Should I tell my best friends husband she is cheating?

She’s obviously not a trustworthy person. You should distance yourself before you get hurt.

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Stay out of it. Don’t tell and don’t go on the trip. Do let your friend know why you are not going.

I would distance myself from the whole situation. She is not a friend that you need in your life.

I told on a friend mainly because she had children and this was something I didn’t believe she should be doing. So I told him. The friendship ended both ways.

I’d just not go and keep out of it. Youl find that the messenger always gets shot.

My cousin and bestfriend was together 10 years he was cheating and I told her and now my cousin and best friend no longer talk to me.

Think of how you would feel if you were being cheated on that should tell you what to do

Not fair that he doesn’t know and living his life in a total lie.

I’d stay out of it buuuuuut then again if he finds out that you know & didn’t tell him he may not want you around anymore

They’ll make up and neither will speak to you ever again!

I will not be a part of this you you are not going to use me tell her

Don’t get in the middle of it,and stay home.


Cheaters will eventually be caught, but I would not surround myself with that kind of person either

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Her marriage is none of your business. Never be the bearer of bad news that doesn’t concern you, there’s no faster way to lose a friend.

Tell her you know she is cheating on her husband and you are not comfortable going along with it and do not go.

I would tell the husband discreetly and ask him not to tell your friend where it came from.

Don’t go …she will make it look like it was u … To ruin your marriage… Tell her your :nauseated_face: and if she says with what tell her OF UR BS… THATS WAT A REAL FRND DOES … let her have it… And honestly call it to a hault … No frnd puts u in a bad situation… Sorry factz…I know my
X frnd slept w my bf … Bye bye bye…

I would tell her husband!! Once a cheater always a cheater, what kind friends do u have! That’s the question :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I would want someone to tell me that’s for sure!!! Being your best friend you tell her she tells or u will and hopefully u won’t have too


Don’t go but let your husband know why you don’t want to go and stay out of it

Don’t go on the trip with her, and depends on how close you are to the husband.

He will stay and you will
Be the bad guy . Stay out of it.


Here’s my idea do NOT tell her husband , but also do not keep yourself around trash company or you’ll end up stinking too!


You need a new best friend!


My advice : Stay out of it …
Focus on you and your partner and pray for them …

Don’t go and don’t tell. Walk away from that drama!!

Tell her you love her as a friend but you don’t like what she’s doing and you don’t want to be involved.

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I wouldnt go. Then your putting yourself in the middle. I would tell her how you feel

A true friend would NEVER put you in this situation!

1.Don’t go on the trip
2. Correct her unwanted behavior.
3. Ultimatum; she can tell her husband or YOU will.
4. Remove yourself from toxic friendships like this. :dart: you are who you associate w​:bangbang:

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You will loose your best friend either way so tell him :broken_heart:

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I think you should both my best friends told me and I am grateful for it

UGH!!! Why even have a friend like that? That messes with your well being and I’d cut her off all together.

Ignore the situation :woman_facepalming: :roll_eyes:. Will not bounce back at you :hugs:. I would however not go on the trip. Good luck :crossed_fingers: :pray: :two_hearts:

I would just tell her that you don’t want to go.

It sounds like she’s placing you in an extremely uncomfortable and unfair position. This is not a good friend and is obviously not a good partner. She’s asking you to be an accomplice. I would talk to her and tell her that you’re uncomfortable and explain why, be direct. If you’re friends with the guy then I would say yes, tell him, but if you only know him because of her, then I would talk things over with her.

I would not betray my best friend. I would just be there for her.

Mind your business. She won’t believe you anyway. And you all will end up not being friends.

Stay out of it cause they may stay together then they’ll be mad at you

I’d steer clear of it all. I wouldn’t go on that trip bc I wouldn’t want to be an accomplice to lies & infidelity. I also wouldn’t tell the husband. If she’s cheating, there are serious issues between them & this is just a symptom of them. Telling him she’s cheating won’t fix the underlying issues & could destroy your friendships with both of them.


Do not feel you have to go. Your friend has put you in a terrible position.

If your gut tells you not to go, don’t go simply trust your gut

Tell her how you feel about it! If she is truly your best friend then she wouldn’t be putting you in situations you’re not comfortable with! And if she doesn’t know you’re uncomfortable she isn’t going to stop! As for telling her husband honestly that’s not your place, after all you are her best friend, not his… especially if they stay together you’re only gonna wind up being the bad guy!

You don’t have to support it, and I think you should be honest with your friend about how you feel, but it’s not your place to get involved in her marriage. You don’t know the intimate details of their life and if she told you she may be needing you to be her moral compass not a tattletale.

