Should I stop sending my child to his grandparents?

I think it’s probably ok sounds very harmless, but you seem overly uptight.
Give it another go with the grandparents and just keep eyes and ears open.

My heart aches for the grandpa that probably feels horrible and misses his grandson… definitely over reacting. Just remind them of how you would handle that, hopefully some kind of discipline to teach him it’s not ok to not follow rules. That poor child…he’s suffering too being taken from his great grandparents when so many kids never get the pleasure of even meeting their great grandparents or even grandparents for that matter. I never had grandparents. You should be thankful for their involvement in your child’s life. Should rethink this…good luck :heart:


Wow really?! Yes you’re overreacting! For one he apologized and for two it’s not a big deal. It’s not like he beat him. He patted his hand to get him to stop.


Um all they did is pop ur childs hand? If thats all you gotta worry about then dang! Sometimes kids needs to be popped by the way they act. Are you saying your gonna allow ur child to get by with everything and run you and everyone else?


Maybe you should take a lesson from Grandpa before your child gets to be rude and unmanageable like so many are lately. Children need discipline!

A tap?? You feel uncomfortable about a tap? What you should feel uncomfortable about is that you have a 4 year old that isn’t listening and stopping when he is told too. And you will feel really uncomfortable when he grows older and progresses into worse behavior and the cops are involved! Seriously! There is a difference between a tap, small physical punishment and outright abuse! You are not doing your child any favors by not providing consequences to bad behavior! And you owe your grandparents a BIG apology!! I’d cry and hang my head in shame acting like this with my grandparents and my child.


I swear most of these posts are fake lol. I’m strongly against any type of physical punishments. The guy seems to feel bad, I would give him another chance. It’s more difficult to change old behaviors and I believe him if he said it was a reaction. You’d have the right to be upset and make your boundaries more clear but if this is the only incident I’d be a bit more lenient

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I’d be thankful they cared enough and was actually paying attention to him and tried to warn him and it was just a tap did it even leave a bruise? I mean you survived him right? Now if he would have turned his hand black and blue it be a whole dif problem. Kids need discipline sometimes.


You’d just have to keep your kid if I were them. I’m not dealing with anyone’s bad child that doesn’t listen


She must be Gen z or a millennial. I got my ass whipped as discipline and I turned out fantastic and so did my 5 other siblings.

Omfg you’ve taken over reaction to a whole new level, grow up


I’m sure the people here telling you you’re overreacting would be up in arms if someone questioned their parenting. If someone smacked my child I would be livid. They say ‘tapped,’ who knows what that means? You have set clear boundaries of what you are ok with, and they should be respected. If they cant respect your boundaries I wouldn’t leave my kid with them either.


I whoop my kids but when she acts out she is 4 she knows what no means she knows what she needs to do but Ill be damned if I’m gonna let her think she can walk all over me or anyone else. Guess what she comes to me everytime she’s sad she still hugs me and kisses me every day multiple times a day. I understand the whole gentle parenting thing and that’s fine for people that want to do it but that also shows your kid that mom’s just gonna talk when I do something bad and then they can do it again. Let them be grandparents

Wait your Grandpa? So the kids great grandpa is involved and interested in your children and you want to remove them from him because he had an old school reaction, that was something you don’t agree with, but he already feels bad and apologized for?!?! All my grandparents are dead and the majority of my childrens grandparents are dead or disabled too, you will regret removing your kids from them if that’s what you do. But hey they’re your kids :disguised_face:


Omg really a tap on his hand. Sounds to me your dad should have tap you on your hand a few times. We got our butts whipped if we did something wrong. We didn’t have any school shooting. We respected our elders. That’s what is wrong with these kids nowadays.


Seriously overreacting! I could imagine how he/ she’s going to be growing up. :woman_facepalming:t3:


He explained. He reacted. And he apologized. He didn’t try to tell you your a crappy parent or try to force you to spank your child. Send the kid over there.

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Since you are so sensitive about your children being corrected by your grandparents, you should just stay home with them yourself


Grandpa did fine, let it go and move on.

