Should my boyfriend remove the photos of his ex wife and kids from his house?

Why haven’t you told him how you feel? How long have you been holding in your thoughts about the pictures? Tell him it’s dated and you’d like to redecorate to make it feel like it’s your home.

Why don’t you print some pictures of you with the kids or just the kids and replace the pictures already up. My husband would never take the time to change out a photo. Most guys don’t care about stuff like that. I would do it yourself unless he has stated otherwise.

Yes keep the kids photos up but NO not the ex WTF


The pictures that has her in it could go in the kids rooms and/or in a photo album placed in the kids room. What’s the purpose of pictures of her still being up in the house you’ve moved into with him? That’s fkd up that he hasn’t taken them down. It’s basically disrespectful. He’s not over her yet because if he was…there would be no pictures of her in that house besides in the kids rooms and/or in a photo album in the kids room.


Honestly, I say leave them. Or at least some of them. His kids are going through a transition and it is healthy for them to see family photos. Even if he’s not with his ex any more, they are still their parents.
Try communicating with your boyfriend and talk about how the both of you may be feeling and come to a solution.


You moved in while they were up, why should it change now? The pics of his ex-wife should have been gone before you put yourself and your kids in that situation.

Leave the relationship. You’ll be doing him and his kids a favor.

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He will take them down when he’s ready. Don’t push him and stop listening to your friends. This is your relationship with him, not theirs.

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This is just petty
She’s may be his ex but she’s still the mother of his children


Leave kids pics up, put the wife away. If wife is in all of them, take down and put in album. You can always have wife edited out of pics too!

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Honestly no. If the pictures of the ex make you feel uncomfortable then maybe put them in the children’a room, assuming they still come around. I understand that you may not want to see your boyfriend ex all over the place, I wouldnt really either but I wouldn’t push for it. I wouldn’t have an issue with the pictures of the children, if that me the case that’s an issue within itself. If he wants to take them down, let him when he is ready. That is the past, it’s best to keep it there and be in the present with minds to the future. Good luck

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OMG!! She’s the mother of his children. His children are his. He’s with YOU not her. That should be good enough for you. In fact every morning you should get up, look at that picture and smile!! Maybe say a silent thank you. Unless of course you don’t think she’s walked away from something good and you got the shit end of the stick. It’s all in the way you “look at” things!!!

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Get rid of him if he don’t get ride of the picture s. That’s on u.get RID of him and his picture s

They need to coke down immediately. They can go in a album or in the kids rooms they do not belong in the main. Living areas if he refuses get a restraining order snd kick him out his hood the will learn fast

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If it were just the ex wife, sure. But if his kids are in the picture with his ex wife? No. Should definitely be his decision.


He could move the pictures containing mom to the kids rooms to compromise.


I think if it’s photos of him and his ex wife and children they should be up still but move them to the kids rooms because at the end of the day they deserve them and it’s their mum and dad


No way that’s he’s memerioes for he’s children and there mum and dad was happy before they broke up

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All the pictures I have of me and exes like my children my son and daughter I made photo albums of them with their daddies all the pictures I had of them and their daddy’s don’t know what my daughter did with hers but I got my son’s put up but the other people that I’ve been with and married to my ex-husband I tore up all the pictures of him and have pictures of me with my other exes but they are put up in photo books the only thing I have out now is my son his wife and kids pictures of my granddaughter some drawings that my ex-fiance did for me when he was in prison just adding in pictures like that but since I lived with my son and wife and kids I only decorated my room with a photos I didn’t do the rest of the house it’s nothing to leave a relationship over how’s his kids going to feel if they come to visit and none of their pictures are up that will hurt the kids

Take her off your wall

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If you don’t like it just leave it is very disrespectful to you. He should take them down and put away.


Dont force someone to heal ,he will do it when he is ready. dont say anything .he is struggling either stay through the struggle or leave


Get it down by yourself! Now! And say nothing​:woman_shrugging:…Who would like to see old photos of his ex? :sweat_smile: Don’t destroy your mood by old decoration.


Draw staches on them.

