Should I tell my best friends husband she is cheating?

I opened my mouth and said something with proof! Guess what? Friendship ended and they are still together!
I’d say let her know you don’t want anything to do with what she’s doing and mind your business with that part, it will eventually come out, if he doesn’t know yet…


I wouldn’t go, nor would I get involved in that, that’s not your burden to bear and you probably don’t want to get in the middle of that. But that’s just my opinion…


Call her out on it. I definitely wouldn’t go and partake in any of that crap. It’s ridiculous and she should be ashamed. However, I don’t think the husband should sit in the dark either. If she doesn’t fess up to him soon, I think you should tell him. It’s not right that he has no idea of anything that’s going on. I’d call her out on it and tell her to tell him.


Don’t go with her, tell her why and it’s not right she’s bringing you into the middle of the deceitful mess she’s making. If she’s cheating she needs to tell her husband


I had a similar experience years ago. My mom was cheating on my stepdad and it was a very uncomfortable situation. When my stepdad found out, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I always wish I had said something, but I kept it a secret for almost a year.

I wouldn’t go but it’s not your place to tell her husband, most of the time when someone is cheating in a relationship the other partner knows.

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If someone knew my partner was cheating, I’d rather them tell me than me find out by myself later down the line and getting more upset that someone knew all along and could’ve warned me. Put yourself in that guys shoes :woman_shrugging:t2:

If she’s truly your best friend and it’s truly a “girls trip” maybe you and her should go. Then you can try to talk some sense into her while y’all are alone without distraction from kids or home. Telling her husband is not your place. It will cause more problems then good. But I’d definitely talk to my best friend and see what is going on and why she feels the need to step out on her husband. Try to get her to be honest with him. Don’t be rude or hateful. Just give her a different view on how things are. My best friend and I don’t agree on a lot but we always make a point to show another view. Neither of us have stepped out on our spouse but I’m not going to throw my friendship away because she is doing what she feels she needs to in her personal life that don’t have anything to do with me. I’d try to support her and guide her to do the right thing. But I guess everyone is so perfect these days and don’t make mistakes, it’s hard to see that sometimes people mess up and need a little guidance back in the right direction.


I would tell him. Hard as it may be because you’re friends with his wife, knowing what’s happening and not doing anything is worse. Feelings may get hurt, relationships may end, but it is what it is


It isnt her business but anybody would wanna know if they were being cheated on. Shes supposed to spend the rest of her life with this man yet cheats on him. Think of all the shit she does or talks behind your back? I wouldn’t want a friend thats a shitty person. Tell her ya aint going and tell her to tell her hubby before someone else does. If you really wanna tell him, type up an anonymous letter or something


Your friend is obviously not happy in her marriage. You don’t have to go on the trip, but as her friend you should be supportive, not turning against her. Talk to her, find out what’s going on, help her figure out what to do to be happy.

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I don’t agree with all the ‘mind your own business’ thoughts. Someone could get killed when it all breaks open. Tell him kindly, the sooner, the better!


Neither…it’s not your affair. Just simply tell her that you don’t agree with what’s she doing otherwise you’re going to be her wing girl until she stops cheating. So let her know and if she chooses to continue cheating then let her go as a friend until she realizes her childish behaviors and sees she’ll loose everyone for a fun time. Trust me, you keep hanging w her you’ll want to cheat in time too. You heard of the saying, “You lay w dogs you’re going get fleas?”


Best not to say anything cause someone might get hurt :disappointed: I saw one lady got killed cause of someone told her husband let him found out

I would tell her I’m sorry but I don’t feel comfortable going. What you’re doing to you’re husband isn’t right.Thanks for the invite though.


Put YOURSELF in their place! You’d want to know! Sooner, than later!


Golly that’s none of your business with respect ok . It’s a couples doing . Maybe he already cheated on her who knows why she is doing it . Take care of your relationship . Don’t go if you feel uncomfortable .


You don’t have to go with her but your loyalty should be with your best friend. He will find out eventually on his own and you can keep your friendship in tact.


Why does his feeling matter so much is my question…she’s your best friend what are best friends for to keep each others secrets if your uncomfortable just express that TO HER…


Are you best friends with her husband 1st? If not mind your buisness support your friend offer advice but dont judge her shes not ruining your life shes ruining her own .of course tell her how u feel but dont intervene its not ur place


I would tell my friend I don’t agree with her choices and I think she should tell her husband what’s going on. Let her know to make the right decisions while it’s still her to make. Then I would distance myself from her until she started to make better life choices. Cheating is a huge indicator of other areas in life, I couldn’t just look the other and pretend I was okay with it.

Idk man. Morals. I don’t wanna be friends with someone that can hurt another person like that. And honestly idc I would tell the husband he deserves to know. If ya your husband’s best friend knew he was cheating wouldn’t you want him to tell you? I would. That way I could leave. Just my opinion so don’t at me.


I would tell her that she needs to tell him or that you will no longer be her getaway. Best friend or not wrong is wrong. And if she doesn’t tell him oh, I wouldn’t be going on any trips or hanging out with her much.


Mind your business. Is there a reason why she’s doing it? Get more details before you say anything.


