Should I tell my best friends husband she is cheating?

Stay home and stay quiet


Even if you do and they stay together? It’s always there. Been there done that


This is a really hard situation to be in…if it was me I wouldn’t go and distance myself from that friend…and tell her your reasons x

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Send a anonymous letter/ email to him, from a public computer not yours if you want to keep the friendship but do right by her partner. Ask yourself though if you really want to be friends with someone of that character even if it’s been 10yrs. She’s not a good person.


PS, ask yourself if your hubby was cheating on you, would you want someone to tell you?

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Tell so he can get prepared to kick her ass OUT!!!

Just excuse yourself from the whole thing. It is for them to wotk out


I would stay out of it. None of my business. Would not go on the trip. Would distance myself.

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I wouldn’t say anything


Depends on your morals really. Personally I would, whether I got backlash or not. Even if he is a shit husband, she should at least have dignity for herself and leave him before she starts a new relationship.

If you don’t want to ruin your friendship, just pop a letter in the door stating what you know and see what happens. What the husband does with the information is up to him

Just tell her you can’t go for personal reasons and if she asks why just tell her. But don’t get involved in her marriage.


I wouldn’t personally tell him,your loyalty is with your best friend. BUT I would encourage her to leave her to tell her partner herself to give him the choice to leave or work it out.


Don’t be a snitch… coz what comes around, goes around…


Damn these comments make me sad… I swear no one has a moral compass anymore lol.

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I wouldn’t tell him… I would give her a chance to tell him first… And talk to her about what she is doing? Seriously hard situation

I wouldn’t be able to go and have that on my conscience and tell her that exactly. Maybe talk to her to see if it is somehow “validated” and go from there on if I would tell him. My relationship with him would likely be a deciding factor. If we are also close, I’d tell him. If I don’t really know the guy, I’d leave it be but still distance from her. Are you positive it’s cheating and not a permitted part of their relationship?

Tell HER how you feel, that you do NOT agree w her decision to cheat, but that if she is going through ish, you will be there for her, but it is dampening your friendship cuz you don’t agree w it… tell her if you don’t come clean to him, I feel like I am being a bad friend to him, and I don’t want to do that, AND wouldn’t want him to lie to my face, if my hubs was doing what his wife is doing…

Much love and support to you… this is a tough decision…

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Their marriage has nothing to do with you,stay out of it or learn the hard way…never get involved in the business of two people


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I tell my best friends husband she is cheating?

Nope. Not your place to tell. Don’t go, but not your place to tell-not your marriage. :zipper_mouth_face:


I’d tell her husband tbh. I don’t deal with cheating after it happened to me. Nobody deserves to be with a cheater


Dont involve yourself but dont go either if you aremt comfortable.


I don’t know that I would outright tell them but I definitely would not go on a trip with her right now.


If it was the other way around, you’d want someone to tell you if your man was cheating on you


Nope, sorry don’t say anything I mean who is your friend the girl or the husband. Mind you business, don’t go if you don’t feel comfortable. That’s it but don’t say anything it isn’t your place


Tell him! Screw that. No one deserves that. I give her the chance to tell him or tell her you will. Especially if you’re friends with him to. Cheating isn’t cool or anyone who codons it.
From someone who has been cheated on. Shit hurts, puts you in a bad depressed mood and you will literally ruin relationships cause you will always be paranoid. You’re being the better friend, by telling her she is wrong and letting him know. Put yourself in his shoes. :woman_shrugging:t4: you may lose a friend but your friend also might thank you.


You could not go, but that doesn’t mean you have to tell her husband. Personally I would stay out of it, just because drama is so exhausting. And people have a way of shooting the messenger.


You should encourage your friend to be honest with her husband. Most definitely don’t tag along with a party where adultery is happening.


No, loyalty, if it was him cheating than yes but your loyalty is to her


What’s more important. Your friendship or your morals. When you answer that you’ll answer your own question.


Id go and get proof then tell the husband


Stay out of it. While it sucks you’ll be drug down w all the drama. Stop hanging w her


Absolutely tell her husband and let us all know how it goes. Absolutely NEVER allow cheaters to get away with there bullshit they need to be held accountable for there actions


Id tell her husband because he should know. Id want someone to tell me to be honest.


I wouldn’t go but I wouldn’t tell him.


