Should I tell my best friends husband she is cheating?

All depends if her husband is a asshole. Maybe he’s getting what’s owed to him. Maybe it’s Karma, maybe he treats her like shit. But I would mind my own business. My loyalty would be with my friend.

I’ve told a friend and it ruined our relationship. I’m the type though that would tell any one of my friends again regardless, bc I would want to know if it was happening to me. Best of luck!


Being a friend is important but so is being a decent human being. Tell her to tell him or you will, simple. If she’s such a good friend she’ll get it, if not she’s obviously not the kind of friend I’d want in my circle.


Talk to your best friend of 10 yrs

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I would sleep with her husband …


I don’t know if I could tell the husband although I would really want to bc it would just tear everyone apart. I would try to convince her to tell him and just tell her I needed space bc I couldn’t condone cheating and it made me feel bad.

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You should talk to your friend. Tell her how wrong it is and how you don’t agree with her choices. If you really don’t like what she’s doing, distance yourself. But, telling her husband isn’t a good idea. You have no idea the dynamic of their relationship. What if he goes off and beats her or worse? And if they have children? What happens to the children? I’d just let you opinion be heard and then leave it alone.
Do you want to associate with someone like that or not? If not, then don’t…. Telling her husband could result in serious physical danger. That’s not worth it.


Don’t go. Stay out of it. Sooner or later she will be found out.


Keep out of her business and be a good friend to her no matter what you think is right it’s not your business


I have friends I’ve been close to for over 25 years…. This is because I don’t get involved in their relationships.

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No . Mind your own business . It’s her shit show not yours .

Don’t, not your bussines

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Yes … put the shoe on the other foot . Would you like to know if it was happening to you


That’s your best friend. If that was my best friend I would tell her “Girl! I love you and I need to tell you this. I don’t like what you are doing to your husband! He doesn’t deserve it. The truth always comes out and he will find out one day. And honestly I wouldn’t like someone to do that to me and because of that I can’t support you. I do love you and I don’t want to see you hurt or hurt others. You need to figure out why you are doing this and do the right thing. Tell him or leave him. Either way I’ll be here for you and walk with you but I can’t walk with you while you are cheating. It goes against everything I believe.” Idk something like what…


I wish someone had told me when my ex husband was.
And when I found out people around me knew and didn’t tell me … honestly that pain was worse.


I would tell her she doesn’t need 2 men, she needs to pick one and end it with the other


You tell your friend she’s a dirty beeoch :woman_shrugging:t2:


Do neither.
It could all back fire on you from them both.

And if you dont want go away dont go

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I wouldn’t want to get caught in that tangled mess.
Especially when it all comes to light. You never know what will happen, and I wouldn’t want to be part of it.

You will end up in the middle and they will both hate you. Just bow out of the trip.

Stay out of it, she will screw it up all on her own.


Stay home. Put some distance between you and your friend.


Hell yes. Would there be all these no’s if it were the dude cheating?

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Mind your business :woman_shrugging:t3: she’s your best friend… stay out of it


Ul have no best friend if u do that… goin ruin their lives, why dont u jus let her gt caught an ruin it herself…

If you’re not going to say something then if I were you I definitely would not go on that trip and make myself apart of all that…


Yes! Why is this kinda shit even a question???!!

She must be missing out on something at home!

Maybe her husband knows but doesn’t say anything

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I would not go and probably would not be best friends with her and give him heads up


Honestly stay out of it tell her u can’t go cuz of something u have do with ur family she doesn’t need to know details n let it runs it’s course cuz eventually she will get caught n it’s her bed to lie in just be the friend she’s gonna need when things do hit the fan. All u can do is offer ur advice to ur friends if they take great if not let them learn the hard way.


Mickala Rickert what should she do?

Its the simple you have your friend’s back. If your friends with the guy then yes. If your friends with the girl you tell her you dont like her choices but you shut your mouth.


Don’t go on the trip and don’t tell her husband.


I think you should Pray for her and stay out of it, things happen for reasons you may not understand and it’s not your place to interfere


Maybe go on the girls trip and have a good convo with her and see what she does. If she doesn’t make the right choice by telling her husband or stopping her cheating…stop being her friend :person_shrugging:

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If the shoe was on the other foot, and you were him, wouldn’t you want to know?


Do not go to endorse her cheating. Also she is just a friend you shouldn’t get into her marriage she will get caught and you don’t want to be in the middle. If it was your sister or brother that was being cheated on that would be totally different but friends come and go even ones that’s been longer than 10 years.


I’d tell him, I wouldn’t want friends like that anyways🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m sorry but if I knew my best friend was cheating I wouldn’t be keeping my mouth shut. If you’re so unhappy in your relationship you leave. She’s a grown woman, nothing stopping her from living her life how she wants but if I was her friend I wouldn’t lie to her husband if he asked. Just because you’re friends with someone doesn’t mean you support everything they do. Y’all are weird for suggesting that she keep her mouth shut.


