Should I tell the guy I have been seeing that there is a possibility that I could be pregnant?

My opinion is casual or not both are adults and know what can happen having unprotected sex … and like others have said it’s not just her responsibility to make sure they are both protected … I agree he should be told now stop letting guys be protected from feelings and like others have said it shows a lot about a person and if u are pregnant you will get better insight into who you are dealing with and if not then you both learn from it … you aren’t giving him the opportunity to face his feelings by protecting him from the reality of things we need to stop coddling men and let them feel what we feel and deal with it so they can be better men!

The chances of being pregnant with an IUD is slim. And if you were, the chances of an erotic pregnancy is very high with an IUD.
I don’t think I would tell this man until you absolutely know for sure if you were positive.
I know some men feel that women try to “trap them”
By claiming they are pregnant. So, I’d probably not say anything until your test comes out positive and your doctor confirms it’s viable.

Do an at home test and find out for yourself first, wait for results from drs and have a chat with them as it might not even be a viable pregnancy, they once U know all the facts U can decide weather or not to tell him.

Wait for results - no sense in getting him and yourself all worked up until you have confirmation.

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I would tell him right away. You shouldn’t have to be the only one dealing with the stress of these results. He played a major role in this scenario so he should also be included in the stressing part too. It would be kinder to let him know after you have the results but again, you don’t get to not know until after the result. You have to deal with the pain and the stress the least he could do is be a part of the process.

Be honest about all of it especially because if you end up pregnant he may think you were lying to him about being on birth control that happens a lot

If i were u I’d wait til u know for sure… Also how come they didn’t give u results right there?.. Everytime I’ve every done a pregnancy test at a drs office or the hospital i got my results while i was still there…

I just want to know why ppl are saying “she shouldn’t have to suffer alone”… So bc shes nervous that her bc may have been defective at the time, it’s ok to tell the guy when she’s not even sure yet? So cause stress and panic in someone else bc you are going through it too ?? Misery lives company I guess… And I get the point that it takes two but there was bc in place so it’s no one’s fault if it was messing up it’s just mechanical error possibly. I don’t see the point in causing that stress on them and t their relationship rn…

No need to stress him! Wow ladies so she should just stress alone! That’s what’s wrong with men, to many of you are letting them just live life while your stressed the hell out, all to not stress him. I say tell him now he should be going through the stress with you!

I wouldn’t bring it up unless it’s positive

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I’d wait until you know for sure before telling him. Don’t want to freak him out lol. But definitely tell him if you are pregnant. And if you are not pregnant don’t say anything just tell him y’all have to use protection until you get the birth control situated. Lol.

I was in a similar situation, but we both knowingly had sex unprotected, knowing I could get pregnant and had recently come off of fertility treatment. Mine turned badly before telling him, was waiting because I was still feeling him out and didnt want to be accused of trapping. But I dont regret not saying anything because either way true colors came out. Just keep in mind if you keep it and its a successful pregnancy, if you are of course, that your might not end up together anyway :woman_shrugging: so Id wait to say anything.

I would wait. Not sure why they sent you home. Normally hospital pregnancy tests are pretty quick as they are often routine before certain procedures. Even the blood test would be done in the lab ASAP.

I would definitely wait until you know the results. I missed my period last month for no reason whatsoever (zero chance of pregnancy). No need to worry him unnecessarily. If you’re already past your missed period date, take an OTC pregnancy test instead of waiting on the results from the doctor.

I’d wait and try not to freak out yourself until you know for sure. No sense in getting everyone scared. Doesn’t sound like you have to wait to long since you already took the test and just waiting results.

Wait for results. The whole dynamic of the situationship is gonna change if its just a scare. Pregnancy scares are okay in relationships, but this is casual

yeah i would wait until you have a result …bc if it’s negative then you’re having a pointless convo and he might take it as a huge red flag and end things…if it’s positive then at least you actually HAVE something to have the convo about and a reason…otherwise you’re just going to come off as crazy/dramatic and scare for no reason

You should always talk about a possibility of pregnancy, and what their feelings would be if it came up. I do this automatically. My fallopian tubes are completely blocked, in the 1% I need to knw how they feel.

I would wait. But, that’s just me. My husband & I dated in high school then parted ways- then got together again in 2015. I had 2 other kiddos by then. I was in the same spot- I thought I was pregnant but I went to the urgent care in hopes it was likely a UTI- which it was but it was also pregnancy. I was super nervous because we had only been together less than a month. I literally asked urgent care to put my tests in a bag so he would believe me. :joy:

You got this mama & he sounds like a decent guy. Use your best judgement on what you feel is right. I hope it the testing comes out in whatever way you want it too :heart:

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Inappropriate & Unfiltered!

