Should I tell my best friends husband she is cheating?

Well if you support her in doing shitty things to her husband that makes you just as shitty a person as she is is

Eh thing is I told my friends boyfriend she was cheating, pictures and text messages with her admitting, he didn’t believe me still and stayed :woman_shrugging:t2:.


Aaah shit this happened with two of my best friends, they weren’t friends with each other but they were my best friends. One started fooling around with the others husband, mind you when I found out I gave my friend shit. But when my other friend finally found out and her man left her for my other BFF she asked if I knew. I said yes and she asks why I didn’t tell her I responded wasn’t my place and why didn’t your man tell you! Piece of shit I never liked him :rage:

Sad. :frowning: I hope it never happens to u

In my opinion it’s not your place to say, but if it were me I would also distance from the friendship because knowing that info and remaining close to said friend and their spouse would drive me crazy.

If it was me, I’d want someone to tell me. Even if it was my s/o’s best friend. I think you should do what you feel is best. If that means telling him, do it, if it means you don’t tell him, then you don’t tell him.

Just don’t go. Let her figure out what lies shes telling by herself.

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Would you tell your friend of her husband was cheating on her? Would you want someone to tell you if your partner was cheating on you?

Yes you should tell him

Not your place to say anything.

A real best friend wouldn’t let their friend screw up their lives. I’d have a sit down with her and get to the root of the issue and offer advice to help the situation or help her end her marriage. There would not be any cheating. If she wants to cheat, she can get a divorce.


What the hell kind of a best friend are you? Girl that ain’t your business to be telling.


I just think you have discovered there is a different degree of friendship today. If you were her one-time friend then you would tell her privately that you can not condone being part of her coverup for an affair. Either she will fess up and realize she is exposed or she will drop you like a hot potato. Either way, you have your answer. Do what is right and don’t be used by her in the future as an excuse.

I’m completely baffled by the fact that so many people think betraying a best friend is worse than cheating on your husband. I absolutely would tell her husband. Always do the right thing and be a good person. Don’t let someone toxic drag you down. I would tell the best friend that you’re not okay with it and won’t help her cheat. Also give her the opportunity to tell her husband and if she doesn’t tell him.


It’s not your business!


Girl no! I would never rat out my girls!! My bestie is my ride or die!!! Do you think for one second that man would have your back in any situation??? If your partner was cheating on you he would not tell you!! But I bet your girl would kick his ass over you !! Be loyal!!

I’d stay the hell away from all of that. Don’t go and don’t get involved.


What if you are both cheating

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The problem these days is too many people are silent and don’t speak up against wrong!
Give her the opportunity to be honest with him, if not tell him.
Being a genuine friend also means speaking up when they are doing something wrong and holding them accountable !


Yes you definitely say something. What if the roles were reversed? What if your husband was cheating on you? Would you wanna know? You’re gonna lose her as a friend though so be prepared. Don’t be okay with things you’re not okay with. Alot of ppl will tell you don’t get involved but if it were their spouse they would want to know rather than keep having sex with someone that can vying home an std. Say something.

Tell her husband.
She’s doing something she shouldn’t be doing
I would absolutely tell her husband and then leave the friendship because I do not stand for cheating at all and I refuse to enable it, not saying anything is enabling it
Tell her to tell her husband and if she doesn’t you will, he may not believe it so take pictures or have some sort of viable evidence

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It will be twisted around on you. Don’t say a word but tell her you aren’t going and won’t be her cover anymore.


MYOB! You will
End up the bad guy that


dont know why or how a girls trip getaway weekend has to do with her cheating on her husband. what if was him cheating on her and you knew about it? would you tell her? I really think the husband should know so tell him. if he finds out anyways and that you knew about it for awhile and didnt say anything he’d be mad at you too


Depends on your conscious

Sit it out. How would YOUR husband feel about you going on a trip with a cheater?


Mind your business and find new friends


I have a son who will make an awesome husband when he finds that one true love and I would never be ok with his wife cheating on him and breaking his heart. If someone is unhappy in their marriage then there is always something called divorce then you can date anyone your heart desires!!

Also if my husband was cheating on me and one of our friends knew and no one said anything I would be pissed!!


Just walk away, not your Circus not your Monkey.