As you said "tapped’ could of said smacked hit ect but you didn’t hmm l think you know was done to hurt your child and l know many that grew up with more then a tap (nothing out of control) and are mental fine

You are overreacting a bit


I had a natural reaction to slap my nephew (who was 4/5 at the time), when I walked around the corner and seen him plugging my newborns nose! I didn’t mean too and immediately said sorry and told him that wasn’t okay and it wasn’t okay for me to smack him upside the head it JUST happens. Lol I think your child will be just fine at your grandma and grandpa’s! Maybe talk with your 4 year old about grandma’s plants and how special they are! Kids are smart and they understand…

Yes it was an over reaction. However, you set a boundary for your child and he bypassed that boundary. The better reaction would have been to warn him first to not do that again.

Do you think it warrents taking their Great Grandchild away unless there is supervision? Over a tap? They won’t be around forever so don’t impact your relationship with them over something of nothing.


Your definitely overreacting. . Get real… shame on you for doing that to grandparents :confused: your not only hurting them but your hurting your son.


Other ways for a mama that can chase a kid. Not so much for a papa that needs to do something quick and to the point. I got spanked by my great grandpa one time and my feelings were hurt so bad, more than that pat for sure. I listened to him ever since. Lol


Sometimes a kid needs a TAP. Won’t kill the kid to be disciplined. Definitely over reacting.

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LMFAO!!! Parents today are as soft as wet toilet paper. You’d have never survived being a kid in the 70’s. The days when teachers would keep a wooden paddle in their desk and weren’t afraid to use it…


I feel a Pat on a hand is not bad thing. If they were asked to stop and continuously did not, a slap on the hand will do two things. When asked to stop they will. Teaches them to respect what expected of them. Discipline done correctly benefits a child. Kids need structure and boundaries. Discipline show a child you care about them. Also there are children that asked to listen; they just will. Others will push it. Discipline is whatever suits that child. And can be very positive. I’m sure they love your child very much.


Send them to grandparents and thanks them !!! They are YOUR grandparents! Have some gratitude !!! That’s why this generation is so weak!!!


Well… my grandma use to make the grandkids go and break a switch off a tree. Then bring it back to her for a whooping. Let’s just say I never had to because I watched my cousins do it. So I was always on my best behavior. Lol My grandma is the sweetest and I love her dearly! All of us grandkids respect her. These kids today wouldn’t have survived in the 80’s. :rofl:


All I can do is laugh at this post. :woman_facepalming::rofl::joy:


I feel uncomfortable with the fact that he said he was sorry AND genuinely feels bad about it, and you are still salty! Teach your kid to listen and you won’t have these problems…


You are seriously over acting
A tap on the hand isn’t child abuse
In any sense of the word


Are you really questioning this. If the damn kid wouldn’t listen it sounds like your other ways of discipline aren’t working!

You are overreacting


Keep your kid! They are probably tired of babysitting a child that doesn’t listen!


Clearly those other ways don’t work too efficiently if he’s constantly not listening to his elders


Good hell… :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3: you’re ridiculous.


I think you are over reacting… A tap on the hand is not a big deal… And if it’s your grandpa I’m sure he’s a little older and not quite as strong as he used to be… I also Bet that your child won’t touch his plants again… Js


It’s not like he smacked his hand hard. Plus he apologized. Get over it.


As the mom you’re allowed to have whatever boundaries you want for your kids. If you aren’t comfortable with that, that’s fine.

But I also would forgive him for it being a knee-jerk reaction especially if it’s just a tap on the hand. I think we need to be forgiving of older generations who were raised differently. You’re super lucky to have family who will watch your kids, I’m sure you know that, but a LOT of us don’t. I wouldn’t mess with that over something that small.


This is why kids do what they want these days. Don’t hold doors open for people, rude, think they deserve everything given to them. & for the ones who say violence is wrong… come on!! It’s okay to spank or spat a child on the hand. Nobody said use chains or whips on them. Good Lord!! Let the grandparents see him!! My granny was my best friend and yes, she spanked me and swatted me with a fly swatter. Chill out mom. They are not breaking his fingers.

I’m gonna be this parent guess what I tap and spank my child because guess what they need to learn I was spanked as a child and grew up just fine my child learnt that when she was told no don’t do that or touch that she’d get a tap on the hand. After the 3rd time let me tell you she stopped. If you are gonna be a gentle parent just stay home. Sorry but that’s how it is.