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Put up your family pics as well :woman_shrugging:

You can’t erase his past, maybe suggest put the photos with his ex an album? Keep the ones with children of course.
I personally have never held photos of my ex but that’s just me.


Maybe the photos bring him joy? You don’t have a right to take them down until he’s ready.


If it’s him and his ex they should come down. If it’s a family pic with him, his ex and his kids in the same pic I would suggest hanging them up in the kid’s bedroom for them to be able to look at. But if the kids don’t live there or have a room there then I think it’s weird to be honest. Maybe in a photo album would be better.

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They’re family photos :person_shrugging: you can add some of your kids and all of you together… I just don’t understand why people are so mad about it


I had the same problem and i asked him to take it down and give it to one of his children as i think it was appropriate for them as it is there family, I have no issues with his ex partner that moved out 10 years previously, I replaced the photo with pictures of him with his children and his late parents, as with other bits around the house he just never saw them, I gradually got rid of every item from lipstick to slippers, she left him the rubbish that she had no use for, then he threw stuff away so yes just needed encouraging

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Him n her photos yeas but his kids photo heck no

Remove X and keep kids pics out.

Obviously you knew they were up BEFORE you moved in … maybe that should’ve been a discussion before that happened if it bothers you that much? Maybe he is still healing? If so … sounds like your relationship was rushed. Maybe it’s for the children? Regardless what the reason is, when he is ready, he will do what he wishes with those photos.


Put up photos of you and your kids and new ones with everyone.

You gotta be some kind of jealous if you don’t want you husbands CHILDRENS pics up in ur house . Doesn’t matter if they are far away still his blood .


Nope. That is his children’s family. Grow up.

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The kids ones stay their his babies but ex goes

His ex shouldn’t be on his wall. His kids belong there.

Maybe replace some of them with new pictures of you all together but I think leaving some for his children to see is the right thing to do. She is still their mother and that is still their home.


Put a big ole pic up of you and your ex amd kids and call it a day i mean its only fair.

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To be honest I would be uncomfortable with them on the wall I would feel he is not ready to move on and I would feel like I was 2nd

I have a photo of my ex up. He is my children’s father. And my partner has already said he doesn’t mind at all. I mind more because I don’t particularly like seeing his face lol so when re decorating I will be putting a frame together in the girls room for them as I would never erase him he is a big part of there lives x


Thats his and his children’s memories, you can’t erase them just because you’ve moved in! Not like he’s standing there staring at his ex is it. Jealous much??


I believe if his kids are in or coming in to his house. It’s good for them to see a photo of their Mam. It’s only a photo. I don’t think you should feel threatened by a photo. If the kids not coming into house then there is no need for photo

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I have pics of my daughter, me and her dad on my walls… he’s her dad, she should know he’s important to both her and this family as without him, she wouldn’t be here… when my partner moved in , we added to those pictures, he’s not a replacement, he’s an addition to our family. I don’t understand why they need taking down if they are family photos? If she’s in them, it’s because she was a huge part of his life, and if they have shared kids, she always will be… the kids should be able to see pics of their own mother dotted around the house because she is important to them. It’s their home too, even if it is only part time. Add pics of you, him and your life together, no need to spoil what was to validate what is… you’re the here and now, be happy… x


Talke to him and lit him know how you feel about the pics and lit him put them up for the kids they should be keep for the kids baby girl that’s there mom ok love you

Ex wife yes, kids no


They are his children and his children’s mother.

I wouldn’t ask him to take the pics of him and his kids down, does he still see the kids, maybe the pics with their mum could go in their rooms x


I think if his kids still live there the picture should be moved to the kids bedroom. If not they should be boxed up and stored

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Omg grow up, he can’t erase his kids or his past, they were there before u and will still be there when u move ur immature ass along

Move them to the kids rooms. I wouldn’t feel comfortable at all in that situation.

Take them down and put them away but dont destroy them , that’s what memories are made of. The kids will never b that age again

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should my boyfriend remove the photos of his ex wife and kids from his house?

Let them stay. He will always be the Daddy and what was, was.

I still have pictures of my husband and his first wife and son. I will pass them to our Grandson when he is mature enough to take care of them. Lost my stepson in 2013. He had a life before me and I am fine with that. Although they are in a box, not hanging on the wall. Good Luck.

