Should I tell my best friends husband she is cheating?

Tell me you’re a cheater without telling me you’re a cheater.

The comments: don’t mind if I do.

Joking aside, unless you’re her lawyer or health care professional, don’t keep secrets like this for her. You also owe it to her to figuratively smack her upside the head and tell her to get her act together.


I’ve told a friend her bf was cheating, he actually brought a girl to his apartment when she was gone and they both walked passed my door lol. I told her that, she was mad for a few min, and next day they were fine. So like, always mind your own business


Dont be grimey.
Thats not your secret to tell. Tell HER how you feel, cut your ties and take your fake friend a$$ to the concession stand and sit down with some popcorn and wait for her to blow her own life up.


Yup I told once and my so called friend didn’t believe me. You’re an outcast wether you tell or not. They’ll get mad you told or get mad you didn’t!!

Wow…YOUR the type of friend I definitely wouldn’t want. If your bff doesn’t have your back thru thick or thin then that’s ratchet


Tell us who it is and we’ll all send him a message jk


Doesn’t matter if they’re your friend or not, if they being that disrespectful, the partner deserves to know. That’s a huge betrayal to put someone elses genitals inside you.

So many disgusting humans on this thread.


I would NOT go!!! And yeah I’d prob tell him …

Don’t tell. It will work itself on its own.

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Best thing to do is just stay away from her period .


Okay ask yourself this…
If your husband was cheating on you, would you want to know??
9/10 it’s a yes !
I don’t care how my friend feels , I am telling the spouse.
If you can’t be loyal to your spouse … then leave & most definitely don’t drag me into your drama !


Watch Sex Life on Netflix


I honestly wouldn’t associate with someone like that.


Talk to her about her choices and what she should be doing that is morally right if she’s your best friend surely you can talk to her and explain that she needs to sort her shit out. She obviously isn’t happy in her current situation but that doesn’t mean she can hurt her partner in the process.

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Don’t go! She might be using you to cover for her and you could get caught in the middle.


Don’t go make an excuse…also do something that can signal or show the husband she is cheating without telling him so u don’t get between them but the truth needs to be revealed…maybe just send something anonymously or so…it’s sad to think one loyal person has to be cheated on if his really loyal and faithful


Don’t tell ,trust me you don’t want to be that person ,but have nothing to do with it ,tell her that no you wont be going as you want nothing to do with the lies but also tell your husband so he knows what’s going on and then nothing can come back to you


Stay out of other people’s relationship issues !!


If I was in that situation hey that’s her business I’m her best friend I ain’t no damn snitch and finna get her caught up he probably did something to deserve it :joy:


Don’t go, tell her it’s not appropriate or healthy for you to be arround that kind of negativity.


You have the option of not going and not telling and putting some distance between the two of you until she figures herself out


No don’t tell n don’t go, people already know the person they with is cheating, mind your business!!!


Don’t go. You don’t need people like that in your life

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I would encourage you to talk it over with your best friend. Tell her you want no part of it and will not go on the trip with her. Also tell her that she needs to be honest with her husband.


If your friend was the one being cheated on you would tell her in a heart beat. So you can be nice and give her an ultimatum of if she doesn’t tell him you will. Or have human decency and tell him yourself, you’re guilty of hiding the truth now too. I’m sorry that’s harsh but it’s true.


Dont go and dont get involved. It will bite you in the ass in the end. I, honestly, would break of all contact out a lack of trust. True friends dont put you in this situation


How dare she put you in this position! That is my very first thought. How could she be so cruel to everyone, as she ONLY thinks of herself :pleading_face: Run, sweetie. Run far, run fast. Once this all goes south, and it will, you will be caught in the middle. That is a certainty.


I think if it isn’t affecting your own home, stay out of it. Things done in the dark always come to the light.

It’s a tough situation, but it’s not your circus. If you’re uncomfortable going on the trip, don’t go, and be honest as to why. But unless her husband is your brother or was your friend first and that’s how you met her, I honestly would just stay out of it. Yes she’s your best friend, but it’s not your marriage and it’s not your home.


You don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. I personally, would never tell my best friend I was having an affair. You can trust no one with your deepest secrets.


I would tell her and her hubby that you won’t be going the trip. I would drop a very strong hint of I don’t approve of the activities that would be going on. And give the hubby “the look” and walk away. If he asks then I would answer yes. Then I would tell my hubby to tell him.


Don’t go, stay out of it. It could affect your marriage down the road. Stay clear of her.she will rip what she sees.


I just wouldn’t go and let her know that it makes you uncomfortable and exactly why you’re not going. A good friend calls out their friend doesn’t condone the bad they are doing.


