Should I tell my best friends husband she is cheating?

I try to put myself in the other person’s shoes. How would you feel if it was reversed and go with what the heart tells you.

I would say to say how you feel and that You don’t mind the girls trip as long as it’s not an excuse to do her side piece stuff as you don’t want to be involved but the cheating is none of your business. He’ll end up forgiving her and she’ll hate you. He probably has an idea already but hasn’t come to terms with it yet.


Just back out of the trip…let her go on her own…


Tell her you are not going a keep her confidence about things shared through friendship!

Yes, if you’re willing to give up your friendship for it. I think people deserve to know.

Call her out not much of a friend if your the excuse. User

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no dont tell him. shes your best fn friend and its not your place. if it makes you uncomfortable then tell her you dont wanna go till shes handled the situation with her husband but you love her and youre here for her when she does


Why are you still friends with her?


No! You talk to your friend about it! Stay in your lane!!! Awful of you to even think about doing that.


Sounds like an awful time … being worried and against it… put a note in his jacket or hat that simply says , concerned for you. Your wife is a cheater. …


Just tell your not going because your not going to condone her cheating.


Mind my business :woman_shrugging: you telling isn’t going to make her stop​:grimacing:

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Don’t go on the trip. Mind your business.


Okay so I’m gonna be the odd one out here… if this was the husband cheating on the wife this whole situation would be flipped and y’all would be saying to tell the wife… but here’s the thing, be kind about it. Talk to your best friend. Tell her it’s wrong. And that if she doesn’t fix it, you don’t feel comfortable being friends with her. I mean relationships are built on morals and this isn’t it.


Girl, talk to her AND the husband, risk losing that friendship, don’t condone that stuff. :call_me_hand: that man deserves to know and let HIM DECIDE if he wants to stay with her.


Don’t go but don’t tell either

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Another question… if the best friend’s husband was the cheater, would your opinions change?


Sounds like he’s your best friend and not her. Stay out of it


Neither. Don’t go on the trip, distance yourself from the friendship and let the husband find out on his own.

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Tell her you aren’t comfortable going on the trip because you do not want to be involved or complicit in helping her keep up her affair. But as her friend you need to not involve yourself and tell her husband or anyone else for that matter. It was told to you in confidence, in friendship ,and it’s not your place.
You can however decide if you want to be her friend in the future based on her actions.
I only suggest you don’t make hasty decisions and make permanent choices with temporary feelings. Affairs usually end as quickly as they start.

Don’t ruin 2 relationships… just stay home! Just be there for her when the time comes!!

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Rat the cheating witch out. All these women out here talking about don’t say nothing would be the first to be pissed if they got played and weren’t told. Also, don’t go on the trip.


Would you want to know


I was in that situation before and i told my best friend that if she didn’t tell her husband the truth. Then i would.
I lost a friendship bc of it but I don’t regret it bc nobody deserves to get cheated on.


I would just stay out of it. Not your place to tell… you can let her know how uncomfortable it makes you though and you aren’t wanting to go on the trip bc of it. I would just stay out of that… that’s a sticky situation.

I would not go, and not tell . But tell your friend why I feel uncomfortable about this situation


Don’t go and don’t tell.


What kind of question is this? Mind your business. Her cheating has nothing to do with you. What kind of best friend are you?


She’s your friend, her husband may not believe you and it will ruin your friendship and any friends you had in common will not be choosing sides. Things like this never end well and you really don’t want to get caught in the middle.

Don’t go and stay the hell out if it


I have been in the husbands shoes and what “his wife”is doing is horrible, SHE is getting pleasure and joy out of cheating because she is getting what she wants… if she is cheating she isn’t meant to be married because that’s showing she isn’t committed to her husband or marriage and it’s also going to leave her husband heartbroken with possible trust issues.


It’s not much of a friend to put you into this position. And you are the company you keep so…


What if the shoe was on the other foot?? Would she tell your partner if you were cheating?? There’s always 3 sides to a story, her side, the husband’s side, and then the actual truth… maybe there is a reason she is reaching out to another man. Think about all of that before you say anything to anybody.


Drop hints. Mix up the husband’s name. Oh, you remember that time that so and so did whatever? Then peace out…


I would just tell her how much you love her and support her but you don’t wanna be a part of the cheating.


Stay in your lane. Itll come out in time. Unless you dont want to be her friend anymore, then absolutely.

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Mind your business and if it bothers you distance yourself from her :woman_shrugging:


The lot of folk here saying “don’t tell her” wouldn’t you want to be informed if your spouse was cheating on you?! Just because they’ve been friends for many years doesn’t mean crap. Inform her that it makes you uncomfortable, don’t go on the trip and explain why, if she throws a hissy fit about it, drop her and tell her hubby :woman_shrugging:


Have lost a friend over it before :person_shrugging:

Wtf you ladies are crazy !! Tell the damn husband but make sure you have proof , pics , texts something to confirm it . She’s a pos friend asking you to keep it quiet and go along with it. There is not one lady on here if her HUSBAND was cheating and you knew they say tell her . I hate people that are like that . Back stabbing asses !!

