally over reacting. A tap is not a bad thing
You are overreacting and probably a good thing he did cuz some house plants are poisonous. It was a hand slap seriously
Send the child if it happens again then don’t send them
You are overreacting 100%. You could learn from them honestly.
Give him a break, it sounds like it was just a reaction and everyone parents differently, he’s probably old school. If I were you, I’d apologize to him for blowing it out of proportion. Appreciate grandparents that love their grandbabies.
Over reacting for sure.
Seriously??? You wanna even think about stopping a relationship because of education… you are blowing this way outta the park…
Oh well find alternative child minding.Yes you are totally overreacting
Grow up! That is all! Lol
I mean a “tap” is not a “hit” I personally think you may be over reacting but it’s your kid. Why not deal with it instead of posting about it?
Overreacting especially that they apologized and I’m sure to won’t happen again. Plus a 4 yr old should stop when told
Overreacting big time!
Over reacting for sure
Tap is a hit? plus he apologized. Just that you are asking, I’d think you know you are overreacting.
I’d say you’re over reacting this is the 1st time you’ve seen anything like this. It’s not like he spanked your child. I have tapped my children’s hands when they don’t stop touching things like they are told. It makes them listen like oh there is a consequence I shouldn’t do that. Like I said it’s not like he spanked your child you are 100% overreacting.
What is this world coming too Tapped your child and now you are threatening to never send them over there unless you are there …
Ur definitely over reacting:roll_eyes:
Helped raise you didn’t he!
People are so soft now a days
Yes you are overreacting
Overreacting for sure. Ask your child if they’re so hurt by the tap that they never want to go there again. Guaranteed they say no.
Definitely overreacting!
Wayyyy overreacting, someone’s gotta discipline him and clearly it’s not you
Go apologize to Grandpa
I’ve accidentally spatted my nephews hand just out of pure instinct. It wasn’t out of disrespect to my sister n law and I immediately let her know I did it. I would be very upset if she kept my niece and nephews from me. I’m a baller aunt. I love them and they love me. I’d get it if they bent your child over and spanked their butt without your consent but to just instinctively spat a hand is not a good reason to dismiss a good grandparent.
You’re overreacting.
You’re making it seem like the grandparent hauled off and beat the child. A tap on the hand just gets their attention and doesn’t hurt them. Sometimes a child genuinely won’t listen.
Quit stirring up a massive situation and be thankful they’re gentle with just a tap and not abusing the child.
You’re really going to stop sending a kid to their great grandparents over this? Besides, they apologized and showed remorse. You’re crazy.
You should just keep your child with you 100% of the time… and PLEASE don’t take them out into public… the public doesn’t want to deal with your poorly behaving child…
Um…it was a tap on the hand…not a full on spanking…the child will be fine.
Please keep your child with you at all times because your child will get disciplined however that person does it in their household. Getting popped on the hand is nothing. Keep touching stuff and you will get a lot more than a pop on the hand. A 4 year old understands the word NO. Imagine if your 4 year old had a fork and was putting it into a electrical socket and GPA is saying no but little Erin isn’t listening and gets shocked you going to be mad for real then.
I don’t think I even need to say it lol
Definitely overreacting! That’s so much to put them through over a mistake. You should apologize
who makes these posts? Some of these can’t be real .
I would have MUCH rather have had my hands tapped then spanked with a sorority sized paddle with holes drilled in it
100% overreacting
It’s okay to set boundaries yes, but don’t hurt your grandparents feelings. This ain’t there first rodeo with kids ya know
Wow… kids need discipline…not abuse…which is what happened… you are over reacting… this is why kids grow up being little jerks to their parents…because there was no structure or discipline to begin with
If they did it without thinking and apologized I think it’d be fine. A tap on the hand isn’t that big of a deal, i understand you don’t want them to be hit but mistakes do happen and they’re human too. If they’d full blown just knocked him across the room I’d fully understand not sending them over again. But over a tap that was absentminded and apologized for instead of excuses made, forgive and let go. As long as it doesn’t continue it’s fine.
Discipline is what’s missing in society today. Grandparents were raised in a different time, when you got a spank, or smack on the hand. I wasn’t an angel, but I turned out to be a decent adult. I disciplined my kids the same way, just didn’t have to do it often.
A tap on the hand is not going to traumatize your son. I think you are completely overreacting.
Stop telling her she’s over reacting you guys. It is her child. It is her right to do as she sees fit for HER child. If she doesn’t want anyone spanking her child, then so be it. Its not you’re kid. My nieces mom doesn’t allow my niece to get spanked. Yes, she is almost 3, she needs redirected, but not my child, I can’t do anything about it.
Over reacting big time!
Looking for an African comment… I guess this one is not in our jurisdiction
Definitely overreacting a 4 year old is old enough to listen. You need to make sure your child is respectful and follow directions. I would have popped him also if continued to do what I told him not to do.