Sometimes you will become the enemy in the long run. Thats a tough call and if she was a real friend she wouldn’t put you in that situation.


If you were his bestfriend then yes you tell him. Since it’s your bestfriend then no that’s not your place. Talk to her and just tell her until she stops the cheating or divorces I can’t respect you or your choices and won’t be involved. Love your friend from a distance


Firstly if she is cheating on her husband, what is she doing behind your back as her best friend :woman_shrugging:t3:
You have a decision to make here and the outcome isn’t pretty for any option.
You need to make it clear to her that she has put you in an uncomfortable situation.
You can either choose to ignore the situation and carry on as normal or choose to remove yourself from it all together or tell her spouse about what you know.
None of these are good outcomes.
I would be very unhappy with my friend for putting me in the situation in the fist place. It’s not what a friend does.
I would take a good look at your friendship with her.



Tell your husband to tell him, and don’t go any where with her, next, she will be trying to get you to find someone else too! Misery loves company! Stay away from her, you don’t share the same values, not is not a friend.


From past experiences I would have to say dont go. Explain to your friend that you dont want to be a part of her wrong doings and spend time with your man. It only causes more stress in your own home when you hang around untrusting people. Best of wishes hun.


I would say, mind your business but at the same time don’t go. Tell her the situation is making you very uncomfortable and you don’t want to be a part of it. At the same time, I wouldn’t tell her husband. I would stay out of it. The messenger always gets the worst of it. I don’t want anyone cheating on me so I wouldn’t be cool with someone doing that around me either.


When it was my friend, I didn’t tell, but I friend that I wouldn’t support her and didn’t want to be around her. Several years later, we’re still not friends


Send an anonymous letter in the mail or an anonymous text if you aren’t comfortable doing it face to face. If someone is being cheated on they deserve the right to know. If my best friend was cheating on her husband/bf, I would either tell him and end our friendship or just end our friendship altogether. I don’t want to be friends with people like that and have my children around them either.


A friend would never put you in this situation. Yell her the truth If not happy get out of the marriage period. She’s using you to get away with the cheating by using you as her excuse to see a man not her husband. True friend wouldn’t do that to you. Good luck but If I were you and obviously your not comfortable with it or I wouldn’t be answering your post tell her how you feel and go from there.


Either way you go, it’s going to backfire. You tell him, you lose her. You don’t tell him, you are guaranteed to get caught in the middle. You are going to lose her until she humbly comes back to you a broken person, either way you go. I say, don’t get involved with either. Stay away. Stay far away.


Tell her husband she’s sleeping around on him. He deserves to know. I would tell if it were somebody I knew whether it cost my friendship. It’s not fair!!! He’s probably the one paying for the trip !!!

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I wish the people who knew my husband was cheating would have told me instead of keeping quiet. It wouldn’t have made it any better but after I felt like so many people just stood back and judged bc I didn’t know and they did, so it would have been better to not be in the dark so long.


Well, obviously she’s not looking for a “girls” trip, so you’re just a pawn. Definitely not what a best friend does to her “best friend”. Sounds like you need to have a conversation with her more than him :woman_shrugging:

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When my husband was cheating on me his best friend since the playpen called me and said " You’re a really great person and all I can say is I just saw him at… why don’t you go see what he’s doing?" Best call I got. Busted! I promised and never told who said anything. That being said, some people can’t wait to out you. I wouldn’t be her cover or an excuse to slip out the door. Don’t answer her calls if you know she wants to use you and definitely don’t go on the trip. As far as telling it depends on your relationship with her husband. By the way, he’s my ex lol

I would not say anything about this because it will come out in the open on it’s own but I would tell the person that you know about it and don’t feel comfortable with this situation until it is resolved and you are not going on and weekend get away.


Don’t go. Leave her business with her.
Why be involved with with anyone or anything you’re not comfortable with? Even after the fact do you really value this friendship enough to even give this this much energy?


Cant stand a cheater… I’ve had it done to me so I couldn’t stand by and watch her do it to her husband. Friend or not. If she was your true friend she wouldn’t put you in that position. Find another friend.


I wouldn’t tell her husband. I would however, talk to my best friend. And if you don’t want to go on trip, tell her. She’ll either understand or she won’t. Do what’s best for you. But, let her do her thing too, even if you don’t approve.

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You’re stuck in the middle and she’s your friend if this is her way of getting with her Beau. I’d have to tell her she’s on her own . You telling her husband is not yours to tell . She’s the one cheating so she should be the one to face the piper. Stay home and stay out of this mess. You’ll be glad you did in the end.


