Should I tell my best friends husband she is cheating?

Do you really want to be friends with someone who thinks that’s okay?


I’m surprised at all the women defending her. I would tell my friend she’s being an idiot and if she didn’t be honest with her husband then yes I would tell him. Who wants friends that clearly aren’t loyal? If they’ll treat their own SPOUSE like that it’s only a matter of time before you’re treated like shit too.

I disagree with cheating. I don’t care who you are. If my man was cheating on me and my friend(s) knew I’d be pissed if I found out they knew and didn’t tell me. I would hope my friends would fucking tell me.


Would she tell on you?
Why is she cheating?
Your happy but is she?
I don’t condone cheating but I wouldn’t throw my BFF under the bus. I just wouldn’t be part of it.
My old friend husband beat her so I didn’t care she cheated then left…


Damn what kind of best friend are you ?


Tell her you are uncomfortable going and not go but trust me if my girl is fucking up I would jump her shit and tell her to tell him or I will. IDGAF how good of friends we are you cheat on your partner you are dead to me period.


unless you are prepared for it getting messy and now everyone is angry at you, let the marriage deal with itself. Because far too often, the messenger gets shot. but if you are okay with people reacting negatively, then yes, you should tell. you are under no obligation to protect your friend and what she is doing is wrong. What she is doing is hurtful. You do not need to enable or even condone it.

either way, I would end the friendship if it was me.

and it’s not about being petty. It’s about no longer having the same values and morals.

I surround myself with people who have the same ethics as I do. I’m not a “hate the sin love the sinner” .

I’m a “those are your lifestyle choices but they are not compatible with my lifestyle choices” when it comes to things like that. cheating, mistreating people, fraud, abusive towards their children, etcetera

if your personality and your morals tell you that it’s okay for you to recklessly hurt other people, we are no longer compatible. because I don’t think that way. And I don’t want that in my life.

so if you are prepared for the fallout, I think you should tell. if you’re not, it’s completely valid to say “not my circus not my monkeys” and leave the arena altogether

You are her friend not his…A loyal friend is hard to find…

If you want them both to never speak to you again. Everybody can feel their partner cheating, they ignore the signs.

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Girl needs to be honest with her best friend going behind her back and telling her husband is a sure way to end your friendship but if you don’t care about that then you shouldn’t be friends anyways

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I 100% would tell him. I don’t care why she’s cheating. There is NO good reason to cheat. If you’re not happy then leave instead of cheating. Tell him!


If your uncomfortable with what she does say something to her & don’t go on your girls trip & tell her that’s why your not going


Tell him why? She’s you’re friend . If u tell him she’s going to accuse you of having feelings for him and you and her will no longer be friends. Stay out of it

I would tell her don’t get me involved and save all text messages bc this is eventually going to go south. He’s going to find out you knew and didn’t tell him and blame you for not telling him. Probably going to break up your friendship. Keep all texts between you and her. Cover your ass.

I don’t agree with those saying “girl code”. I would try talking to her about it first and tell her that she needs to tell her husband and that if she doesn’t you are going to because he deserves to know. I also think it’s messed up that some ladies on here are seriously saying “you don’t know her situation” who cares if she does or not! Cheating isn’t okay, period!


MKe her tell him…if not Id kinda back off a little…It’s about you being a good person And how it makes u feel knowing you’re hanging around someone with those type of values.

You tell her you aren’t comfortable with her choices and would rather stay home.
But besides that, that’s none of your business. You listen to her husband drama, you listen to her boyfriend drama, and you don’t tell on your girl :sob:

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Mind the business that pays you in this case :black_heart: You dont know whats going on and nothing will affect you. A good friend would call her in her shit in persona and refuse to be a part of that if it continues and thats that. But once you step in you better be ready to do it full circle. Remember men aren’t perfect either so :woman_shrugging:t4: you should speak with your friend or dont speak on it at all.

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Tell your best friend to tell her husband.