She’s your friend…her husband isn’t your best friend :roll_eyes: what kinda friend would you be if you told him? Don’t go if you’re uncomfortable. Mind your own and give HER your opinion as a FRIEND.


You are a shyt friend


I feel like you need to go all jersey shore on her ass and write your note Snooki and jwow style :joy: but in all seriousness I would want to know of my spouse was cheating on me :woman_shrugging:

Make an excuse for the trip and stay out of it. You’ll lose a friend and gain more drama by saying anything to either of them


Smh… If you’re best friends with her why in hell would you tell her husband??? You wouldn’t be my friend…


What kind of best friend are you!


Trust is lost from other’s involvement. You lose

HELL NO…YOU DO NOT TELL THAT MAN SHIT!!! You can definitely have a heart to heart with her but no way in HELL I’d tell on my bests!!
I was in a situation once where one of my very long time friends ex husband that she was still sleeping with was going on a date with one of another very good friend. I told my Long term friend because I didn’t want either of them hurt, nor did I want to lose either of them for “knowing” It was one of my biggest regrets in life because my Long time friend hasn’t spoken to me since and my close friend doesn’t trust me like she once did. DON’T DO IT!!!

I’d never tell on my bff. I may not agree, but if you’ve been through enough to earn that title, then loyalty is my way. It wouldn’t change my heart for her anymore than anything else she’d do wrong (as a human) you don’t have to agree with her, but if she’s your best friend, stand by her…she’s your best friend.


Wtf again with all the people saying “what kind of best friend are you” like all of you are SUPPORTING cheating :woozy_face::woman_facepalming:t3:
Edit: I mean as in what kind of best friend are you to tell her partner.


Stay out of it and don’t go


Stay out of other people’s biz… jfc people need to learn to stay in their lane…


What if it was your man she was cheating with? Would you tell her husband then? Course you would so making it someone elses husband or wife doesn’t differentiate the situation which is disgusting and absolutely wrong. If its your friendship your worried about losing then she wasnt a trustful and respectful person friend or human being in the first place.

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Not your story to tell!

Where does your loyalty lie?


I would stay out of it but I also wouldn’t allow that to happen around you. I wouldn’t go on the trip.
Or you can snitch on her and tell her husband and lose your friendship🤷🏼‍♀️

I would never tell on my best friend but as her friend I would advise her to be where she’s happy and looked after and come clean to all involved.


your her alibi, if she really respected you as a friend, she wouldn’t get you involved. if she wants to run, just tell her you cannot be involved. she probably won’t call you anymore because she won’t have use for you.


Do not ever tell on your best friend. If anything have a talk with your bff and tell her you don’t like her choices but that’s as far as that goes. Snitches get stitches :flushed::thinking::roll_eyes:


I would, and have. I don’t keep shitty people doing shitty things in my life. If a person can lie to their spouse, they can lie to anyone. And I don’t stand for that. Would y’all tell her husband if she were hurting her children? Was driving drunk? Stole from him? Seriously, standards seem to be whack af.

If your considering ruining your"best friends" life then what kind of best friend are you? Hummmmmm


Nowadays people get killed over things like this. Stay out of it.

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Id tell her she should definitely watch out cause people kill people for way less than that.

So apparently I’m misunderstanding the definition of “best friend” because I mean what kind of “best friend” tells her husband! When my best friend is doing something I don’t agree with , I flat out tell her how I feel about it and she may get mad about it in the moment but she always respects me for being honest with her! I would NEVER EVER EVER out her like that! Obviously y’all are not best friends like you claim!


Anyone who says to stay out of her business is just as wrong as she is! I’d tell him, as someone who was cheated on I cut off every single person that knew and didn’t tell me, if they cared about me they would have :woman_shrugging:t3:


Somebody ain’t squirting…theyre looking for that…
Humans are animals after all.

You her friend not his, If we was friends I’ll cut you off so fast. It’s called trust and if you run back and tell her husband you will loss her trust in you


My best friend told my ex I was cheating. We aren’t friends anymore but I was doing wrong.

Stay home! Keep your mouth shut!


She’s your best friend …NOT HIM! 

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Girl ignore the rest of people. She’s clearly trying to use your girls trip as a cover. Tell her you ain’t going and if she’s unhappy with her hubby to leave or figure things out with him. She will probably get pissy, and try to quilt you or give you a sob story to try to change your mind. Hold your ground, don’t change your mind. If she calls off the friendship with you, so be it. Also tell the husband regardless, the man doesn’t deserve to be cheated on. And before the rest of you come for me no guy, gal, or nonbinary pal deserves to be cheated on and left in the dark about it.


