Honey You’ve open the door to the devil and allowed her a seat at your table, you’ve welcomed her with arms wide open into your family and she’s crossing too many lines. It’s time to tell her to leave no thinking no questions, she just needs to leave before problems start arising for you all.
What? Giiirrrlll send her on her marry lil way and cut ties with her FOR GOOD omg
She is so very disrespectful to you. You should tell her she needs to go. You don’t owe her an explanation. I believe she knows exactly what she is doing.
She should not ever be THAT COMFORTABLE to go ask ur hubby while hes in the shower. She doesnt knw boundaries-well she does she just doesnt respect u enough set them for herself
Beware , she needs to go.She is NOT YOUR FRIEND
Sorry, but if anyone called my baby ugly I’d be chuckin them out by the throat hun u dnt need that kinda negative behavior in ur life x
Umm… Byyyyyeeeeee.
Omg! Really! Get that woman out of there and out of your life! Immediately!
I’d make sure she’s out your house ASAP and out your lives.
She wants him and is treating him like her partner. Ffs she mentioned wanting to ask him to marry her! Does she think your just room mates and he’s fair game?
This is an old post. This was posted a couple weeks ago.
Show her the door. She’s going to take over and wreck your home.
Why do you need any advice??? Kick her out now
Yeah, she needs to go. Home wrecker! It’s only a matter of time before she tries to do something drastic.
I’d also question ur partners loyalty to u, whys he not told her, why does she feel so comfortable acting up to him in ur presence too, he d be out the door too xx
Don’t ask her to leave! TELL HER TO LEAVE IMMEDIATELY!!!
She would have been gone when she first started talking crazy she wants your man im sure she has somewhere she can go if not send her butt to a shelter b done w her
I would tell her ass to leave asap no joke
Your bf is fine, but she’s not to be trusted.
She’s gotta go.
She would be out the door fast.
I’d be keeping her away from my man tell you that!
Are you seriously asking this question? Kick her butt OUT!!
First things first. If you are in a relationship you NEVER let another single person live with you. She needs somewhere to crash for 1-2 nights ok cool, but that’s the max. I don’t care how great your relationship is, nothing good ever comes from inviting someone else into your home. Your home is your private space and should be for you and your family. Second, let go of her and get her out. She will find somewhere else but it doesn’t need to be in your home. Too many red flags, and she’s not your friend, get her out today.
Get rid of her and FAST
She needs to leave yesterday.
That’s how my first marriage ended. So called best friend since grade school was homeless and needed a place to stay. A few months later that jumped on me and beat me badly. I was pregnant and was gonna tell my husband that night. She supposedly went in for an emergency historectomy a month after moving in. Well it was a D&C. Well long story short I lost the baby I was carrying. They kept my child and turn him against me. They got married not even 3 months after we divorced. Divorced in December 2008. They married in February 2009. They are still married with 2 kids together. He has a total of 7 kids by 3 different women. 4 by 1st wife, 1 by 2nd wife (me) and 2 by 3rd wife (the home wrecking whore). NEVER TRUST A FRIEND!!! I’m thankful the abusive bastard is out of my life. I finally met my soul mate 3 years ago and have been married now for almost 6 months.
She’d of been gone once she said she’d walk in on him naked.
Time to show her the door.
The bish has got to go she is obviously a homewrecker that ain’t no friend.
It sounds like she’s trying to be your kid’s stepmom. She would have to go - all this is inappropriate
I’d have her stuff packed at the door or better yet tossed out into the yard and the doors locked! it she would be gone!
get rid of her or soon they will get rid of you
If you “don’t think much of it” you wouldn’t be asking for advice… if nothing has happened between them, then it’s just a matter of time!!!
Get her out of your house immediately. Not even kidding. This woman is going to try and seduce your husband and is a risk to your family. Get her out of your family home immediately even if you have to lend her money to pay first month’s rent. Girl listen to us. We all say the same
You really have to ask?
She would be out it’s inappropriate and disrespectful
kick her out. she has no respect for you.
You should definitely worry about her! She has a crush on him if this isn’t her normal personality. If she didn’t she wouldn’t be saying things like that
Yeah it’s way past time for her to go. Flirting with your friends man is a huge no no
Umm the fu€k … that female has got to goooooo. That’s not your friend. Stop that nonsense.
A few red flags…keep an eye on her and him. Or just talk to him bout her.
Best be keeping her away. She sounds nuts
I hope you know the answer to this without having to ask us, but she should have been gone like yesterday…
Kick her out!! She is trying to take over your man.
You need to take off yr flipping blinders or your “friend” is going to steal yr man right in front your eyes. I seriously CANNOT believe that you don’t see anything wrong here. Your own sister can see this is not right. If you don’t nip this right now, then your deserve for your man to be stolen from under yr nose.
What? Is this real??
Out of the kindness of your heart you invited trouble into your relationship. U better give her a deadline to get her act together. Better still she got till February monthend to move. Can’t be out here calling my man honey and wanting to stay in my home
get her out of your home NOW!!!
Get rid of her, like yesterday
Are.you sister wives? If not id say she has to go. Could that maybe be what she’s got the impression is going on?
She isn’t even hiding it, she’s got to go…now
This question was asked a few weeks ago… Same text, everything.
Sounds like she is off mentally either that or she does not respect y’all’s relationship
If her innuendos bother you . You need to let her know and to stop or back off
… why don’t you think much of it?
