I don’t care who preheats the oven as long as I am the only one baking the cookies. I love reading dirty novels and watching sexy videos on time too. Sexuality is fun and individual. Especially these days with kids, He needs to be preheated or even take care of himself. I don’t want him stressed. I also have a much higher sex drive than him, so I need to take care of business myself frequently
We have a page called the safe The Safe Place💕 where other women going through this can post. There’s lots of good information on porn addiction and betrayal trauma.
No. Eventually it destroys marriages. When that stops satisfying him. He will have affairs. Then prostitutes. Then cant have sex with you. Want you to dress up, etc. Then that want satisfy him and they ho on to worse things. Some rape, pedophiles, beastality, etc.
That wouldn’t bother me at all. Who doesn’t watch porn? Yall are crazy if you think watching porn or looking at pics online is cheating. Is he talking to other women? No then let him be or state that it bothers you. Yall jump down your mans throat for anything. Maybe he’s not having his needs met n that’s why he is watching
May be trying to learn some new moves
I’m pretty sure all men watch porn.
He is an adult male. He should be able to watch any kind of video or movie he chooses! There is NO way I would allow a partner tell me what I can watch.
Doesn’t bother me, i watch as well
My husband does it and it doesn’t bother me one bit we both watch it together sometimes to
My husband watches porn all the time. Who cares? It’s not like he is actually cheating and tbh, it lets me have a break
Maybe I’m not a good person to ask because I love adult videos but I’d just let him… gives you a break and it’s harmless. Maybe watch it with him and y’all can learn some new things
Everyone will have their own boundaries. If you’re uncomfortable about it, talk to him.
At the end of the day, you’re the one he’s with and the one he’s making love to. Men are visual creatures…telling him he shouldn’t or can’t watch porn will put a strain on the relationship. Let him have his alone time with scantily clad women. It’s okay to voice your opinion but don’t make it an argument. After 12 years with my husband…I’ve come to terms with it because it’s not replacing our sex life or affecting how he sees and treats me so…it’s really not doing any harm.
I feel like this depends on how you feel about it. Personally I don’t care if the person I’m with watches porn. Looking at other women outside of porn is tip toeing a fine line though. If you aren’t comfortable with it then talk to him. If he brushes you off or tries to make you feel like your feelings are invalid or ridiculous then it may be time to re-evaluate your relationship.
I don’t like it I think its nasty. why do you need to watch that especially if u have a wife it doesn’t make sense to me at all.
In answer to your questions, YES.
However, that’s not the question that u should be asking yourself. The question should be something to the effect of am I ok with this? Or how do I feel about this? If you don’t know right now, that okay to. The other thing is that once your ready to discuss this with you husband then you should be.
I don’t care if he watches porn it doesn’t bother me at all.
For those saying watch it together. He’s a grown man he can watch what he wants etc… there is no " sneaking around" you likely discussed this at some point. She is uncomfortable and he is doing it behind her back. There is no room in a martiage for “sneaking around.” I don’t care if it’s porn or hiding receipts and purchases. Your actions affect your partner. Your boundaries are your boundaries. She doesn’t have to watch it with or learn new moves. He needs to stop if it isn’t acceptable to his partner.
I don’t approve of it at all! I think it’s disrespect and makes me feel uncomfortable about myself
It’s completely normal. For both married men and women.
I feel like men do it to fulfill a fantasy that they can’t actually fulfill in real life if that makes any sense. Following on tik tok is another thing tho. And it should be done in moderation. Maybe watch it with him. Nothing wrong with porn. As long as he respects you.
This is a matter of opinion. I used to not care, but now that I have an understanding about how it affects your brain and sexual functioning (if it’s excessive) I kind of care. However, finding girls off tik tok seems too personal for me. It’s too close to home. He’s not fantasizing about a certain thing he’s fantasizing about an actual other person. I wouldn’t like that.