Dang you sound very insecure :pleading_face: that’s not good hunny. Thats the mother to his kids ! While he is playing daddy to yours. If he don’t plan on getting back with her and is with you now that shouldn’t be a problem. You sound like that bitter step mom don’t take their kids with their mother in it down Jesus. Now if it’s him and her then he should yeah but not family pictures

Imagine how his kids feel, :face_with_monocle:


Remove them of course he wouldn’t wanna see u and a ex everyday the kids be fine but NOT her!!


I currently live with my son and fiance. My son is not his. When we moved into our house together, I hung photos that have me, him and his biological father in them. I feel it’s important for my son to be reminded that his father is still a part of his life and he’s still “allowed” to be a part of our new life.


I think she means it’s family photos guys…like of all of them. Not just pictures of the kids…


If this is a newer relationship then you need to look at it from the children’s perspective. I’m not saying they should be on every wall but things take time to heal. Slow down and it will come together one day at a time

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Simple: Have a conversation about it. Don’t listen to the petty comments, and don’t be petty.
His kids are there because of her. Whether you like it or not she is their history, as well as still a very important role in the kids lives.


Family is family regardless how you look at it comming from a blended house hold and having my own we had many assorted family photos of members on our walls. There’s never enough love to show your childern how much love and respect you have for one another in your own home. It’s a thing of the past a happy memory if you feel secure in your realtionship you’ll have way more happy memories to fill those walls as well.

Yes, he should take them down and give them to the kids. Y’all can all take new pictures as a blended family and hang them. She left them for a reason, I bet you she don’t have pictures like that hanging in her house.


What are you afraid of?? They are pictures of his past. But also pictures of his future ( his kids) if you are both truly in love , then that shouldn’t bother you. It’s called trust. And sometimes , actually alot of times it’s hard. Unless you truly believe in each other… then it’s just a picture that helped make him into the man you love today. Simple

If they are pictures of him and her, yes. Him, her and the kids, no. She is still their mother. Maybe ask if he can move them into the kids rooms for them. If you’re asking for him to remove his family pictures then you need to take a step back and realize you’re bringing yourself into a broken family that is probably still healing, and those memories are probably their for the kids, not him and that’s something you need to get over.

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She has kids to and I’m sure they don’t want to see someone else’s mom with their new step dad. SMH everyone only thinking about one set of kids when they each have kids from previous relationships involved. Keep the pictures of just his kids and replace the ones with the kids and ex with pictures of yourselves as a new blended family. If he keeps them up or has issue with you changing them then he’s not over her and you and your kids should probably leave.

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He should keep pictures of his kids. And if the kids come over it’s not bad to have a picture of all of them together. You should put pictures up of your kids as well.


My kids wanted the wedding photo’s in their rooms. I totally agreed!! Without him they would not be here! The family photo’s are in their rooms and other places in my/(new) hubby’s home. We became a blended family in our 30’s and were both in full agreement of respecting, recognizing and acknowledging the other parent’s. We have all spent holiday’s together, memorable moment’s even mutual friends events. Maybe we are rare but the kids pulled through into adulthood healthy and happy.


No. Let the pictures be. If it’s pictures of him and his ex wife then yes those should be removed and something else put in its place. But pictures of his kids and their mother should stay.

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The pictures of his kids can stay but the ones of his ex should come down

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The first problem is you’re asking others when you should be able to have an honest conversation with him about it…you’re living with him along with your children… communication is key otherwise it’s not going to work either way. Have an honest conversation…and don’t be upset if things do not go 100% your way.

Take her pic down and add your children to his make it a hole family

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Not of his kids, but I’d definitely say the ones with his ex in it. The objects she left I’d say depending on what is and if useful keep but if have no use they just taking up room. My step dad still has a few things his ex left and I actually took a few things last summer and redid them. Other things he asked his children if they would like and if didnt he either threw away or donated.


Nope. Nope. And nope.

Ive been seeing a guy for over a year and he has pictures of him, his ex and their child up. I would never ask him to take them down because they’re for his child.