Can we get an update!? Was it positive or negative? Please make sure we know what happens when you post questions and we NEVER hear what happened or even if the person is okay!

Are you talking about pregnancy for real? Or are you using that as code for an STD scare? Pregnancy tests…blood or urine, would never take that long. Plus, If it were necessary, they could ultrasound depending on the length of time it’s been. BUT an STD screening is the kind of testing that would take long enough that youd probably get sent home….so are you really trying to say that you think you got something and don’t wanna ask him if he’s sleeping with someone else, caught something, and gave it to you?

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Simple really pick up a pregnancy test and take it ull know in minutes if u r pregnant or not then go from there…dollar tree has pretty reliable tests for a dollar

If it were me, I’d wait. But if the test comes back negative, I would still tell him and talk about your expectations with y’all and maybe talk about back up contraceptives.

You need to wait. Why create anxiety over the situation possibly unnecessarily? Wait for your results and then if you need to share any news with him do it. I would say look for another form of bc if you know you have repeatedly had issues with IUDS

Just wait. I say no reason to alarm him if it would be alarming to him if you’re not pregnant. Once you get the results then tell him. There’s no way to word it, just tell him. It’s not like you got that way on your own. So just tell him. But like I said wait until you know for sure.

Idk, is it me or should you be worried about the pain? I mean I did have some pain when I found out I was pregnant, but if the test comes back not pregnant I’d go back to the drs and get std testing done, it’s just a hunch

Honestly I would just wait until you have positive confirmation of the test before bringing anything up to him about it! :hugs:

Wait until 100%. No reason to cause worry and strain whatever relationship there is between you for uncertain reasons

They still give me a pregnancy test when I go to the ER y’all and I’ve had a total hysterectomy LOL. Surprise, it’s always negative. Results come back before I leave, even if it’s a blood test.

Wait. There’s no reason to stress him out for a maybe. But, use protection going forward if you don’t want a kid.

I’d wait till you know for sure. Saying something before hand could cause the “relationship” to end for no reason. If that makes sense🤷‍♀️

Wait a good while to actually get to know someone before giving your body away to them…all of this could have been avoided. I hope if there is a child in the end that the parents do right by that child.

Wait for the results. But no matter the results an open honest conversation should be had with him.

I would wait until I knew. No sense in stressing him out (whether it’s good stress or bad) until you know.

It depends on if you are serious about potentially being with him. I think it’s a good way to see what his character is. If he flakes, don’t invest in him

Why wait?? He is responsible for this too… Why not just tell him the truth? Why start the relationship out with deceiving him?? He has 2 kids?? He know how babies are made. He took the chance just like you did.

You definitely don’t tell a guy you’re pregnant until you know you’re pregnant. I feel like that’s just common sense :roll_eyes:

I would definitely wait for test results before you talk to him, especially because your relationship seems still very casual at this point.

You need to figure out if you’re pregnant or not before doing anything. That’s much more important.

Wait until you here from the doctor no point in telling the guy if negative and be sure to use better contraception

Tell him now and you will never see him again, I suggest you wait to see if it’s positive or negative, sounds to me like the IUD slipped and that’s why you didn’t have a period. One can hope. Otherwise I don’t think you should tell him unless you know for sure. What are you trying to get out of him if you do?

You’re an adult…

If you are pregnant, call him and have an adult conversation.

If you aren’t and you sleep with him again… use a condom combines with a bc pill.

Not quite sure why that’s so hard?

Don’t count your chickens before they hatch…wait until you have a positive test.

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There is no reason to tell him unless you want his support while you wait for the results. Otherwise I wouldn’t say anything until you know for sure

Tell him the truth, and if he can’t handle it, he wasn’t meant to be in your life…why are you scared? Is it because you want him in your life and that he will leave…he will do that either way if he’s not for you…or because you think he will something violent? Either way, sounds like he’s not your person.

If you’re just not sure on the approach because it’s new…then relax, take a breath and tell the truth… I assume you are both adults and can communicate like adults. He may be elated to have another child.

Yea it’s me again. This seems like a question to see our answers and see how we come together or collide. Just saying. No apologies cuz the “person” first posted has not spoke up

Tired of reading the opinions. What happened? Did you tell him? Do you have results?