Refuse the trip, stop being her friend until she comes clean, but other then that, it’s not your business


You don’t have to go or be comfortable with it but you’re her friend unless you have your own separate friendship with her husband I wouldn’t say anything


Y’all attacking this girl but the guilt from her actions is eating the one that doesn’t want to go alive. Y’all are awful human beings. How dare you put that responsibility on someone else. I’d tell her because eff her and eff y’all. Obviously she’s done with the friendship.

You’re not her best friend if you tell her husband. Talk to her first and tell her how you are feeling. Your loyalty lies with her, not her husband.


Whose Best Friend are you⁉️


Absolutely you tell him. If she was shit enough to put you in that compromising position then she isn’t a best friend anyway !!! As someone who has been cheated on, you absolutely tell the person if you know someone is doing them wrong ! There is something seriously wrong with some of you people !

I wouldnt go but dont tell her husband. Youll be the bad guy and you will loose you suposed best friend

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Stay home. Its between them two.


He’ll find out soon enough. Stay home and stay out of it. And tell her you are staying out of it


Just mind your own business. Step out of it.

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Don’t betray your best friend, but I wouldn’t spend time with/around her anymore and I’d make it known to her why you won’t… tell her exactly how you feel about it… she needs to hear it from someone who knows her and knows the situation…she may wake up and realize what she’s doing is wrong and either end it or leave her husband. A good friend even better a best friend should be able to be open and honest about things especially something like this.


Wow, that’s why people shouldn’t have friends. Why would you want to throw her under the bus to her husband? What business is it of anyones but theirs? Total jerk move if you do.


I found it’s best not to get involved in other people’s relationships. That doesn’t mean that you have to help her cheat on her husband.
I’d definitely tell her you’re not going on the trip and that you do not support what she’s doing in any way.

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I would just say, “your my best friend, However I don’t like what your doing and I just don’t want any part of that or be in the middle of anything, but thanks anyway.” Then leave it at that.


So your ONLY two options are to go or tell HIM she is cheating …. She is YOUR friend, your loyalty isn’t with him, it’s with her. You don’t have to like what she is doing and it’s your duty as her friend to tell her you don’t agree with cheating.
If the weekend away isn’t TO cheat then it may be a good chance to sit her down and find out why she is cheating… and encourage her to leave her husband or stop cheating because it puts you in a precarious position.
You claim she is your best friend of 10 years…. You better talk to your friend instead of being a big chicken and confront HER!!! If she continues after that…. Then you may have a secondary issue…. Ruin 10 years to tell HER husband she is for sure cheating, and you better have solid proof or you will ruin so much.

It’s funny how all of you guys are saying no don’t tell him but if it was the other way around if she new the husband was cheating on her you guys would say hell yea tell your friend that’s not right !!! Why is it right for a girl to cheat on a guy but not for a guy to cheat on a girl cheating is cheating and is not right either way and if someone knows they should be telling the other person


Tell the husband friend or not that isn’t okay!! You’d want someone to tell you if it was the other way around.


Id want to know i was being cheated on…end of

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Nope. Mind your own relationship. Have a girls weekend with your girl.

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For what they probably just going to stay together anyways and you’ll probably lose your friend … been there done that …

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I’m sorry but FUCK that ex best friend. Any person defending her by “LoYaLtY tO hEr” hell no. Shitty people don’t deserve loyalty. Hell, SHE clearly has no loyalty so why the fuck is she owed any?
Don’t go, send the proof to the husband, send your condolences along with, and tell the ex best friend how she will get what she deserves for being a cheater. :woman_shrugging:
Shame on all of you saying don’t tell him.

I would stay clear of that

Keep your clothes hung up and mouth shut


She’s been your friend for 10 years!!! All you need to do is be a good friend TO HER not her husband.
A good friend would encourage her to be the best hoe she can be, because at the end it’s non of your business what she do with her life or how does that affect her current husband. You do you and as long as you’re not doing the same thing bud out…


Not your business to involve yourself in…keep your mouth shut and they may have a chance of working it out…he may have an idea and not want to know the truth and than again it shouldn’t come from HER best friend if he does find out!!!


I would tell, but then again, I have a low tolerance for people that cheat on their S.O.

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If you are her best friend the only thing you should be doing is telling her she’s acting an ass, talk to her about why she is doing it, and BE A FRIEND… don’t go on the vacation and support her behavior because yes…. It’s wrong. but don’t be a f*cking shit friend. She’s gonna need you when it all blows up in her face eventually…. If you are truly her best friend.

Also when you meddle in people’s personal stuff it tends to backfire 10fold.

Wtf is wrong with you? You can’t even call yourself a best friend. I could literally be on the first 48 and my best friend would be like :no_mouth::woman_shrugging:

I prob wouldn’t go and I def wouldn’t open my mouth.


I would stay out of it. Regardless of it, dont get between a married couple. He might forgive her but she wont forgive you… Just let her be and live her life the way she wants too. That marriage is between them and God.