Bloody hell… plants are poisonous, soil is poisonous, and so is the fertiliser… do you want a sick child?? calm down


I feel like if he apologized and genuinely felt sorry about it that you should forgive him. That’s my opinion though…


I bet your child never misbehaves at the grandparents house again. There is a huge difference to a tap and child abuse. At the age of 4 your child should know right from wrong so if you’re not happy sending him to their house you will have to deal with him instead.


You’re definitely overreacting in my books!


Overreacting Karen!!!


I’m assuming this is your 1st child


Over reacting he didn’t hit the kid to hurt him. Sometimes it can be a reaction.

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Please tell me this is a joke :joy:. Your grandfather popped your son’s hand cause he obviously was told not too touch something lol.


For crying out loud lady stop being so judgemental, a tap on the hand is not going to mentally crush the child. Don’t ruin a perfectly fine relationship with the grandies and kids


That’s not hitting. You need to tell your child yourself not to touch. Don’t side with your child with situations like this. Let the grandparents still see your child.


I would have asked my child why Grandpa had to pop his hand? At 4 years old the child knows why and then I would have made the child say sorry to Grandpa for not listening. And then told my Grandpa if he does it again pop his hand again. What if the kid ate a leaf off of a plant when no one was looking and it made the child sick? Grandpa was looking out for your kid!


The bag of soil does say to keep away from children.
So I’d say yes that’s something I could react to by smacking there hand away, before they touch it. After not listening


It’s parents like you who raise little assholes that everyone else ends up dealing with when they are older. Not fucking sorry for this comment

You couldn’t possibly overreact more.


Oh Jesus Lord all mighty. Yes. You are over reacting and being super dramatic. At least that’s how you come across from this post. A tap on his hand will not kill him but maybe it will get his attention and he will follow directions next time.


You’re overreacting.


It was a tap. He didn’t spank him. And yes, even though he is only4, he needs to learn now to respect someone else’s house and stuff. He was asked to stop. Now you need to teach him not to touch things that don’t belong to him. Not to mention, some plant are poisonous so he needs to learn to stay away from plants anyways.


This has to be a joke right🤦‍♀️

We were spanked and grew up just fine grow up give it another chance… I am sure you were given another chance at some point in your life have some respect for the grand parents


I understand that you don’t hit at your house but he wasn’t at your house. If grandpa had gotten a belt out sure I understand but it sounds like you’re completely guilting an elder for literally tapping your child on the hand. Now you don’t know if you want to send him??? So if you lose it and tap your kids hand do you expect them to get taken away from you too? I’ve smacked my kid’s hand and butt guess what he knows that if it happens it’s a big no no and will not do it again. I’m sorry but you are completely overreacting and being a baby saying you don’t want to send him there. Kids need family. I pity your parents

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My concern is if that’s what they do i front of you what do they do when you are not around?

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Wow . That’s all I got

You’re over reacting


Nah. Don’t touch my kid. I don’t care if it was a “tap”.

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All he did was tap his hand. He didn’t even pop or hit it. He even apologized! Your child was probably told more than once not to touch the plants. Some plants are dangerous. Tapping just gets their attention immediately and clearly, words weren’t working. You’d be even more upset if your kid ate a leaf or something and got sick. 100% overreacting.


This is why there should be an application process to breed :roll_eyes:


Not overreacting. I moved out of a house when my landlord ‘tapped’ my son on the backside for jumping on a chair. It’s totally inappropriate to hit a child, especially if they’re not yours.


You’ve made a mountain out of a molehill.


You are overreacting!


Because I bet as a human being you’ve never ever “reacted” therefore no other human can. :roll_eyes:

Maybe you should teach your son not to touch things when he has been told not too


He should have slap her butt

Cringing at the “I was spanked and grew up just fine” comments.

No. When we know better we do better. We don’t hit people. Kids, spouses, parents, siblings. We keep
Our hands to ourselves.

Also yes, you’re overreacting.


Over reacting? Do you think :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Well I would rather have grandpa’s tap to teach NO than to let him get a hold of a poisonous plant come on lady pick your battles a tap not a beating🙄


Lol is this a joke? I don’t Believe in spanking kids, but like a tap on the hand to say no, if he’s 4 and doesn’t know to not touch something after being asked how many times… I dunno? I’m assuming he won’t anymore… lol or maybe u can teach him so when he does goes over he respects people’s things. Family or not :slight_smile:


Super over reaction…the kid will be fine. Probably won’t do the unwanted behavior in their home anymore either.