Don’t go.
I’m not sure how you can tell him, without it somehow becoming your fault, somehow…women, are notorious for blaming other women for their problems, especially when called out for their own wrong doings.
It might be better to just cut ties with this friend, or if there is a way that your man can tell him…


Whoa she’s your best friend and that’s a question? No you shouldn’t tell him. And if you don’t want to go then don’t go……easy


Tell her husband. All my friends know they better not tell me bc I won’t cover for anyone!

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I have lost friends because they were cheaters in their relationship. I knew how it felt to be cheated on.and lied to

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Wow…couldnt you just opt out on those said she was your best friend be honest with her tell her you dont want to go because of the chearing and leave it at that?id tell my bff she was messing up.i think shed tell me to.


Tell him. With proof.

Do NOT go. Tell her to tell her husband or you will. This is her problem not yours.

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Stay home, wait to see what develops


Tell him and if it was him doing it on her I would tell her people deserves know what’s happening in their family instead of looking stupid all the time while they’re doing stuff behind your back and everybody knows about it he deserves to know the truth basically the girls trip weekend is actually a weekend that she’s going with him instead of with the girls


Dont be a part of it


That’s your friend and you’re gonna tell her husband? :grimacing::grimacing: I say just don’t go but let the pieces fall where they may with their relationship. You don’t get in the middle of that. It’s just gonna end badly for you


I’m so confused…if you don’t want to go on a girls trip with her then tell her that…not run and tell on your best friend. If this is something that bothers you then tell her you won’t be protecting her cheating secret. Ya both messy as hell


A “best friend” shouldn’t put you in a position like this.
If you’re best friends she should already know your values on relationships.

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Tell her husband! The way I see it if the shoe was on the other foot and he was cheating on her she would want to know or if your partner was cheating on you you would want to know right?!


If you dont want to go then don’t go … but stay out of her relationship(s) … you can by all means tell her how you feel about the fact that she’s cheating but it’s not up to you to tell her husband


No you shouldn’t tell him. Mind your business.


No stay out of it I hate to say it but either way it will come back to stab you in the back.

Maybe you need a new friend who is honest and doesn’t lie. Just sayin


What does her cheating on her husband have to do with a GIRLS trip? If she’s using you as a way to get away to cheat without suspicion from her husband then DONT go.


Its their problem if they have an unhealthy relationship, not yours.


Real friends would be honest.
You should tell her that you don’t agree with what’s she’s doing and you will no longer condone it or be a part of it.


As gross as she is for cheating, you don’t want to stand in the middle of that. But you should tell her you don’t want to go and express how you feel about the situation. Cheaters always get caught so let her get caught so she can blame her own damn self.

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Seeing/hearing about something wrong and not speaking up shows a lot about your own character as a person. But hey each person has to decide what’s best for them :woman_shrugging:t3:


I mean your loyalty should be to your best friend.


Skip the trip but keep your mouth shut.


As someone who has been cheated on I wish someone would of said something to me sooner then later, I’d say something that’s messed up, and if anything have proof when u do say something…… not to mention I’d drop her she doesn’t sound like a great person!

Let her know now how you feel. That’s YOUR best friend…

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Im glad you aren’t my best friend… You would get your butt beat Hahaha
If I knew your bff I would tell her that you aren’t loyal :woman_shrugging:

Jaclyn She shouldn’t go on the trip since she knows the purpose of the trip is not a girls weekend. I would also distance myself because I abhor infidelity.


I despise cheaters! I’m sorry, I’d let the poor man know.


Mind your own damn business.

I wouldn’t go. But you need to tell your friend how you feel, if you truly feel like you need to tell her husband, then tell her either she tells him or you will. But you will loose your friend if you do tell him.


well… if you value your BEST friend then you don’t open your mouth…seems like you’re not to concerned about losing your best friend


DON’T go and let her know what a big piece of S* she is being. And dont forget, if she’s going to cheat a person she made vows to, being shady to you won’t be a big deal at all. Be careful of the company you keep.


Don’t go, Don’t tell him, get a new friend.


Not your place to judge. Pack your gear and go and keep your pie hole shut.


don’t go she isn’t a very good friend if you go along with it and she gets caught it will be bad for you because you knew about it


Don’t go and mind your business.


