Should I tell my best friends husband she is cheating?

As a friend to her. You are her confidant. Ya its messed up and you should try and maybe talk her about how you feel, but its none of your business really.
Now if your good friends with her husband that’s a hard one. Who are you more loyal to really?

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Anonymous letter sounds good. I did that to my brother in law’s brothers wife when he cheated on her. They stayed married :person_facepalming:

Tell her husband ffs who wants a best friend like that


No your loyalty is to her.
Your her best friend
Unconditional love sis.
You need to talk to her. Maybe on this girls trip you can


Stay home from the trip and keep your mouth shut. Not your business to tell


I’d mind my business even though it’s wrong :woman_shrugging:


Well if you feel you have to ask, you already know what you should do, you just need the guts to do it. Or just tell her no. She’s your friend, she will understand that you are not comfortable.


Cheating is the most disrespectful and hurtful thing a person can do to someone they are suppose to love. Obviously she has checked out of her marriage and he has every right to know what is going on. It’s time to have an adult conversation with your friend to let her know how you feel. She needs to come clean or you need to & wash your hands of that friendship. I don’t deal with shady stuff like that. Playing with a person’s heart & emotions is pure evil.


So about 15 years ago I had a similar experience. They weren’t married but engaged. My best friend at the time was sleeping with our other friend of the group. She had been off and on with him since we were kids. Well she was engaged to one of my good friends from grade school. The had been together about 5 years at this point. I was torn. She was my best friend but he also had my respect and we went waaay back. Same with the guy she was cheating on him with. Well one night I broke down and I told her man. He was furious at me for not telling him sooner. She disowned me because I broke her trust in the situation.

Now fast forward 5 years down the road. He ends up with another good friend of mine. We make amends. He marries her and has 2 beautiful children. Got a job as a state patrol man, house the whole 9 yards. He thanked me.
She now has 7 children and is married. She ended up going with another one of my highschool friends and they got married and live pretty well.
She thanked me to years later.
So initially I lost friends but in the end they came back and I earned more trust and respect from both of them for speaking up. It’s a shitty position to put friends in.


Sounds like you need a new best friend… someone who is like minded.


End ur friendship and tell her husband. Not cool at all what she is doing


Karma usually will figure her situation out. And secrets never stay secret and they always find some way of coming out. You never kno the reason why but bring It up and tell her how much this bothers you and she needs to leave him. Cause it’s not fair for him either. People who say to mind their business are probably the kind of people who turn a blind eye on relationship abuse because it’s " not my place to say". I had a friend similar to this and she went behind my back and slept with my ex who broke up with me a little less then a week and then my new date. Honestly I’d tell him cause if that was me id like to know asap instead of looking like a damn fool BC everyone around me knows and in acting happy.

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talk to her first. Ya she’s your best friend but this isn’t about loyalty it’s respect. And her husband deserves that respect. I’d be pissed if my husbands best friend kept from me that he was cheating . What she’s doing is wrong and if you know and allow her to keep hurting him you are just as much in the wrong


Is not your business to interfere in their relationship but I would tell my best friend that I don’t like to do that shit to people and as sure as hell will not cover it up! If people know she is doing it then they may think you are the same! You don’t want to be related to that kind of people!


Go on the trip and take that time to tell your best friend how you feel. I wouldn’t tell her husband though, I’d tell her that she needs to do it. If she’s that unhappy in her marriage, maybe she’ll do the right thing and talk to him and leave. If she’s TRULY your beat friend, then you can be there to help her get through the separation and divorce! :heart::heart::heart:

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I had a friend like this she was married and she would tell her husband she was out with me while cheating on him. I was not ok with that and I simply ended the friendship. I didnt say anything to her husband but we weren’t best friends either… it’s hard.


You never know what happens behind closed doors and not to make it excusable because it’s not but are there any warning signs that your friends marriage could be in trouble aside from this? Maybe you need to have a heart to heart with her like suggested and get to the bottom of how she’s feeling and why she’d be wanting to do this. I wouldn’t tell her husband because it sounds like the deed hasn’t been done, but I would definitely try to talk her out of it before she does. She doesn’t want that kinda guilt on her soul. Best of luck. :heart::heart:

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If she was truly your friend, she wouldn’t have to ask or even assume you would be ok with her cheating on your girls getaway. I know I would never put one of my friends in an awkward position like that even if it didn’t bother me. Why cheat? Just tell your husband the truth, end the relationship, and then date.