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Tell your husband, if hes friends with your best friends man, he’ll tell him :joy::grimacing: men talk more than women most of the time. Or just tell your friend to friggen stop because shes f!@#&ing married!!


I’d give the chance for her to tell him or id tell him

I just wouldn’t go and I would mind my business. It’ll come out and you don’t have to be a part of it.


Would you want to know?

I’d personally tell him. After being cheated on more times than I can count, I appreciate the times that people have gone against the partners friendship to tell me

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Hell No you dont say shit. If your uncomfortable going, dont go. End of story.


Just say to her you don’t want to go & leave it at that, he will find out soon enough


Yes I would :100:…Cheating is wrong…Friend or not her husband needs to be told she is being unfaithful behind his back!!..

If it’s a girls trip, then why would she want the other dude there? Seems like she is using you for a cop out to get to spend the weekend with the other dude. I personally would not go and as far as telling her husband, I personally wouldn’t. I would just tell her you love her but can’t handle the stress of the secrets and feel it’s not your place to be there to condone that and tell her she needs to soul search what she wants because doing that to another human is destructive behavior and plan wrong. If you are unhappy leave even if tmyou later rekindle. I feel bad for her husband. Poor guy.


You’re the company you keep

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It’s a hard call bc it could ruin your friendship but at the end of the day if it’s bothering you that much and if you were in his shoes what would u want to happen? I’d talk to her first and see if you can get her to own up to it

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That’s not your place to say anything

So those of you that say don’t say anything… you would be ok with someone not telling you if your partner was cheating??


The critical question, IMO, if this information was revealed to the husband, would this have a negative impact on innocent children … whose lives would be turned upside down?

put yourself in his shoes? wouldn’t u want someone to tell you,? and yeah I know everyone is saying it’s not hurting you bla bla bla, ummmmm we are human being we should have to desency to say hey this is going on ya know girl


I wouldn’t go. And make it known to her husband that your not going. That way she still can’t use you as an excuse


Most definitely tell him. Nothing worse when a partner is cheating and everyone else knows about it and the person it’s been done to is none the wiser and wasting their lifes on this person :100::100::100::100:


I personally would. I get why people don’t but I couldn’t just stand by and watch.

Would you want to know? Is it compromising your emotional health by knowing this, are you feeling guilt? My answer is YES. Tell him. He deserves to know. If she’s using you as a scape goat to see this other man, he needs to know. That’s not cool.


She is your bestfriend. you may not agree with what she does but SHE is your bestfriend. Its a whole can of drama coming your way. But SHE is your bestfriend…Are you willing to lose your bestfriend? Talk to her about it instead…


Stay home so you aren’t guilty by association and tell her husband, just understand that you probably won’t have that friendship anymore.

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Truthfully if my friend saw something I would like her to say something to me. But you can approach it with love.

Dont condone it, tell her you want no part of it …but i wouldnt snitch her out. If shes a true friend, then she will respect that and leave you out of it. And if youre a true friend, you WONT rat her out.

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I would feel absolutely foolish if my friend knew my spouse was cheating and never said anything.


i wouldnt go and id tell ur friend u dont want to be apart of her cheating scandel.

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I would always tell, but I know from experience that the person you’re trying to help will crap on you too. Just know that, if you do tell him, be prepared to lose them both from your life.


Stay out of it. She will get caught


Must not be much of a friend to expect you to cover for adultery

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Get her out of this… you have such a long friendship you must know how to counsel your friend how to bring her back…if you are a true friend show her the right path


Simple question. Would you want to know? If the answer is yes, then tell her she needs to tell her spouse or you will.


