She can and will “shoot the messenger” so be prepared for that. Record it next time, confront him directly, then the next time make a scene during and tell her.
You confront sober him. Tell him to never even think of doing it again, or you will tell your sister. Don’t hurt her, he will do that on his own. It’s only a matter of time. I’m sorry your in that position. Talk to your mom, someone in the family needs to know. Your sister will need you when his actions catch up to him.
Either way she is going to be upset!!! So just tell her now!! You should of been told your sister from jump tho… I would NEVER hold nothin like that back, the 2nd it happened I would of slap from his ass and RAN to my sister!!
Every time I tell anyone, they always seem get angry at me, but I still think telling her is the right thing to do. Just be prepared for the possibility that your relationship with her could change.
I’d go to her husband first. Tell him he needs to let her know because this isn’t the first time, it’s the 2nd time while intoxicated which means it’s a pattern for him. She can then choose to ask you about it and also know to watch her husband and whom he is around while drinking. I’d say he would do it while sober since being drunk is not an excuse , but is gonna be his excuse. Give him time to make it be known to his wife, and if you speak with him a few days later and he hasn’t come clean, let your sister know that you gave him time to come clean and he chose not to so you are doing what feels right and letting her know. That way, she won’t just say u are jealous and causing them to have an issue. You would be giving him time to admit the wrong doing, balls in his court that way , but u are still taking care of the situation. I hope this makes sense ? I know someone is going to say this isn’t good advice, to each their own. I have been in a similar spot so I’m just putting my experience into it. Good luck.
Definitely tell her and be prepared for him to deny it, her question it, and possibly stay with him and try to work it out. If they go to counseling, and serious therapy they might stay together. And that is her choice don’t get involved in their marriage.
Yes because as hurt as she will be, she deserves to know. Who’s to say he hasn’t done this with other females and actually slept with someone else? Or will?
Believe if he’s acting this way with you?? Then he’s acting this way with every woman! You tell him wen he’s sober, tell him to cut his shit out! that’s your sister! stick up for her. Boy if that was one of my sisters husband sum one be walking away with a black eye! I don’t play that shit!
A lot of times, we end up getting screwed when telling. At the end of the day, they’re going to talk about it and he’s gonna switch it up. With the way my sister and I have a good relationship, I personally would tell her. I would definitely tell her in front of him to catch him off guard. Don’t give him time to find excuses.
This is sister code ! What the heck is this even a question for
No; keep away away away from him. Happened to me. I told my mom
You definitely need to tell her…
Would you want to know if it were you?
Tell her! He may be cheating with many other women and she should know.
You tell her what kind of question is that? that’s your sister. He probably cheats all the time an she deserves to know.
Unless you have proof, don’t say anything
You should tell her. She has every right to know what her husband has done to you, not once but twice already. How is that right for you and your sister? Apparently he has no morals and the covenant between your sister and him no longer exist.
Just keep telling him no, and walking away. If he gets grabby, or you feel uncomfortable or threatened by his action, then maybe I’d say something, but as long as he knows you mean no, I think you should keep it to yourself. Hopefully she realizes he’s sleazy all on her own. If it bothers you that much, then say something, but be prepared for the fallout it may cause. In more cases then not, they take their partners side and the person telling gets the brunt of the fallout!…
2nd time in a row? anyway I’d tell her. You’ll have to deal with the conveniences either way but secrets are never good. They’ll ruin you to your grave.
Yeah bc if it’s not you then who?
HIS black eye would tell her best
Mind ya business. Save that story for after the divorce and quit spending the night at their house. Jeeeez, you remind me of that woman who said she was assaulted twice by Bill Cosby on different occasions at his apt. Ok…and you were back at his place drinking again why?
Tell her! Why would you not. Your her sister and you don’t owe him anything.
Trust me if it were my sister she would know by the second time for sure🙃 I’m different🤌🏽
I think it would affect your relationship!
She deserves to know. If it were your husband I’m sure you would want to know.
Would you want your sister to tell you if the situation was reversed??
I would talk to a very sober him… and explain to him that you see he has a drinking problem that could destroy his family and your concerned not just for him but for his wife and children. I would also tell him that you don’t feel SAFE drinking with him ever again because of the place he’s put you in.
I had the same thing done to me and I didnt tell my sister as nothing happened and I didnt want to ruin their relationship, they split up and I told her what he had said and done and she new he was a prick anyway, I’d say dont tell her as your ruin their family, just tell her husband when hes sober to leave you alone else your tell her if it happens again
I was assaulted by my sisters boyfriend, she was devastated, but our relationship got stronger.