I’ve been in a similar situation, please tell her husband. You can even just let him know anonymously (leave a note on his truck or something) My ex best friend was cheating and after her husband found out he thought I hated him because I didn’t letting him know.


Stay away from that situation. It could backfire and cause you problems in your own relationship.


Tell him…that happened in my family and when I was asked if I knew…I did know and never said…they were hurt and I felt terrible


If that was me in this situation I would want to know … friendship built on love not lies. Don’t go and tell him

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Question is would you want someone to tell ? If so then yes would be the answer if no stay out of it not your business

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I’d tell him anonymously somehow


Nah, I’ve snitched on my best friend of 21 years. Like I told her, no matter how strong my love is for her, I could never sit watch her put someone through the pain I’ve felt before. I DID give fair warning for her to knock the shit off, and she didn’t so🤷🏻‍♀️ Were also still friends, she’s grown.

Mind your own business


Just remove yourself from the friendship, if she asks why, say clearly, you don’t support her cheating and can’t sit by while she does something low like that. Just stay out of all of it.


I’m NEVER throwing my best friend under the bus but if I felt she was doing it cuz she genuinely wasn’t happy I’d try to convince her to leave the husband if there’s no working it out . Either that or have a very serious talk with her . Yal have a messed up sense of what a best friend is / what you’re role as a BEST FRIEND should be . Obviously don’t condone your best friend to screw her life up but you can help her figure her shit out .

Justine Elgen you see this shit lol

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Whose BestFriend are you⁉️


I would anonymously mail a letter to their house addressed for him. Make it look like a business letter or something.
Get your husband to write it so your friend won’t recognise the handwriting.

I would do it this way so that if it backfires they won’t be a problem in your relationship but, also let your friend know how you feel. That you don’t want to hangout because of what she is doing to her husband.

What does her infidelity have anything to do with you? I don’t condone infidelity but I’m also very loyal to my girl friends. I would never rat my girlfriends out ever unless they were in danger. A good friend would try to talk to her personally but never ever approach the other side. That’s not your place. It seems to me, you’re not a very good friend :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:


Know your place. Don’t come in the middle of their marriage. If you are this upset then step back from the friendship. You should be talking to your friend about your concerns. Remember you are a friend. You are NOT in the marriage and know nothing about it. Leave it alone


Give her the option to tell him herself ! Of she says no… then tell her you will let the cat out of the bag!

Yes I would tell him

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Mind your business and make an excuse to not go on the trip. Or give your friend the advice to stop being a disgusting human being and just leave her significant other. If she is that unhappy she has to cheat just walk away!!!


I would let him know , she may be your girl Bt that’s not right either way, I would want to know, I’m sure you would too. That’s a tough situation bt maybe at least talk to her and ask her to confess, tell her you won’t go along with her shenanigans any longer. Its morally just wrong :expressionless: go the anonymous route if you need too


Personally I’d probably tell her I’m not going to continue this friendship anymore unless you come clean to your husband so at least you’re giving her the opportunity to fess up. If she doesn’t then send a anonymous email or text about the cheating. Friend or not it’s never okay to let someone go around unsuspecting thinking things are cool all the while the wife’s banging someone on the side. There’s nothing worse than finding out you were cheated on but to top it off everyone knew but you.

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Don’t tell. You will be the bad one. Of course if you don’t mind losing your friendship then tell. If you care I would not go on ship with them.

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I wouldn’t let it get in the way of my relationship by lying to my husband about a girls trip if other guys will be there. I’d probably not involve myself.


I personally would tell the husband anonymously. That’s not fair to her husband. Cheating is a very dangerous game. She may end up catching something and give it to that poor man. I would wanna know and I’d be livid if I found out something like that and other people already know.


Tell him. She ain’t shit.

i wouldn’t involve yourself if you are uncomfortable. and tell her that and tell her she’s treading on fine waters and needs to figure things out and not involve people like yourself in her private encounters.

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If you are prepared for the consequences of telling your best friends husband and most likely ending your friendship with your friend, then tell him. But if you want to remain friends with your best friend then stay out of it. Maybe set boundaries and tell your friend it makes you uncomfortable and you dont want to be a party to her indiscretions, but at the end of the day if you are her friend then be there for her. When her marriage comes crashing, she’ll need a friend whether its her fault or not.

If someone would have told me I would have acted on it quicker


That friendship would be over :woman_shrugging:t4: not about to be an accomplice in some bullshit. She’s not a friend if she does that to you

Haha you suck as a friend someone needs to tell her to stop confiding in you! And dismiss you! Its not your business stay in your lane

I’d write an unsigned letter

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I would tell her she needs to and if she don’t I would. It’s wrong no matter who is doing it I always think about karma ya know. I would definitely want someone to tell me. Hope this helps love as that’s one hell of a uncomfortable situation

So if you know for sure your friend is cheating and it’s something your not comfortable with 1. Be upfront with your friend be blunt tell her you don’t feel it’s right for her to do. (Sometimes we all need a friend to tell us morally we are making wrong choices) 2. If she does not stop let her know it’s not something your comfortable hearing about or being involved with.
I think it’s important to be open with your friend and blunt about how you feel about the situation. Put yourself in her shoes and her spouses shoes.