His house is also his kids house so if there are family pictures with his kids and ex wife I see nothing wrong. He should only take down pics of her by herself or of pics of him and her by themselves but definitely not family pics. I understand that he had a life before me and just because I am now with him doesn’t mean his past has to be deleted. I would just hang pictures of us as well. That’s just me though.


Nope sorry it’s what you came into in the relationship of a blended family. If it’s too much for you, it’s not the right relationship for you. She is and always will be part of the picture.

Some y’all bitter and insecure and it shows. It is his children’s and his home…you were extended an invitation to be a part of their home, not yours, theirs. Until those dynamics become more stable, long lasting, and you’re married, then you can politely ask for him to remove the pictures. Maybe a family discussion on moving the pictures to hallway towards the kids rooms or in their rooms. I’d never be that petty though. My kids father and I separated but I would never cut him out of pictures or take them down, lol. He is still a part of our lives and family every single day regardless if separated. Be selective in your partners and expectations. I’m single because I ain’t changing our family dynamics for nobody. You can’t handle little family pictures of our family…then you ain’t the one. You go to my Mom’s house and she got family pictures of siblings and their exes all over. :joy::woman_facepalming:t4: But for real though, those family pictures stay up in my house because even if separated, we still family and family is important to us both and our families.


Wait she took his kids to another state? That’s awful. I would say keep the pics up… he probably misses his kids and that might be the only pictures he has of them? I have so many questions though like how long have they been split up… and is she letting him see the kids? Ugh this post stresses me out.


Crop her out my husband does it for me as respect. Time to let go. I dont have any pics of me and my ex. Just werid…

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My first husband’s ex would only ever send him pictures of their kids with her in them. He hated that and would always say something to me about it. Maybe just remove the ones with her? The kids don’t live with yall, but do they even visit? If not, then all these comments about leaving them for his kids are bogus if they don’t even visit the house.

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Except picture of them alone or mayb he is not ready who knows I let him no how u felt thou

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I feel bad for all kids involved in this post. You sound extremely childish.

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If this were my situation this is how’d I handle it. Depending on the relationship between me and their mom (disrespectful, cordial, etc) I wouldn’t even mind a couple of pictures with her and the kids sprinkled throughout the house (she’s part of the family).

If she is disrespectful and the kind who suggests he’s always gonna be hers or whatever they would have to keep those pictures in their rooms if the kids still live at home.

Keep the ones with only his kids up & the ones with his ex-wife in take out the frames & put in a photo album

I would move some pictures out of the main room and replace with new pictures …put the ex somewhere else in the house. Kids room/etc.

I don’t think it would bother me if the kids were in it. They deserve to see their mommy at home. Not sure how old the children are.

Either deal with itvor move on those are his kids and he shoukdnt have to take them down because your offened by it im sorry i know it sounds rude and harsh but his kids deserve to see those things maybe you shoukd take some pictures and have them put up so you not left

Anything with his ex in it needs to go… in the trash…or let his kids put it in their room… i wouldnt have an issue with pictures of his kids being throughout the house unless she was in them lol

Do what you feel if it makes you uncomfortable its your relationship however I wonder if the ex-wife has pictures of all of them up in her new home?

Just put up pics of him and the kids and give the kids the pics with their mom and dad in them


The kid photos should stay. They are his children.

I say photos like that should be placed where his other children stay while visiting or in a family room and current photos should be included of your family as well. There is no reason to not have photos of him, his ex and kids available for his other children to still cherish. Those are memories to them. My home is full of photos of all our children and his exes are in many of those photos. We have albums and collages in our hallway full of memories of all the kids being small. Exes and all.

He definitely should take them down but save them for the kids.

Pictures of him and her should be removed but if kids are in them no…or put them in kids room.

He should remove pics of her around home except in his kids bedrooms for when they visit , but the pics of his kids No they should not be removed . They are his kids

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Designate a special place the kids can display and enjoy them when they are there. .

It’s not just his ex wife’s photos it’s his too. I have photos of my ex and I together and I’m putting them on the kids rooms so they know that mummy and daddy did love each other ones and we were happy at one stage. I have family ones too and same thing in there rooms

Ex wife yes, kids no. Those kids are still his kids.