Some of y’all are insane…if my husband was cheating on me and everyone else knew but me, I’d be pissed. I’d feel like a fool. You know he is being cheating on, and instead of telling him and letting HIM MAKE THE CHOICE ON WHAT HE WANTS TO DO, he is looking like a fool. If it bothers your moral compass, you should tell him. Or tell her she needs to or you will. Best friend or not


Told my cousin her husband tried to kiss me after she told me she found out he was cheating, she went back with him and didn’t speak to me for 5 years.


I would mind my business and stay out of it he eventually I’ll find out anyways and then you’re going the bad person because you’re gonna lose your best friend and she still gonna be happy because she has her side piece and her husband and you’re going to be in hell because you opened your mouth These situations never end well


It’s her marriage #1 so no I don’t think you should say anything and #2 she is YOUR best friend so you shouldn’t be telling anyone that being said since she is your friend that doesn’t mean you can’t tell her how you feel about it and that you don’t agree with it .

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Absolutely not !! Do not tell her husband that’s not your place… what is your place is to tell your friend that your not okay with her actions! Now for the weekend getaway is it actually a girls weekend or does it include the fling??? If it’s actually a girls weekend who gives a rats ass if she’s cheating it’s a girls weekend but if the fling is going then hell no don’t go!!


Honestly if I were in your position, many may not agree with me, but I would anonymously tell her husband (so you’re not directly involved and in the middle)what she’s doing and then not go on the trip and keep my distance from her. If my husband were cheating on me, I would want to know.


I had told a close friend of mine that her husband had cheated on her multiple times, and they ended up splitting up. We no longer talk because she says “I ruined their relationship.” It’s a catch 22!!!

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If you tell him your going to be in the middle and lose your friend if you don’t you have to live with the secret/guilt. Either doesn’t seem fun. Honestly I’d distance myself from the situation and let the rest run its course.

Unless your best friend is her husband, be a best friend and enjoy your own life and mind your own. Her actions will catch up on with her, don’t need to be in the, kill the messager position, the backlash will really not be worth it.

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Call her out to her face and tell her you’re not going because you’re not comfortable supporting this choice. And if she doesn’t stop and tell her husband, you will.

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It’s not your place to tell her husband anything, what if he forgives her and you end up like the bad guy ? Just tell her how you feel and that you don’t want to go. Also that you don’t want to be covering for her.

I wouldnt go with her. She will expose herself sooner or later and you do not want to be in the middle of that​:see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

No you will be the meat in the middle . when all is set and done. Your going to lose your friend any ways so just stop being her friend . Done

She’s your best friend. I would not tell her husband and then just distance yourself from her if you are that uncomfortable.

No trip, No tell! Stay out of it! You tell him, he forgives her, they stay together! Your on the outs with both of them, forever!!

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I would tell her she has X amount of time to tell him, or you are


Nope, not your business to tell just stay out of it!! He probably already knows he may be setting her up you just never know​:fire::fire::fire::shushing_face::shushing_face:

If you are a true friend. You will let her know how wrong she is. You can love the person and hate the actions.

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Don’t say anything to him. That’s not your place. Tell her directly that you aren’t going, and gently say why. "Ginny, I’m not going on the trip w you. I don’t want to lie to my husband, it could start a lot of trouble for me. Maybe you could back out to, so you don’t hurt your own relationship. I ll be here for you, either way.

I look at it like if it was me I would definitely wanna know if my husband was cheating on me I may need proof but I would at least want a warning.

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Any way to let him know anonymously ? Weird, I know, but maybe better than telling directly ? I’d be very torn about this, like you are. Very difficult decision to make

Wouldn’t go and let him find out on his on… sound’s like she’s just using you and a real friend wouldn’t do that…

Tell your partner your partner will slip and tell the husband then remind the husband end of day your loyalty is to her no matter how much you adore him

It’s not really anyone’s place to try and wrong the right, BUT I’d tell my friend to kick rocks and get her shit straight or no one is going to want to be around her. What goes around comes around and life eventually will catch up to you. No life to live in a lie. It’s not fair to her husband to be wasting his time when someone else could give him the love that he is giving. Cheating is about as low as you can go. If you aren’t satisfied and feel the need to be with someone else, don’t waste anyone else’s time.

Deal with her…and tell her not involve you. It’s all on her. Then…mind your business. All things will come to light

I would not tell. It’s not your place. Just say you can’t go that weekend.

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Don’t go and tell her why. Tell her you have considered telling her husband. Fight lies with the truth.


Totally on the code of best friends:
Never EVER never told on her !
Talk to her and remind her the consequences of her actions , if she is cheating , her marriage is over long ago, she needs to get divorce .

If my friend knew my husband was cheating on me, I would want to know. Actually I’ve been there. And instead she knew and kept it from me. And that hurt worse than anything. Everyone saying its not her place to tell, I get that, but as her friend and if she knows, I would want her to tell me. Because if it was the guy cheating it would be the other way around

Don’t go on trip with her. And I would stay out of the business between her and her husband.

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If you go and suck it up, then you’re just as wrong for keeping it a secret. How would you feel, eventually it’ll be the elephant in the room.