It’s not your story to tell.


As someone who’s been cheated on and lied too, I wish the people around me would have said something.


Talk to her first, if you know for sure…don’t go on the holiday if you are uncomfortable. You would be the bad guy either way

You should tell HER is bothers you.


Not my monkey but don’t involve me.

Some friend you are :triumph: He could be an ass hole behind closed doors. And more importantly, it’s not your business!! She’s your friend, even if she’s a hoe and bad wife, does that make her a bad friend to you? I would stay out of it! (Not saying I agree with cheating) just mind yo business! :wink:

A friend would not put your in this situation


If I were her friend, I would urge her to come clean but I wouldn’t go with her on the girls trip either. I wouldn’t feel comfortable


What would you like want someone to do if it were you. I always things that’s a fair way to figure out what you should do in most situations.

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It’s not your place to tell her husband plain and simple if she is your best friend like you say then your loyalty is with her. But, you can express to her how you feel. Don’t mettle where you don’t belong. If someone had told me my ex was cheating on me I would have never believed you!! So to me if you are questioning this you really aren’t her best friend.


Are you a friend or a good person? Her putting you in the position of knowing and expecting you to be ok with it should tell you what you should do. Toxic people drag others in and create more toxic situations.


It’s none of your business.


Hmm not unless you can fight


You should tell her that you don’t feel comfortable with her doing that around you knowing her situation


My opnion. Your best friend is toxic if she was really your friend she wouldnt put you in this position. Confront her. Tell her you arent comfortable. And that she needs to come clean. If she doesnt. I would then make sure you have proof. Then go to the husband. Best of luck.

What does the cheating have to do with the girls trip?

Clearly she is NOT your best friend…


Don’t go on the trip if you don’t want to. Also stay out of the marriage stuff… you will only end up in the middle of it and it’ll cause you a lot more drama than it’s worth. Honestly if I were in your shoes I’d be distancing myself from her, especially if she’s trying to force you to go on a girls trip you dont want to.


Tell her…those who tell you to butt out never had that expirence clearly.

Tell him. Cause if that was the other way around you’d want to know

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I’ve got a couple friends that I know cheat, I don’t agree with it but I don’t get into it because it isn’t my place. :woman_shrugging:


“Your loyalty is with her” what a stupid excuse to give someone to condone their cheating, at the end of the day there is someone’s heart involved here, someone is going to get hurt in the end already anyway and your honesty just condoning her cheating by keeping your mouth shut.
Yes you’ve been friends for years but she’s putting you in a situation to help cover up when it has nothing to do with you at the end of the day, she wants to cheat on her husband and make you feel responsible to help keep her lie going so it can keep going on for her. This guy has feelings and a heart like the rest of us, this guy deserves to know if his wife is being unfaithful because that is then his own decision if he want to continue this, don’t make that decision for him by helping cover it up :woman_facepalming: men feel hurt when cheated on just like women, don’t be that bitch that helps cover shit up :woman_facepalming:

U must like him more than u do her. If my best friend told me she killed someone i wldnt tell a soul. She’s not YOUR best friend


Simple: Don’t go…Don’t tell…her business …you may get caught in the crossfire

You don’t need a friend like that. Walk away and don’t look back.

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Don’t go, the company you keep says a lot about you. Don’t say anything, not your place. These are always crappy situations and best to just remove yourself from the entire situation.


If youre able to go tell the husband and tell him what shes doing then you should be able to tell her straight up how wrong she is and you dont want to go.
As wrong as she is you should step up and say something to HER. Afterall she is your bestfriend and you should do anything to look after her even if it’s being brutally honest.
No i wouldn’t go to the husband as much as it sucks being the middle man.

Hey I’m all for girls code. But personally I wouldn’t even let my sister get away with cheating like that.
I’d tell him after I told her I think she’s a peice of shit and dosent deserve a loyal relationship.

“You chose to cheat and asked others to keep it a secret. That’s a weight I never asked to carry and I don’t feel morally right holding this secret for you. Your husband deserves to know this information. I can give you some time to share with him yourself about what’s going on. I’ll check in with you about it in insert amount of time. If you feel like you can’t talk to him, at some point I believe I will need to.” It’s respectful, patient, and she won’t be completely blindsided


You should talk to her if shes your best friend n tell her what shes doing is wrong. Tell her you love her but cant go on that trip and support what shes doing and encourage her to end her affair or at least end her marriage it’s not fair to him