Grow a set of balls. Lol
A tap on the hand?? 4 years old and they have to learn not to touch things especially after being told! Yes, you definitely overreact and should be extremely thankful to have you grand parents!! Lighten up…
It was a tap. Definitely overreacting!
I’d like to see you make it 18 with “no hitting”
Good luck.
Over reacting for sure. It was a tap…
Wazungu mna mambo lakini
why doesn’t your 4 year old already know to when told the first time? You’re over reacting for sure.
At least they told you.
A smack never hurt a child. I am sure he learned not to touch it again.
This gotta be a troll or someone trolling. Like who gets mad over this petty stuff?
Popped his hand??
And you’ve decided to focus on that… After he APOLOGIZED?? I’d ask you to not bring him around if your child can’t listen.
How would you feel then?
You are so lucky to have active grandparents in your childs life…
A tap on hand what did it hurt grown up woman he didn’t hurt the kid just letting him no he is not to both things
You’re overeating dear, your parents cannot hurt your child whatever your Dad did; he did it with love… He’s from an era where they didn’t spare the rod. But he raised you and he raised you well!
Don’t burn bridges you’ll need to cross again.
Your overreacting
It’s not like he cut his finger off or punched him
I approve of Grandpa disciplinary action! Sometimes a tap on the hand is needed if asking and telling a 4 yr old to stop!! Very overreacting!
If you can’t handle a tap on the hand with your child and are being this dramatic now. I have no clue how you’re going to make it all the years to come with this child. You could learn a lot from that generation and quite frankly if y’all are in your grandparents home you go buy their rules or don’t visit but YES YOU ARE BEING EXTREMELY RIDICULOUS knowing your years are shorter with your grandparents. Get over your gentle parenting crap.
He told you he did it and reacted and apologized. he didn’t have to say anything at all and could have kept it from you. alot of grandparents don’t keep kids these days and you complaining because yours popped your child’s hand?
Overreacting for sure
Just get over it. This country needs more of that now days.
If u question it Yesssss! but grandparents are your biggest/ best sitter.
Omg lol are you for real
If there is no abuse from your husband or you when you’re young Other than the warranted Spanking I don’t think you have anything to worry about they raised you or your husband proper Or did they
Is this real? definitely over reacting… I wouldn’t have even posted this lol kids need discipline, there’s a difference between a good butt whooping and abuse.
Definitely over reacting
I wish my kids could know their (dead) great grandparents and their living grandparents who choose to not have nothing to do with them. Be thankful for them wanting to be in your kids lives and help. That is all.
Is this serious or a joke? The fact that you even addressed the Grandparents over this is… insanity! You owe them an apology. Watch your own kid.
why you doing your grandparents like that lmao
I approve of Grandpa disciplinary action! Sometimes a tap on the hand is needed if asking and telling a 4 yr old to stop doesn’t work!! Very overreacting!
Maybe he will listen next time
Put the plants up … easy
Wow. With 7 kids im the hand popping queen. None are permanently traumatised.
Ik alot of people are sensitive af nowadays, but come on
I got some damn good ass whoopings when I was kid. I still feel a couple of them til this day. And I turned out just fine. It was a tap on the hand, so not a big deal. I use to be like you and said when I had kids I’d never spank them just because I didn’t like it when I was kid. Now that I’m a mom please I pop my kids when it’s something serious and they still hug and kiss me good night and wanna cuddle with momma at bed time.
You are being dramatic!! STOP BEING DRAMATIC!!
You are over reacting and doing that child an injustice. Proper discipline is the best form of love and respect.
I think everyone here would agree your FOUR year old obviously WASNT listening “there’s other ways to get him to listen.” Translation: he doesn’t actually listen but you know, maybe he will some day.
Most of us here also know why he doesn’t listen…
You’re overreacting - remember Grandpa came from a different time. Its not like he did something severe AND he apologized. Not worth breaking your grandparents hearts over…
He even apologized for a tiny hand Bob. Goodness sakes. If it was a repeat of ignoring your boundaries it would make sense but this is ridiculous.
You seriously just asked this we got bigger problems in today’s world then your 4yr old misbehaving child being tapped on the hand
Whose to say your from of discipline is correct and they are wrong?
Is this post actually for real?
Your child wouldn’t listen after being told to stop doing something, that means YOUR parenting isn’t working, but now you’re scared for your child to go to your grandparents over a tap on the hand?
Lord, I can’t.
Omg. Stop. You’re trying to raise a snowflake. A tap isn’t abuse. If a 4 year old won’t stop touching, a tap is fine. Gets their attention.
Bet he wont touch them plants again
Surely you’re joking…
lol rediculous !
A tap on the hand isn’t abuse. A tap on the hand gets their attention. You are over reacting and I hope this is a joke. Be grateful your child has grandparents who love him.
You’re over reacting
This is a joke right
I smacked my kids hand from time to time when they were misbehaving after being given a warning, they doing fine as adults.