I personally have no problem with porn as long as it’s not live streams
Will make for alot of issues in the future. It’s disrespectful to you and your marrige. Don’t listen to all these people saying you should be ok with it or you should do it to. Porn is wrong in every sense. Should be banned
Hell, I wish mine would get into some of these movies!!! A little fun won’t hurt anyone!!
We send them to each other &/or watch them together. I don’t like ones that have been leaked, but if all people in the video have approved it’s release then I’m all for it.
I don’t like porn because I think it gives unrealistic expectations of sex to both men and women. Men think they are supposed to pound at a women’s vagina for 5-10 minutes and she will cm like Niagara Falls. Women think they are supposed to be cm receptacles whose vagina’s get pounded at for 5-10 minutes and then when the women doesn’t c*m they each think something is “wrong” in the sexual part of the relationship.
Just my opinion, though
If it’s disrespectful in your eyes and your relationship then it’s not ok, other people are not in your relationship.
My husband doesn’t even know what porn is🤣
That’s a weird flexxxxxx!!!
Nope doesn’t bother me. Sometimes we watch it together
I never cared unless mine tried to hide it.
Porn is ok as long as it doesnt effect your sex life if there is no sex life and he does that id be mad but if you have a heathly sex life than i wouldn’t be to angry
Listen I’m going to give my story.
About 5 years ago I found some stuff I didn’t want to see. I took it to heart and thought it made me less of. After talking to him, he said he’d slow down. I didn’t like that either. But you know what? When I was home alone and got an itch…what did I do? The same damn thing. Double standards. So, after a lot of thinking, I realized it really wasn’t a big deal. Unless he was over doing it or doing it even when I was home. When he knew he could ask me, but he never did that. He only done it in the morning when I was sleeping cause he knew not to wake me in the morning, any other time was go time. There is nothing wrong with wanting to get yours, and sometimes people don’t have an imagination. If you don’t want him to do it, make your own videos and send it to him
I don’t see a problem with it. Let a man be a man.
It’s been proven that pornography kills love and harms relationships. Many people are in denial about It. Pornography can become an addiction very quickly and actually messes with ones brain chemistry. I would encourage him to quit ASAP. 1. It’s harmful to your relationship. 2. It’s harmful to him. And 3. You don’t deserve that.
I’d encourage you to do some research.
He’s a human being … man or woman doesn’t matter Married or not doesn’t matter. If he’s obsessed and it’s effecting his life that’s a problem. All the rest is your problem based on your insecurities. You’re trying to reflect your insecurities onto him and make him feel he’s in the wrong and should be disgusted with himself. That’s you… if he’s not wanting to make love to you or even be affectionate to you then that’s deeper than porn.
Nope it doesn’t bother me if he watches it and sometimes we watch it together.
If I can fantasize with being with celebrities then he sure as hell can watch porn but that’s just me lol
I rather it be porn then another woman.
Go follow there tik toks Lol im petty
All men watch porn and look. As long as he isn’t touching without your permission I’d let it go.
uhmz r u putting out.coz how’s that a bad thing it’s saposed to spice up the bedroom.get with the times girl the only time u should worry is when he only watches porn nd not give any attention to u.so I ask again.r u putting out.coz he is not hiding it or r u self putting him off.as they say there is always two sides to a story
If my husband watched it maybe he’d make a move on me lol
Big no from me. He should be in bed with you during those late hours.
Either watch it together and spice things up or make your own.
It depends on the relationship but for me straight up disrespectful
Some people need to go watch the truth behind the pornography industry… They wouldn’t agree with sex trafficking or abuse but… There’s a lot of it going on in the pornography industry. As well as underage/children. Plus it can be an addiction. It’s all around negative. I’d never be with someone who watched it because frankly it’s disrespectful for your partner to want to see other women naked when they have a beautiful woman at home.
Pretty much every normal person watches porn. I find it weird that people get upset about it. My husband and I watch porn together maybe try that?