If you want them both to never speak to you again. Everybody can feel if their partner is cheating, they ignore the signs.

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I agree not to say anything and mind your own. You’re going to screw up that friendship you have. If you insist on it, I’d write anonymously to him through a different Facebook with a different name.

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Tell her how you feel about her cheating ways and don’t go on the trip

I would opt out. A real friend wouldn’t put you in that position.

I would force her to tell him or else I would myself. But I’d tell her that first

Depends. Would you rather sabotage a decade long friendship or a marriage that you’re not apart of?

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I’d tell the husband :woman_shrugging:t2: why would you want a friend that has those sorts of qualities anyway.


Yeah I don’t keep the company of shitty ass people so I would tell him. I would want my friends (or my husband’s) to tell me if he was ever unfaithful.


Is she planning to be w/other dude on the weekend?

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Everything will come to light. Don’t go on trip and tell her y

Would you want her to tell you if your husband was cheating on you?

If you don’t want to go on the trip then tell your friend you ain’t going and let her know u ain’t okay with her cheating and then keep your month quiet and don’t tell her husband because its not your business to do so its your friend business to tell her husband. The truth comes out Eventually so sooner or later he will find out and she will have to reap what she sows

i would tell her husband. he deserves the truth from someone


You wouldn’t tell if she is your true best friend.

Just don’t go tell her you don’t like what she’s doing and your not gonna be apart of the deception

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I’d give her a deadline to tell him. And, I would tell him after this deadline.

It’s not ur place to tell her husband. If u don’t want to go then don’t go. Tell her how u feel.

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Stay home and tell her why. It’s not your place to tell her husband.

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Go and suck it up, that’s what best friends are for you don’t snitch on your best friend x

If you don’t wanna go, don’t. Don’t save face bc someone is doing something that makes you uncomfortable. If I were in his shoes I’d want to know. I think anyone deserves to know someone is doing them like that.

Eh I would probably not open that can of worms I did that once and the friend didn’t believe me

She won’t believe you. It will ruin your friendship and they will stay together. She’s gonna have to see with her own eyes. Now you can try to help that happen but just telling her will end badly for your relationship. At least that’s what I’ve seen over my 47 years.

It depends what your morals and values are. Best friend or not I would distance myself if I knew that :poop:was going on …

Personally i would because A not telling when i know its going on would be to much like covering or lieing for her and B i would hope that if it was the other way around and my husband was cheating on me that someone would say somthing even if at the time i didnt believe it. This is just me but first id be telling my friend i love you but what your doing is wrong and i want no part in it idc whats going on between you and (husbands name) but there is zero excuse for cheating so either come clean or ill come clean for you. I for one would be irrate if my friend or my husbands friend knew he was cheating and choose not to say anything like atleast if they said something and i didnt believe it thats on me if they kept their mouth shut that shows me you are just as capable of lieing and hiding stuff and as i said i want no part of that and at that point i could not be friends or even associates with that person anymore

It’s okay to tell her but you might lose her as a friend

If u would tell her if he was u should tell him if she is

Damn, tell HER what’s going on. Tell her you don’t approve of her choices so much so that you don’t want to her friend any longer. I can’t believe you even still call her “best friend” after saying you are about to tell her husband :flushed:


Not unless you want to lose your best friend :woman_shrugging:t2:

I’d tell him I wouldn’t remain friends with someone like that there is NEVER a reason to cheat you stay loyal or you leave you do not sink to such rotten low life behaviour …by not saying anything you are just as low if I was in his shoes I’d want to be told

Keep your nose on your face and stay home.

You shouldn’t do anything except tell her she’s fucking upw

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I would tell her she either tells him or you will. I don’t care bestfriend or not.

She’s not your best friend if you don’t tell her. What a stupid question.

Tell her to tell him and dont go :heart:

I would let them handle it. Too many times both of them will turn on the messenger. It is human nature. But I wouldn’t go on a trip with her!

Yikes not her best friend if your going to blow up her shit. Not being involved is your choice but telling him is hers

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Just don’t go and stay the hell out of it. People end up hurt or worse that get into the middle of these things.

Don’t go and don’t tell the husband.

Would you want to know if your husband was cheating on you ?

Ask yourself would you want to know? There’s your answer

Just because you get invited doesn’t mean you have to go.

I would tell her no, and why

TELL HIM!!! roles reversed I bet you’d want to know!! If she’s willing to cheat on the person she devoted her life and love to what is she willing to do behind your back?! Cheating is literally the worst type of abuse. That poor guy. Idgaf about the situation. If she isn’t happy she needs to leave. If she can’t leave, then she needs to seek help. Regardless? She’s wrong and he deserves to know!


For the love of god tell the man so he doesnt end up walking in on his wife with some man and land himself in jail.


Ok take a moment and think :face_with_monocle: your husband wants to go on a guys trip with his best friend of 10 years but his girl friend who he’s been cheating with will be there and his friend is completely aware would you like to be made aware of said situation? I know I’d like to know and also you could go get you prof and send it to him but either way I absolutely support the fact of you letting him know I wish I could get an up date on the situation​:smiling_face_with_tear:

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