Would you want to know if your husband was cheating on you!?

Would you want to know if your husband was meeting somebody on vacation?!


I have a feeling my response won’t go over well but here goes…

Maybe its not cheating. Maybe they are polyamorous. Maybe he already knows she’s seeing someone else because it’s part of their relationship.

Tell her you can’t live like that. Keeping secret like that is damaging to your health. You’re condoning it. It’s like knowing who robbed the bank but not saying anything. You’re an accomplice now. Tell her to tell her husband and be an honest decent person

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No mind your business or you’ll loose a friend when they make up


I would tell her I love her but I’m not comfortable knowing/lying about it, and that maybe we need to take a step apart while she figures things out.


So your gonna tell on your best friend??? It’s none of your business to get involved…. Your gonna loose a best friend… is it worth it in the end???


End it. Break up with your bestie and give her the ultimatum that if she dont fess up about her Slagging around to tell him… You will. Then now out, their drama ain’t nowt to do with you but your silence enables her.

Frick that tell the husband. He deserves to know.

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If it was the husband cheating on your BFF then Yes!!! Not the other way around. If she is your BFF I would not snitch!!! You should talk to her about it but definitely don’t snitch on her. Where is your loyalty??? Yes it’s not right but it’s not your place to tell him.


To me that’s seriously unhealthy and I wouldn’t not accept me being a scape goat so someone can lie to their husband… I don’t like liars and I don’t like people that cheat. Best friend or not tell her how you feel and she either is your best friend and doesn’t use you like that or she isn’t your best friend and was using you…

Idk… my husband never cheated on me with a human… He cheated on me with life. Waste of my time🙄 idk how I was stupid but it is what it is… you should just give info, screenshots and everything to her husband. Proof as well. Don’t just tell him without receipts but he has a right to know what’s going on and don’t let him be blind.

Stay home don’t say anything ,let him find out on his own ,don’t get involved in her mess .


Don’t go! I had a friend that did the same. While we were together at her house. While the husbands went to the store her and another of her friends called their cheaters. Told me come on .
I refused and as soon as the guys returned I told mine I wasn’t feeling good and wanted to leave. We did. I’ll never be a part of something I don’t believe in. As for telling her husband that’s dependent on your friendship.
I told my husband the truth so if he told her husband it was on him. Also it was my husband’s friend. I met after we were together.

They will blame you when they work it out. Trust me.

Your best friend confides in you and trusts you. I wouldn’t do her like that. When I create a friendship, I am loyal to them. Instead, create a boundary with her. Communicate that it bothers you and you don’t agree with it and keep that part of the conversation out of the friendship. As far as morally, let her life play out as it must. Don’t interfere…the universe will correct itself. Best friends are supposed to be there to tell you EVERYTHING…the good…the bad…the ugly. If you are considering getting in the middle of it, then you should reevaluate your role in the friendship. RIDE OR DIE….basically.


I don’t usually stay friends with people who cheat ,trash


Is your best friends husband, your friend? If so, you should say something. If not, it will work itself out eventually. Never do something you’re uncomfortable doing.


End the friendship and walk away and tell her why ……the hubby will figure it out

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Mind your own business! :roll_eyes:

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Girl, don’t listen to some of these people because their response is a double standard and that’s what’s wrong with our society… do what YOU think is right, but have some evidence to prove it if you do wind up telling her husband. I always tell my friends that if they’re gonna do some shady shit, I don’t want any part of it, therefore, don’t tell me about it or talk about it around me because when you ask my opinion, most times, you’re not gonna like the response you get… IF YOU’RE NOT HAPPY IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP, YOU CAN LITERALLY JUST FXCKING LEAVE! Idc what anybody says. Nobody deserves to lay awake at night and wonder why they’re not good enough… you’re a sorry ass human being if you make somebody feel like that :woman_shrugging:t2: shits grimy asf :speaking_head:


Don’t go, cut her off until she figures this mess out on her own. For your own safety. Ever heard of allllll the cases in which the enabling friend gets murdered too??? Don’t be one of those.

Yep. Bust her butt. Cheating is never ok!!!