I think this is a personal issue and so is how you respond. Some people think it’s fine, and if that works for them great. Myself on the other hand, I feel that any attention that should be given to me and isn’t, is cheating. Idc if it’s watching porn, talking/flirting, etc. I consider it cheating, and trust me so would my husband if I did any of those things. So for me, it’s wrong and cheating. For some it’s their normal. There is no wrong answer, it’s a matter of what your expectations and boundaries are.
It’s almost a form of cheating … Sadly they get turned on by some other woman and then turn to you just to get their willy wet … lmao … no thanks …
I hate it I think its degrading to your partner unless you watch it together etc… I caught my bf out and made him some videos myself so now he can watch me instead of someone else x
Men don’t stop being men just bc they get married. Unless you’re putting out everyday then he has every right to watch them.
Not a problem with me and I watch too
I think its human nature to want to look but there is a limit and it shouldn’t be hidden that it’s being done either.
If it bothers you then speak to him… If you are religious it is sin… To watch another person sexual is considered adultery…
If you don’t like it then it doesn’t matter what the people of fb have to say…
Not ok it’s actually disgusting and it’s the same as cheating
Look honestly, you should have stated your expectations on this kind of thing LONG before you got married. It would have saved you a lot of trouble now.
Well maybe you should start watching porn with mostly men. See what he has to say.
Two and play that game.
bless your heart you must still be young it’s what men do hell it’s what some women do
I don’t have a problem with it but that’s MY relationship. I feel like if you agreed to something else in YOUR relationship, then you have every right to be mad.
I mean I read adult novels that have sex to me it’s just the same as a guy watching porn just men are more visual
Here is the thing. Don’t ask anyone else. If it makes you uncomfortable say something about it. And if you don’t mind then join in. Do what makes you feel comfortable.
I don’t personally have a problem with it
I don’t care as long as it doesn’t take away from our sex life. I do draw the line at following on social media though that’s a no for me.
I am fine with him watching porn. I encourage it actually especially if I don’t want any haha
Not a problem with me as long as it’s not taking from my needs. We also enjoy watching it together.
I’m ok with it. I know he’s not going out sleeping with other woman, so it’s just whatever to me.
Absolutely NOT OK!!!
Shit, least let me watch with you damn I wanna see too there’s no issue. If it’s an addiction and it’s conflicting with your relationship and sex life then it’s a problem. If you didn’t make your concerns about this known prior to marriage take ownership of that.
My ex husband used to do that …… Ex for a reason … it’s degrading to you , and your marriage
Nope, I don’t like the disrespect having a partner fantasize about someone else when making love.
It is considered adultery. It’s also a form of addiction.
If you’re not okay with it then it’s wrong for you. And that discussion needs to happen. Everyone has their own comfort zone.
Its human nature to look at other people, i dont consider it cheating until they act on it
When I was younger it would put me in a rage when my partner did it. It wasn’t like he was watching porn hub though. Back then he would watch it racking up 1k in PPV. I didn’t like it but today if my partner wants to watch porn I could care less. Just don’t involve me in it.
Don’t you have your own personality. Why so weak! If you believe it is not okay. Why asking keyboard counselors if they are okay with it.
If you are not okay with it, tell him to either respect or find someone who would. WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE.
it’s completely up to you. if it crosses a boundary for you, then you have to let him know.
No. There’s more than enough evidence that shows pornography is as addictive to the human brain as cocaine, heroin, etc. Our minds were not intended for that ~ that’s not what we were designed for. It’s a problem, whether people want to believe it is or not.
Be happy it is porn and not another woman in person… it is beyond normal for men to watch porn.
You can’t take the boy out of the man!
Lol please go watch porn & give me a break.
I even watch porn.
It’s normal
Honestly no one knows your relationship so no one can tell you how to feel everyone’s gonna feel different so your not gonna find much help online your gonna have the strongly not that’s cheating and that’s fine as long it’s not an addiction
Every couple must decide this for themselves.
That said: Is it affecting your sex life or relationship? Is he paying for porn? If so, does it impact your household budget? Is he moody or depressed? Does he spend more time on the computer than with you? Is it affecting his work? Why did he keep it a secret? Are all of the actresses at least 18? Are the actresses much, much younger than you are?