I saw an episode of the Steve wilkos show that was similar to what you’re saying. They took like detector tests and the sister was telling the truth that her sisters boyfriend had tried to get her to sleep with him.i hope you tell your sister the truth and contact the Steve wilkos show if she decides she wants lie detector tests.
She needs to know. She doesn’t deserve to be treated that way, her husband is a pissant. If he’s not getting it from you, guarantee there’s someone else.
Yes tell her, he’s a scumbag and probably does the same with other women. Also, do not go on any shows lol
And BTW, the conversation that needs to be had is with him and it should have taken place at the time of the incident. Where’s the bockbone?
She’s your Sister, tell her. I’m sure she would tell you if it was vice versa. Never break a sister bond!!!
No! It happened to me, I told my sister, and it cost me our relationship. She was the closest person to me. We talked every day. It has been a year now. I wish I’d kept my mouth shut
I can’t believe all the women here telling her to say nothing! Wouldn’t you want to know? Drunk or not it’s wrong on so many levels. It’s not her fault, he’s completely in the wrong, I wouldn’t be mad at my sister, I’d be grateful she said something.
I would talk to him about his drinking and how you feel it’s disrespectful to your sister. But I don’t think I would say anything to my sister without some type of proof. Because then she’s going to just think that you are coming onto him as well.
If it were my sister , I would have told her right when it first happened. And she would do the same for me.
- If he’s doing this with his own wife’s sister, he’s most likely doing it to other women.
- If she finds out later, she will be pissed that you didn’t tell her right away.
- If it were vise versa , wouldn’t you want her to tell you?
Stop visiting and staying overnight
I mean, her family is already destroyed if he’s trying to sleep around, especially with his sister in law…
you should DEFINITELY tell your sister…
Let your sister be aware & set him up together …so she gets to see first hand what hes being like .
Yes. Definitely yes.
Tell him when he’s sober to knock it off. Your not going to let him ruin the family dynamics. He needs to stop drinking period. They say when people are drunk their true nature comes out. Let him know all he will ever be is a brother in law. Shame on him.
Yes. That honestly shouldn’t even be a question. ESPECIALLY because if she finds out and you never told her she is going to think you were okay with her husband trying to sleep with you. And then you lose your sister. If you were in her shoes and it was your husband trying to sleep with her… would you want her to tell you?
Tell her! For sure!!
Take it to
The grave!
She will hate you and blame it on you! Nobody wins! DI NOT DO IT! Just stay away from him!!
Same thing happened to me! I messaged him and told him if he didn’t come clean to his pregnant wife(my sis), I would show her everything! My brother in law was dumb though and sent me messages about how he’s always wanted to sleep with me and on and on so I had proof Like why would you think this would be ok?
Id stop staying over but face to face id give him verbally what for
Honesty is the best policy!
It depends on the type of sister that you have. Do you have the type that would believe you and be mad at him? Or do you have the type that would be mad at you? Next, if you’re not going to knock the hell out of him the next time he comes on to you, make sure you’re not alone with him.
My thought is. If he is trying with you then he is trying with others. I would tell her. Even if she’s mad at you over it. It’s for her best interest and well being. He sounds like a dirtbag and she’d be better off without him. I would tell. But that’s just me. When some girls boyfriend is in my inbox I’m telling her, even when I don’t know her. Women have to look out for women and this is your sister. Help her. If she stays that’s on her but do not carry that secret. He cheats with someone else she still blames you for not telling her sooner🤷🏻♀️ It’s not an easy fix but trust me it’s the right thing
Yes absolutely tell her and stop going over. If it was me, I’d want to know.
Take it to your grave!! But let him know that if it happens again that you will tell her.
You should have went to her right after he tried something with you.
Tell her. If he’s trying to get with his own wife’s sister, you know he’s getting with randoms.
Sounds like there are other issues here. Why was he wasted both times? Is this a pattern? Does he even remember it (if not, it’s a huge warning sign for a drinking problem)?
The core question is what’s best for the children. They are learning what a boy, boyfriend, man and father should be every day. Is this a healthy example?
You absolutely tell her ! Periodt!
Tough call, I’d want to tell but some ppl “kill the messenger “ and stay in the relationship. His word vs yours and she has more to lose if she believes you. I wouldn’t go over, and if u must video and get proof… then tell her y u aren’t coming back
I would tell my sister why her husband had a black eye, yes, definitely!! Sisters before Misters!!
Being the sister in a similar type situation, tell her before she finds out some other way.
He’s a pig!!!
Why hurt her? Take it to your grave, but don’t go over there when he’s home.
So she doesn’t mention anything about him being drunk or sober. Why people keep bring up alcohol? It’s a possibility
You should tell your sister. You shouldn’t ever cover secrets for a scum. Should’ve told her when first happen but you thought maybe your were crazy then a 2nd time. Should’ve marched right up to your sister. Let her know, she gets mad them she’s ugly for picking a dirt clog for a husband.
Best of luck hun
Would you wanna know if you were her?? Think more like that
If you don’t she may find out and be angry. If you do, she could get angry but likely won’t leave him
He was drunk. Take it to your grave. Let someone else break her heart if it happens.
That’s your sister!!! You better tell her. Tbis shouldn’t even be a question. Your lying by omission will also devastate her.
What good would it do? Would it make your life better? Would it make your sisters life better? You will risk being cut out of your sisters life and become disowned by your sister.(seen it happen). If it does no one any good, destroys your sisters family who benefits? What are your motives? What you do is between you and God, but before you take the step you need to exam all the impacts. Silence can be golden!
Record him and demand he tell her or you will. And show her the recording if he won’t tell her.
I can’t believe there are people recommending that your don’t tell her. It may hurt, but she needs to know. Plus, what happens if she finds out from someone else? You’d look so guilty for keeping it from her
Stop going over there when he is drinking. I’m not saying you’re at fault but stop putting yourself in that situation. Or if he starts drinking…. Leave. It’s not worth the heart ache.
Don’t tell Her… tell Him !! Tell his if he tries shenanigans like that again… you WILL tell her !!!
Tell her…
one, she’s your sister. Hiding something like this will cause problems between the two of you if she finds out. Don’t ruin the trust she has for you. You are to protect each other from scumbags like him.
Two, you may not be the only one he’s tried hooking up with. Who knows if this guy will bring home STD’s…
Three, put yourself in her position. Wouldn’t you want to know if your partner was being unfaithful? Wouldn’t you expect your sister to protect you if she knew your partner was trying to sleep with her?
Even if she doesn’t leave him/believe you, at least you did your part in trying to protect her.
Yes. Your her sister.
Are you loyal to your sister or her husband?
Omg people saying don’t tell her at talk to him. Umm no who else is he trying to hook up with? Knowing men she talks to him one on one he will make another pass at her.
I would want to know. Tell her.
absolutely tell her!!! Wouldn’t u want to know?!
No don’t tell her. You’ll be the bad guy.
Yep. He did it to you he prob does it to others
Absolutely tell her!!
Keeep it to yourself .He problenly is a cheater.
Every time I’ve told the girl, it’s been a mistake. I got blamed in the end and lost friendships. I would do it all over again every single time, because I would want to know.
You should have told her the first time it happened. Because of that she is definitely going to be angry with you.
You have to tell her. I know it’ll hurt her, but imagine the hurt she’ll feel if she finds out he cheated with someone else & you did not warn her this is the way he is.
Absolutely tell her, that’s your sister! If he’s trying to get with you, he’s probably out trying to get with other ladies too.
If he’s trying to sleep with then he is most likely trying to sleep with other women who dont care about your sisters feelings. Tell her.
Tell him to bug off and record the conversation in case this ever comes up again and he tries blaming it on you.
I think you should call him out but not in front of anyone. Tell him if he does it again you will tell your sister. He needs to be checked.
I would tell my sister. That’s where my loyalty stands. She has the right to know. What she does with that information is up to her.
Tell him where to go and sort himself out.Dont tell ur sister unless you think she will believe you.
It’s not him…it’s the alcohol. She does need to know that he has an alcohol addiction problem. And he’s crossing lines he shouldn’t. Hopefully he’ll agree on getting help.
even if she picks his side over yours, you’re her sister, be honest w her.
He was drunk isn’t a excuse if anything he should quit drinking then. & most likely has done this w someone else & nobody stopped him. So
Get yourself a lover that other lovers will respect your boundaries. Love is worth finding, not worth destroying.
Girllll I woulda hit that man with the closest shit I had the first time an started screaming for EVERYBODY. How he come onto you once and then you put yourself alone with him for him to be able to do it again? It sounds fishy to me. Your sisters definitely gonna be pissed cause that don’t even make sense.
I think it also depends how you go about it.
You can also tell your sister that it concerns you when he drinks because he becomes so intoxicated to the point that he doesnt realize his bad actions. In which you say like. He is drunk and when he is drunk he tries to convince me to sleep with him. Like he is intoxicated. He and you need to be watchful of that behavior because you dont like it and its offensive and disrespectful!!!.
I think thats one way of going about it without her going all defensive and doing the whole you want my man type of shyt.
No not if he was too wasted to know what he was doing.
Obviously you tell her… Wtf kind of question is this? Where is your loyalty? To your sister or to her skeezy husband?