You should be able to tell your best friend that you are uncomfortable and remain loyal :100:


No do not get yourself involved in her tangled web. What kind of friend would involve you in this crap? That is no friend she is using you to cover up her mess. I definitely would not go.


A true friend would never put you in that situation so tell him and write her off.


I have lots of friends that go on girls trips. If she is making it something other than a girls trip then I would say no don’t go. But she really needs to tell her husband. It would be hard not to tell him, but that’s not ur place to do so. But I am that person that would have to tell him, no matter who I made mad. I know if my husband was I would hope someone would tell me. Darned if u do, darned if u don’t. I also know my husband wouldn’t feel comfortable with me going places with a friend who thinks its okay to cheat on her husband. Although he trusts me, I know that is how I would feel if he went places with a guy who cheated on his wife.

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Tell him. He deserves to know. I lost my best friend cause she cheated on her husband while he was deployed and I took his side. She went around telling everyone that he was cheating on her with me and that’s why she cheated. Which wasn’t true at all. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: needless to say I don’t have anything to do with her anymore.

I would try to get her convinced to talk to her. Maybe also let her know to talk to him by a certain date (such amount of weeks) & let her know if she doesn’t talk to him about it by that date that you will be. Just to more or less warn you if you do tell him it may cost you your friendship with her. So need to make sure with yourself which is more important to you letting the husband know that she is cheating on him & possibly losing her as a friend or keeping her as friend.

You go away on a girls weekend an she enjoys herself while you are by yourself feeling guilty. Then what is your partner going to think. When he finds out you went to cover up for her he won’t have much respect for you then. Go away with your partner.

I would pull yourself completely out of the situation eventually her husband will figure out the truth hopefully. To me ur friend really isn’t being a friend if she is putting u in the middle of it and wanting u to lie and cover for her if u are not ok with it tell her u want no part of it and just be done with it…

Stay out of it. It’s none of your business. Don’t go on the trip.


I think it’s her business but I wouldn’t go on a trip with her unless it was just is and not her lover. Best friends are forever through thick and thin. I wouldn’t want to be involved … just hang out only if it’s not with the lover

No matter what you do someone is going to be miserable…you, her, or her husband. She will eventually get caught.

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If it was flipped around and her husband was cheating on her would you tell her! What’s disrespectful is her putting you in that position to keep her dirty secret. She already shown she doesn’t care what position she has put you in. This is what I always tell people. I’ll give you 3 days if you aren’t honest with him then I will be.

If you feel uncomfortable tell her but if she got a divorce would you chose him or her.Obviously she is going through some stuff and your just watching her and then wanting to destroy her at the same time.If she’s your best friend you should be able to talk to her

I was in a similar situation with an old friend. Who happened to cheat on her husband with 2 different men. I flat out told her i did not agree with it and if her husband ever found out she was cheating that i knew nothing about it bc i was not getting into the middle desk

I would tell her that you don’t condone what she is doing and you will no longer allow her to use you as a cover but you shouldn’t tell her husband… break ties with her so when the s**t hits the fan, and it will, you are not involved

As HER friend, it’s not your place to tell her husband. Instead, talk to her about telling him and if she won’t, let it be known that you don’t want to hang out with them as a couple since it makes you uncomfortable.

I’m sorry but I would be the first to tell. In this day and age where there are no morals and everyone thinks it’s okay to step out I don’t care who it is, if you think cheating is okay whether you are family, friend, etc I’ll be the first to pipe up and say something. If there were more repercussions for cheaters and higher self standards it wouldn’t be a thing. Hell yeah say something to him!

Send him a letter telling him what she is doing don’t sign it. Then you can’t be blamed when all hell breaks loose. Stay in the good books with both of them.

If you tell you loose a friend, when my friends husband asked if my friend was cheating I wasn’t going to lie I told him yes. I lost a friend because I wouldn’t lie I broke the girl code I just told her she was wrong

DAMNED IF YOU DO TELL, DAMNED IF YOU DONT. . I did it, he didn’t believe me. She went around telling people lies about me. He stayed with her. Of course until the truth came out but in the end I no longer had a friendship with either. Which was fine. Just a bunch of useless drama. People will do what they want, with who ever they want, as much as they, where ever they want.

Stay out of it. Not your business to tell her husband. You don’t have to agree with her. She’s your friend

I wouldn’t go and if I were in your shoes, I have no right to tell her husband. Steve Harvey would say definitely not, he would say to mind your own business

I think the truth will come out sooner or later!


Would you tell her, if he was the one cheating? You’ll probably lose your best friend. But what a Fck’d up thing for any human to do to their spouse. :disappointed:

Do they have an open relationship, are they both cheating? Do they have an agreement? So many questions? If they do and you tell it may ruin your friendship for nothing, find out more before you tell. Maybe you could find out more on the trip. Ask her if he is also fooling around etc?