Porn can be an addiction, and if it’s affecting his job, relationship with you, or relationship with others, it’s a clinical problem. If that’s the case, he should attend SA (sexaholics Anonymous) and you should attend S-Anon (for family and friends if sex addicts). If not, it’s time for an open conversation. You need to decide what you’re comfortable with.
Most men don’t believe porn is a big deal. They see it as a fantasy, not reality. Until they have daughters, they don’t recognize that the actresses are someone’s daughters.
Women usually feel differently. In some honest conversations with women, I’ve learned that many women find that sex is very scripted with men who watch a fair amount of porn. This can lead to an unfulfilling sex life and overall frustration.
So figure out where you’re at and have the conversation. Maybe you don’t know where you’re at. Hopefully answering the questions I’ve written will help.
Have these discussions before getting married people No, I personally dont think this is a problem. People watch porn, not a big deal. However, if YOU feel like this is an issue, then YOU need to discuss this with your husband and figure out where to go. If you thing its a big enough problem that you need to leave, then just do it. Theres bigger things in life to worry about than someone watching porn.
No. As a Christian woman lusting after another is considered adultery
absolutely hate that shit its so wrong and disgusting and disrespectful
I’m not going to tell a man what to do with his body… just because he watches porn doesn’t mean he’s going to cheat on you. And if he is going to cheat on you, watching porn is irrelevant; he’s going to do it eventually anyway. Sometimes people just want alone time and that’s perfectly ok as long as it doesn’t become an addiction or interferes with our personal life or interacting with other people. Too many people are overly insecure about this. Sometimes people just want a release by themselves instead of having sex. Not a big deal
I would never be ok with this is my relationship. Point opens the doors from visual cheating to physical!!!
Sooooo. You can’t base your boundaries on other womens boundaries. If you don’t like him watching it that’s your boundary and it’s okay to have! But me personally as long as he’s still meeting my needs I could care less
Do you read romance novels? Watch tv shows with attractive men?
If that’s all it is, it doesnt matter. Men are men. Some like it, some dont. As long as hes up front and honest about it, so be it. Looking never hurt anyone.
It’s human nature to look at other people and find them attractive. I hate the “all men watch porn” attitude though.
That’s not true.
Relationships have boundaries and people have issues with certain things.
That being said, it’s not “wrong” that he watches it and it’s not because you’re not enough for him. It’s perfectly healthy as long as it’s not constant you maintain a healthy sex life.
Talk to your husband.
I think it depends on the relationship. It crushed me with my ex and it doesn’t bother me with my fiance now. I think a lot of it also depends on how comfortable you are with yourself too.
Intention is everything. Why seek out specific individuals though? Why does he have to find pen on TikTok when there are open sites for that? Why is he scrolling through porn when he’s not getting ready to please himself. Why is just casually lusting after other women is the REAL question here. You have to know what is okay for you this isn’t “normal” behaviors. He’s clearly looking for something, create an open dialogue and TALK to him and LISTEN to his response.
If I’m not in the mood, I’m happy he chooses to get off watching prn, it’s kinda like a movie, and he turns it off as soon as he does lol it’s not like he’s tryna build a family with the prnstars, and if I was in the mood, I’d be the one he’d be watching sometimes I’m too tired from mom life, and I think that’s okay.
Personally, its ok to me. I watch porn too. Sometimes we watch it together.
Its a great way to find our what your partner likes/doesnt like.
We are humans…and to spend your entire life with someone and expect them to not find any other person in the world attractive is just not realistic.
Much rather him jerkin it to fantasy then going out for the real thing.
I mean I’m sure My husband has watched porn but he says he has videos of us he’ll watch if he feels the need , we have sex enough that he doesn’t really need to tho but if you don’t feel comfortable with him watching it tell him… send him sexy pics etc tell him he can look at that instead …
Do what you gotta do but I’m gonna hold the standard of what is required to take care of the fam. . And vice versa…