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And people wonder why kids & young adults act like they do smh. You are over reacting

If the parent is against hitting or tapping in any way. That is your right. Don’t stand down and tell them how you feel. Its an understandable mistake but boundaries were crossed.


Spare the rod and spoil the child.


Omg. Yes keep your children away. He is a dangerous man. :flushed: had to say that. Pls get over yourself. I dont hit my child ether but it happens now abd then. I am disgusted by this. You are over reacting. It was a tap on the hand. Move on from this. Your grand parents is old. But i am sure of one thing he will not do that again.


Where is Madea when we need her?!?!? She would say what we’re all thinking


Maybe talk to your 4 year old about listening. Don’t want them punishing your kid don’t send him but I won’t allow kids over I can’t punish. My kids get smacks on the butts. Your kid was at someone else’s house and refused to listen and you think the grandpa is the issue?


Their house their rules.


You are definitely over reacting.


nothing wrong wirh a tap on his hand, he could have had full wack on his bottom instead, he pushed his limits and got punished. what would you have done spend hours telling him no and getting yourself all worked up because he didnt do as asked honestly


You are seriously overreacting. What if one of those plants is toxic and your grandparents told him and put him on time out and took away his favorite toy and sat him in a corner but your kid still didn’t listen and ate one of the leaves? This post would be completely different then now wouldn’t it? I had CPS called on me bye and overzealous Head start teacher because my daughter went to school and said I spanked her when CPS agent got to my house explain to him that I told my daughter three times and jumping on her bed because we lived in a three-story older house and we were on third floor put her on time out put her in the corner said all the new age stuff she still didn’t listen kept jumping so I spanked her. Outside her window on the ground below was concrete sidewalk. When the CPS agent got there, I told him don’t say a word follow me and listen explain the situation explained all the disciplines I used pointed out the window took them downstairs show them the sidewalk and told him the exact same thing I told you had she had fallen out that window you’d be here for a whole different reason now wouldn’t you? He said this was the most ridiculous call he had ever got said he’s not even opening a case but when I pulled my daughter out of the Head start they were crying begging me not to do it because they lost the money for her being enrolled in it. That was all the proof I needed that her life didn’t matter all that mattered to them was the money.


Get over it. Please it is not like he beat up your child. He smacked his hand!!!


You are over reacting


How many times does a person have to be told not to touch something??? A 4 year old understands, no…I’d keep the child at home and give these older folks a break from you and the child that doesn’t want to listen…


No! No point falling out! Just explain that you would prefer him not to do that!!
And I know people will disagree but it’s my opinion never did ya any harm! Lol Grandpa never did it intentionally and at least he told you and did the right thing! …… Don’t make it a massive massive issues grandpa obviously felt terrible! It’s a totally different world and difficult for some people at times! Just be open and honest and leave it were it is! No more hitting in future if that the rules! X

Naa your being over the top grandpa said sorry…kid should listened the first time .


Over reacting… I would do anything to have my kids grandad involved in their lives, my grandparents would “tap” my boys hands for the exact same reason, the bloody plants :rofl: some kids don’t learn, in the early 90’s most of us got the wooden spoon, doesn’t mean our parents beat the shit out of us at all. And now it’s all “smacking is wrong” “how dare you smack my kids hand’s” like really ?! Now kids are growing up to be disrespectful little shits :person_facepalming: your kid obviously doesn’t listen the first 100 times he’s told no along with alot of other kids :person_shrugging: but to cut them out is completely wrong.

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Then your child will grow up without discipline and be a little terror


Agreed Cheryl Fryia Pine

No. You are not overreacting. That is your child and your family should respect the way you are parenting. You have ever right to feel uncomfortable, your child and your trust was disrespected. Trust your gut. If grandpa says it was a knee jerk reaction, talk to him about how seriously you take this, have supervised visits until you feel comfortable. Don’t let anybody tell you how to parent your child or how to feel when somebody over steps. This is your child and you alone are responsible for protecting and parenting them. :heartpulse:


Good grief!! Yes overeating for sure in my opinion. Did he hurt your child?? Probably not except maybe hurt feelings! Nothing wrong with what he did. People don’t wanna discipline kids these days