She won’t be your friend if you tell him. You should be honest with her. Then decide about telling her husband

I mean if it were me I’d tell her, he has the right to know, I mean it’s gonna cost ur friendship but why be friends with a person like that anyways,again that’s if it were me, hard situation you’re in, I guess ultimately it’s up to you.

If your friends affair is bothering you, or making you uncomfortable in any way, SPEAK to her before you explode… Better yet, speak to your husband, and get his opinion on how you should handle things…

If your husband went out with his cheating bestfriend on a holiday…would you feel ok about that? That is the 1st thing.

2nd. I’d tell my bestfriend to leave her husband if she isn’t happy and that I can’t come and support her holidaying antics.

If this person is truly your best friend, then you need to have that conversation with her……it’s not your place to tell her husband. I know that I only have a handful ( 2-3) true friends because I am the friend that will tell you the truth, about how I feel, what I think etc even if that’s not necessarily what you want to hear. And those 2-3 people that I consider my best friends are the same way with me. Real friends and real friendship means that you’re able to be honest with someone about how you feel, and if she is truly your friend she will understand that it makes you uncomfortable and she won’t continue to put you in that position. That doesn’t necessarily mean she won’t continue to cheat, but she doesn’t have to include you by discussing it with you. Also, be sure that you aren’t passing judgement on her, again, as a friend it’s not your place to judge her decisions….but you should be able to tell her your feelings on the situation and she should respect you enough not to bring you into it. And I will say this as someone who lived 10years in a mentally, physically, emotionally and financially abusive relationship where I was abused and cheated on—— you don’t know someone’s private life no matter how close you are. I am not condoning cheating, but throughout the entirety that I was with my ex husband no one really knew what was happening behind closed doors there until the last year or so when I finally started to share with my 2 closest friends what was happening…… and I was trapped at the time, so I did meet someone and I cheated on my ex husband ( he was also cheating on me and had been since months before our wedding) because I was miserable and broken and felt I couldn’t get a divorce because at the time he was a minister of music in our small town church and I was financially dependent on him, plus we had a child and he had me terrified to leave him and used our child to threaten me every time I would bring it up. I say all that so that you understand, no matter how close you are with this person you do not know the full scope of someone’s private life and relationships, so don’t pass judgement……you can still be friends and be honest with her and ask her not to include you in that part of her life because it makes you uncomfortable and if she is truly your friend she will understand.

Not your place to tell him…he’ll find out soon enough. Now if he was cheating and she’s your best friend I would tell her.

Tell her you can’t go and distant yourself from her. I can’t advise you to tell him, if he doesn’t know he will find out eventually.

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I wouldn’t go, and I would tell her why you refuse to go.


I wouldn’t go on the trip and I’d make sure SHE knew why. I’d ask to be left out of all things regarding her cheating. As long as she didn’t put me in a situation to lie for her I’d probably not tell her husband. I’ve learned that people shot the messenger every single time. I would never lie for someone though, if asked I’d tell the truth.

I told someone their husband was cheating one time and she got mad at me and stopped talking then told lies to turn people against me. It’s your call

If she’s your best friend, why can’t you tell her how you feel? Be honest with her; you can’t lose.

Don’t go as well as don’t get involved. Your better of staying away and walk away from this friendship no matter how long you’ve been friends. She’s using you to get together with the other one!

Be honest if she is your best friend tell her you love her and wish her a great weekend but you don’t support what she is doing or planing to do. Let her know that you think she should be honest also and break off the affair and be honest with the husband. Also the other person hoping they don’t know she is married and if they do shame on them also…

She has given up her marriage and her friendship with you. Pull back it will implode as she has to deal with it herself.

Unpopular opinion BUT

I never want to know if my partner is cheating… spare me the heartbreak what I don’t know won’t hurt me.

As a person that was cheated on I would want to know. I know that a bunch of people knew my ex was cheating and didn’t say anything until I found out. I have cut every single person that knew out of my life because they don’t have my back.

Stay out of it. You will end up the bad person. Find a reason to not go on the trip and, perhaps, avoid her for the most part.

Not your story to tell. It might end badly for you. I know you mean well but the truth manages to come out on its own.

Just think of it as it’s happening to you. If your husband was cheating on you, and your best friends husband knew, how would you want him to handle it?

I would not be going away with her and say if you want a cheat on your husband so be it but I don’t want to play any part of it as I don’t agree.

Don’t go and I would drop a hint to her husband!

Don’t tell he,will find out about it and they can settle it themselves

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