Yeah so I was in this situation before. I did tell the boyfriend (not husband yet) she was cheating. He said I was lying because I wanted him (I didn’t) and she said I was a bitch. We somehow moved past it somewhat and I was even a bridesmaid in her wedding. They divorced less than a year later. :woman_shrugging:t2:


It’s really not your place as a friend to step into someone else’s relationship. I’ve seen somebody mess around with an old fling while still keeping their long time boyfriend around and only to cheat on him because he’s cheated on her etc etc, speaking from personal experience stay at the f*** away because all of that situation is so toxic that it will poison you even not being in the relationship. I mean my friend even didn’t know who the baby daddy was and had to get an abortion and blamed it on a miscarriage And through it all I had to keep my mouth shut, but now I’m realizing how toxic and crazy that was and I should have been honest because it wasn’t right for either of them to cheat on each other. I stood up for her when he cheated on her and no matter how many times we’ve broken into his voicemail and heard messages from random women thanking him for drinks and asking to get together again soon she’d immediately go back to him as long as he got her Gucci glasses or bought her love. It was disgusting. I hate that I didn’t stand up for what was right.

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It’s not your place to tell him. Tell her she needs to tell him.

Honesty is always the beat policy…even if it cuts deep, its best.

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Stay out of it! That friendship will end

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For my personal experience do not tell her husband you stay home with your husband and just let her go and do it because I had a best friend who’s cheating on her husband and I was at the lake trying to have a good time with my family and he kept calling me and calling me so when I finally answered he asked me if I had seen his why for talk to her and I said no he said I know she’s cheating on me can you just please tell me so I told him and then he confronted her and she lied about everything she had been cheating on him for years but he believed her and thought I was lying and it ended a really long friendship between me and her so just let him figure it out or let or let her tell


I wouldn’t go,Tell her your not going & tell her why your not going & ask her if it was her husband cheating on her, would she want to know!!
If people got to cheat on their spouse then there’s no real love there & they should be single


Dont tell him…put a anonymous letter in the mailbox🤭

I did that and lost my friend :woman_shrugging:t4: but I told her that her bf was cheating and she said I was lying or maybe it was the embarrassment :zipper_mouth_face:

I lost a friendship due to something similar. She was cheating, I expressed concern and advised her to tell her husband…she didnt like my “lack of support” and we stopped speaking. 2 years later they are divorced but I think she still never told him about the affair. I vouldnt compromise my values to be her friend unfortunatly.


My opinion: you can’t get involved in people’s shit. Stay outta it. You never know… maybe she will realize what she’s doing isn’t right, and choose to work on her marriage and this was an eye opener for her. Who knows?:woman_shrugging:t3:

Stay out of it and stay home with your husband… dont get dragged in her mess


You say nothing. Tell her not to drag your name into it. You say " my name Paul, that’s between yall"

No good deed goes unpunished! Stay out of it!!!

Don’t go if it’s just a cover for her to cheat. Don’t tell her husband.

You wouldn’t be a very good best friend if you’re going to tell on your girlfriend, don’t worry he’ll find out!!I would tell my friend I don’t agree with us you’re putting me in a very tough spot I like our friendship but I am not going along with it I’m not going on that weekend girls trip ,That you don’t want to hear anything more about this new guy and you I want to stay out of it

If you don’t mind losing a friend, tell him. If roles were reversed and he was cheating on her you’d probably tell her. So why not save the guy wasting his life with a cheater and just tell him. Make sure you have proof, recording of her telling you about it.


This is a morals vs loyalty thing. I would probably find a way for him to find out so that way he knows (everyone has the right to know if their partner is not being faithful !) but still have your friend

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If it were my best friend, I would not tell. But I would encourage her to seek counseling and work towards resolving her issues so she can have an honest marriage or learn how to leave if she doesn’t want it. I think affairs are super messy and it would be better coming from her.


Nope nope nope she will pick him and not fuck with u


Don’t tell him stay out of it.

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Would you want to be told if your spouse was cheating on you? If the answer is yes, then yes. If you would rather remain ignorant in the same situation, then no. (Personally I wouldnt be concerned with losing a friend who could and would do that to her spouse. Biss bye.)