Even if you tell a friend (or their spouse) something like this, they may not believe you. And then you have lost your friendship, if you value it?

Don’t go but don’t tell him or lie for her. Just have no part of it

Stop with the laundry for everyone

You should tell her no you’re not going to be a part of her lies. I would probably stay out of it and dismiss her as a friend bc if she will cheat on her husband she isn’t trustworthy.

If it was me I’d tell him for sure

Yes, wouldn’t you want to know?

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Just don’t go and tell her why

Girllllllll go and get your evidence. You cant let him know unless its happened and you have the evidence

What does your conscience say?

Decline the invitation and leave it at that.

Go but send anonymous tip to hubby on location and her misbehavior

You can not go and not say anything :thinking:

She will only get mad at you, what they don’t hurt.

Tell your friend no… and keep your mouth shut to her husband and yours… just dont go…

I would talk with your friend…

Tell him yup. Then film him screwing someone else. Revenge is pretty coo

How about doing neither.

I would tell I don’t like cheaters and this is wrong of you if you go.

Tell your husband and let him tell the other guy - bro code

It’s bad enough that she had put you in this position already. I say don’t go or it makes you look deceitful as well. Plus how are you gonna enjoy yourself knowing what is going on? You must be the alibi I take it. I say run and never look back. Friends don’t ask friends to cover something like this up. Apparently the only one eaten up by it is you anyway😞

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I’m going with stay out of it. Don’t tell him. Decline the trip and avoid her till things fall apart on there own. Telling him is against Code and talking to her right now might cause you a friend ship in the long run. We all have faults so don’t blame her for her wrong doings. She will fall and figure it out eventually. That’s were you as the best friend are there to help her pick up her pieces. All without you looking like the bad guy in the end.


No, you shouldn’t. They will turn on you both. Why would you go against your best friend? If you don’t want to go, then don’t go.


You don’t have to go, but I don’t know if I would tell the husband, depending on how important your friendship is what if they stay together and you would lose a friend.

Did you go to her wedding? If so you probably took a vow to snitch. What kind of friend are you to the husband if you don’t tell and he finds out. I personally would want to know and wouldn’t care who told me. But if i found out others knew and didn’t say something I’d be beyond pissed. By not telling you are an accessory to this.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I tell my best friends husband she is cheating?

Keep your distance from her…if you don’t , you will be blamed for her cheating…

You should mind your business is what you should do.

Aht aht! That’s toxic :no_good_woman:t2: friendship would have been done and over as soon as she tried to involve me. My marriage means more to me than some hoe.

HELL NO and tell her husband

Tell Your husband!!!

Clearly NOT your best friend

Make sure you have proof. I mean real proof. Not just he said, she said. Then be prepared to lose her as your friend for awhile. How do you feel besides uncomfortable? Are you upset with her at all or worried for peoples health because it can make people sick.

Hi Nancy I sent a letter to you but it came back I don’t have the right address send it to me OK 43454 Sierra Vista Dr., Lancaster CA 93536

Stay out of it period.

I would send him a anomalously letter

Bird’s of a feather flock togetber, Or, stay far away. Pick a side of the fence and stay there!

Stay home. Keep quiet. The end.

You don’t want to get involved!

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Tell him! It may end the friendship with her, but at least you did the right thing

Mind yo business take it from someone who nos

100% stay out of it !!!


Don’t go and keep quiet.

Go, take pictures.
Then blackmail her. Make yourself some money, at least enough to cover the cost of the trip.

I did that once , lost a friend .
She ended up marrying him and she still can’t trust him.

Mind your business. If your uncomfortable don’t attend

Mind your own business. Stay out of it.

Don’t go and keep your mouth shut


tell. thats just shitty

Think about if the shoe was on the other foot.

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Why are those the only 2 choices?

Don’t go and don’t tell.


No, wouldn’t go and no, wouldn’t tell.

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Tell her do what she wants but you won’t cover for her!

A good friend would not make you give up your morals to make them happy. You have to decide at some what is more important; being accepted or standing up for what you believe in.

Do not go . If you go she may encourage you to cheat on your old man . Misery loves company.

I would tell her why you aren’t going and tell her SHE should say something. If she’s not happy she should just leave. Or put in the work.


I wouldn’t go on the trip & I wouldn’t tell her husband anything. He will eventually find out. Plus even if u do try to do the right thing & tell he may not believe you. You don’t want to be in the middle of that so just cancel going if she wants to cheat she can do it by her self or with her other friends! :woman_shrugging:t4: