Should I tell the guy I have been seeing that there is a possibility that I could be pregnant?

wait to see if you are positive and if you are just go to his house and tell him

He has a right to know but it is your choice when you tell him. Possibly wait until you are sure before saying anything as to not cause confusion. If you are sure and have the proof he might take the news better :woman_shrugging:t3:. Also if you had already gotten pregnant with an IUD why would you choose to use that as BC again already knowing that you have had problems with it in the past? I would suggest a different BC next time!


Unless you’re in a trusting relationship with that person, there’s no need to say anything until there is actually something to say.

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That’s weird that they are making you wait for results they usually give them right away

Obviously wait but am I seriously the only one wondering how on earth this woman got an IUD at 16?

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I would wait until I knew for sure.

Wait!! There’s no reason to even panic yet.

personally I’d wait. What good would come from saying something if it isn’t so?

Did they give the results yet?

I would wait until you know for sure that your pregnant or not. And if you are pregnant, i think it’s best to be straight forward and upfront about it.

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Why didn’t they do an instant pregnancy test in the ER? If I were you I’d do 1 at home just so you know. I wouldn’t mention it to him until you know.

Wait for results, and remember half of the “blame” is his also, he could have used his own protection.

How long does it take to get the results? I’d wait.


Just wait until you get the test results. No need to make a fuss if there’s nothing to fuss over.


Wait for the results


Wait till you find out results

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I would wait for the results. But if you are, he has a right to know.

You really need, for the future, to research other b/c options.

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Do not say a word to him about it until you are positive that you are pregnant. Period.


Wait for the results

Tell him straight up

I would wait until you know for sure the results.


No.Make sure 100% first.No could be or anything like that.Dont make a drama unless you are positively sure

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I’d wait for results!

Wait for results. No need to scare him or stress either of you out on something that’s not even real just yet.

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Definitely wait until you have your test results back… No need to bring it up if you’re not pregnant…

Wait until you know for sure… no point in putting strain on your relationship and him if it turns out you not… If you are speak to him face to face and if not don’t even mention anything… Get the IUD removed and find a better BC method

Wait…why cause undue stress for both of you if there is no reason

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Wait for the results

Wait for the results. No need to throw him into a panic for no reason.

Definitely dont say anything unless you’re 100% sure, sure you’re keeping pregnancy, and at least to end of 1st trimester. If BC doesnt work for you maybe consider using condoms as well until you’re in a place where both parties are ok with having another baby. Hope everything works out for you.


You better wait for results :massage_woman:t2:

Tell him. Then see his reaction

Wait till you have the results

Wait. But update us though I gotta know.


I would wait for sure. Talk to a friend about it, get it off your chest. That’s what I did waiting for my results and it helped a lot!

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Wait because you might scare him off

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I would wait until you know for sure. Xx


Wait. Definitely wait before you say anything.

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Wait until the results come in, why start a big unnecessary problem or uncomfortable conversation for potentially nothing?


Wait . No point adding stress to the situation .

I would Wait for the results then go from there but if you want a baby in the near future or simply see his reaction incase it happens I would tell him would happen the pain trip to the er and Dr and what they said so you know his reaction and that you are waiting for results… I would want to know if I was a man the minute she had a doubt she was pregnant and being checked at the dr or simply buy yourself a test and get it over with

Obviously wait till you have the results. No need to shake shit up over a maybe. Not judging but that should be common sense

Wait for the result’s before saying anything to him

I think you should wait…. But just out of curiosity, what type of ER did you go to that didn’t give you the results before you left? I’ve had both blood and urine taken in the ER and was given the results before I left.


Well did you get results are you

I would wait for the results. If it’s negative, don’t freak him out over nothing, you know? If it’s positive, make time to have a talk and explain how it was out of place etc. If it’s negative, make time to have a conversation about how you had to have it removed but are looking into other forms of birth control (if you are) and how you should use protection if anything happens.

I would wait for the results. No use in #1 scaring him off or #2 worrying him if its nothing. If it turns out that you are indeed pregnant. Sit down and talk to him. Explain everything that you just explained to us about your IUD being out of place. And go from there.

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Wait. No need for unnecessary drama.

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I’d wait til I knew for sure. It shouldnt take that long for results and why add all the unnecessary drama if you’re not…

Just wait till you know the results

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You answer your own questions wait for results

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I’d say wait for the results to know for sure then talk to him


Definitely wait for the results. And if they are positive then just tell him. No birth control is 100% effective and that’s always a risk when having unprotected sex. He should know and understand this and if he’s as great as he sounds he will understand and talk to you about it.


Why did you keep using the IUD if it failed you before?


I’d personally wait and if you are tell him u were having cramps went to check ur udi and that’s how u found out… Oops but don’t stress ur self or him out until u know for sure


For sure wait and I’d suggest next time not to rely on the iud if it has a history of failing with you.

Wait until you have all the information. Then tell him

Be straight up about it, dont beat around the bush dont sugar coat it, just tell him exactly like you told us, it is what it is and with you both already having children you both knew it was possible, if hes any kind of man he will accept it and respect the fact you were totally honest.

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Wait for the results.

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Wait for the results


Wait for results lol it’s prob just the placement that caused pain

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I’m sorry this happened. Birth control sucks and fails . I know it’s hard , wait until you get your results . For now , rest , do some self care .

You should probably wait until you have a result. Why cause mixed feelings and uncertainty if you’re not sure yet?

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Wait till you get the results


Wait, but how long does the results take?

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Wait for results…no use to stir him up unnecessarily…


Wait for your test results to come back, you don’t want to freak him out.

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WAIT! Also, update us on this post.


Wait for the results

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Wait for the results, why scare him now? :joy:

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I’d wait for the results … and I wouldn’t tell him over text. Id ask him if you guys can talk and tell him face to face.

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Wait for the results for sure!!!

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You tell him the truth about your iud and your waiting to here back from the doctor because they took a pregnancy test … sorry be open and honest

Wait, you should have the results soon. Don’t want to cause additional stress to new relationships


Wait till you know for sure, then tell him. You didn’t get into this situation alone. He’s responsible too.

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Wait! Unless you want to possibly scare him off with a false alarm

Just wait and then explain it all if your positive

Wait for the results first

Wait to get results if they are negative no worries but if positive then ask him to come over to talk in person then explain the situation with the IUD and say u are pregnant but you did not want to trap him then with his response take from there good luck either way

Send him an email! That’s what I did to my now baby daddy! Lol

I’d probably wait until results to come back, but also since you have a history of pregnancy in BC and you guys don’t seem serious if you sleep together again I’d definitely use a condom, obviously don’t need a baby with a guy you just see randomly and you know, STD’s…


The way it was explained to me, if you get pregnant on the iud and decide to take it out, there is a high probability the pregnancy will be lost. I say wait.


Why dont you go buy a test at the dollar store right now and find out that way? Why do you need to wait for your doctor to call you with the results? I would buy a test and if its negative definitely up on your birth control. If the IUD didn’t work last time I dont see how you could rely on it again, 16 or not. If its positive then its positive, figure out what will work best for you whether it is abortion, birth, or adoption.


You for sure need a 100% positive before saying anything. You never know how someone could react to that. That being said, if you are it is BOTH of your responsibility and he should take care of the child whether you guys stay together or not. This happened to me and thankfully I was blessed with my child having a good dad even though we did not end up together. But again, wait until you have an answer.

I would wait until you have a result from the pregnancy test. But on another note why are you having unprotected sex with someone you’re not in a serious committed relationship with? That’s a big risk to be taking and likely all of this stress could have been avoided too. Pregnancies came be dealt with but many STI’s are for life.


I wouldn’t be on the same birth control that let me get pregnant 16 years ago but that’s me


Wait until you find out…no point in both of you freaking out until you’re sure.
(My partner and I had a scare before getting pregnant actually, and until we knew for sure if I was or not it was worrying as shit) (my daughter was conceived after only 9 months together and birth control involved, my IUD is the only BC that has actually prevented pregnancy for me teen pregnancy on the pill, scare and my daughter’s pregnancy with the patch, and won’t get depo as my mom got pregnant with my older brother, and then me while on it :woman_facepalming:t4:) had my first IUD after my teen pregnancy (ended badly, both the pregnancy and that IUD as the IUD twisted fml) got another IUD after having my daughter and it’s worked for 2 years and a bit now so I’m hopeful it’ll continue working well)

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Both times I got preggo on the IUD (kids are 18 months apart…) I had gone to the er one for pain and the other because I had a migraine and went for the meds they always gave me. Both times they tested for pregnancy and both times came back within a half hour at most. I have NEVER been sent home to wait for results and I go alot (chronic migraines) and they test. Every. Single. Time.

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I’d wait until you knew for sure if it’s positive then tell him right away if its negative I’d ease into everything u just said bc if u like him alot u should be honest however it really depends on you and the guy

Wait until you get the results. If they’re positive then tell him what you went for and that they had you test and it’s positive then provide him the hospital paperwork (just cause sometimes they want proof) if it’s negative then let him know that your IUD is out of place and having to be taken out so sex needs to be protected from there on out

Wooo i couldnt wait :sob::joy:. I woulda went and bought some home pregnancy tests. If your period is that late. That’ll get the job done. If it’s negative. Then relax until them hospital results come. If its positive. Then you dont have to wait to tell him at all. Good luck :crossed_fingers:t6:

There’s so many questions here, but how could you use an IUD if it didn’t even work the first time? Why are you not using safe sex in 2021? Just seems very irresponsible on your part.

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My last one got thru 2 forms of birth control. I got my tubes tied after that. Good luck to you. :green_heart:

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You are talking about stressing him out, what about her stress and pain. And was he using protection too? If not then he’s a contributing factor in this equation as well. Tell him what’s going on. Even if they are just dating, there should be some kind of friendship, and hopefully respect. Something else here, if she is, it connects them, and whether they stay together or not, that baby makes them a family. Their children would have a sibling in common

Why ppl are telling you to shield him from this before you’re sure is absolutely beyond me! Why on earth is it ok for you to feel panicked but not him? He’s a grown man who should be able to handle things like an adult. Seeing how he reacts can tell you a lot about him. And the way he reacts now will be indicative of how he reacts in the future. Ppl don’t change all that much… at least not for the better… if anything they get worse.

Always wait until your truly for sure. There is no need to stress someone out with a “possibility” or to get someones hopes up because there is people in this world who want children and this kind of news is good news but to tell someone on a maybe just isn’t right. Maybe if you all were further along telling the maybes would be okay but I feel like you are maybe not so close right now which is why you struggle with what to do. But definitely always wait until it is a for sure positive or negative. That way you know for a fact if your pregnant and thats when he should be told and if not maybe you can tell him about the whole experience in a way revolving around your pain and IUD being removed. But DON’T say anything until you truly know.

Honestly go get a home test & see what it says. If you are pregnant just tell him. Listen I found out my birth control was messed up & I ended up pregnant & go from there. It takes two to make a baby he’s just as responsible for this as you are & you both need to decide what you want to do

If it were me I would wait until 1) I had the test results and 2) I had decided whether or not I wanted to keep it. I’ve learned to consider self preservation before making a big move

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I wouldn’t say anything to him yet. I’d wait for the results then decide what you want to do. It’s definitely a casual relationship since you’ve only seen each other a few times. No doubt I’ll get some hate for this, but the only reason he would need to know anything is if you decide to keep the pregnancy. Otherwise, :woman_shrugging:t2:.