I’d just not go at all

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At the end of the day she made the choice to cheat. Its not your place to tell. I would stay out of it because in those scenarios you look like the bad guy. And if yhey makecup ur friendship is done for good


Don’t tell him … Stay out of it… And if you don’t want to go on the trip then tell her you don’t want to go… Simple as that… If she was a real friend she would not put you in a position to feel guilty about anything.

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Marissa Jean Thomas I think this is right up your alley!

Tell her NO to trip, and stay out of it because she will turn on you. But then again if a friend cheats on her man she can’t be trusted as a friend either! I’d walk away completely from the whole mess.


I’d just say you aren’t interested in going… You could most certainly tell her why but leave it up to her to tell him.

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Mind your business. That is none of your concern and I promise all it’s going to do is start a fight with your “best friend”
Don’t go on the trip if you don’t want to.

I would tell her you don’t agree with it, that you think if she is unhappy then she needs to tell him and that you don’t want to be apart of the lying.


Absolutely not! She’s your best friend whether it’s right or wrong what she’s doing stay out of it. At the very least tell HER she’s wrong and should either end it or tell him herself but you better not go and tell him girl that’s SO messed up

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Bit Inless you want to screw around with her husband

I would tell her you don’t feel comfortable around her anymore because of her actions.


Stay home and stay silent!!

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Not someone I’d be best friends with. Don’t go on the girls trip. Tell her and your man why you’re not going (that way you aren’t lying to him at all) and leave it up to her on telling him.


I’d separate myself from the situation and tell your best friend how you feel about it and that you don’t want to be around it. If she can’t handle that then you don’t need that in your life either


I can’t believe the comments. When it’s the opposite everyone is always say something say something. She won’t be your best friend anymore but you should tell. Don’t let that man waste his life on someone like her.


As long as you have proof. Yes

Mail him an anonymous letter and stay out of it. I wouldn’t go, guilt by association.

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Not much of a best friend for even considering telling her husband. Don’t go but still that’s messed up.


Tell her your not Comfortable joining them

Because you can’t deal with lying to another person about cheating

I wouldn’t go to her husband only because she your friend and there’s girl code
But that doesn’t mean it’s ok at all

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I would want to be told in his shoes and everyone telling you otherwise obviously grewup in a diferent generation I always believe in standing up for what is right just because it’s hard diesent mean it’s right to let happen


With best friends like you, who needs enemies :unamused:


These girls telling you not to tell and you’re not a real friend, are the girls who would cheat and not want to get snitched on lol🤷‍♀️


I would definitely remove myself from the whole situation. Don’t tell on your best friend. However DO check her behavior and let her know how you feel. Set the boundaries that YOU don’t choose to be a part of all the shit. If she’s not happy with her dude she should leave him.


Never tell girl code you don’t know her situation!

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some of u ppl are down right rude if you feel you need to tell them do it, maybe consider telling her woman to woman i don’t condone or approve this and call her out to her face, might be enough to wake her up🤷‍♀️ but for ppl to be so rude and say hateful things because you feel the need to expose her i’m sorry for🌻


Tell her how you feel. Then Tell her that if she doesn’t tell him soon… you’re going to tell him. It’s really not your business. But no one deserves that either


Truthfully you should stay loyal to ur best friend, you don’t owe her husband any loyalty. If roles were reversed the if he was cheating his best friend wouldn’t tell the wife


I’d talk to her first and tell her that if she doesn’t say anything then I’ll tell him. To me, not telling him is just taking up for her bad behavior. Yeah your two are best friends but a true best friend wouldn’t let that continue. Either try to stop her and shed some light into her brain or tell him. Forget a “girl code”. That man’s life is being betrayed and he doesn’t even know it.

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Don’t go, and keep ya mouth shut?? Is that not an option??


If you don’t want to go Don’t, but I personally wouldn’t unless I felt he needed it know. Otherwise I’d stay out of it.