If it was my friend I would make sure I had proof and give it to her husband. My ex husband cheated on me and 3 of my friends knew. No one had the guts to tell me. Not only is he my ex they are ex friends. I don’t want to be friends with people who cheat they are trash.

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I would get proof then tell the spouse and my friends know I will… cheating is just wrong and no one deserves it

Perspective of a husband. Tell him. IMO If you respect him as a human being at ALL, tell the poor guy the truth. I’d never let my male friends get away with that shit cause it’s hateful and cruel to do to another person.


If you’re okay ending the friendship you & her share, tell him. I’d wanna know if i were him.


You slap that boundary down. If you’re happy and uncomfortable, don’t go! That’s your intuition warning you.

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Cheating is never okay! However she confided with you as a bestfriend you shouldn’t go behind her back maybe there are things you don’t know about their relationship I would stay out of it. Now if she is truly your bestfriend she would understand if you told her you are uncomfortable with lying and that she should figure out another excuse to tell him and just let her know you really don’t want to know anymore its bothering you communicate with her maybe there is something going on you don’t know about that might bring light to the situation and maybe talk with her about coming clean and moving on or working through things.

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STAY OUT OF IT. ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. The truth will come 2 light 1 way or another. Either her guilt will get her considering she had 2 tell u or u found out, if that’s the case he will eventually find it himself. she’s bound 2 slip because she slipped with u. Go or don’t it’s ur choice. If it’s going 2 bother u 2 overlook it then don’t go, if u can overlook it and have a good time go. The trip is about U 2 having fun, not supposed 2 be about her personal choices. I’d ask if that’s what it is supposed 2 be and decide on going based on her answer.

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Personally, I’d tell him. I wouldn’t want to stay friends with her. I’d cancel on the trip first, then tell him. Immediately block her every form of contact, and install a security camera on your house (just in case, people can get a bit crazy).

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Maybe Suggest he surprise her on her trip


Nah, that’s against BF code.


Mind your own business is the best policy. It doesn’t matter that your friends. Everybody makes mistakes. You can’t always help others. But don’t go along with her and pretend you’re not seeing anything. Step out of his life too just like you said you don’t want to be on her side either. Sad but true.

Ew, why would you be willing to be a part of that drama. Naw man, I wouldn’t go. Let her explain that shit. She ain’t your best friend.

Just stay out of it and don’t go…

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Tell them at the same time to be honest with each other and let them know how it makes you feel since your friends with both of them.

I’m glad my niece told me what she saw and I am so much better in my life not to have a lier sleep next to me

Well, it’s not much a friend if they’re telling secrets. Do u want her husband? If not then I don’t see why or how it’s YOUR business. My “friends” all teamed up and told my husband I cheated on him (lie) so that they could have their fun with him.


If u tell him you are a GRIMEY FRIEND, just know that :grin:


Don’t aid her in this but face what she really is. I would not tell her husband I would give her a good talking to and tell her what you think of her. She wants to have her cake and eat it too.

I would not go and stay out of her business

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I would not go on the weekend, trying talking to her one more time about coming clean. and then just try to be there for her.

Husband deserves to know. She is making a fool of him. I would want to know if it was me being cheated on.

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You should tell her you don’t want to go because you aren’t comfortable with her choice to cheat. She’ll likely make it about herself, but you gotta respect your own boundaries and as your best friend she’s either gonna respectfully accept your position an go on her cheater trip without you, or she’ll project her negative feelings into you because she knows what she’s doing is wrong but doesn’t want to own that, or she’ll become less of your best friend and it may drive a wedge between you. But in my opinion, if she doesn’t align with you they way she once did, some division between you two might be a blessing in disguise. Nonetheless, stay true to you. Lastly, no, I do not think it is your place to tell her husband unless you value his friendship over hers and can live with the consequences of that choice (ie damaging your friendship with her)

Stay out of it, don’t be a shitty friend. He’ll find out on his own eventually


I’d want to know if someone was cheating on me…I’d say something. Or make her tell him.

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All these women saying you are a grimy friend. I dont think so dont tell him but dont be her friend anymore. You could be guilty by association. That’s def not your friend.


IS SHE REALLY A FRIEND AT ALL? I don’t think FRIENDS should jeopardize friendship!! If you don’t want to go, DON’T!! But mind your own business if you go!!