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Find out whats going on before you say anything. No point in freaking someone out over nothing. If you do tell him though just be honest. Theres a lot of issues with IUD’S. A lot of birth controls mimick pregnancy.

Are we not peeing on the stick to see if there are 2 pink lines? I don’t even know anyone that had a dr that does the blood test unless it has been several weeks past the start of your period and your urine tests are still negative.

I say wait out the results. And the removal of the IUD. If you are, that can cause loss if the pregnancy.

Of course you would wait for definitive results before you tell him. You both knew what you were doing and the possibilities. Be adult about it

I’d wait. No need in giving either of you more stress before you know for sure.

Pregnancy tests are instant. Take one at home.

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I would wait until you get the results and tell him in person! NOT text.

I would wait until I found out for sure. No reason to get worked up if there’s nothing to say

LOL “what can I do?” That one line made me chuckle for real.

My suggestion is to wait until you have concrete results delivered. No need to react to what ifs, just yet. Just my opinion.

I’d wait. And if getting pregnant freaks you out, y’all should start having protected sex in the future.

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I would wait for the results honestly…that’s me tho. I don’t tell anything to anyone until I’m 100% sure

Wait until u know for sure… it would be different if yall were in a serious relationship… but no need to get feeli gs involved until u know what’s going on

I mean…Id probably tell him uve been in pain and what’s going on, and especially that they are taking ur IUD out

Wait. If it turns out you’re not then he may be scared off by the whole thing. If you end up together long term you could tell him than

I feel like the common sense answer would be that you wait until you get your results back before jumping the gun. Lol.

This is the last place on earth to look for nonjudgmental help. I wish you the best.

Why not take an at home test if you are late ?

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I’d wait til you know for sure. But that’s me. I’d rather not freak anyone out until they needed to be freaked out lol

First off that’s not something you just casually text to someone.
You should probably do it in person when you get the results…

So keep us posted Bc I’m pretty invested at this point but wait to tell him until you know for sure

Wait! But get yourself some birth control asap, if your not married make him wear a condom! Always!

I wouldn’t say anything unless the test is positive but girl wrap it next time !!

I’m wondering why the hospital wouldn’t tell you right there? They use the pee strips here in Michigan. And tell you same day, while you’re there. Weird. Do they draw your blood or something?

I would wait though. For the results. What if you’re not.

Take an over the counter test. It may take the hospital hours to get back with you. Find out for sure first.

Definitely wait until your sure no need to stress everyone until there is something to stress about. Test results don’t take long be patient

You’re a grown-ass woman. Be an adult and talk to this person tell him what’s going on

I would wait until you know the results, save a lot of trouble a lot of explaining. But my concern is you have fear in telling him, :kissing_heart:

Wait till you know and if you’re that concerned about freaking him out maybe he’s not the one.

Be smarter and use a condone when having casual sex. It could save your life.

Yeah u should tell him if positive but if he’s not exclusive I wouldn’t do that to a child.

Wait till you have results. And u can go get your own pregnancy test while u wait for your Dr… idk y they are making you wait anyway.

I’m more worried about ectopic pregnancy, very common with IUD’s. Please have them do an ultrasound to verify.

I never told my husband untill I had a pregnancy test. I thought that was the norm.

I personally would(and did) wait until I had a definitive answer

WAIT but be upfront and honest once the results are in and for sure use protection if you do have set again

I would wait ,be sure about it .I know you are freaking out ,but hold out until you know for sure.:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

I’d wait for the results before you say anything

I would wait for the results before you say anything.
There’s no need for you both to be freaking out right now.

I would wait, it should only be another few hours and you can always grab a test from cvs too.

Um wait for the results or take a at home pregnancy test?! And um start using condoms! :woman_shrugging:t2: It can definitely be the iud as well stopping you from bleeding and that’s what’s causing all the pain as well. It has happened that way before

I’d wait till you have an answer for sure don’t wanna scare him off but that’s jus me

No sex before marriage solves all of these problems. The best idea is to tell the truth. I say this as a sinner only said by the grace of Christ.

Why not just take a home test and find out now?

I’d wait for results u might not have to tell him at all

Wait for the test results and for an ultrasound to confirm it’s a healthy pregnancy.

Curious did you find out results yet this was posted 10 hrs ago

Do not tell him anything till you are 100% sure you are pregnant.

If he’s not the dad then tell the real dad

I wouldn’t say anything about it until you know for sure that you are.

Why wouldnt you until you are sure?

Buy a pregnancy test and find out now

Wait for results before mentioning it.

Can’t she just take a home pregnancy test?

Wait until the results come back?