Shes a walking red flag. Calling her own kid ugly much less your baby…wtf
Hunny you don’t think much of it? She called him honey, she said she was going to ask him to marry her, she talked about seeing him naked. No no no
If your feeling uneasy then someone has some bad intentions. I’d smash it now. Ask her to leave. She’s obviously trying to take advantage of the situation.
But omg on his part too!
I don’t think you can trust her. She doesn’t sound right in the head. I’d be getting her out ASAP !!!
Get her out today…she has serious issues…don’t ever expose your young son to her again
She sounds like a fatal attraction, pack her things for her! Him too he needs to put your friend in her place not blush at such remarks its disrespectful to you!
With friends like that , you don’t need enemeis!
Is this the same person asking the sane thing that was posted a few weeks ago?
Omg. The answer is obvious
Get rid of her NOW. RED FLAGS
If any “friend” of mine called my baby ugly or anything of the sort, bit•ch would be out so fast she wouldn’t even know what happened.
I’d throw her to the curb. If it’s something I’d never say or do, I damn sure wouldn’t allow her to do it in my home. I am the Lady of the house and certain things are just not tolerated.
She’s not your friend and you need to kick her out asap. She’s showing what her intentions are towards your relationship, to steal your man. You need to talk to your boyfriend alone as well and tell him bluntly how their interactions make you feel and that after she’s kicked out both of you need to block her on everything. Neither of you are stopping her advances by laughing and blushing about her comments. If any one of my friends talked like that to/about my man, 1. We would no longer be friends 2. She would be told OFF every single time . You may also want to consider that something sexual has happened already and it could’ve happened when they were left alone or at night. I would bring that up in your conversation to your boyfriend as well, if he acts off or you get a gut feeling that he’s lying, personally I would ask to check his phone right then&there or just kick him out.
You need to get that girl out your house. Out your life. She is trying to steal your Man right infront of you .
She Is Jealous And Immature. Tell Her To Leave.
Is this a joke. She definitely needs to leave ASAP
Girl sounds messed up in the head. You need to get her out of you’re home.
she sounds very untrustworthy
I would ask her to leave
The fact that this is even a question baffles me. Besides the obviously flirty tone with your SO I wouldn’t be keeping someone around who calls children ugly because to me that’s an ugly personality trait. Idc what you think some thoughts should be kept to yourself. She was obviously not taught the if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all rule.
Tell that bitch get tf out your house right now do not wait your lucky if nothing’s happened already
She sounds kind of like a “Heaux” and a trouble maker to me… Thats not your friend… Pretty sure if you didn’t have anything to offer her, she would not be around you!
If she’s acting like that in front of you, imagine what she’d do when you’re not around…
She is disrespecting you in your home! Dont ask but tell her to leave immediately!!
If there’s anything I’ve learned its trust your gut. Your gut is telling you somethings wrong thats why you posted on here. I would definitely ask her to leave. She is testing you just like a kid would to see how much she can get away with. She has no respect she’s got to go. I feel its also important to tell you that she is definitely going to try and make you look crazy. Saying things like “you’re insecure on your relationship” and “nothing is going on”
Its important that you ignore her and dont let her mind trick you into thinking you are overreacting
U need to kick her out before she sleeps with ur man …n is whip her a$$ before she leaves too …or else Fatal attraction movie on all 3 of u later
Get rid of your friend for sure
He needs to set her strait when she makes these types of comments to him. It’s his job to set boundaries for other women. I’d also tell her to leave. She obviously has no respect for your relationship or your friendship. This isn’t friendship.
She needs to move on
I’m seeing red flags‼
That aint a friend. A friend doesn’t flirt with your boyfriend/husband, and a friend doesn’t call your child ugly. Get her out asap and cut ties with her.
It’s your house. Stand your ground. Put her in her place… bc it’s unhealthy for her to think something.
And I’m hoping you and your bf have a really good relationship and he would never betray your trust. If your confident about that then I wouldn’t kick her out. But I would definitely put her in her place cus if she’s comfortable saying things she might get comfortable trying to do things. Like making a move on your husband. And honestly it’s piece of mind… if you leave you never wanna think something could happen. Even if it foesnt its unhealthy for you to have to even think about it.
Good luck
With “friends” like this who needs enemies? That includes your boyfriend that fathered your child. He has his freedom and will claim that when she throws herself at him and he doesn’t “resist”. Otherwise he would be demanding she leaves before you demand it!
For experience i jst said if u feel something wrong always go wit ur feelings unfortunately every time i had that feeling n my always ending bn true n maybe is not him but if she is there throwing her self at him every chance she have “Infront of u” jst can’t imagine what she do when u not around
Your friend is weird asf
She’s flirting with that line. Boot her.
Girl she needs to go or she gonna F*@$ your man
I had a “friend” like that. Got a kick out of pushing people’s buttons. I think she liked seeing people’s stunned reactions. Ended up sleeping with my boyfriend after he an I broke up. No telling how long it had went on beforehand… sounds like this girl is not looking out for your best interests, yet you are giving her a place to stay. You make the call.
Um, yea that’s f**** weird dude lol.
Nicely ask her to leave
Never trust any woman with your man.
Ive seen this post before… Maybe not on this page. Maybe it was. But red flags and ask her to leave already.
That’s so strange,you shouldn’t put up with that it’s weird
She sounds like a whack job…get her out before she gets you out and you become an episode of a show on id😬
Sounds like she has crossed the line to me. If the opportunity was there I feel she would be sleeping with him if she could. I would have her move out.
Send her ass packing. If she stays…pretty soon you will be posting about how they are banging. And tell him some shit too….
Make sure he doesn’t go find her when she leaves.