Mind. Your. Business. You will not be hurt in anyway, so why blow their life up because of what YOU think? It has nothing to do with you.


Neither. Don’t tell don’t go. Tell her the situation makes you uncomfortable.


I wouldn’t tell him. I would tell her she needs to do it herself…

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Been there…just mind your business in this case. I tried to warn my bf husband once, it got turned around on me! Never again.


If you decide to tell. Chances are they’ll break up, or stay together and you’ll lose your friend. Maybe try and tell the husband anonymously.

I don’t tolerate cheating … period. So I would cut her off completely, SHE can explain to her husband why her best friend of 10 years stopped coming around or talking to her. If he decided to call me and ask why I cut her off, id give him the 411 :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:


Don’t go. But tell your friend to tell her husband or you will.


Been there. Told him. They worked it out ended up getting married and having another baby and she loyal now. Butttt it ruined our friendship so idkk

Tell him. Don’t let him be the one looking stupid because he is the only one that doesn’t know.
Shame on all these people telling you not to tell him. He has a right to know. And as a best friend, it’s your job to do what’s right not what best for her. Be the bigger person and tell him. Then at least he had a heads up. Whatever he does with that information is up to him. But at least you tried to help


Just don’t go but don’t tell him. Not your place.

i would definitely tell the husband. i had something similar happen with a friend and i kept my mouth shut and i regret doing so.


You will be the bad person in the end but he has the right to know is there away you could have him find out without them knowing it was you


A true friend wouldn’t put you in that position. Let her go. She’s not your friend.


I was always “I wouldn’t say cause I wouldn’t want to then be the blame of breaking up a relationship or family” then one time I told my friends sister that her boyfriend was cheating on her (my friend) and ever since I haven’t Spoke to my friend even tho it came out it was true and they broke up. Dont get involved is my opinion :see_no_evil: x

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I personally would hope someone tel me my spouse is cheating. I would be so pissed knowing everyone knew but myself


Do not tell him if she’s actually your best friend. There are many reasons why someone cheats that can be complicated. Your loyalty is to her. Clearly she trusts you enough to believe you won’t tell. You can talk to her and tell her you think it’s wrong, and don’t go on the trip if you don’t want to go, but that doesn’t mean you need to blow up her life and out her.


I wouldn’t because I’d you do tell the husband and he decide to forgive her and stay with her and you told on her you lose both in a situation. I wouldn’t go on the trip , eventually she’ll get herself caught


Stay the hell out of it he’ll figure it out eventually.


I’d tell her no you’re not going and that you don’t support her actions. Try to convince her to tell him.

I would just stay at home and keep your mouth shut


Try talking to your friend, if shes not understanding and still adamant about doing that to her spouse. Let her know you’ll have to distance yourself from her because you dont support her actions and or intentions.


Mind your business. It’s not your job, place, position, right to act on anything.


Nope. Make it known you’re her friend but not okay with her actions and won’t support her in that by going around with her.

But not your place to involve yourself in her marriage. You don’t know what their arrangements may be, etc.


I’d give my friend and ultimatum you tell, or I do.


Refuse to go away and give her the choice to come clean with her husband id hope that someone would tell me if my partner was cheating


I definitely wouldn’t go. If she wants to go on her own time, go ahead. I don’t want to be part of the drama


Is your loyalty to your best friend, or her husband? Cuz if you would turn on your best friend because you don’t agree with what she’s doing, then you’re a snake. Let her make her own decisions. The husband will find out on his own. Be loyal to your friend. This is a crazy question.


I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who was cheating on their husband.


Don’t do it. I’ve done it twice and they are no longer my friends and they’re still with their cheating husbands even though one had a kid with another woman. Not worth the drama!!!

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Don’t get involved please. They might already know…


I would want to know if my spouse was cheating on me.

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Tell him. She deserves no loyalty when she’s behaving like a raggedy _ _

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Neither. Dont go if you dont feel comfortable. But also it’s not your job to tell her husband. Are you sure she’s cheating? Could they have opened their relationship?


Don’t go with her and DO tell her husband why with her standing right there.