Don’t go but, tell your friend she’s a POS for what she’s doing and then distance yourself from her. All her dirty deeds will eventually come out in the open on their own though.


My friend was the same way and I ended up telling her man because she refused to. Now she no longer speaks with me and I could care less . I hate liars and I hate fake people .


You should definitely go and convince her husband to surprise her by heading over for dinner


Do not go but keep your mouth shut!!!


talk to your friend, but stay in your lane

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You should stay home and keep your mouth shut


I would not participate in her infidelity! If it were me I would definitely drop hints to him or just tell him I like going to bed with a clear conscious…good luck…do what you think is the best thing

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Nope fuck her that’s her business but distant yourself from her after u give her a goodbye slap and call her a hoe !

Anyone who says keep your mouth shut, obviously has some shady shit of their own going on… What if it was your husband/wife cheating and your friend or his friend knew. Wouldn’t you want to know??? Tell her she’s a shitty person and let her man know,that’s not fair to him.

Don’t go and don’t tell. If you don’t want to go, stay home, but keep what you know to yourself. Believe me, you won’t be thanked for telling. In the end you will be the bad guy! You will lose not only your friend, but the friendship of her husband.


Why are there 12 shares on this post.?
Definitely don’t go and maybe say to her you dislike what’s she doing and you want no part in that.
I couldn’t be mates with someone who could that. Imagine what she could do to you in the future if she could do something like this to her own husband.:flushed:


That’s not a decent friend

Wouldn’t you all want to know ? Would you all be pissed if your husband was cheating ? Or is it different because it’s a female ? I’d want to know for sure


I’d say don’t go and let her husband find out on his own.

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All you lady’s saying don’t tell him mind your buisness are probably the first ones that would jump down your friends throat if they knew your partner was cheating and didn’t tell you… :woman_facepalming: of course you should tell him. No one deserves to be cheated on. If she is unhappy she needs to leave not be a hoe and stop doing shit behind her husbands back :woman_facepalming:

Is it worth losing the friendship over? Is the husband your friend or just her husband? I mean, also are you 100% sure it’s cheating and not like an open relationship or anything? I just wouldn’t stick my nose into it and have it bite me in the booty on the way out.

So it could be you that ruins their marriage if you tell because the affair might fizzle out and he will be none the wiser and might just might live happily ever after!

Do not go, and figure out a way to be anonymous in him finding out she’s cheating. If you do it directly, you won’t be thanked, you’ll end up being the bad guy (as someone said above), I have experienced it myself TWICE, both times was definitely shitty because I was made to look like a horrible person for “stirring the pot” about this woman’s husband cheating on her :neutral_face:

I would say stay home. Just come up with an excuse or be open with her. If you are married yourself your husband is a good excuse not to go. As for her cheating. I think it’s none of your business. Distance yourself from the friendship so her husband doesn’t say you supposed it

Absolutely… she’s obviously a POS and he doesn’t deserve her shit. She’s a gutless rat, she needs to come clean. A typical cake and eat it too situation…

Don’t put your selfe in other people’s drama


If you tell him your friendship is over. Just don’t go come up with an excuse.

Don’t go the rest is not your business

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Stay out of it…you don’t know what’s happening behind closed doors

I really hope most of you are not being cheated on. And if you are . I hope nobody tells you. So your significant other can keep having his cake and eating too. For as long as possible. For the people that are saying don’t say deserve it .


I would give her a deadline to tell him and if she wouldn’t I would.


I think a good friend would talk to her about it and let her know she needs to tell him and leave if she’s unhappy.


Talk to her first, skip the trip


Just don’t go with her and mind your own business


She will turn it around on you. Don’t tell him. Just try to convince her to tell him… its the right thing for her to do herself with her husband. The worst thing you could do is empty out her dirty laundry for her. She needs to do it herself and learn from it on her own.


Tell him

sorry I wouldn’t want a friend like that :woman_shrugging:


As someone who got cheated on I would want to know. Your friend doesn’t deserve her husband. Tell him. And Fuck your friend for cheating. You deserve better friends.

Personally I’d want to know, but make sure you have irrefutable proof. Other wise it’s your word against hers, and you become the liar trying to destroy a marriage…