Mind your own business. You don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. You might be surprised if he defends her


Mind ur business, would u like it if she did it to you…


If your friend is asking you to come with her so she can cheat… she’s not a friend. She’s using you as an excuse to cover her tracks. You (and her husband) deserve better.


Honestly I think it’s none of your business until she cheats right in front of you eyes like meets up with a guy or shows messages or something but I wouldn’t even say anything without facts and proof to back that up if you wanna go that route anyhow :woman_shrugging:t3: but me personally I just don’t think anybody’s marriage is anyone’s business


Just tell her you are not going, nothing else

Only if you have legit sources on cheating, then I would. I would want to know if my spouse was cheating but ONLY if legit sources. It can ruin alot.

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No how can u out ur girl!! He will find out its sad but don’t out ur bff


If you want her to freak out and maybe start a bunch of drama or for her to spread rumors, go ahead. Make sure you got proof though cause people usually won’t believe you without proof these days.

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I wouldn’t say anything, best to say out of it. but also wouldn’t go on the trip and contribute to the lie. :woman_shrugging: I couldn’t look my friend’s husband in the eyes after knowing that, so I’d probably just disconnect from that friend all together. Regardless of the 10 years :woman_shrugging: associating with a cheater when you know doesn’t make you any better of a person.
In my opinion.


You need to chose another friend…


Stay home and keep your mouth shut ……been there trust me stay silent and home


Well… would you want to know, if the tables were turned​:thinking:…:bulb: Tell your friend to woman up, if she dont want to be with him then tell him or you will. Its respect for a human period, not about saving a friendship because if you dont say something to him or her YOU’RE now part of the problem.


I’d not go, but keep my mouth shut.


Do not interfere if you want to retain the friendship!


If you want to lose your friend forever because that will be the outcome.

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Are all the people on here stupid?? Like seriously, how would you all feel if you were getting cheated on and your friends knew and said NOTHING. Your all horrible people if you think it’s okay to be complicit in this and shouldn’t be allowed to be in relationships if you don’t have enough respect for people to not cheat on them and tell them when they’re being cheated on. Shame on all of you!


Only tell him if he asks you directly. It’s not your duty to tell anyone anything. But don’t lie if asked by him and don’t lie for her.

Stay home! That’s all her!!! That’s one time I’m ok with the fingers in the ears and la, la, la….’s!

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Strong marriages surround themselves with strong marriages. End. Of. Story. You cover for her now, you are an accomplice.


I personally would tell the husband but I also dont tolerate that bullshit. Just leave the person. Cheating is inexcusable and you are just as good as the company you keep, in my opinion.

I’d sure talk to them both

Bestfriends mean I have your back thru whatever hoe. Do you sis ima support YOU idc what man you’re with not with or cheating on​:joy::kissing_heart:


Sooo all my friends know that if they are cheating they best keep that from me because IDC how close we are, I WILL tell your partner 100% of the time. I refuse to keep secrets that hurt other people, even if I lose friends and I would completely expect others to do the same for me.


Would you want her to tell you if she knew your husband was cheating? Use that instinct for your answer.

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What’s it your business? Idk why people think it’s their place to police other peoples’ relationships.


Stay home and keep your mouth shut.Maybe send him an email from your friends email and let him know that way and have it so it’s no way of it tracing back to you…

Mind your own business


I wonder if we’ll be getting the same response if it was the wife being cheated on. It’s scary how a lot of people here are complacent about their friend cheating.

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Who she cheating wit you if it ain’t you why you hating who’s friend are you really


I’ve told a friend her husband was cheating and they stayed together and I was the outcast. Just my experience.


Tell him! He deserves to know. Even if she’s your best friend :woman_shrugging:t3:


Nope tell her no way your not going to be apart of her doing that ,you love her but you don’t want that burden!


Maybe leave a anonymous letter for him?


so this is your BEST friend? either help her, talk to HER about how you feel its wrong, or stay out of it. your loyalty is to your FRIEND, not her spouse. nothing wrong with staying home and staying out of it, but lots wrong with going behind your best friends back.


Not only would I not go but I would for sure distance myself from that friend. If a person cheats on their spouse, who are they loyal to? Certainly not to a friendship. I don’t do drama and that is 100% drama.