Ima have to b loyal to my bish


Depending on how close you are with both parties. I would absolutely not go on a trip or facilitate this person at all. I would have an immediate conversation with said cheater. Hear them out and explain your stance. I am 1000% against cheating but couples can get through that and continue to stay together. I would give her a bit of time to be honest with her partner on her own but if she refused or continued I would have to tell. No one deserves to be disrespected in that way. Also, know that initial reaction could blow up in your face. You could very well be made the villian in the moment. I would make sure I knew all facts and was 100% sure of the situation from every angle before hand. Be sure you are willing to lose friendships because that’s usually what happens.


Why are those the only two options? With friends like you, who needs enemies?


Don’t use telling her husband as an excuse to not having to go on the trip!
Tell her you refuse to be apart of it that you’re staying home !

He will eventually find out. But is it worth loosing your friend over ?


Stay home n mind ya business!! Shanelle James


You should tell your friend to grow up and that you aren’t comfortable being around her while she continues this lifestyle. Then just spend time being happy with your man and let them live life however they choose.


Maybe talk to her about doing it herself. I would mind my own business because I try to stay away from the drama. But I wouldn’t go if your uncomfortable

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I wouldn’t go on the trip but I also wouldn’t say anything. In a perfect world, you would tell the husband and they would move on separate. However, that’s not usually how it works. Telling them will likely ruin your friendship with both and they will likely stay together. I definitely wouldn’t be any part of it though.


Personally, I would not go and I would let her know why. As for telling her spouse, I wouldn’t do it. I’ve experienced and witnessed that go south and turn against the person. Just let her know your position, and be done with it.


Idc what my best friend does. That’s my best friend and I support her even if she’s being a dumb bitch. Lol, ya’ll hoes ain’t loyal. :joy:


It’s a girls weekend trip, be a friend not a snake. Her life behind her door is her life.


lol that’s not your place to say at all or tell your so called friend you’ll love to have her instead get out of the relationship and be a good friend first unless you like her man then … can’t control what you do you know already what you’re going to do

Stay out of it. Not your monkey Not your circus


Hell no that’s my girl I got her back regardless :heart: right or wrong I’m there through it all :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:


I wouldn’t tell her husband but I also wouldn’t be part of her adultery. You’re gonna have to separate yourself and make it known that u love her but don’t support the shit she is doing. The truth always comes out.


I wouldn’t go, stay out of the drama.

You wanna rat on your best friend??? Maybe you should tell your friend you want to rat on her.


Everybody saying oh you’ll ruin your friendship…who tf wants to be friends with someone like that???


Yes! I would, fuck any low life scumbag who would cheat on their spouse.


This is hilarious. The amount of women telling her to let it go, but when it’s the other way around (a post about a known husband cheating on her friend etc) everyone’s all BURN HIM!!!


So is she bringing this other guy on this trip? If so I wouldn’t go and I wouldn’t tell her husband girl code. If it’s just her going, so it and talk to her about how you feel, I would think a friend of 10 years would matter enough to talk to them

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Personally I would want to know if my partner was cheating on me but, I was in this situation but with my sister, I told her husband because I DON’T like cheating… But I lost the closeness with my sister which I regret doing it now.

While it sucks and you’ll probably loose her as a friend, I’d tell the husband. Nobody deserves to be lied to, cheated on or used. And I also would not be going on the trip. I gave my friend the option of telling her husband or me telling him, she kept lying (and told him I had their daughter when I didn’t and her aunt busted her so he confronted me) and I told the truth -she had no intentions of saving the marriage-.


The truth always comes out, no need for you to get involved in the certain drama to come.

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You don’t know the whole situation…I wouldn’t judge her - and also would sugguest she talks to her hubby.

I would let her tell her actions will tell eventually


I’d befriend her and tell her husband and go about your life and find better friends.


Cheating is cheating no matter how she tries to put it to try make her self look better.She should of talked to her husband if she wasn’t happy or brake up with him first. It’s disappointing behavior an shouldn’t be covered for. I feel sorry for you being stuck in such a bad spot if she was your best friend she would of never put you there. I’d want to know if I was being cheated on no matter who told me.


I wouldn’t support adultery. Makes you look just as bad. I’d also stay out of it. The truth will come out eventually. With that said be upfront. Don’t go. Be honest with why.


Just don’t go and don’t say anything. If it bothers you, don’t be her friend anymore.

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Your loyalty should not end bcus hers did. You may have no idea why she’s cheating. Not saying it’s ever justified, but they probably have much bigger problems. You’re going to lose both if you snitch. It’s not your place. I wouldn’t cover, or engage in facilitating the cheating.